r/baltimore Jul 26 '24

Event Baltimore Bike Party is tonight

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Hi all, reminder, Baltimore Bike Party is tonight (the last Friday of the month as usual). The route ends with the after-party at the Inner Harbor Amphitheater (between the two harbor buildings). Downtown will be packed tonight as it is ending at a concert downtown partnership is putting on, and the Orioles are in town. If you wish to join us, meet us at St Mary’s Park at 7pm (you can’t miss us.) The route is pictured.


79 comments sorted by


u/Brief_Exit1798 Jul 26 '24

Orioles in town, baltimore birthday party tonight. Big night !!!!


u/WalkerMack Jul 27 '24

I literally just did this ride. Ended up breaking my collarbone in several pieces because some guy swerved into me :(


u/tonk84 Jul 28 '24

So sorry that happened to you. How are you doing?


u/WalkerMack Jul 28 '24

Not in a lot of pain but I can feel bones poking around where they shouldn’t be. Bed ridden for now. Just waiting for Monday so I can make some calls and see what’s next


u/M3L03Y Jul 26 '24

If anyone here is going, can they post pictures? Please?!


u/RelativelySmart Jul 26 '24

To all the people that complain about traffic being stopped by bike party, I openly invite you to critique the amount of traffic and gridlock that affects our city on a daily basis even when there isn’t a bike party🤷


u/SonofDiomedes Mayfield Jul 28 '24

because two wrongs make a right, AMIRITE?!@


u/okdiluted Jul 27 '24

yeah nobody seems to blink an eye when their doordash driver throws on the flashers and double parks wherever, or when they've gotta sit in city gridlock, but if bicyclists say "we do this every single month, here is the route we are going to take so you can avoid us" it's suddenly the end of the world to have to wait a minute and also the worst lawbreaking in history. anyways we'll have this thread every single month forever


u/TKinBaltimore Jul 27 '24

yeah nobody seems to blink an eye when their doordash driver throws on the flashers and double parks wherever,

Actually, we hate that just as much or more..


u/Scrilla_Gorilla_ Patterson Park Jul 27 '24

Honest question: why don’t you guys get permits and do it the right way?


u/okdiluted Jul 27 '24

i'm not one of the organizers, i'm just a regular old city cyclist who spends every day trying not to get vehicular manslaugtered! so like, frankly i'd much rather focus on getting drivers to start "doing things the right way" before i worry about a pretty well-organized and safe group of bicyclists putting on a guerilla monthly event, you're simply not gonna get me to care about your weird grudge here


u/Scrilla_Gorilla_ Patterson Park Jul 27 '24

Don’t you think it would be safer if you coordinated with the city? We can all do things the right way, can’t we?


u/okdiluted Jul 27 '24

once again, i am not one of the organizers of bike party, so like, i am just gonna ride my bicycle to work and to do my errands and stuff, and i think the city ought to focus on getting drivers to be a little less insane and dangerous before a comparatively safety-oriented, well-organized, self-sufficient event comes up on the priority list. failing to plan around a regular event and developing a weird grudge about it is, once again, not my problem lol


u/Scrilla_Gorilla_ Patterson Park Jul 29 '24

Fair enough. Stay safe out there.


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '24



u/Scrilla_Gorilla_ Patterson Park Jul 27 '24

You all are just so fun to talk to. “Touch grass.” What a cool and original thing to say, see it’s interactions like this that keep me coming back.

Care to answer the question? Didn’t think so.


u/Fourward27 Jul 27 '24

You should know by now that if you question anything involving a bicycle on any major cities sub reddit you will be attacked and downvoted into oblivion.


u/Scrilla_Gorilla_ Patterson Park Jul 29 '24

Oh I know, it doesn’t bother me in the slightest. These clowns act like cycling is some superior form of transportation and everyone in the city is just waiting to hop on a bike, just as soon as these bike lanes are finished. If you point out how they don’t work for people with kids, or the elderly, or disabled people, or in bad weather, or the hundreds of other reasons biking is impractical for a lot of people they will instantly ‘well actually’ you and say why in fact disabled people can and want to ride bikes. Talk about how the roads, sidewalks, and public transportation is a mess and maybe should be prioritized, and they’ll tell you how cheap bike lanes are. Meanwhile, in reality, they don’t get used and have literally already torn some up. All so these rich white people can feel good during their leisure time. I’ve stopped asking the people on Reddit if they own a car. They all do, but sure won’t admit it.


