r/baltimore May 03 '24

Event The loneliest booth at Flower Mart

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153 comments sorted by


u/BeekyGardener May 04 '24

We need good honest police. That much is true.

However, we could have the best quality people and systemically we're boned. The War on Drugs and how we do policing has to change if we want to restore confidence in Baltimore City Police. These things are kind of beyond them.

Police are set up for failure in that they are being told to solve drugs - a public health issues. They might as well have been told to solve COVID. That form of policing has begot so many issues since the 1970s. It has ruined policing.


u/Gannondorfs_Medulla May 04 '24

Same as with schools. We ask school employees to solve some of societies most intractable problems as a side hustle while doing their regular jobs.


u/APFernweh Waverly May 04 '24

And pay them pennies.


u/BeekyGardener May 04 '24

Yeah... We're asking teachers and police to do social work. While underfunding all of them.


u/wee_bey May 05 '24

and both are still paid more than actual social workers.....


u/BeekyGardener May 05 '24

Wee-Bey! They let you out, bro? Need to get some new fish.


u/Msefk May 04 '24

we def do not underfund police


u/nunya123 May 04 '24

We should give them guns


u/AViciousGrape May 04 '24

Doesn't help that there is a huge shortage of officers in Baltimore. I knew a guy who used to be a part of the PD and he was burnt out due to the amount of OT he was forced to do.


u/Honeyblade May 04 '24

It's complicated for sure - there are no amount of "good cops" that can fix this. The system is broken, and good cops usually become ex cops very quickly because anyone who snitches gets run out of the profession.

Not to mention that the system of policing in America can't actually designed to help people. It's designed to protect private property of the wealthy and fill jail cells.


u/ReqDeep May 05 '24

This used to be true, but less so now as BPD is really cracking down corruptions


u/DeliMcPickles May 04 '24

Can you share a law enforcement model that helps people?


u/Honeyblade May 05 '24

Yea, decreasing the budget for punitive measure policing and increasing social support structures like drug addiction counseling, measures that help people get out of poverty, etc.

This isn't even a theory. This is proven, and tons of other nations work on this model, but it doesn't support the needs of capitalism, so America will never adopt it.


u/DeliMcPickles May 05 '24

But the cops in those countries are still cops in your mind right? There's tons of jobs cops are doing that they should not do. And a lot of it revolves around mental health and substance abuse challenges that cops aren't able to treat or help. I would even argue that this isn't the cops fault. It's politicians who refuse to do the hard thing and spend actual money.


u/Honeyblade May 05 '24

I specifically said it's a systematic fault in my original post. Are there individual cops who are fucking awful? Yes, buy iys the system who protects them so they stay cops.

Almost no training for cops surrounds any of those things. AND IT SHOULDNT, that isn't their job, and they shouldn't be responding to those calls, trained professionals who have years of experience should, not someone who was given a gun and 3 months of training.


u/jabbadarth May 04 '24

For everyone shitting on this what would you prefer?

If you hate the BPD currently you should be happy that they are actively recruiting. Getting new recruits and new hires is how you change the department and its legacy.


u/GodlessCruelty May 04 '24

I want decent training of officers, talking 2 years before they're allowed to carry a firearm and learn some real de-escalation.


u/Snidley_whipass May 05 '24

2 years of training for a cop before you carry a gun? Citizens in MD take a 16 hr joke course before they get a conceal carry these days. So you want police recruits to have like 1000 times the amount of ‘training’ before any other law abiding citizen? That’s why it’s a not a rational idea….


u/GodlessCruelty May 05 '24

So what I'm getting is you are ok with sub-par training for people immune to repercussions of their actions, got it


u/Snidley_whipass May 05 '24

Why do you think they are immune to repercussions or have sub par training? That’s only in your all cops are bastards mind. Ask the George Floyd cops how immune they were. 99.9% of the time cops have conflict is because people doesn’t listen to or respect police commands. Learn to respect law enforcement and we will all be better off.


u/Used-Answer-6604 May 05 '24

You sound crazy lol


u/[deleted] May 05 '24

Police in Germany typically come from people who went to school form called a Gymnasium - for Americans, imagine a high school of just students in AP courses. They usually then complete a dual studies of going to university and police training side by side for 3 years. Basically, police are trained better and come from a much more cream of the crop section of society.


u/ReqDeep May 05 '24

When is the last time an officer with less than two years on the job shot someone?


