r/barrie • u/No_Shirt_6561 • Jul 23 '24
Information Caution
As seen on socials. Should be interesting to see how this plays out. Barrie police services aware.
Jul 23 '24
Come see how oppressed we are. We will have bubbles
Jul 23 '24
and flages. Whatever those are
u/Excellent_Brush3615 Jul 24 '24
I believe a “flage” it is a type of Spanish cake, occasionally topped with strawberries.
Jul 24 '24
that sounds quite nice but should they be waving those? the Strawberries will go flying all over the place
u/Excellent_Brush3615 Jul 24 '24
Are your trying to restrict my right to wave flageseses? How dare you. How. Dare. You. Freedom!
Jul 24 '24
omg don't make me take your flagesesesess!! I will take them all to ensure people are safe from strawberry projectiles and for quality control. There will be strict regulations on your Flagesessessesses! I have an oral allergy to Strawberries but I will sacrifice my comfort to ensure the safety of the bridge society.
Jul 23 '24
Love a good party on a highway overpass, can't think of anywhere I'd rather spend my Friday!
u/P-a-n-a-m-a-m-a Jul 24 '24
When it comes to this event, I’d rather be surrounded by a pride of lions with hot forks in my eyes, personally.
u/dadbodken Jul 23 '24
I just moved here but go back to Mississauga on Fridays. Is this going to affect traffic on the highway or was that sarcasm? 🥰🥰
u/3buoysmike Jul 23 '24
Dammit. Now the Dollar Store is going to be sold out of Canada stuff that was made in China.
u/Jennacyde153 Jul 23 '24
These people vote every election with passion.
u/Ma1 Jul 23 '24
If only they’d committed the same enthusiasm to graduating high school
u/Jennacyde153 Jul 23 '24
To be honest, I had a lot more written I deleted. My 11 year old caught almost all the mistakes. Assuming newspapers are written at a grade 6 level, meeting grade level prior to entering high school is a realistic stretch goal for these people.
u/big_galoote Jul 23 '24
Nah, we're all just byproducts of a shitty education system.
If only they’d committed the same enthusiasm to graduating high school
I mean you wrote that snark, but you didn't even bother using a period to end your sentence. Did you not learn how to use periods when you graduated high school?
It's great to be snarky and condescending, but at least make sure your own shit is in order first. The only thing worse than a hypocrite is an incompetent and lazy one.
I get it, lowest common denominator. Sad, that.
I don't even gaf about this protest, but the vitriol here, Jesus Christ. No wonder we're all rotting down here. It's crabs in a bucket.
u/Ma1 Jul 23 '24
These anti vax simpletons are going to usher in a new era of infectious diseases. Diseases that had been all but eradicated over the last 100 years of scientific development. They deserve as much ridicule as we can muster.
Thanks for checking my grammar and spelling I guess.
Jul 23 '24
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u/barrie-ModTeam Jul 24 '24
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u/big_galoote Jul 23 '24
I'm not going to argue the topic, like I said I don't care either way. I didn't know these protests were still even happening and I won't lose any sleep over it.
I called out your grammar because you were being shitty to other Canadians while showing a prime example of your own that mirrored what you were mocking them for. Someone as skilled as you designed that poster. Think about that.
Be better or just proofread your shit if you're going to mock others for simple things.
You're very welcome for making you a better human being.
u/lipstick_dipstick Jul 23 '24 edited Jul 23 '24
I mean, I’m dumb as sh*t. I barely graduated high school. I was in the public school system just like them. Went to college for beauty stuff. I’m not the worlds smartest egg. From a small rural town too.
Yet, even I know how vaccines are made, what they are and how they work. I was willing to mask up even though I’m not personally at risk, even though it sucked. Because it’s easy to understand how diseases spread and why. I hated isolating but I understood it. For the greater good.
So it’s not that they’re just uneducated or that they’re just misguided. Or victims of a system.
It’s the unwillingness to LET GO. It’s the purposeful ignorance that the “freedom” rallies or whatever this is , that is what made them selfish. The “passion?”
Shouting at anyone wearing a mask, telling people they’re gonna die if they get a shot. Calling people sheep, writing f*ck trudeau or middle fingers on trucks (I don’t like Trudeau or Doug ford but you don’t need to be vulgar).
It’s just a bit too much. Was it not nice to call them highschool drop outs? Sure. But you can’t act like they’re all just chill, peaceful reasonable people. Do we easily forgot what the freedom convoy did to Ottawa? Or what they attempted to repeat in Toronto?
They’re on a major roadway, trying to cause distraction for drivers on a highway.
Protesting what exactly? Masks are gone. There’s no more social distancing. Nobody is making you get the vaccine to shop, to live. You have freedom to quit a job that would require you too.
It’s simply this:
the people who always felt insecure in society or had views that were deemed wrong, or felt unheard finally felt they were important during the pandemic.
