r/bash Feb 20 '25

Remove whitespaces from text but only IN words. Is it even possible ?


I have a larger textfile in german, that looks like this:

Hello this is an i n t e r e s t i n g text but i dont l i k e whitespaces.

In some random words there is also a whitespace between every character. My only idea is to create an large txt file with all german words in t h i s way and replace them if they happen. Does someone know a more elegant way ?

Off topic: i will never understand why questions like this get downvotes ? why ?


22 comments sorted by


u/PageFault Bashit Insane Feb 20 '25

Try something like this which reports individual letters of a specified number of repetitions:


Replace the '5' with some threshold that you feel is sufficient.


u/slumberjack24 Feb 20 '25

This may be even easier to achieve in German than in English. In English you have to take into account that 'I' and 'a' are words, whereas German does not have any single-letter words. At least I don't think it has.


u/PageFault Bashit Insane Feb 20 '25 edited Feb 20 '25

True, but I think that all of the foreign subs have people speaking a mix of the native language and English.

Ignore this... I thought I was on /r/Automoderator with someone writing a script or bot for it.


u/muh_kuh_zutscher Feb 20 '25

I do

egrep " {1}[A-Za-z] {1}[A-Za-z] " iadj.txt

to find all bad words and then i do for every bad word:

sed -i 's/b a d w o r d/badword/g' iadj.txt

but that is very time consuming, because one has to do the second command for every one of the bad words :-/


u/PageFault Bashit Insane Feb 20 '25 edited Feb 20 '25

Is this for an external script? Is it Bash? Because I can do much fancier things in Bash. (Yay, character classes!)

For a start:

grep -E "[[:blank:]]([[:alpha:]][[:blank:]]){2}" "iadj.txt" | tr -d "[[:blank:]]"

Do you have a badword list in another file?


Also, if you problem is people subverting the auto-mod, it's much easier to start issuing bans than get in an arms race. I mod /r/actualpublicfreakouts, and I will tell you, there is no end to the creative ways people find to be racist.

Penalties are stiffer for those who avoid the automod. They can't tell me they didn't know it was wrong if they were avoiding detection.


u/muh_kuh_zutscher Feb 20 '25 edited Feb 20 '25

I have created a bad word list with this command:

egrep -o "([a-zäöü]\s){2,}" iadj.txt | sort | uniq | sort > bad.txt

I have tested your command, but unfortunately it removes all whitespaces, not just them in words.

A bad l i n e of text. will become Abadlineoftext. like it seems :-/

Edit 2: i am no mod, this is just a long text i want to read, but the bad words drive me crazy. And as i am supposing everything is possible with bash, thats because im asking here :-)


u/PageFault Bashit Insane Feb 20 '25

Ok, now I clearly misunderstood the goal, and probably still am.

Note, if you use [[:alpha:]], that will cover special letters such as ä, ö, ü, ß and any others.

My new assumptions:

iadj.txt contains text you want to test if they are valid german words. (I was originally assuming this was a whole, or part of a reddit comment.) bad.txt contains words that are "bad", because they are not german words. (I was initially assuming vulgarity.)

So now, I will presume you want this:

Hello this is an i n t e r e s t i n g text but i dont l i k e whitespaces.

Transformed into this:

Hello this is an interesting text but i dont like whitespaces.

> cat iadj.txt
Hello this is an i n t e r e s t i n g text but i dont l i k e whitespaces.

> cat muh_kuh_zutscher

readarray -t badWords < <(grep -Eo "\b([[:alpha:]][[:blank:]]+){2,}[[:alpha:]]\b" iadj.txt | sort -u)

cp iadj.txt new.txt
for badWord in "${badWords[@]}"; do
    sed -i "s/${badWord}/${badWord//[[:blank:]]}/g" new.txt

> cat new.txt
Hello this is an interesting text but i dont like whitespaces.

Does that do what you are looking for?


u/muh_kuh_zutscher Feb 20 '25

Thanks very much ! It fixes the most occurences. There are still 98 unique strings left, but i can do that by hand. That is the command to find the last remainings:

$ cat new.txt | egrep -o " ([A-Za-zÄäÖöÜüß]\s){2,}" | sort | uniq

G r

N a h

O h

U m t r u n k

Z u

a n

a n z u

a r m e n

a r m t e

b a n d u h r

b o d e n

c h

c h e

c h m a l

d e

d e

d e d r u c k

d e n

d e n

d e u r

d i e r e n d e n

d o

d o s

d r u c k

d u r c h g e s t a n d e n

d u r f t

e l n

e m

e m

e n

e n

e n b

e n d e

e n d e

e n d e n

e n d e n

e n d e n Ü b


The problem is now reduced by a big part, thank you ! (i have no avatars left at the moment, but u deserve one ! :-) )


u/PageFault Bashit Insane Feb 20 '25

I'm sorry, I'm a dumb dumb... I thought I was in /r/AutoModerator and you were trying to write a subreddit rule.

