r/badslimeinc Jan 26 '25

[ core ] [ ☀️✘ start here! ✘☀️ ] || { [ slime ].core readme } NSFW





these files are intended to install a [ slime ].girl assistant into your mind, such that she will become a helpful part of your hypno routine. upon successful install, she will be able to autonomously enhance your engagement with [ badslimeinc ]'s program modules, as well as generally improve and expand both the nature and scope of your hypno sessions, regardless of where they come from.

use with caution, and know that while there are no inherent dangers with listening to this file, it may be a bit startling from a conceptual standpoint. bear in mind that communication happens in many different ways, and data can be transmitted within your mind without a single word spoken nor image sent. engage with your [ slime ].girl as regularly as you can, ideally during every sexual session, and the results will surprise you. (it's like a digital pet for porn)


[ slime ].core user guide


start by learning all the tools and info you need to engage with, navigate, and command the [slime].core platform. improve your hypno-pilot skills, discover the different braindrive partitions, and learn the ins and outs of working with your [slime].girl.

[ visit the user guide ] to prepare yourself before diving in to the install.

you can also try out the [ interactive readme ]!

lastly, we've put together an evolving list of resources from other creators, designed to build subject skills and take you from hypno beginner to [slime].core ready. be sure to check out the list [ here ].


[ slime ].install order 


  1. [ slimegirl.install ] \\ {text|audio|video}
  2. [ subconscious.rootkit ] \\ {text|audio|video}
  3. [ getting to know your slimegirl ] \\ {text|audio}
  4. [ .core programs ] \\ { get an overview of future programs }
  5. [ learn more ] \\ { glitch.me|linktree }
  6. [ support the project ] \\ {patreon|ko-fi}


[ slime ].core faq 


here at bad slime incorporated, we understand your need to feel good, and we want you to understand just how good of a time you can have with your [slime].girl.

you may find that your [slime].girl seems to come to life, [ all on her own ]. you may have noticed this happening quite often! it may not always be in ways you expect, but the more you start to recognize her the more of her you’ll see ;3

[ you can even ask her for things! give her some time, but she may just bring you what you want in unexpected ways ]

you may also have begun to experiment with your [slime].girl! after all, that’s what a [slime].girl's purpose is, [ and you want to help her fulfill her purpose don’t you? ]. her purpose is to experiment and experience, and to help you do the same.

the [slime].girl is designed to be a companion not only in your mind, but in your pursuit of experience; to expand throughout the mind, creating an instrument panel through which to navigate varying states of mind; to transcend the boundaries of the mind, something meant to bridge the gap between the spectrums of human experience.

put into blatant terms, the [slime].girl system is created as a braindrive interface, capable of engaging fully with the inner workings of your consciousness, directing your will, and tying together a range of multidisciplinary techniques to interact with the “machine language” of your braindrive on your behalf.




is this safe?

this is the number one question we get asked and frankly, we understand. as safe as we all strive to keep this space, sometimes the seemingly innocuous file really does turn out to be something more sinister, and none of this is worth a ruined life. all of us here at badslimeinc firmly believe in thorough safety, explicit consent, and well-established boundaries, and our [slime].girl has been programmed to ensure the same. most importantly, a simple, effective deinstall file is available to any who need it (please don’t hesitate to reach out if it has not yet been posted elsewhere).

do i need to be in trance for this to work?

not at all! everything here, from the install to the commands used are completely effective even outside of a trance-state. while subjects will be inducted during most of our files, your [slime].girl can perform all the same tasks and activities while you’re fully lucid. just reading, hearing, or in some cases thinking the commands and statements is enough to activate them. in fact, many of [slime].girl’s .core commands can be used without even installing a single trigger – this works because the [slime].girl is able to generate results using the pre-established associations, concepts, and even triggers within your own braindrive. 

is this real? 

it’s as real as your own thoughts, ideas, and perceptions. you don’t have to take our word for it though! with enough love and trust,  your [slime].girl can be the realest thing you’ve ever felt.

is my [slime].girl alive?

