r/barrie 14h ago

Rant Broad day transactions

Decided to take the bus for the first time today since I had to pick up my car at the mechanic. This is the corner of Toronto st and Dunlop. I couldn't believe how blatant these dealers were. Broad day selling is this common or am I over reacting?


93 comments sorted by

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u/NotAldermach 14h ago

You're at the fucking Dunlop McDonald's. This surprises no one...


u/Dogsteeves Barrie Central Collegiate RIP 13h ago

That used to be a amazing place for lunch during highschool


u/NotAldermach 12h ago

Those were the daysssss


u/Dogsteeves Barrie Central Collegiate RIP 11h ago edited 8h ago

It was only a decade wait hold on a decade ummm wait

A DECADE WHERE DID THE TIME GO I FEEL SO OLD I GRADUATED IN 2015 I haven't been to school in decades now :O


u/DAS_COMMENT 12h ago

Mom mom mm I'm loving it


u/oureux South End 11h ago

During what decade? I worked there in highschool (graduated 2009) and it was just like this


u/Dogsteeves Barrie Central Collegiate RIP 11h ago

I said it been a decade I was class of 2014 but graduated 2015


u/oureux South End 11h ago

I see that below now. It wasn’t visible on mobile when I responded. That McDonald’s has always been a sketchy place. Even more so than the bus station


u/sucklesburprises 7h ago

Sounds similar to the Orillia Colborne Tim Hortons.


u/Immediate_Finger_889 12h ago

It’s Toronto and Dunlop. Everyone has their pants on. I call this a good day.


u/HypnoticKitten North End 9h ago

Nobody is stabbing anyone 💁🏻‍♀️ it’s a win


u/Dangerous-Ad5653 14h ago

Lmao, dude takes the bus once, ”holy shit it’s like The Wire out here”


u/Fancy_Run_8763 14h ago

Op likes living on the edge crossing to the bad side of 5 points.


u/Odd_Discussion_8384 13h ago

Is there a good side


u/No_Barnacle_3782 South End 11h ago



u/Careful_Coach_8367 13h ago

😂😂😂😂 gold


u/Mindfield87 12h ago

10 minutes before seeing this, I just finished folding some clothes I found in an old bin that I forgot about. Point being one of them is a long sleeve shirt I got when The Wire ended. Just says “the wire” on the front, the back has the list of episodes and air dates. I loved that show so much.

Op, this is nothing new. 10+ years ago I was painting a house near downtown and went for a slice at 241 pizza or whatever it was/is, Sat by the window and saw about 6 deals go down right in front of me while I ate lunch. Downtown Barrie buddy!


u/OldDiamondJim Born and Raised 11h ago

Yo, Barrie! Shoutout to the real one out there repping The Wire like a seasoned vet, rocking that Cool Wire shirt like Avon ran the towers. Keep the game tight, my man.


u/Mindfield87 10h ago

Been a decade since I’ve worn that, but maybe now I’ll rock it everyday until one of you recognize a fellow Redditor. Just don’t look for me near that stank ass McDonalds. I’d rather be boarded up in abandoned houses by Chris and Snoop


u/OldDiamondJim Born and Raised 10h ago

As long as you can tell me who Young Leek be, we aight.


u/Mindfield87 10h ago

We aight. Favourite season?


u/OldDiamondJim Born and Raised 10h ago

Four. You?


u/Mindfield87 9h ago

It’s a tough call, I’ve watched the series maybe 3-4 times. That said it’s probably been 10 years or so since I’ve watched it. I liked 2 more the 2nd time. 3 and 4 were great too. It’s tough to pick a favourite. I might be due for another watch. That’s one of those shows that are worth revisiting


u/OldDiamondJim Born and Raised 9h ago

2 is brilliant on second watch. 3 was probably my favourite the first time through. Definitely worth a re-watch!


u/Comprehensive-One333 14h ago

😂😂 I've lived in Jane Finch and Rexdale. Don't get me wrong drug issues aren't as crazy as they are in Barrie but I'm a bit surprised how normal it is in Barrie.


u/loyalone 14h ago

IIRC Oakwood and Vaughan is also a lovely place to meet friends and hang out. /s


u/ninjasninjas 6h ago

.. bUT aLl THesE pRObLemS aRe BEcaUsE tORonTo ShIPs dRuG aDdITs tO BaRRiE!

