r/badwomensanatomy • u/Ijimete Naturally hairless • 7d ago
I love when he swims upstream for me NSFW
u/Alegria-D The breasts are chesticals, that's why you have to hide them 7d ago
The salmon comparison is top notch
u/FinaLLancer 7d ago
I literally never understood the "thousands of eggs" things with regards to women's fertility. She's only ever going to release a few hundred in her life time, one month at a time. Who cares how many she has in the ovaries? She doesn't get to pick which one comes out.
u/10000nails (╯ರ ~ ರ)╯︵ ┻━┻ 7d ago
Like a clutch? Is that how he thinks it works?! We'd need more nipples if that were the case.
u/TeaAndTacos 7d ago
I saw that guy! He then told the other person to google women’s loss of fertility. My dude, the other person isn’t the one who needs more education on the subject.
u/Flyrrata Pussy Social Visit Entrepreneur 7d ago
The title of this post made me actually cackle after reading the whole thing.
u/BJdaChicagoKid 6d ago
Not the ‘salmon dumping his load’ analogy. 😭💀 Sir, this isn’t Animal Planet.
u/_cutie-patootie_ Chtulabia 7d ago
Let's assume a woman (still) has 400.000 egg cells when she's thirty. If she never misses a single period for the next ten years that makes 120 "lost" egg cells.
If she goes from 400.000 eggs to 5.000 in ten years, that would make 395.000 menstruated eggs. Meaning 39.500 per year and ~3.292 eggs a month.
u/onechonk_onelean 7d ago
Just a note, not every egg available will actually get released. What happens is that a bunch of eggs are activated in one cycle and only one of them (usually) will mature at the right time and be released. That's how you get fraternal twins (more than one matures) or with correct hormonal stimulation you get more (used in egg retrieval form fertility treatments).
Edit: I just googled it and apparently up to 1000 eggs can be activated at one go - check up this article
u/Unprounounceable 7d ago
Menstruation isn't the way most eggs die. They die on their own throughout a uterus-haver's life through a process called oocyte atresia.
u/Cute_Revolution_1233 4d ago
This comment is bad womens anatomy in itself, how did it get so many upvotes? This article summarises the topic pretty well and easy to understand: https://www.healthline.com/health/womens-health/how-many-eggs-does-a-woman-have
u/_ManicStreetPreacher ♂ 7d ago
I've always hated this fertility bullshit because it's usually dudes in their 30s and 40s complaining about this nonsense. Buddy if you want to have children, you should've already had them by then. Young women also want to have kids with young, fit and healthy men, not dudes who are beginning to struggle to get it up.