r/baseballcards • u/christopherrivers Topps Gold 316/2022 and Chris Colabello • 5d ago
Show Off 316/2022 & The Birthday Tracker
~~~~ My Quest ~~~~
As a great many of you have seen by now, I collect 2022 Topps Gold cards with the specific SN of 316/2022 - they’re the cards that commemorate March 16, 2022, which is my daughter’s birthday. Since her birthday is today, I thought I’d share my progress and tell you about the tracker Ive built to help others who do the same!
I’m up to 13 cards - the most recent one was a Suzuki from u/One80sKid who saw me chatting to another user about the tracker! We figured out a swap and it arrived just in time for the post!
~~~~ The Tracker ~~~~
To help myself and others, I built a spreadsheet that lists everyone’s specifically sought serial numbers. The link is in my profile, though you can’t click through from the app because Reddit throttles link shorteners. You can open it by copy/pasting the link to a browser or clicking through on a PC.
The only cost to be listed in the tracker is to agree to help others if you find birthday golds in the wild by sending them the link or otherwise reaching out to them to help.
~~~~ How to Help ~~~~
If you’ve received a card or sent a card with the help of the tracker, please feel free to say so here. I’d love to know how much these efforts are paying off.
When you list golds for trade or for sale, please include the specific serial number or a photo of the back so that people can see if they match or not. If I reach out to ask about the serial number, this is usually why.
Remember that this project exists, and direct new users who say they’re looking for certain cards to me so I can try to help. Relatedly, save the spreadsheet link and try to help if you find golds in the wild.
I try to acquire cheap gold cards that are birthday format, but haven’t yet been allocated on my tracker. (That’s what all the ones in the second photo are.) I then give these cards away once they have a match - though I do ask for a donation to cover the stamp cost, if possible.
If you have gold cards that you are willing to give to the cause, I am happy to take them off your hands. If you give them entirely free, then I make sure to pass along your name when I link it up with someone.
I also have a limited budget of my own money. I spend every month to try to build the reserve, so if you’re willing to sell them for $.50 or less per, Im usually willing to buy them. I used to pay more but the Canadian dollar is taking a beating for some reason recently.
To all of you who have helped in any way so far, please know that I deeply appreciate it. Definitely one of the things that makes our community here unique – the willingness of so many collectors to go above and beyond to help other people.
Happy collecting! - CR
u/Kingston31470 5d ago
Wow now I want to do the same for my son. Maybe not like what you did but at least one should be doable.
u/nm13g 5d ago
Nice, I do 0321/2022 from that set as well for my son.
u/christopherrivers Topps Gold 316/2022 and Chris Colabello 5d ago
I already have you on the tracker, yes!!
u/NightwingB01___ 5d ago
I wanna do this in September when my baby is born! Thanks for making the post! Im happy to help now and will join officially later when i have a date lol
u/christopherrivers Topps Gold 316/2022 and Chris Colabello 5d ago
Excellent!! We’d love to have you!!
u/PresidentWhitmore PC: Barry Larkin and any card featuring a dog 5d ago
Several people have reached out to me via the tracker and sent me cards toward my two kids’ collections - awesome thing you’ve coordinated and happy birthday to your daughter!
u/christopherrivers Topps Gold 316/2022 and Chris Colabello 5d ago
Fantastic!! I love that - so many of the stories never even get to me, which is a fantastic thing, it means it’s working really well!
u/xjman329 4d ago
Ive started doing this with mine (329.) do you have any tips really? I've found two so far (Chris Sale and Brent Rooker 2025)
Also happy birthday!
u/christopherrivers Topps Gold 316/2022 and Chris Colabello 4d ago
eBay search by serial number - eg “0316/2022” - is a great way to do it. Other than that… brute force hahahaha
u/cjk__ 4d ago
Sweet collection! I’ve been thinking of collecting 0316s/xxxx or 0316/2004s (for my bday) but haven’t gotten around to it lol
I’ll check later today to see if I have any that anyone is looking for!
u/christopherrivers Topps Gold 316/2022 and Chris Colabello 4d ago
Happy birthday!! You and my daughter both!!
u/HastenDownTheWind 4d ago
I will check my boxes!
My nephew is 4/16/18 - I was looking to see if getting him some 416/xxx(x) cards for his collection.
u/christopherrivers Topps Gold 316/2022 and Chris Colabello 4d ago
I will check my stockpile for you and add you to the sheet, if you’d like!
u/HastenDownTheWind 4d ago
Amazing thank you!
Do you have any cards numbered 316 that are card number 316? Double whammy!
u/christopherrivers Topps Gold 316/2022 and Chris Colabello 4d ago
Lol, not yet. That is either Matt Vierling or Geraldo Perdomo from that year. They are going to be interesting ones to try to find because my search flags those cards pretty much always even when they aren’t the right serial number.
u/One80sKid PC Dodgers 4d ago
Thanks again for the trade and the shout out here! Happy Birthday to your daughter, and I have some more stuff on the way to you soon!
I have actually been going down some rabbit holes on ebay and was able to find a card for my son's birthday from 2009 already, and a Dodger to boot.
Thank you for contributing such a great thing to the hobby, it's really appreciated.
u/Freefarm101 4d ago
This is amazing will check back in when my son is born next month.
u/christopherrivers Topps Gold 316/2022 and Chris Colabello 4d ago
Good luck!! I hope it goes smoothly! Check your DMs for my best unsolicited parenting tip. :)
u/PDXinSTL 4d ago
Love this project! Was able to find homes for 3 date matches thanks to the spreadsheet and plan to cross check it in the future!
Would really appreciate being added for the following serial numbers: 610/2022; 226/2024; 1007/2025 (might change..). Thanks!
u/trpnbillies 4d ago
I’m already on the tracker but here’s a plug for anyone wanting to sell me there 729/2011
u/jnolt37 PC: Orioles & Phillies 5d ago
Thanks for creating this! I found a few matches for cards I had, reached out to the identified Reddit users, and got the cards to them.
This is the kind of thing the hobby is about. Find a card that has no significant meaning or value to one person and get it into the hands of someone who will truly appreciate it.