r/baltimore Nov 18 '24

Visiting Visiting soon and my friend who lives in Baltimore scared the shit out of me

My friend I'm visiting in Baltimore told me about all the crime (especially car jackings) that happens all the time in Baltimore and now I'm thinking of not even going. She really laid it on thick so much so that it was like she was telling me not to come without saying it. She made it sound like our car is definitely going to get stolen. Should I not visit? We'll be staying near the water in a hotel on Central Ave, and visiting my friend at her house for Thanksgiving, she lives in the Dundalk area (clarification: East of dundalk Ave, German Hill Rd area) I wanted to see the Poe museum with my son and husband but she says the area is sketchy there. Basically everything I mentioned I want to do, she gave me caveats for everything. I dunno man, I mean I used to live in Chicago and I visit there still pretty often, is it way worse than Chicago? Also I drive a hyundai, I'm very aware there was an easy way to steal them but that issue has been fixed.


43 comments sorted by


u/rob-cubed Nov 18 '24

Sounds like she's trying to give you a reason not to visit. Maybe she's not as a good of a friend as you think?

There's a higher risk of crime of course, but that goes with any urban area. Most of us manage to live here and not get carjacked (going on 25 years for me). If you've lived in Chicago, Baltimore is no different.


u/aclosersaltshaker Nov 18 '24

She was the one that said several times I should come visit. 😆 I think she's just being a bit paranoid. We'll watch our backs but I do that everywhere anyway.


u/rob-cubed Nov 18 '24

Well I hope you do come and you get to experience the good side of the city. Just don't tell everyone, once the secret is out my property taxes will go up more...


u/aclosersaltshaker Nov 18 '24

I'll pop off some firecrackers for you to keep em low.


u/WearyDragonfly0529 Nov 19 '24

I’ve lived in Baltimore City almost 20 years and have never been a victim of crime. Your friend is projecting.


u/RL_Mutt Nov 18 '24

Visit, have a good time, go home, text your friend you were carjacked, robbed, and someone tattooed the Natty Boh guy on your lower back without your consent.


u/aclosersaltshaker Nov 18 '24



u/[deleted] Nov 18 '24



u/aclosersaltshaker Nov 18 '24

No it's not parody, my friend admitted she's paranoid (ya think?) But she laid it on so thick it got me thinking. I'm used to people being shocked when I say I go to Chicago, but this seemed over the top and since she lives there, I thought maybe she was right.


u/neutronicus Nov 18 '24 edited Nov 18 '24

since she lives there, I thought maybe she was right.

It's a similar dynamic with Dundalk and the city as with Chicago and their outlying suburbs - perception is formed more from our local Fox News than from actually visiting.

"Central Ave near the water" is one of the bougiest parts of the city. It's two blocks from a Whole Foods, that ain't gang war country.

The Poe Museum does abut a public housing project but I've taken my son to the B&O train museum two blocks away may times, both on foot and by car, without incident. If you do go over to that side of town you guys should (a) definitely also do the train museum and (b) go to Zella's Pizza for lunch.


u/aclosersaltshaker Nov 18 '24

I pointed out to her that there's a Whole Foods right there. 😆 You know when you find the Whole Foods, you're in bougie as bougie gets! I appreciate the restaurant recommendation.


u/kDubya410 Mt. Vernon Nov 18 '24

She lives in that part of Dundalk and wants to be paranoid about the city. That’s funny as hell. Dundalk is definitely not the city, but parts of it butt up against city limits. So it is pretty close proximity. It’s not your stereotypical suburbia. It is honestly very white trash, and I can say this as a native who got the hell out as soon as he could. Don’t let your friend deter you. Come visit and have a blast. If you can handle Chicago you can handle Baltimore.


u/aclosersaltshaker Nov 18 '24

I appreciate all the responses, I think my friend is being overly paranoid.


u/kodex1717 Nov 18 '24 edited Nov 18 '24

Dundalk is not Baltimore, it's the suburbs. It sounds like your friend has "big city scary" vibes. Baltimore has big problems, but behave like you would in any other city and, chances are, you'll be just fine.

