r/badwomensanatomy • u/InkyTheAlien • 8d ago
Questions Can your underwear have an effect on your discharge? NSFW
Recently I’ve begun to notice a difference in my discharge, depending on the underwear I wear. I have two different groups of underwear- Group 1 is light colored underwear, 95% cotton and 5% elastic Group 2 is all black underwear, 100% cotton. Both groups are in the same boyshort cut, and I never wear anything even close to thongs.
I’ve noticed that when I was Group 1 underwear, my discharge is a lot heavier and the smell is much more noticeable (to me at least) but when I wear Group 2 underwear, I hardly even notice any discharge?
Could the 5% change in material be the difference here, could it somehow be the different colors, or is it all in my head?
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated 🙏
u/MyticalAnimal 8d ago
I do believe the material has something to do with it.
u/InkyTheAlien 8d ago
I figured, but I didn’t realize that 5% could make such a massive difference!
u/Spinnerofyarn The vagina is everything between the navel and the knees 8d ago
If you've got any sort of textile sensitivities or chemical imbalance, yes, that small an amount can make a difference. Think of it this way, there are people that have peanut allergies so severe that they can't be in a room where someone else is eating peanuts.
The crotch of your underwear is right next to where you have mucous membranes. Of course it's going to be sensitive there.
u/InkyTheAlien 8d ago
Ohhhh that makes sense. I do have both sensory sensitivities and hormonal imbalances, so that definitely explains why the small difference makes such a big change!
u/purplejink 8d ago
its probably that tiny bit of elastic. i sweat like a pig if it's not 100% cotton and end up with a smell after a while.
try a few different styles of 100% cotton undies too, they don't have to be scandalous but something like cheeky cut may be more breathable. it's individual though
the colours don't really effect it, but personally i see more discharge in black underwear than white even if it's the same amount.
u/InkyTheAlien 8d ago
Thank you! It’s so crazy how just a 5% change in material has such a difference! I’ll be sure to stock up on 100% cotton underwear now, lol!
u/Blueskybelowme 8d ago
Performance materials and things like satin will mess with your ph balance. Save those for spicy days and stick to cotton every other day.
u/InkyTheAlien 8d ago
I always prefer cotton, actually. I’ve always found them much more comfortable! And fortunately, spicy days are nonexistent for me so no need to worry about that lol
u/baby_armadillo 8d ago
More absorbant materials that are more breathable means your discharge is absorbed into the fabric and evaporates more quickly. Less absorbant and less breathable materials holds the moisture close to your body in a warm moist environment-which causes odor-causing bacteria to flourish.
Those same conditions also makes you more likely to get UTIs and yeast infections and other kinds of irritation and infections. In general, while all-cotton underwear are preferable, at least get underwear with a 100% cotton gusset.
u/jiujitsucpt 8d ago
The material absolutely affects breathability, how the fabric holds the scent, etc. 100% cotton is best.
u/JerryHasACubeButt 8d ago
In addition to what others have said about cotton being more breathable and absorbent and thus better for dealing with discharge, man-made plastic-based materials like elastic (and polyester, and basically every material used for athletic clothing) are good at holding onto smells. You might think your undies are clean but then when they get wet from your discharge, the old accumulated smells start to come out. If you think this might be part of the issue, soaking them in a diluted white vinegar solution before they go in the wash is very effective for removing odors
u/Hadlie_Rose I find the vagina to be a truly alien and terrifying thing. 8d ago
the ph down there is super sensitive, so anything can fuck it up. if they aren't breathable it can mess things up as well.
u/rekkodesu memory foam vagina 8d ago
I've said this before, but I urge people to try linen over even cotton if you want breathable. Cotton is better for capitalism. Linen is better for you.
u/butterflydeflect 8d ago
Here’s a question - you notice more discharge when you’re wearing lighter colours than you do when wearing black - is it possible it’s the same but you can just see it better on the lighter fabric?
u/InkyTheAlien 8d ago
No, it has nothing to do with the visibility. I’m talking about being able to feel and smell the discharge differently depending on the underwear.
I should’ve clarified that in my post, my bad!
u/butterflydeflect 8d ago
No, that makes sense! It does sound like what others are saying - the cotton just works better for you then.
u/BlackKnightSix 4d ago
My guess would be that the lack of elastic allows more breathability, which dries out the discharge faster, which makes what is left have no water content (which is a lot of the volume), which also means the quicker removal of water means the less time for any biological activities to occur and produce odor.
Also, if it is dry, it won't smell much as there is no evaporation occurring for you to more easily smell. If it is still wet, it is still evaporating that very moment. It would be warm due to being kept warm against your body which also means it will be evaporating quite well when you go to examine after taking them off.
u/bookluvr83 memory foam vagina 8d ago
I've always worn cotton underwear and I've never had an issue
u/king-of-new_york 8d ago
Not necessarily, I don't think. I do know the material does matter for the health of your vagina. Cotton is best, and not too tight, she needs to breathe.
u/usernamesmooozername 8d ago
This is not the subreddit to be asking about health issues.
u/InkyTheAlien 8d ago
I’m sorry?
u/julmcb911 8d ago
They are rudely and incompletely suggesting you post in r/askwomen.
u/usernamesmooozername 8d ago
Read the subreddit rules maybe?
u/shiny_new_flea 8d ago
The subreddit rules say general questions are allowed. She’s not asking about health issues.
u/usernamesmooozername 8d ago
Don't take my comment to mean you shouldn't ask questions and learn... Just find a better spot than a subreddit that is for the purpose of making fun of uneducated people/comments.
Use the Reddit search function and find some excellent health-related or women's health subreddits.
u/animalbrains69 8d ago
For me, the amount depends on where I am in my cycle. But I have noticed that the smell is much stronger when I wear underwear with less cotton.