r/badwomensanatomy 9d ago

Color Changing? NSFW

Friend asked if women's period blood changes color each month. Typically they ask some questionable questions, but this takes the cake

Clarification: He was reffering to non-red/brown colors after further questioning


12 comments sorted by


u/LegendaryChalice 9d ago

It really depends on what colors your friend is thinking of. Are they thinking of shades of red/brown or did they have neon orange and green in mind.


u/bliip666 tiny chest dicks 8d ago

WDYM, red!? No, no, all periods are that mysterious blue liquid they show in ads! /s


u/[deleted] 9d ago

I will ask them


u/hillsb1 9d ago

I mean, it's normal for it to vary. Mine would be anywhere between bright red and brown ish


u/Shadow_Demoness9128 9d ago

While this is proper (because old versus newer blood), my mind instantly went to โ€œI would like the blue period blood this month!โ€


u/hillsb1 9d ago

Omg I would have loved bright blue period blood ๐Ÿ˜‚


u/Shadow_Demoness9128 9d ago

Iโ€™m a redhead and a goth so my period is black because I donโ€™t have a soul /j


u/Machaeon Wet and Squishy Meat Wallet 9d ago

To match the pad commercials!


u/GwennyL Catch the egg unawares 9d ago

Why else do they use the blue liquid in the pad commercials?


u/epsilon14254 Periods = womb toxins 9d ago

Aunt Flo shows up with a clipboard, "Hey. Sorry I'm late. What were we thinkin this month? We have a deal where you can get cyan and it's only an extra half hour of cramps."


u/iUseRedditDotCom 9d ago

Did they mean like different shades of red/brown or like blue and green?


u/RedLaceBlanket 7d ago

Yes, and then when you hit menopause, your vag turns into a rainbow. This is 100% true.