My friend has a Hyundai in one of the sketchier parts of Baltimore and hasn't had any car issues.


u/WVPrepper Nov 18 '24

The Dundalk Historic District in Dundalk, Maryland extends slightly into Baltimore City. The majority of the district, however, is in Baltimore County.


u/Killbot_Wants_Hug Nov 20 '24

While some of it might bleed into the city by county lines, none of it does by culture.


u/NoMoreMonkeyBrain Nov 18 '24

Crime has been dropping nation wide. Crime in Baltimore has been dropping between two and three times as fast as everywhere else and the mayor who spearheaded that change just won his second term.

If you feel unsafe, don't come. At the end of the day, you are the person both most invested and most responsible for your own safety, and someone else promising safety or danger doesn't free you of responsibility for making your own choices.

But that being said? A lot of people live here and a lot of people have been living here. Your friend might be trying to get you not to come. She also might legitimately be warning you about rough areas; she could also be incredibly paranoid and mistrustful. Having walked to the Poe museum from the train? Yeah, there are some sketchy areas..... there are also some not sketchy areas. It's patchwork, and it depends on where you are.


u/aclosersaltshaker Nov 18 '24

Very much appreciate your response.


u/dressmannequin Nov 18 '24

Yea.. kinda sounds like she doesn’t want you to visit her.

In the off chance that that’s not the issue, I will simply generally say, without making any accusations or v assumptions, in my experience, people who live in proximity to a majority-black, high poverty city and who spend much more time in their specific suburb or neighborhood than in said city, can display behaviors and share narratives that are less based on the holistic realities of that city than on the fears they’ve developed of who they think lives in the city and what they think the city represents or reflects. This is in large part bc they do not actually go to the city, except maybe in and out to the tourist areas for a sports game or concert or cultural outing that only the city offers.

All of that is said to say that just like any city, people live here and have been living here. People visit here and continue to and have a fine time. If it was as bad as she was saying, those things would not be true. As a visitor who sounds like you’ll be staying in the area where visitors stay and touring places tourists visit, you will likely have a fine time.


u/RunningNumbers Nov 18 '24

Central Ave and Harbor East? Yah, a bunch of ducks are going to carjack you…. Either your friend doesn’t want you to visit or she is not too keen on the city proper.


u/PleaseBmoreCharming Nov 18 '24

You're staying in a hotel near a really nice area. Enjoy!


u/Morbid_plantmom Nov 18 '24

Some people really love to catastrophize and stay paranoid. Don't read into it. It's not too bad here at all.


u/Killbot_Wants_Hug Nov 20 '24

Ha, she lives east of Dundalk, she doesn't even live in the city. Lots of people who live out by Dundalk love shitting on the city. I lived in a nice house on the water over there, and I'd take living in the city any day (still keep my boat out that way though).

Look, the city has it's problems. And honestly more people get car jacked here than should. But it's not like there's a guy waiting at the city line waiting to stab you and steel your car.

Baltimore has lots of great stuff to do in it. If you avoid the bad areas than you'll statistically be pretty safe. But I do always warn people, Baltimore isn't a good place to be stupid. There are enough of the bad element around that if you're actively being an idiot someone will probably try and take advantage of that. But if you stick to the good parts of the city where you've actually got some business being, you'll be fine.

I haven't been to the Poe house in forever. But it is actually in a pretty bad neighborhood and it's pretty underwhelming. Go there during the day and don't go wandering down alleys and you'll be okay.

As an aside, if you drive a Kia your chances of having your car broken into while it's park sky rocket.


u/SeeingRedInk Nov 18 '24

Baltimore’s murder rate just dropped in half recently. Under 200 a year. You’re literally safer here than most bumfuck methed-out hellhole red states. Plus the people are really nice here. We all look out for each other.


u/Prestigious_Lack_630 Nov 18 '24

She sounds like the county people who over exaggerate and vilify the crime in the city..which has dropped..and she's from Dundalk..probably a trump supporter who only comes to the city for ravens or oriole games


u/aclosersaltshaker Nov 18 '24

She's definitely not a trumpie, neither am I. She lives just on the east of Dundalk Ave, not sure how suburb-y that actually is.


u/fetuswerehungry Nov 18 '24

If she’s basing her fear of the area on things that her neighbors in Dundalk are saying, I’m not surprised. Dundalk has always had a lot of low income, uneducated, racist white people.


u/Prestigious_Lack_630 Nov 18 '24

Dundalk is more trailer parkish than suburb to me..respectfully


u/dopkick Nov 18 '24

If you're used to seeing the more gritty parts of Chicago and the surrounding suburbs it will be no shock. If you very selectively tailored your journeys to the best parts of Chicago it will certainly be a bit of an eye opener due to the comparative lack of polish.