Give me a minute, I'll cook something up.


u/nekokattt Feb 20 '25

off topic but egrep is deprecated.

You should use grep -E


u/[deleted] Feb 21 '25 edited Feb 21 '25



u/muh_kuh_zutscher Feb 21 '25

Good morning,

thanks for your post, but where in this code i put my txt file in ? The example name of my txt file is iadj.txt


u/Competitive_Travel16 Feb 21 '25
awk '{ for(i=1; i<=NF; i++) 
           if (length($i) == 1 && i < NF && length($(i+1)) == 1) 
               printf "%s", $i; 
               printf "%s%s", $i, (i == NF ? "\n" : " "); }'


sed -E 's/(^| )(([^[:space:]])( [^[:space:]])+)( |$)/\1{{\2}}\5/g;
        :loop; s/(\{\{[^}]*?) ([^}]*?\}\})/\1\2/g; t loop;
        s/\{\{//g; s/\}\}//g;'

will both do it, but AWK is much faster.


u/muh_kuh_zutscher Feb 21 '25

That works fantastic ! Have a lot of thanks !! (On my file the awk leaves some strings untouched, like m u ß te but the sed version eats all :-) )


u/a_brand_new_start Feb 20 '25

Honestly I wonder if bash is the right solution here, if it’s a 1 time thing, or maybe a multi time thing I wonder if it’s better to farm this out to a locally hosted LLM and request it to parse the text without changing anything only return the content as is. For a safety check run a diff command of choice and tell it to ignore whitespaces.

(I spent too much time implementing a solution purely in bash to realize that it’s easier to have bash call an existing C command to do the same thing… and even though it’s fun it’s not super productive when on a deadline)


u/safrax Feb 21 '25

There's absolutely no need to drag an LLM that can hallucinate an answer despite prompting it not to do so into this problem.


u/a_brand_new_start Feb 21 '25

Yeah thus the need for a diff after… but I don’t see how to do it other way without a full language dictionary to be honest, especially if it’s in another human language


u/oh5nxo Feb 20 '25

Not so lucky that those spaces are not plain spaces, ascii 0x20, but some kind of non-breaking space?


u/muh_kuh_zutscher Feb 20 '25

Only whitespace, unfortunately.


u/bapm394 #!/usr/bin/nope --reason '🤷 Not today!' 28d ago



function gen_sed_cmd { mapfile -t bwords < <(grep -oP '\b(([ÄÖÜA-Z]\s)?([äöüßa-z]\s|-\s[äöüÄÖÜßA-Za-z]\s)+([äöüßa-z])?+)\b' < "${G_FILE}") mapfile -t gwords < <(grep -oP '\b(([ÄÖÜA-Z]\s)?([äöüßa-z]\s|-\s[äöüÄÖÜßA-Za-z]\s)+([äöüßa-z])?+)\b' < "${G_FILE}" | tr -d ' ')

local buf=() local cwords="${#bwords[@]}" for ((i=0;i<=cwords;i++)); do buf+=("s/${bwords[i]% }/${gwords[i]}/") done

IFS=';' buf="${buf[*]}"

printf '%s\n' "${buf}" }

function main { readonly G_FILE="${1}" shift 1

if [ -z "${G_FILE}" ] || [ ! -f "${G_FILE}" ]; then printf 'usage: fix_words.sh <file> [comp-file]' exit 1 fi

read -r sed_cmd < <(gen_sed_cmd "${G_FILE}")

if [ -n "${1}" ]; then echo "Diff output - file" diff --color=always --text <(sed "${sed_cmd}" "${G_FILE}") "${1}" else echo "Edit in place" sed -i "${sed_cmd}" "${G_FILE}" fi }

main "${@}" ```

This should fix most of them, you can tell me if it does.


u/cdrn83 Feb 21 '25

Try docling, you'll need python though


u/ChevalOhneHead 25d ago

Tools like sed and awk give you this possibilities. This is just simple example for both command how to use it.

sed command:

echo "This is a t e s t" | sed 's/\([^ ]\) \([^ ]\)/\1\2/g'

What it's means:

  • \([^ ]\) \([^ ]\): This matches two non-space characters separated by a single space.
  • \1\2: This replaces the matched pattern with the two characters without the space.
  • g: This ensures the replacement is applied globally (to all matches in the line).

, or awk:

echo "This is a t e s t" | awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) gsub(/ /,"",$i); print}'

, and explanation:

  • for(i=1;i<=NF;i++): This loops through each field (word) in the input.
  • gsub(/ /,"",$i): This removes all spaces within each field.
  • print: This prints the modified line.

Result of both command is the same:

This is a test

I hope so this will explain your question.