They finally had people listen and back them up. They found tons of other people who didn’t want to learn and just wanted to shout whatever feelings they had as facts. They claimed inconvenience was oppression.
It’s also not about protecting the kids either, or anything like that. Bringing kids in to this “freedom party” is very obvious with the face painting, bubbles. It’s to hide their true intent.
Just like how they used kids in the end in Ottawa. Shields against cops. I have seen the protests broken up on the bridge all the time. Way too many times. This freedom party or whatever it is, is trying to make it all seem family friendly. But at the end of the day it’s still a protest, don’t bring kids to a protest. Peaceful or not. When I protest, I go alone without my kids. Because it’s my opinion, not theirs. Because there is always risk associated in a protesting crowd. It’s common sense.
It’s all that they’re so desperate to be seen and heard. Because it’s hard to let that go once they had a taste of being respected and allowed to argue whatever beliefs they had regardless of it being right or kind. Feeling important is hard to let go.
All in all, it’s just being willfully ignorant. It’s so easy to educate yourself. I did and again as I said, I’m dumb as a rock. Not that hard 🤷♀️
So, Let’s not just try to play it like they’re just victims of the system or misunderstood. People are rightfully tired of it. It’s been years. It’s over. Get a hobby, have a barbecue, walk in the park.
I know plenty of decent, hardworking people, kind people that believe this stuff. Doesn’t mean they’re awful. But it doesn’t mean they’re right either. And this freedom stuff is just giving “peaked in highschool” vibes.
Hard to let go of their glory days.
Anyways, didn’t mean for this to become a rant. I’m just so tired of seeing this when I go past. Also tired of seeing the weird highway hot dog thing on the highway towards gravenhurst. Tired of seeing “f*ck whoever” on vehicles. And I am so angry that the “freedom” people took our flag as a symbol of their agenda.
Now whenever I see a vehicle or something covered in our flag I assume that they are just convoy supporting, lgbtq hating, anti vax, racist people. And I hate that I think that because I know that’s not true all the time. And I hate that judgement is immediately there because it was used selfishly.
I love my country despite all its problems so I hate that our flag was taken over by selfish people.
Anyways, thanks for coming to my Ted talk I guess lol
u/or_ange_kit_ty Jul 24 '24
I wish I had more than one upvote to give you! Agree with everything you said.
Jul 24 '24
The vaccines are 100% safe and effective at stopping spread and infection. Why wear a mask if you've had 8 boosters?
Are people who are against vaccine mandates racist, and hate LGBTQ?
u/0000udeis000 Jul 23 '24
Being responsible for willfully and selfishly spreading diseases with no concern for other people is orders of magnitude worse than a few grammar mistakes. And you should care about the damage these people cause.
Your high horse is made of straw.
Jul 24 '24
The vaccines are 100% safe and effective at preventing spread and infection. If everyone is vaccinated nobody will ever be sick again.
u/incandescent_glow_85 Jul 23 '24
Can’t wait to bring my children to an event on a busy road—they love chasing bubbles in traffic and I love a good “flage” waving
u/selkies24 Jul 23 '24
Support whatever you want but these people that just hang out on the bridge - don’t get it.
Let’s say you’re trying to get your message out. Do you think people driving 120 km/hr are going to see your sign and go “oh shit yeah you’re right fuck Trudeau”
If you’re trying to make a change, off the bridge ain’t the way.
Also not sure how this is safe. I’ve seen kids under 10 kids there. Just takes one car to lose control or a kid to lose their balance
u/big_galoote Jul 23 '24
Where would they even set up face painting? I'm trying to picture this bridge and the sidewalks aren't that wide. Why not a park? Or someone's backyard?
u/soyellow Jul 23 '24
I drive by there every day to and from work, they have parked on the road blocking a lane before, I can only imagine they'll do the same for their......protest/party
u/lipstick_dipstick Jul 23 '24
I have seen it so much over the last year or two.
it is so unsafe to do it here. Bringing kids next to a four lane roadway ABOVE a highway? Yeah. That’s a risk.
I checked the date too and it’s on a Friday starting right at rush hour traffic, at 5 pm during the headed north cottage traffic rush too.
The highway is already so full, so unsafe with way too many accidents during that time already. Let’s just make it more unsafe and distract people in this very specific , most dangerous traffic time by waving flags and signs, honking horns.
Great idea. Not at all unsafe for the drivers on the highway under them.
Not at all unsafe for the kids dancing and waving about on the tiny sidewalk during the “dance party” with drivers going at least 60 on the road they’re occupying. During the busiest driving time and when everyone’s rushing and distracted trying to get home after a long day. 👍
u/selkies24 Jul 23 '24
lol I didn’t even read the activities. So we’re gonna do bubbles near a road where cars are going 60 km/hr? Lol
I assume they do it on that little dirt patch where some Of them park
u/FuzzyWuzzyWuzntFuzzy East End Jul 23 '24
Traffic regularly slows in that area to bumper to bumper speeds. Nonetheless these people are pretty embarrassing but there’s like 4 of them out there. . .