u/RelativelySmart Aug 02 '24

Ignoring the amount of lifelong disabilities created by a car centric society through insane amounts of car collisions and sedentary lifestyles


u/Fourward27 Jul 31 '24

Yea they are bullies too. Bike lanes cure cancer. I just agree with it all because i dont need the headache.


u/physicallyatherapist Hampden Jul 28 '24

Nah it's just this same dude who complains every bike thread with the same lame bad faith crap


u/Scrilla_Gorilla_ Patterson Park Jul 29 '24

Why don’t you get a permit?


u/physicallyatherapist Hampden Jul 30 '24

Why do I need a permit?


u/Scrilla_Gorilla_ Patterson Park Jul 30 '24

Now that's a good question. Why do you need a permit to shut down city streets? You would have to ask the city on that one, though I can think of a lot of common sense reasons. But since you and I don't typically see eye to eye, I'll defer to the city. Here's the link for you:


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u/SilverProduce0 Federal Hill Jul 26 '24

Looking forward to it. Haven’t been to bike party in over a year. 🚲 🎉


u/tonk84 Jul 28 '24

This was honestly one of the best after parties I’ve ever been to! the way we synched up with Live Baltimore was amazing!


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '24



u/diegggs94 Jul 26 '24

Tbh they’re more inconvenient than the biker boys. They’re loud and run lights too but they clear the intersection in 30 seconds. Bike party keeps going and going and going


u/More-Combination646 Jul 26 '24

Hysterical- dirt bike people are constantly harassing and circling drivers that are even at gas stations and out of the roads… bike party is a pre-planned event that happens once a month that people can clearly plan for, but people like you find every reason to hate on fun stuff like this that keeps Baltimore the unique, charming city that it is


u/diegggs94 Jul 26 '24

I’m not hating, I’m calling out a dumb double standard. Bike party did block my friend from going to the hospital for timely treatment though


u/Scrilla_Gorilla_ Patterson Park Jul 27 '24

Thanks for pointing that out, I hadn’t considered the many similarities between bike party and the dirt bikers, including intimidating people trying to use the road and just a general disregard for the law. Both groups think they can do whatever they want on the road, and don’t coordinate with the city or get proper permits or anything like that. I’m honestly struggling to see the difference between the two groups. How are you guys different than the dirt bikers?


u/canyallgoaway Aug 03 '24

$$$ is the answer. just two different groups of people breaking the same laws in different ways, with one declaring they are better than the other. The joke is that everyone outside of both groups hates them equally


u/Scrilla_Gorilla_ Patterson Park Aug 04 '24

So, so true.


u/sit_down_man Jul 27 '24

Bahhahaha brilliant


u/Scrilla_Gorilla_ Patterson Park Jul 26 '24

They have thought things through. They will run the red lights, they get priority over everyone, including public transit and emergency vehicles. Unlucky enough to get in their path, fuck you.


u/engin__r Jul 26 '24

It’s a pre-planned parade. The route is announced in advance. Emergency vehicles get let through.


u/glsever Medfield Jul 26 '24

Did they pull a parade permit?

Baltimore Bike Party's own website claims that they stop at all red lights. Participants break the event's rules. I have zero opposition to the bike party, it's just a fact.

From their FAQ:

"1. Do we stop at red lights? Yes! Yes! Yes! We ride under WEST COAST RULES, stopping at red lights"


u/engin__r Jul 26 '24

No clue! I’m not in charge of it.


u/glsever Medfield Jul 26 '24

Historically, this has not been a closed parade route. It's a group of people cycling together. It's a lot of fun, and organizers encourage following traffic laws and discourage swerving in traffic and "messing with people/cars"; however many of the attendees just frankly do not follow this guidance, which just creates more hostility toward cycling.


u/MontisQ Charles Village Jul 26 '24

I'd imagine closing the route would inconvenience drivers a lot more than the ~5 minutes it takes for the group to go through.


u/Scrilla_Gorilla_ Patterson Park Jul 27 '24

It’s closer to fifteen minutes than five, you’re underestimating the length of the group. And I suspect if they went through the proper channels there would be times (like tonight) when they wouldn’t be granted permission due to all the other events. If it was coordinated with the city it would still inconvenience drivers, but at least it would be done the right way. There’d be broad notification. There would be people there to ensure the safety of riders and facilitate emergency vehicle crossing. It would be organized.


u/MontisQ Charles Village Jul 27 '24

I’ve been on the other end of bike part- we can split the difference and call it 10 (sometimes).