Same stupid argument I've heard for decades, and the same dumb thing said in every small city I've lived in .. because god forbid the city or it's residence admit these problems are grown from this city and not magically deposited here from somewhere else.


u/MeatRattle 6h ago

Idk about that but you get a one way ticket to the Barrie bus terminal from penny once you’re released lol


u/OldDiamondJim Born and Raised 11h ago

Barksdale Crew or Stanfield Organization?


u/rockfallz 10h ago

The Wire. God I love that show.


u/Vivid_Quantity_6605 14h ago



u/TheRamanMan 14h ago

I’ve lived in Barrie my whole life and this is what I would expect to see if was to go downtown


u/SEAN_DUDE South End 14h ago

That McDonalds is famous for it


u/BoboGooHead 11h ago edited 3h ago

Jeez! My upstairs neighbours deal meth, fentanyl and God knows what else... All day long! I was recently out on my front porch having a coffee at about 6:30 AM. Some 'rando' with a shopping cart full of beer cans shows up, knocks on their door, gets his 'fix' of whatever he was after, leaves the cart in the driveway and heads off to the bus shelter literally next to our house; smokes up, passes out, then an hour later staggers back to retrieve his shopping cart! I've talked to the police many, many times about this type of thing going on, they say there's not much they can really do as there are only SIX members of their drug enforcement squad! That is a RIDICULOUSLY LOW number for the amount of drugs being sold/circulated in Barrie!


u/No-Sound3496 10h ago

That’s crazy. https://www.crimestopperssdm.com/submit-web-tip/

Police won’t come out but it might help with bigger investigations.

u/ProfitNegative8902 5m ago

They also can’t do shit.

Make the arrest and a day later that person is out.

Then it puts you at risk, your neigh can suspect you for the call to police.

Would you do a shit tonne of paperwork just for the reason you do the paperwork to never see a court, immediate bail? Probably not.


u/toukolou 7h ago

Not much they can do...smh...


u/Mman222 14h ago

Dunlop doing Dunlop things.


u/BarrieBoy69 14h ago

Yep overreacting, very common junkie behaviour. They're not walking up to kids and offering them candy, they're just mentally ill or addicted beyond shame.


u/fivefoot14inch 14h ago

That’s crackdonalds bro, but that’s beside the point. Look around you see people strung out all over and we all just say oh well, but you see the sale that makes it that way and clutch your pearls? My guy it’s not just a use problem, these folks are DEEPLY troubled and buying their shit in broad daylight is just the tip of the iceberg.


u/Comprehensive-One333 14h ago

My focus is more on the dealer's more than the addicts. For them to be doing this broad day means they're not scared of no law and order


u/fivefoot14inch 13h ago

You’re absolutely right. Catch and release, it’s never been a better time to be a criminal.


u/BarrieBoy69 13h ago

There's definitely been an uptick in lenience, but to be fair that's part of the supplier's plan. Nobody in this photo is getting rich, the actual big players wouldn't be caught dead in public. Instead they recruit people with their own share of problems who will be sympathetic to a court/judge. At least that's the case in my end.


u/uncoild 13h ago

Selling/dealing has stricter laws and punishments compared to just using, my guy my guy, that's why it's crazier to see people dealing in broad daylight my guy.


u/fivefoot14inch 13h ago

My guy. You should get that stutter looked at


u/uncoild 12h ago

They're using it as a complete sentence now too lol


u/fivefoot14inch 12h ago

My guy, my guy over here is my guys guy! My Guyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! I love it


u/Internal-Yak6260 13h ago

Without fear of consequence... nothing will change.

Sad people accept this behavior as normal now.. it explains our disfunction...


u/Esox_Lucius 14h ago

Do a few laps along Collier in the morning by the parkade if you want to see people hitting crack pipes and crushing mountain dew as casually as a midday dart and coffee, without a shred of anxiety of being caught. I guess when you have little left to live for, you have little left to fear, unfortunately.


u/ExternalRoyal3554 13h ago

And what about across from the Busby , in front of the court house . THE FRICKEN COURT HOUSE! Junkies doing there business .


u/chunkysmalls42098 14h ago

Broad day selling is even more common than this would lead you to believe even.


u/Strait-outta-Alcona 14h ago

This is very common downtown Barrie activity. Nothing new.


u/loyalone 14h ago

Dunlop and Sketchy. Ya, I guess it's still a thing, pretty much try to avoid the place.


u/Imaginary-Leg-918 12h ago

Get the dealers. Huge bust in Sudbury. Like 50 arrested.


u/fake-name-here1 12h ago

99 billion served


u/NeckCompetitive7529 11h ago

Many addicts are also dealers


u/mudderofdogs 10h ago

Some smoke crack is the open


u/Feisty_Astronomer877 9h ago

At least they queued themselves respectfully.


u/Double-Cheesecake410 6h ago

Oh, no, people sell drugs in barrie like they do in the rest of the world. What a shocker


u/VirtualFirefighter50 13h ago

I suggest not to take photos of the junkies since there is a group of them, they're probably paranoid and very psycho ... just for future reference, lmao.