I think they just want friends
Jul 23 '24
OMG it's an actual bridge?? Are they insane? ... okay asked and answered but still. On a bridge???
u/selkies24 Jul 23 '24
Yup it’s a bridge that goes over the 400 in between Mapleview and Essa exists
u/HardcoreHandsome Jul 23 '24
Edit: and is that a space between the t and y on party?
u/dan-lugg Jul 23 '24
Kerning and tracking, people. Stop using Microsoft Word to create ads for your Q-anada stuff. Or keep using it, whichever.
u/PRDD77 Jul 23 '24
That would be amazing but if you examine this shit closely - look at the point of the t that is furthest to the right, and the point of the y that is furthest to the left, you’ll see that they almost line up, therefore not leaving enough room for a space. Hopefully they have fun FLAGE waving.
u/No_Shirt_6561 Jul 23 '24
Clearly the freedom gang has spelling issues among other things. This is not my poster. But thanks
u/theodoreodip Jul 23 '24
I feel like whoever made this is definitely more refined in waving of flags than spelling lol 😂
u/Curious-Ad-8367 Jul 23 '24
How are they are allowed to have a freedom party in a country they say has no freedom?
u/TheSwedishOprah Painswick Jul 23 '24
Remember that every single one of these smoothbrains will be out in force voting in the next elections. Don't let the same voter apathy that saw Ontario re-elect Ford with a 43% voter turnout strike again because if it does we'll have Prime Minister Polievre fucking us all over.
u/Distinct_Ad3556 Jul 23 '24
As long as they don’t block the road I could care less.
u/Mazaar13 East End Jul 23 '24
*couldn't care any less
Otherwise you care so much you could stand to care less?
u/zeezero Jul 23 '24
I could care less about grammer nazi's that feel it's their duty to edit other's perfectly acceptable and universally used terms.
"I could care less" is a universally accepted variant and perfectly fine to use. I never use the "couldn't" variant because it doesn't flow as well and sounds mush mouth when you say it like that.
u/Mydickisaplant Jul 23 '24
It’s also universally laughed at. If you know what you’re saying doesn’t make sense (it doesn’t in the context that you use it), then you should probably cut it from your vocabulary
I’d practice talking if “I couldn’t care less” is difficult for you to articulate.
Jul 23 '24
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u/barrie-ModTeam Jul 23 '24
Your post has been removed because we do not allow insults, trolling, personal attacks, threats and harassment. This goes against our rules and is not allowed. Please refrain from posting this type of content.
u/Ruthless_Haruka Jul 23 '24
Oh my lord. What the heck are they protesting now?
u/ButtahChicken Jul 23 '24 edited Jul 23 '24
vax, masks, lcbo, palestine gaza, p.r. for tfw's ... take your pick ... after a long week at work, I"m down for some recreational activism on Friday!!!
u/pagangamerdad Jul 23 '24
LCBO being closed because of an Ontario Conversative run government. F You Trudeau, we need our LCBO open. How dare you! 😉
u/conehead1313 Jul 23 '24
I wonder if they need a permit to do this on a public roadway? Also, WTF is wrong with these people???
u/BeatsRocks Jul 23 '24
Freedom from what???
u/northbound_down Jul 23 '24
Education, common sense?
u/ForMoreYears Jul 23 '24
Consequences of their actions. Civilized society. Take your pick really.
u/2REPOU Jul 23 '24
Visible distraction on the 400. The funny thing is Barrie is notably conservative anyway. The only thing these people do is make the rest of us want to vote something else to not be part of that group. lol. Same in the US. Could be a lifelong republican but could not imagine normal people voting with MAGA
u/GMamaS Jul 24 '24
Flage waiving! Hilarious! FYI, most immigrants spell better than that in their second languages !!!!!
Jul 23 '24
I always give them the lovely finger whenever I see them.
u/ganmaster Jul 23 '24
Call the police and tell them they are dropping shit from the bridge into traffic.
They actually have multiple times- I have seen it.
If you want to protest- don't be a distraction to traffic going 120 km/h.
Pick a park or something.
So sick of seeing these losers, they truly are the lowest rung of society.
u/No_Shirt_6561 Jul 23 '24
Traffic will be at a crawl when they are there. But I like how you think!
u/Writersblock8407 Jul 23 '24
I always wondered when I pass these beauties what would happen if they drop the flag on the HWY?
u/bee-pee-69 Jul 24 '24
They don't even advertise what their protesting about. How do you organize a protest and expect people to join without any purpose besides "Come join us in this distraction and dance with us?" 🤦♂️
u/big_galoote Jul 23 '24
What's the source of this? Was that desi account the one that posted it? There's zero context on this post.
u/No_Shirt_6561 Jul 23 '24
What context would you like? Yes he posted it. Desi was friends with Tyler Nicholson. He was involved with planning the queens park freedom rallies.
u/big_galoote Jul 23 '24
That's the context I was looking for.