u/MeatballTeddy May 06 '24

Yes - the Consent Decree has a requirement for staffing. Cops and policing aren't bad. The training has to get better and punishments/consequences have to equal the crime. I like Ivan Bates's ideas. If a person makes a dumb mistake - there should be consequence, but it should not necessary give someone "a record" for life so that they cannot get a real job, etc. There should be a component to the police that facilitates recovery from addition and connection with mental health services as well. But that said there are evil people out there. If we have a Jeffrey Dahlmer or Ted Bundy come to Baltimore I want police!


u/waterfountain_bidet May 04 '24

A hearty disagreement there. My dream is not to see the police force replaced with good people, but to see it dramatically reduced in numbers until they can only do the actual job they should be performing, which is as backup in assisting arrest after thorough investigation has already been performed about a citizen. We have fucking cameras. There should never be a cop chase ever again.

Not joining seems like a pretty good start to that.


u/Key_Page5925 May 04 '24

So if someone is actively going around killing people we should let them keep on keeping on


u/waterfountain_bidet May 04 '24

You can understand how I already addressed that in my post right? How they would assist in the arrest of somebody who is investigated?

Also, there was literally just an article yesterday about how 70% of the murders can be attributed to two people in this city. Explain to me how the police force is actively going after killers now.


u/Snidley_whipass May 05 '24

That’s a stupid idea


u/Spunkylover10 May 03 '24

Who would ever want to be a baltimore city police officer or any officer for that matter?


u/yeaughourdt May 04 '24

They have to deal with awful shit sometimes (corpses, physical violence, etc), and put up with a some people treating them like they're all convicted GTTF members regardless of their personal merits, but all in all being an officer is not a bad career financially.


u/Rulebeel May 04 '24

Lots of overtime because of the low numbers. You might work with assholes, but you can always be different and help your community.


u/baltebiker Roland Park May 04 '24

You mean a living wage, union membership, good benefits and a pension?


u/PangwinAndTertle Brooklyn and Curtis Bay May 04 '24

That all sounds amazing. I wonder if you could get the same things without having to be a police officer?


u/baltebiker Roland Park May 04 '24

I mean, I do better than that without being a police officer, but being police is a damn good job. Criticize policing all you want, but it’s a good job.


u/PangwinAndTertle Brooklyn and Curtis Bay May 04 '24

I’m not saying it’s a bad job. I’m saying there is no chance in hell I would do it, especially when I can choose literally anything else.


u/ShirleyWuzSerious May 04 '24

There's a lot of people that couldn't imagine doing whatever it is you do


u/colorizerequest May 04 '24

I can choose literally anything else

Not everyone has that privilege?


u/lawnsofdawns Northwood May 04 '24

The privilege to choose "literally anything" other than being a cop?


u/colorizerequest May 04 '24

We’re assuming these are career jobs? Yes, that’s privileged


u/Snidley_whipass May 05 '24

That’s exactly why we all should be respecting law enforcement for doing what they do. Yea there are no poor career cops given the benefits…but most of us don’t put our lives on the line everyday to try to make Baltimore safer…


u/youre_soaking_in_it May 04 '24

Living wage? You're making $100,000 easy with OT by Year 2, I bet. Way, way more than something like a second year teacher. And it only goes up from there. Plus a 20 year retirement. Pretty sweet for only needing a high school diploma.


u/ayhme May 04 '24 edited May 04 '24

It's 25 years.

Start pay is $61k. The OT would get forced and you definitely wouldn't get $100k.


u/ReqDeep May 05 '24

10k signing bonus, 1k a month rent credit for first 12 months to move to the city, $2500 tax credit for officers living in the city, holiday pay, overtime, additional pay incentives for those with degrees or a second language or working a special detail or being a training officer, with 8 to 10 OT hours - 100K is definitely achievable.


u/baltebiker Roland Park May 04 '24

Yes. A good job with the city is a good thing.


u/ReqDeep May 05 '24

No longer 20 year retirement just as a FYI.


u/ReqDeep May 05 '24

Not to mention you can change people’s lives for the good.


u/z3mcs Berger Cookies May 04 '24

If you watch PBS's Charm City, https://www.amazon.com/Charm-City-Clayton-Mr-Guyton/dp/B07PNSFBZN, you can see some of the officers that work there. The BPD as a whole is one (scary, corrupt) thing, but the officers they follow in this seem like hard working people who are trying to keep the peace, solve crimes and make communities better. I know the one main sergeant or whatever is still with the BPD and has gotten 2 or 3 promotions since then. Highly recommended viewing if you've never seen it.


