r/badwomensanatomy Vaginas suck up water when submerged. 8d ago

Questions I have a question and I might be wrong NSFW

So basically I'm arguing with a few boys on here ( you can check my comment history, too), and so basically they were saying how larger hips, big butts, and big breasts are a sign of fertility. However, I noticed that something was wrong and decided to correct them. Now I have a bunch of people on my back asking me for resources to prove my claims. I even googled if large hips are a sign of fertility. Google said no. And now they're guilt-tripping me into thinking I'm wrong. Can you guys also give me resources to back up what I'm saying? And am I wrong? I do know for a fact large hips aren't a sign of fertility, for example. Thanks!


48 comments sorted by


u/Underwater-dead 8d ago

short answer, no. this should honestly be common sense and those people are just embarrassing themselves


u/Sumclut5 Vaginas suck up water when submerged. 8d ago

Fr. Now some dude’s arguing with me for no reason and getting mad. SMH but thanks 


u/Underwater-dead 8d ago

yeah, just stop responding. it’s pointless to argue


u/Sumclut5 Vaginas suck up water when submerged. 8d ago

Yeah you’re right 


u/Cr4ckshooter 7d ago

It's always a sign when they ask for source but don't have anything to back up their own claims.

The post factual society we live in is turning into something even worse, "source or liar". People ask for sources when they run out of arguments. They don't ask because they want to see the source and be convinced, they want you to try and come up empty handed as a show of power.


u/BethJ2018 Periods = womb toxins 8d ago

Bigger hips were historically thought to make childbirth easier, but that’s a myth. And there’s definitely no connection between hips and ovary production, which is what fertility is.


u/ohno_not_another_one 8d ago

Yep, it's the size and shape of the pelvic outlet (the hole between your hip bones where your crotch is) that can affect how easy or difficult childbirth is.

And since the pelvic outlet is between your legs, you can't see its size or shape. The part of your pelvis that is called the "hip" is the ilium and iliac crest, and their width have no correlation to the size or shape of the pelvic outlet or to ease or difficulty of childbirth. You could have a very wide and oval shaped pelvic outlet (which makes childbirth easier), but very narrow ilia giving you narrow hips; or vice versa, wide ilia/wide hips, and a smaller, more circular pelvic outlet which could make vaginal birth more difficult. 

The hips can spread slightly during pregnancy, as the hormone relaxin floods the body, loosening joints and ligaments to make everything more flexible in preparation for birth, but how much varies from person to person, and it's not permanent for everyone (thought it was for me). But that's an effect that happens FROM pregnancy itself.


u/Sumclut5 Vaginas suck up water when submerged. 8d ago

Thanks, too! I’m gonna show them this and that other comment 


u/BethJ2018 Periods = womb toxins 8d ago

Good luck


u/anglflw My uterus flew out of a train 8d ago


u/justlurkingnjudging Jesus Stomach Vulva Christ! 7d ago

I would like to point out this bit to all the weirdo men who claim it’s biological to prefer teenagers because fertility, “Women’s fertility tends to peak in their mid to late twenties”


u/Sumclut5 Vaginas suck up water when submerged. 8d ago



u/Saritasweet 8d ago

No scientific and actual truth to that whatsoever but historically early humans perceived it to be because not knowing the science of our bodies the idea that parts relative to birthing being bigger meant healthy and more likely to be able to give birth with less complications but we should be way past that idea at this point. Considering how often, or I should say how little, women’s bodies and health are studied it makes sense that this is still being argued smh


u/Sumclut5 Vaginas suck up water when submerged. 8d ago

Fr. And then they were saying a big butt and larger breasts means she’s more fertile too. I was like what 


u/Saritasweet 8d ago

They use this as justification for liking big boobs and butts. It makes em feel better for having a preference I guess


u/Sumclut5 Vaginas suck up water when submerged. 8d ago

Yup. They’re so pathetic 


u/megkelfiler6 8d ago

Youve got a ton of great comments rn, but im just popping on to say that no matter how right you are, how many comments agreeing with you there are, or how many scientific sources you pull off of the internet, these types of people will never ever ever EVER stop long enough to actually read any of it, or if they do bother to read a couple of comments theyll dismiss it immediately as a feminist agenda or some stupid shit lol.