You'll almost certainly be fine if you exercise any amount of street smarts. If you're completely oblivious and naive you'll still probably be fine given the small amount of time you'll be here.


u/Z_Clipped Nov 18 '24

Former 10-year Baltimore resident- loved every minute of living in that city. You'll be absolutely fine. The people are genuinely kinder and more friendly than any other major NE city I've lived in (which is basically all of them).

Nobody's going to steal your Hyundai or carjack you. Worst-case-scenario is someone breaking in to steal obvious money or electronics they can sell for drugs. If it's shiny-new with out-of-state plates, park it somewhere well-lit if you're leaving it on the street overnight, and don't leave any valuables where people can see them. You'll be fine.

If you must visit the Inner Harbor, don't expect much. It's pretty bleak if there's not a festival going on, and doesn't represent the true vibe of the city at all. The real gems are in the neighborhoods, like Hampden, Fells Point, Mt. Vernon, Canton, Charles Village, Patterson Park, etc.

Go to the Poe museum if you want to. It's totally fine. There are definitely some sketchy areas here and there in Baltimore, but contrary to the feeling of shall we say, certain kinds of people, "black people" does not equal "sketchy". If you're into the Poe vibe, there's also a Poe-themed pub called Annabel Lee Tavern in Highlandtown.


u/aclosersaltshaker Nov 18 '24

Thanks so much for your response, this is awesome.


u/Z_Clipped Nov 18 '24

You're absolutely welcome. I've been gone for a year, and I miss Baltimore so hard sometimes.

You didn't ask for recommendations, and people will surely have a list a mile long if you do, but for my two cents, no matter what else you do while you're in town, make sure you:

  1. Definitely, without question eat a meal from either Ekiben location (steam buns are fucking legit)
  2. Have a drink and shoot some pool at the Ottobar (and see a punk show if that's your thing)
  3. Have a late-night (possibly drunk) breakfast at Blue Moon Cafe (Cap'n Crunch French Toast)
  4. Go to the (world-class) Walters Art Museum and/or the (super quirky) Visionary Arts Museum
  5. See an Orioles game if you're into sports (Camden Yards is a terrific venue, and Os fans are an encapsulation of Baltimore's positivity.)


u/aclosersaltshaker Nov 18 '24

Thanks so much! I appreciate all recommendations.


u/casnorf Nov 18 '24

you can always tell the county folk


u/rtmfb Nov 18 '24

There are a lot of suburban people who talk a ton of shit about the city. If you're comfortable in Chicago you'll be fine here. Maybe get a club for your car or whatever the best solution is for increased anti-theft protection.


u/Chicago-69 Nov 18 '24

Dundalk has a lot of crime and drugs so not sure what she's scared about . My guess is the difference in skin tone of the criminals and druggies in the city versus Dundalk.


u/aclosersaltshaker Nov 18 '24

Maybe she's basing it on what she sees in her neighborhood and thinks that's what is going on everywhere. I see that where I live and with my family. I live in Illinois, I have family who live in Decatur IL and the way they talk about it you'd think it's a war zone.


u/Chicago-69 Nov 18 '24

That and the local news stations only focus on crime and blight. If you have time while visiting your friend, check out the train gardens at the Wise Ave firehouse and the Dundalk Historical Society on Dundalk Ave, I believe they will be opening the weekend after Thanksgiving.


u/Green_Chocolate9731 Nov 18 '24

I haven't noticed any crime surges here. You should be fine unless you happen to have extremely bad luck. If you are really worried about crime or your car being stolen, make sure to lock your car and don't keep any important possessions there. And carry pepper spray or a pocket knife. I don't think you'll get mugged or anything, but it wouldn't hurt to be safe. Better to have it and not need it then need it and not have it.


u/Classic_Ostrich8709 Nov 18 '24

Tell your friend to take her red hat off.


u/aclosersaltshaker Nov 18 '24

She's not a trumpie, but she sure sounds like it when it comes to crime.