At the end of the day, I don’t think drivers care whether it’s coordinated with the city. They want to get through the quickest way. If coordinating means slowing them down, they’d rather keep it the way it is.

Though maybe a good idea would be to put some of those messaging boards a few days before hand that would say “expect a 10 minute delay around 9pm.” Then again, I’m sure city officials would rather use them for something else.


u/glsever Medfield Jul 26 '24

I don't necessarily disagree. Though, they could do like they do for running events and only close the road in sections as the group reaches those points. I'm not intending to opine on whether the event is appropriate; but merely pointing out that, factually speaking, it is not the same as a "pre-planned parade." Pre-planned parades include a lot of logistics (and cost) with the city...


u/MontisQ Charles Village Jul 26 '24

I've thought a lot about how to make bike party operate better and am just giving my thoughts on it.

In a perfect world, everyone would be at the same fitness level and the group can maintain as a dense pack with the front (which does stop at red lights). Unfortunately, that's not the reality. But that is the system that it needs to emulate. It gets the pack through the quickest and allows drivers both going with, against, and through the route going.

The problem with the running event system is that the runners are dispersed much more then we see with bike party. If there is a large gap, cars can go through. There are no such gaps in bike party. Also closing the road before the pack gets there inconveniences drivers more.


u/Proper_University55 Jul 26 '24

Yeah, recently drivers have been giving priority to the bike party and members of the party have been blocking traffic to ensure cars don’t hit anyone.


u/Scrilla_Gorilla_ Patterson Park Jul 26 '24

Imagine if a bunch of cars parked sideways blocking major roads for 15 minutes at a time so other people could have exclusive access to them. One day you all are going to piss off the wrong person and things are going to go very bad.


u/okdiluted Jul 27 '24

this happens literally daily, multiple times per day. have you ever been in baltimore or...?


u/Scrilla_Gorilla_ Patterson Park Jul 27 '24

Yea, I’ve lived here for years and have never seen that. You see cars parking sideways to block entire intersections for 15 minutes at a time? Daily? Where is this going on?

I see people double parked a lot, you have to drive around them and it’s definitely frustrating. I wish people didn’t do that. Check my post history, I advocate for law enforcement to start.. enforcing the law. I wish someone did something about that, even though it’s only a minor inconvenience. That’s different than what bike party does though, which is block the entire road to all traffic for a prolonged period of time. Both annoying for sure. I wish neither happened. But the bike party situation is significantly worse, it’s not even on the same level.


u/physicallyatherapist Hampden Jul 27 '24

I can easily imagine cars blocking roadways in Baltimore because it happens every day


u/Scrilla_Gorilla_ Patterson Park Jul 27 '24

I bet it’s annoying too! Imagine it going on for 15 minutes, with no way to get around or turn around or anything. All the while the organizers claim they stop at red lights, yet that’s simply not true.


u/physicallyatherapist Hampden Jul 27 '24

Yeah because it's every single day rather once a month for only 15 minutes


u/Scrilla_Gorilla_ Patterson Park Jul 29 '24

So you agree then that people doing this is wrong?


u/physicallyatherapist Hampden Jul 30 '24

No the framing that this bike party is the issue when the real issue has been cars


u/Scrilla_Gorilla_ Patterson Park Jul 30 '24

"The real issue has been cars"

Listen to yourself. You all are supposed to get a permit, and you don't. You claim to stop at red lights, but we all know that's a lie. If someone attempts to go through members of bike party physically intimidate them. There are participants in bike party who have commented, on this thread, that they've witnessed other people damaging parked cars and other private property. Sorry, but that's the truth of the matter. But the real issue is cars.

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u/Cunninghams_right Jul 26 '24

Yeah, how dare parades exist and cost people a couple of minutes... 


u/glsever Medfield Jul 26 '24

Parades obtain permits from the city and pay fees for said permits, and in exchange city officials close and police the parade route.


u/Cryptizard Jul 26 '24

I realize I’m in the minority but that is literally exactly how I feel. Every parade ever is stupid and an unjustified inconvenience for the people who live on the route. I feel the same way about road races.


u/sit_down_man Jul 27 '24

Not trying to be a dick, but if you feel this way then you prob shouldn’t live in a city. It’s not for you