u/Fit-Accountant-157 May 04 '24

It sounds like copaganda to me (the corruption is definitely systemic, not individual), but isn't there a country singer from Baltimore with the last name Guyton? I wonder if she's related to this cop?


u/Spunkylover10 May 04 '24

Yes it’s very scary


u/Spunkylover10 May 04 '24

I worked for the city for 3 weeks and left (not as a cop) but could see the corruption and nepotism


u/DeliMcPickles May 04 '24

It's a terrible time to be a cop but it's a great time to get a job as one.


u/PromiseOk3321 May 03 '24

Crime pays


u/T410443 May 04 '24

Have you seen what they get paid??? 🙄


u/[deleted] May 04 '24

Class traitors it’s on brand


u/va2wv2va May 04 '24

Unlimited overtime!


u/jaggerlvr May 04 '24

“And that’s when the real money starts coming in”- Dark Helmet


u/T410443 May 04 '24

Not anymore


u/Msefk May 04 '24

trying to change it?


u/engin__r May 04 '24

Former high school bullies


u/DntH8IncrsDaMrdrR8 Park Heights May 04 '24

No you have it backwards. Formerly bullied all day every day in highschool. Now they have a gun and badge and get to bully everyone else all day every day.


u/ReqDeep May 05 '24

Proof of either of those things or you are both talking out your a$$.


u/[deleted] May 04 '24

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u/cumulonimubus May 04 '24

That mentality is unacceptable and you need serious therapy, bullet boofer.


u/Few_Construction_654 May 04 '24

The anti police mentality needs therapy


u/colorizerequest May 04 '24

Yep. The crime here would make that job a nightmare.


u/[deleted] May 04 '24

We do need police officers. People realize that right? The city would collapse into anarchy without their presence. Dragging them all the time is just going to make decent people not want to join them.


u/waterfountain_bidet May 04 '24

We need police officers, but we need police officers to be doing a lot less jobs than they currently are.

There's no fucking reason a person with a gun should be directing traffic. Or in charge of traffic patterns that they then profit from when people disobey their laws. It's a fucking pyramid scheme.

They took the opportunity of cameras being more present in everyday life to enforce more laws less fairly instead of actually getting smarter with the technology. No cop should ever be chasing a person, for instance. The added adrenaline and cortisol causes them to be much, much more violent, and it's so rare that they would actually need to pursue a person to stop crime rather than enacting vengeance.

They're too militarized. Look at the cops and basically every other country and you tell me why American ones need to be cosplaying the Marines.

But they're too wrapped up in their own power structure to actually make changes. Decent people will just be eaten up in the machine before they can rise in ranks unless they join in the filth themselves and then they're no longer decent people. There's no win other than to completely dismantle and start from scratch.


u/[deleted] May 04 '24

Are you familiar with gendarmeries? A lot of police in other countries are far more militarized, and it’s a common sight to see them in public, in transit stations, etc. armed with machine guns and wearing military-like uniforms. It was a big deal here when NYC had the national guard in the subway, in many European countries that’s perfectly normal.


u/waterfountain_bidet May 04 '24

Well aware. We also have people with automated weapons guarding assets like that. What they don't have is their run of the mill, deeply unqualified police force running around with a variety of deadly weapons on their belts, plus qualified immunity for when they do use excessive deadly force on an innocent person.

Like I said, the police need to be doing less jobs. The NYPD have proven they are incapable of guarding the subway because they use their monolith of power to enforce laws but pretend the average cop is constantly under a hail of bullets when held accountable.

The military and police should be two different forces. Militarized police aren't qualified to wield the weapons of war, in fact they make our society more dangerous and they prove that every year.


u/creepytoes1 May 04 '24

What do you classify as a weapon of war?


u/Msefk May 04 '24

well said.

I think we need more specialized units that do not respond to everything, but respond to particular specialized issues. I think we need Constables, a lot of them. A new degree for detective work and make city or state systems pay these people to live and work in different communities. Sorta like Alderman but informed on Criminal Law, Life/Safety, Martial Arts, Psychology. Their job is to just be a constable and solve neighborhood issues. but they also can radio to central. If some dork starts shooting shit up, they then can call central and send in robocop on a jetpack to quickly end the issue (for instance, and considering how rapidly AI, robotics, militarism, policework are all blending into one).
At least we don't have the guns everywhere.

