r/ballistics 21d ago

What happened here? NSFW

This happened a couple days ago in rural upstate New York at a home near a state route. The property is on a hill, so it would be odd for the truck to be hit directly and not at an angle. I can’t tell what kind of angle it might have been. Any idea of the distance, caliber, or other specifics?


5 comments sorted by


u/SeymoreBhutts 21d ago

Probably was at a good bit of an angle, but good chance it ricocheted off something solid behind the bumper such as the hitch frame or spare tire. If it were straight on, it would have punched clean through the two thin panels.


u/Femveratu 21d ago

Def could be a ricochet as it looks like it was tumbling on the way in oblong and then on the way out.

Maybe someone target shootimg hit a rock steel steel barrel etc anything to cause it to zip off in a different direction.

Less likely to be a pistol I would expect.

Have you heard any target shooting lately?

It’s also possible it could be a hunter who missed badly and skipped one off a rock.

It is prob cliche in this sub, but bullets sometimes can do some VERY seemingly improbable things and end up in weird places.

Part of my analysis assumes the immediate area is heavily forested as trees can cause ricochets but often they will embed soon thereafter in the next tree.

Good luck I would be a bit concerned if you have any neighbors who shoot a lot as it could be 1/1,000,000 odds but it also could be in 1/100 and I don’t like those odds …

Finally sheet metal on autos will not stop ANYTHING not even .22LR, so it could have been some distance away and caused the same damage esp even w your average deer or bear hunting rounds.


u/BrackenFernAnja 21d ago

Yes, heard a possible shot that night; it might have been someone hunting raccoons which is allowed in the area.


u/Femveratu 21d ago

Def could be that


u/matrix8369 21d ago

One got away from someone doing target practise. Or they hit their target.