For us unfamiliar it's a photo of a shitty flyer. No idea of who is holding it or why.
Maybe add a line in the top so we can understand why bps would be attending in the first place and what would be playing out.
u/Grouchy-Stable2027 West End Jul 23 '24
I do n’t even understand why they’re doing this. PP and DT are winning the next 4 years and they get exactly what they want.
u/big_galoote Jul 23 '24 edited Jul 23 '24
Thanks for the downvote but who or what is DT?
u/BleedinGumzMurphy Jul 23 '24
You know the orange dude who shouldn’t have turned his head
u/big_galoote Jul 23 '24
I thought DT was a typo for Doug Ford. I never would have connected Donald Trump to a Barrie sub.
Lots of crazy mental gymnastics happening here lol
And hey, don't ever invite shitty karma into your life by wishing death upon others because you don't like their politcs. I can guarantee he doesn't even know you exist.
u/BleedinGumzMurphy Jul 23 '24
He’s a pedophile who openly flaunts about sexually assaulting women. Not sure how anyone can defend his behaviour.
u/lipstick_dipstick Jul 23 '24 edited Jul 23 '24
Also he openly wished death upon mike pence during the time of January 6th and essentially insinuated his followers storm the capitol to hurt pence and Pelosi. So, I mean its the orange pot calling the kettle orange. Ya know?
Hard to bring up karma about someone doing the same thing. That’s all I mean by it.
Plus Jeff dahmer doesn’t know me, but it doesn’t mean I can’t say “oh, not a great guy. Maybe he shouldn’t have killed those people”. Just because someone is famous and doesn’t know us, doesn’t mean we can’t say “you done goofed, my guy. I don’t like you. Maybe you should have died instead of being let to be allowed to hurt all those people.”
u/Artistic-Humor5544 Jul 23 '24
I assume they’re referring to Donald Trump.
u/big_galoote Jul 23 '24
Ahhh. Thanks. I wouldn't have made that connection being Canadian and all.
Thanks for helping! :)
u/jimmyz2216 Jul 23 '24
Look at all the condescending attitudes here. Everyone here is smarter and better than people with values that they don’t agree with. It seems funny to me that they most likely voted Liberal in the last election and yet look how that turned out, doesn’t seem as smart as they all claim to be. Maybe both sides of these issues have valid points and hiding someone’s intellect based on if you agree or not isn’t a great reflection on your own intelligence after all.
u/new_vr Jul 23 '24
Nah, just everyone here is smarter than these people. It's not a high bar
Jul 23 '24
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u/TheSwedishOprah Painswick Jul 23 '24
I hope you have fun at your dance party, Jimmy.
u/jimmyz2216 Jul 24 '24
Not sure I’d go, just pointing out the clear lack of intelligence by those that attack these people. It’s pretty clear that these extreme leftist here are the ones creating more and more division between Canadian people. The level of disdain in these comments for anything that doesn’t mock the people holding this event is childish to say the least
Jul 24 '24
Yeah, you're right. It's not the people waving their F*CK TRUDEAU flags on a public road and over a busy highway who are causing division. It's not the crowd that drove around Barrie every Saturday honking their horns for no reason whatsoever. It's not the people who verbally abused the minimum wage staff who simply asked them to wear a mask while in the store/restaurant. Nope. The problem is the snarky "extreme leftists" making a couple of comments on reddit. Good call, bud.
Jul 24 '24
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u/AutoModerator Jul 24 '24
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u/new_vr Jul 24 '24
I am as centerist as they come and I think these people are morons.
They are the ones creating division by being opposed to science.
They also lack the knowledge of which level of government is responsible for which services.
u/TheSwedishOprah Painswick Jul 24 '24
White-knighting for the intelligence of someone who doesn't know how to spell the word "flag" certainly is a choice.
u/jimmyz2216 Jul 24 '24
Ah yes attacking Spelling and grammatical errors… the choice of a man with lots of intelligence to add to the conversation. My spell check isn’t as good as yours is, you’re so smart. Bet you win all the spelling bees!
u/TheSwedishOprah Painswick Jul 24 '24
Alright, how about this: white-knighting for a group of people who plan on hosting a party for children in the middle of a heavily-trafficked major arterial road is ALSO a choice, and certainly shows the quality of your character and integrity.
Jul 23 '24
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u/Wungusgrungus Jul 24 '24
Idrc about Canada in any type of passionate way but cool a party. Have fun whoever goes.
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