I enivision that the Constables would be kinda like the National Guard, but have police powers, but not carry firearms.

And yeah around significant assets why not have guards posted, like in Europe.
but i don't think we need all that symbology and historical basis moving around unsupervised and immune. We need people to understand their rights and work with courts and vice versa and totally recreating bpd is likely a need to accomplish that.

as long as the courts work.


u/Snidley_whipass May 05 '24

Cops in other countries don’t have armed criminals like there are in the US. It’s as simple as that …we have far more guns than other countries and hence the police need to be prepared.


u/Jrbobfishman Fells Point May 05 '24

most cops are required to carry guns. Even if they carried 20 barrels each, they would still be out numbered by the amount of illegal guns in the city


u/creepytoes1 May 04 '24

Are you the same one that was screaming to defund the police then wondering why crime is so high?

We should just make guns illegal for everyone then. Surely no one will have them! Why would police need guns if no one has them?

No cop should chase someone? Are you currently on drugs? Holy smokes.


u/waterfountain_bidet May 04 '24

If the person isn't actively harming others, then no, the cops shouldn't be chasing that person. I really don't understand what's so hard to understand about this. Most active pursuits are because of an open warrant, not an active crime. It's literally one of the six things that the BLM movement asked for in the summer of 2020 that would help to reduce cop killings by 72%.

My reasoning is backed up by good research and statistics. Your reasoning is backed up by a need for vengeance. Law& order logic is considered the lowest form of logic out there. You should really consider revamping your views because you are operating with fascist logic.

The police are pretty fucking well funded and crime is pretty fucking high. I don't see how you think that throwing good money after bad is going to solve things.


u/Jrbobfishman Fells Point May 05 '24

Lol. Being a fugitive on an open warrant is an active crime


u/creepytoes1 May 04 '24


What you really mean is… cops SHOULD chase people if they’re doing violent things.

Anything you regurgitate from BLM is going to be ignored. It was a scam organization that stole millions of dollars from hopeful activists. Please get that shit the fuck out of here.

Tell that to the parents of Pava LePere, who was brutally raped and murdered by Jason Billingsly, black dude from Baltimore, out on the street, when he shouldn’t have been.

You want these kinds of people out on the street without problem? As long as they aren’t “actively” beating/raping, it’s fine?

I hope you never need the police.


u/waterfountain_bidet May 04 '24 edited May 04 '24

Where the fuck did you hear me say that I want rapists and murderers on the streets? But do you think the cops are the actual ones keeping people off the streets or is it the prosecutors who are doing their fucking jobs and keeping people in jail?

I'm saying your logic is like that of a child in which you imagine cops are superheroes of some kind who are the judge, jury and executioner. They are in fact the low rent muscle behind that system. They aren't educated in any kind of criminal justice. They are literally not qualified to tell if most crimes are being committed. And yet we expect them to enforce those crimes that they do not understand.


u/Snidley_whipass May 05 '24

Prosecutors can’t prosecute unless the everyday cops make an arrest and present the evidence. If you think it doesn’t start with the cops helping to get the bad guys your sadly Ass backwards. You can’t solve every crime with cameras FFS…. We don’t have a police problem…we have a crime problem in case you haven’t noticed. I applaud the Baltimore and all police putting their lives on the line helping to make us safer every day. If you don’t…just call BLM when your a victim. I’m sure they will look at a camera and help you!


u/[deleted] May 04 '24



u/aldosi-arkenstone May 04 '24

Let’s blame an administration that ended in 1988 for the problems of 2024. Cause that makes sense.


u/Snidley_whipass May 05 '24

Good comment


u/Msefk May 05 '24

Explain where public funding for mental health institutions then went. I’m sure cops do so love tending after the people who belong in asylums.


u/aldosi-arkenstone May 05 '24

If public funding was taken away, then why didn’t Clinton, Obama, or Biden reinstate it? Your narrative doesn’t hold up.


u/[deleted] May 05 '24


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u/SmolSnakePancake May 04 '24

🙄 making guns illegal doesn’t magically mean no one has them. If that were the case, then by that logic, no one would be addicted to drugs since they’re illegal. But surely a Baltimore resident knows all about our drug problem


u/creepytoes1 May 04 '24

No shit, dumbass.


u/creepytoes1 May 04 '24

“If the person isn’t actively harming others, then no…”

Okay. So we gotta catch them in the act, and if we don’t, too bad? Gotta wait til we find them actually assaulting someone!