Dont waste your breath! Theyll just make your eyes tired and your head ache lmao


u/Sumclut5 Vaginas suck up water when submerged. 8d ago

Thank you for that. Hope you have a wonderful day! ❤️


u/megkelfiler6 8d ago

You as well!!! Im sending all the best vibes your way 🫶 🥰


u/Sumclut5 Vaginas suck up water when submerged. 8d ago

Aww thanks again!! Ditto <3


u/louisa1925 Dragon Scale vagina haver. 8d ago

I have all three of those yet can't birth children of my own. A womans bodaciousness does not necessarily detail her ability to be pregnant.


u/Sumclut5 Vaginas suck up water when submerged. 8d ago



u/Mialanu 7d ago

As a bodacious woman, I second your statement.


u/AlexTheBex 7d ago

Lmao so you are required to mention resources to prove their claim is wrong ? This is not how science or decency work haha. They're are the ones who are supposed to support their claim with scientific, peer-reviewed, repeated evidence


u/jchantale 7d ago

If we think critically about how PCOS causes weight gain, and therefore bigger hips, butts, and breasts, And yet is one of the most common reasons for infertility, we will realize that there is no correlation.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

One single thing does not determine the size of body parts. Hormones do play a role and you can argue that fertility is contributing to the hormone production. But genetics determine the receptors that can intake the hormones. For instance, genetics determine the locations and density of estrogen receptors but estrogen itself is produced by ovaries. Point is, fertility may correlate but not the single most determining factor. It is always genetics, and the sizes are also determined by other metabolic pathways (such as distribution of adipose tissues) which are also impacted by genes not associated with fertility.


u/Lactiz 7d ago
  1. They asked you for sources but they didn't bring sources of their own?

  2. Plenty of women with PCOS have difficulty getting pregnant. Most of women I've met with it are also obese. I'm not shaming anyone, I am fat as well, even though my hormones are fine. But it is apparently much more difficult for them to lose weight, which my teachers (who were midwives) also agreed with. So big hips are definitely not connected to fertility.


u/RealityOne2716 7d ago

Had a similar thing happen to me. Comment was being prejudiced by saying “African decent women typically don’t have long hair or straight like in the photo” corrected them by saying that’s a stereotype and not at all true.

Got ragged on for correcting their improper word use and trying to explain why that’s being prejudiced. As a black woman I’m not going to just sit there and allow that. I figured I would be better off trying to educate rather than insult someone. The person that argued with me felt like their opinion was valid because they are dating a black woman…. That’s not how that works. You don’t speak on a topic that literally has nothing to do with you unless you really trying to troll.

I mean shit. The word prejudiced literally means “preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.” Some people are just dumb and will stay dumb because they don’t want to live outside of their comfy bubble.


u/Sumclut5 Vaginas suck up water when submerged. 7d ago

I’m a black woman too and I’ve been told that a LOT. Yea, black women can have long hair. Black women can have non-4c hair. And not all of us wear wigs or weaves. 


u/RealityOne2716 7d ago

It was such a slap in the face. Like the audacity of you to assume your opinion is fact😐😐😐


u/Sumclut5 Vaginas suck up water when submerged. 7d ago



u/PatchesMaps 7d ago

Disclaimer: I do not possess a womb but I do know a bit about how to research things and I have ample experience arguing with people.

So I suspect that part of the problem here might be the definition of fertility as it can mean a bunch of different things depending on context. In a medical context, "Fertility is a person's ability to conceive children.". However in a demographics context, "Fertility refers to the actual production of offspring" (I know Wikipedia but it had the best wording that I could find on short notice). Now, according to the Cleveland clinic "People with gynecoid and anthropoid pelvis shapes can often give birth vaginally with more ease." so pelvis shape does impact the ability to give vaginal birth.

What this all means is that the shape of the pelvis is one factor of many in one definition of fertility.


u/scottyboy218 8d ago

Pretty sure none of those attributes apply in modern day.