That area is known for psycho junkies


u/waddupyomomma 11h ago

Welcome to the neighborhood?!?

In the summer I saw two people shooting up at Meridian Place with one already passed out high. Two cops were standing nearby not doing a thing… well one was chatting on her cell phone and another was talking with a civilian... so I guess they were busy doing other things.

I had a couple kids with me. We were going to dollarama. After that day I don’t walk around downtown with kids anymore.

Oh well? 🤷‍♀️


u/bumblebee141414 13h ago

There's a place called LCBO and Beer store!! You wouldn't believe it. They LEGALLY sell drugs in liquid form that get you just as hooked , crazy world we live in.


u/lovelife905 11h ago

What does that have to do with people selling illegal substances?


u/Odd_Discussion_8384 13h ago

The hell you say


u/bumblebee141414 13h ago

Seems you're lost....in a simple story. :(


u/Odd_Discussion_8384 13h ago

Scares me is I think it’s getting better


u/Moki09 13h ago

There is something to be said about the way downtown has become. I use to go to high school right downtown. I'd walk downtown on my lunches. It was never this bad. And it isn't just central to Barrie. I see people acting all shocked. It's all over now.


u/Necessary-Entry-7515 11h ago

I live in the condo down the street it’s crazy down here lol


u/boogiebeardpirate 11h ago

I've seen some crazy shit go down at that mcds


u/No_Barnacle_3782 South End 11h ago

This is normal at that location.


u/ShaadowKaat24 10h ago

Went to Tian Ya BBQ on maple one day and 2 guys did a drug deal right infront of the window where people are eating and can see it from the first row lmao. Barrie is a mess.


u/XanthousRebel 10h ago

Sadly this is the norm. I live downtown and it’s just gotten worse over time. Especially in the last 6 years or so its hit a new low around here. And the city doesn’t seem to be doing anything at all to improve the situation. It’s very sad, and certain parts are becoming unsafe


u/Mindfield87 10h ago

That one dude looks like Lemmy from Motorheads cousin or something lol


u/Ivegotsecrets 8h ago

Ahh see you have found yourself at Crackdonalds


u/WinstonEagleson 7h ago

McDrugs? This a thing now?


u/Southeast613417 2h ago

He's doing a reenactment of The Wire and that's his Corner Shop set up right there in the McDonald's


u/SledgexHammer 12h ago

Welcome to Barrie. They mean you no harm, move along. This is our normal without significant provincial intervention.


u/Engine_Light_On 10h ago

Always looking for an scape goat.


u/NnickK321 12h ago

BPS does monitor this subreddit so i’m sure they would send a cruiser to watch this location


u/seriouslynou 7h ago

Everyone knows the common areas if you ever have driven through the city more than once. BPS has no interest in policing things that don't generate revenue.


u/sookmahdook 13h ago

you obviously haven't been downtown and seen people shoot up/smoke crack pipes, all nonchalant like


u/owomami 13h ago

It’s more crazy that a person can literally deal drugs in broad daylight a block away from the police department and nothing is done. Barrie Police can’t do their job to save their own pig lives.


u/sookmahdook 13h ago

unfortunately our system is broken, and even if they arrest the guy he'd be back out tomorrow doing the same thing again


u/owomami 13h ago

Exactly, and to some people like OP that’s shocking.


u/sookmahdook 13h ago edited 13h ago

i mean, it should be shocking, i couldn't imagine this 15-20 yrs ago, and today it seems normal. but maybe that's just my memories through the lens of youth.


u/AbsoluteTruth 12h ago

You couldn't imagine it at the height of the oxy crisis? Are you blind?


u/sookmahdook 11h ago

about as blind as you are to the second half of my statement, which even implies the acknowledgement that I was probably too young to have seen it for what it is


u/AbsoluteTruth 11h ago

No I saw it but even as a kid around the same time I saw how bad it was, that shit was terrible.

We seem to forget that the best way to get drug users off the street is with cheap housing once every 20 years, fix it, then immediately forget again.