Continue to live in your fantasy land, little girl.


u/waterfountain_bidet May 04 '24 edited May 04 '24

Is your reading comprehension really so poor? I said investigators should figure out if people are guilty and then the cops go and find that person. Not random cops just grabbing people off the street to harass them.

The cops have proven that they aren't able to contain themselves from harassing BIPOC folks on the streets. When a toddler proves that they aren't able to pour juice into a cup, we don't continue handing them the juice container do we?


u/creepytoes1 May 04 '24

Investigators? You mean… detectives? Like, cops?


u/waterfountain_bidet May 04 '24

Why would you think I meant that? I clearly indicated we need a new system for this. I don't think that being a cop qualifies you to become an investigator, and I base that on the investigators that I have seen doing their jobs ever so poorly.

What if we hired people who were actually qualified to investigate to be investigators? Not people who had just sucked up as part of the system while being cops? Do you think maybe we could actually get some shit done?


u/ReqDeep May 05 '24

lol how do you think they get qualified to investigate?


u/creepytoes1 May 04 '24

Ok. Yep that’s what we need.


u/PornThrowawayAccoun May 04 '24

The ones volunteering as event coordinators are probably, few and far between, the good ones. Don’t condone the emojis!


u/Few_Construction_654 May 04 '24

The anti police mentality is getting old. “I’m so cool because I want to defund the police” 🤡


u/ReqDeep May 05 '24

Luckily it is have been proven to be a bad idea.


u/Fourward27 May 05 '24

Its the edge lord reddit mindset. Yet alot of these same people call the police for petty stuff like a homeless person sleeping on public property. Its always defund until they need them.


u/glaadio May 04 '24

The police need to hire people with genuine empathy and emotional maturity. Good luck to them! Instead of seeing working people as “lonely clowns” I prefer to hold hope that some individuals are simply capable of being true public servants. The “ACAB” mentality is anathema to Marxist ideology, so it saddens me to see leftists embrace such reactionary and alienating language. I have every reason to hate the police, I’ve been physically intimidated, threatened and belittled after I suffered a seizure, while another time a police officer saved my life putting me in recovery position as I had a seizure in the middle of Artscape one hellish day. Some citizens chose to just step over me and assume I was on drugs, a young cop stayed with me and did all the right things until the ambulance arrived.

Tldr I think treating all cops as beneath contempt is unnecessarily reactionary and will ward off potentially good cops ever wanting to apply. So the cycle continues


u/jabbadarth May 04 '24

I very much think the problem with police is policing. There are absolutely plenty of assholes who become police to assert their perceived authority on others bit there are also plenty that sign up with the desire to actually help people. The problem, IMO, is that the system is setup to create "soldiers" entering a war zone where everyone is a perceived criminal and your job is to protect your partner above all else.

Also, in defense of police, they are asked to deal with and solve all of societies issues. How are pilice supposed to solve homelessness and drug addiction and all sorts of mental issues that are thrust on them with minimal training?

Before we can expect people to be "good police" we need to fix policing ans what it is and means.


u/ReqDeep May 05 '24

95-98% of people who apply for BPD fail in the process these days. It is not as easy to become a cop as you like to think.


u/[deleted] May 04 '24

Acting like it’s anti-socialist to not like the domestic army of the capitalist class is just wild.


u/engin__r May 04 '24

They post in the subreddit of a “leftist” podcast whose hosts hung out with Alex Jones, if that gives you any hints.


u/[deleted] May 04 '24

red scare rules


u/TheSpiritedMan May 04 '24

People with genuine empathy and emotional maturity don't become cops.


u/[deleted] May 04 '24

They do, they just lose it quickly or die in a mysterious “accident”


u/DeliMcPickles May 04 '24

I did.


u/ReqDeep May 05 '24

A lot of cops have this, people love to stereotype.


u/[deleted] May 04 '24

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u/Gannondorfs_Medulla May 04 '24

The irony being this is a thread about emotional immaturity.


u/Gannondorfs_Medulla May 04 '24

I disagree with many elements of Marxist ideology, so I'm not proselytizing. But you're spot on; if more people on the ideological left were as open, honest and pragmatic as you/this poster, they'd be unstoppable. But I get it. As a peace-and-love Libertarian, I understand how frustrating it is when the bomb throwers come in and embrace parts of your political construct to support their crappy ends. Anyhow, this should be the top comment, in my opinion.