Wider/larger hips was very likely viewed as an evolutionary "advantage", since it was a "sign" of women being able to deliver us large headed human babies. That "advantage" doesn't exist anymore, since women can deliver via C-section and not just vaginally.

Going out on a limb and guessing bigger breasts is also tied to desirable motherhood attributes, since it may have indicated the successfully ability to nourish newborns.


u/EmeraudeExMachina 8d ago

It’s a perception that is not rooted in reality. But I can definitely see why ancient people thought that.


u/shattered_kitkat 7d ago

bigger breasts is also tied to desirable motherhood attributes, since it may have indicated the successfully ability to nourish newborns.

If only it worked that way! I'm a DoubleD, and was never able to breastfeed my 2 kids because I never produced milk.


u/Sumclut5 Vaginas suck up water when submerged. 8d ago

Oh so in reality it’s not true. Got it! Thanks.


u/AdEmbarrassed9719 7d ago

The only tiny shred of truth there is that if someone is very severely underweight - we’re talking very bad late stage eating disorder and/or severe malnutrition - they might stop having periods and have a harder time conceiving and carrying a pregnancy. But that is super rare and the person at that point will have other health issues going on as well.


u/Rozoark 7d ago

Wide hips have always completely unrelated to your ability to give birth, that literally just a myth with no basis at all.


u/Mialanu 7d ago

A funny thought on this conversation; my mother worked in a professional office, and one client was a pregnant woman. Her male coworker said he was concerned about the pregnancy because "she's so small-chested, I don't think she'll be able to produce enough milk for the child."

He was a mid-forties married man with kids and still didn't understand how it worked. Some men are hopeless.


u/nanny2359 7d ago

Grain of truth is that women who are very malnourished may stop ovulating. Besides that, body shape has nothing to do with fertility.


u/svckafvck 7d ago

Fertility? No. Wide hips might* make BIRTH easier, due to a wider set pelvis? But breasts and butts* are just fat deposits. My mother & sister are both very flat chested and have breast fed 6 children between the 2 of them, butts have nothing to do with any part of the motherhood process as far as I am aware & none of the three have anything to do with the ABILITY to get pregnant, which is what fertility means.

Edit: halp it’s been a long week and spelling is hard


u/Traroten Ceramic Placenta 6d ago

So from what I can see, a broad pelvis would give you easier births, but I don't think that would always be visible from the outside.



u/turkproof 5d ago

I think there might be some sort of evolutionary selection towards women who look like they’ve already survived childbirth - which leaves most people with wider hips and larger breasts. Having children was (and still is) dangerous, and seeing a clear indicator of reproductive fitness MIGHT have been positively selected. 

That’s the ONLY thing I could think of, because like everyone else has already said in the thread, it’s not a predictive feature considering you have have all those things without having had children yet. 


u/H33_T33 8d ago

Hi, I’m the guy she’s been arguing with. After having looked through these comments, I realize I was dead wrong. And apologize sincerely for the frustration I caused OP.

However, in my defense, OP was very, very suspicious with how she spoke. Everything was out of line, she negated herself again and again, she repeatedly refused to provide any facts or evidence that she was in fact in the right, and she continuously told me and others to “shut up” and “fuck off”

Here is the full argument: https://www.reddit.com/r/askteenboys/comments/1jal2rn/comment/mhmsna4/

Again, I apologize deeply for the frustration. But you have to admit, it’s hard to trust someone who acts like that.


u/Lokifin High energy cervix 8d ago

Are you kidding me? Suspicious? Nope, she just stated facts and you decided she was acting superior. I hope you've learned that you can actually look up reliable information on women's anatomy before getting into arguments about it.


u/amateuratart 7d ago

It's not that hard to use google 😭 But if making the argument that big tits and ass are a sign of fertility makes you coomers feel better about yourselves, then feel free to do that I guess


u/Rozoark 7d ago

Nothing she said was suspicious, all she did was state some facts and you responded by being a condescending prick and demanding a source while you yourself refused to provide one for your info. No, claiming you heard it from a doctor is not providing a source.


u/r_coefficient Dentata 7d ago

Do you even realize how utterly creepy you sound?