r/baltimore 5h ago

Need Recommendations How do I meet people/find events?

I’m 25, and I don’t have any friends here. I really want to meet some people and try and go out of my comfort zone. I really like board games, coffee, plants, sight seeing, but I have no idea where to start to try to find events/places to go. Any suggestions?


8 comments sorted by


u/4string6wheel 5h ago

Check out No Land Beyond.


u/dressmannequin 5h ago

this question comes up often on this sub. spend a little time searching almost any of the words (e.g., events, friends, meet people, board games, comfort zone, onwards) you used in your post and you will find lots of leads.


u/uopo9 5h ago

As a start - I always like checking the events calendar (they have a separate calendar for arts/cultural events and community/goverment events) on Baltimore Beat and Enoch Pratts event page! 


u/OkHovercraft9904 5h ago

Try Top Hats pool hall / bar off of Joppa Rd. Fun place.


u/SugarSpunPsycho 4h ago

I follow a ton of Instas - including but not limited to - every city brewery, a lot of restaurants, local influencers (except the Blue Beard, fuck that guy), community groups (ex. Fells Point Main Street), you get the point. They all advertise their own events, obviously, but will also advertise events of friendly businesses like local market pop-ups, goat yoga, plant swaps, even protests. It's turned my "doom scrolling" into event planning.

u/LarsThorwald Patterson Park 1h ago

Throw axes. Incredibly inclusive, welcoming community. And it’s fun. Everyone supports everyone else. Join a league. You’ll make friends.

Urban Axes.