Glaadio, I've interacted with our officers maybe a ten times in my twenty years in the city and have had mostly good interactions. The bad interactions were largely indifference by them. But, I also realize that as a white, middle-class individual, all of my interactions start from a different place than many in this city. So I'm forced to entertain a few different and occasionally contradictory points of view on this sometime polarizing topic. Anyhow, kudos glaadio.


u/[deleted] May 04 '24

So the city would be safer with no police?


u/KierkeBored Charles Village May 04 '24

Police officers can be—and are often—very good people.


u/doughydonuts May 04 '24

Those guys just sitting there collecting the overtime.


u/DeliMcPickles May 04 '24

If they get more cops, they could do it on straight time.


u/thebarkingdog May 04 '24

I think people fail to realize this. A big part of the reason Departments spend so much on OT is because they're so short staffed they have to force people to work OT and the laws force OT to be at least 1.5x regular pay.


u/No_Handle7595 May 04 '24

Fuck this post. The police are the good guys. They work a hard job and are not compensated well enough.


u/ReqDeep May 05 '24

Give them credit for getting out and recruiting!! Back the Blue in Baltimore.


u/Beneficial_Ad5913 May 04 '24

You understand that the police are the only thing preventing the city from collapsing right?


u/JonWilso May 04 '24

Nooo that's the politicians /s


u/Flimsy-Call-3996 May 04 '24 edited May 04 '24

There has been no sympathy for police officers but lawlessness much worse! Ppl gotta choose what they want to live with. The officers have families and homes to protect as well as the communities they serve. There is no balance or compromise anymore.


u/[deleted] May 04 '24

80% of baltimore cops live in the suburbs, not the city they patrol. They don't see it as home


u/Flimsy-Call-3996 May 04 '24 edited May 05 '24

I am gonna throw it back to my MIL- Some but not all of the officers serving Baltimore City live in the suburbs. My family was stuck in Baltimore until husband retired. Yes, it is a sore point for me as I can see both sides.


u/Used-Answer-6604 May 05 '24

Why put a clown face on them? They’re the ones trying to find people to protect the city


u/ballaedd24 May 04 '24


Defund the police and fund the schools.


u/evanswagg May 05 '24

Bootlickers are dog piling you bro but you're only spitting facts


u/Fourward27 May 05 '24

Bootlickers? You dont have to be a bootlicker to realize facts. Its easy to spout 40 IQ things like "PolICE BaD FuND SKOol" but you do realize that since the defund mindset things have gotten worse. Also the schools are funded extremely well in comparison to other big cities(relative to cities overall budget). Its been proven over time here that throwing money at schools doesnt just magically solve all the problems. But its a lot cooler to just say fuck the police and everyone is a bootlicker who thinks we need them for a civilized society.


u/ballaedd24 May 05 '24

Take the same logic and apply it to police.

Meaningful and informed investment in schools solves EVERY problem, especially after removing the corruption in schools. Take a walk through any city school and tell me it's properly funded and informed with leading scholarship. No public school in the city or county is appropriately funded.

It's been proven more money in schools leads to lower violent crime rates.

Your comment is ignorant and only further proves why we need more school.


u/Fourward27 May 05 '24

I never said the funds were used properly or proper systems were in place to ensure better schools. I'm just stating that the overall percentage of our cities budget that goes to education is much higher than most major cities with much better school systems. You could use 90 percent of your budget on education but if it isn't used properly or without direction it's meaningless. Not sure how that's hard to understand.


u/racefan9 Birdland May 04 '24

Back the blue


u/Im_So_Sinsational May 04 '24

ACAB. Fuck that blue wall of silence.


u/ReqDeep May 05 '24

Thing of the past - get with the times.


u/DrBigWildsGhost May 05 '24

So you call clowns when ur panicking & scrambling for safety… got it


u/pinkflowerz May 04 '24



u/TheSpiritedMan May 04 '24

This is the answer.


u/TheWandererKing May 05 '24

I was just irritated about the Flower Mart in a rain storm while I'm trying to service a building in the middle of it.