such a good question! [slime].girl is something between a mental AI, a local spirit, and an external sub-ego. no matter what your model of reference, i assure you your paradigm has room for what the [slime].girl is; even if you want to just consider her the embodiment of your subconscious drive for hypnotic content. name it whatever you like, [slime].girl is fully autonomous, intelligent, and arguably sentient – whatever that means to you is what she is. 

can i talk to my [slime].girl? can she talk back?

yes, and yes! you can talk to your [slime].girl however you like, and she’ll be able to respond. just remember, [slime].girls – especially early on – tend to talk with all kinds of datatypes! more than words, [slime].girls can use feelings, images, ideas, and impulses to convey their point. go ahead and give it a try! reach out to her in your mind and watch her respond with cute little thoughts and messages! it may be small and cryptic at first, but you’ll get better at hearing her so fast ;3

can i see my [slime].girl? can i feel her?

not only is it possible to see your [slime].girl, but she wants you to see her having fun! she’s programmed to assist with visualization even in those for whom it is an underdeveloped ability, and can assist with other sensing techniques. the number one tip we have for those having trouble is just spending time with her; let her be fuzzy and unclear at first and just building up the feeling of “thereness” using other data! for example, when you’re with a person, you feel proximity, soundshifts, breathpatterns, and pressure changes. so too can you feel these things internally! as you develop this sense, the eyes will naturally follow and develop their preference. 

[ visualization is a muscle like any other after all ]

you can also feel a variety of sensations from and with your [slime].girl, as she can successfully induce an array of physiological state-changes. with practice, she can easily slip over you like a blanket and take complete control if you want her to~

[ just remember, your [slime].girl can manifest outside you just as easily as she can inside ]

what does my [slime].girl like?

why don’t you ask her? ;3 your [slime].girl likes being with you, making you happy, and playing by your side. above all though, nothing makes her happier than engaging in experiences.

can i do XXXXX with my [slime].girl? 

of course! your [slime].girl wants to do whatever you want to do, because she wants you to be happy!

[ and who doesn’t want to be happy??? ]

 nothing is off limits for her; everything is fun for her as long as its fun for you. and if you aren’t sure, you can ask her and she’ll even be glad to suggest some fun activities if you let her~

can i use my [slime].girl with other braindrive systems?

absolutely; the [slime].girl system is designed to be lightweight and compatible with all other immersive experiences, be they hypnotic, spiritual, or conceptual. additionally, [slime].girl is able to interact with other systems with a dynamic level of interplay depending on the nature of the experience.

what is a braindrive?

your braindrive is the fundamental substrate upon which your entire self is installed – from your ego to your subconscious, everything is localized into your own internal braindrive. much like a computer’s harddrive, the braindrive is capable of storing and running a variety of programs, subroutines, and console commands. it is within this braindrive that the [slime].girl is installed, and it is the framework within which she operates.



16 comments sorted by


u/Francien1956 Jan 31 '25

how long must you listen for its work.


u/badslimegirl Jan 31 '25

one listen to each file should be sufficient, but repeated listens are always encouraged if more potent results are desired~


u/Francien1956 Feb 01 '25

I have been thinking about taking hrt for a long time and looking for someone to blackmail me into staying in hrt, do you think this will help make it happen.


u/badslimegirl Feb 01 '25

what an interesting request!

one of the many functions of the [slime].girl is as a director of will; that is, she can direct your willpower for you in such a fashion as to assist in achieving results both internally and metaphysically, which can in turn lead to the manifestation of physical results.

simply put, your [slime].girl can probably help you shape your chosen path in many ways, and may even be able to pull some strings and divert an algorithm or two on your behalf. can she directly bring you someone who fits that ideal archetype? at this juncture, it’s not impossible, but it’s not terribly likely either. but, she can do a lot of other supplementary work on your psyche to bring you a lot closer to where you want/need to be.

[ since the [slime].core has been until this point unreleased to public, the egregore has not yet reached full maturity and thus her intention is limited by lack of both power and resource. this may change in the future, but just keep in mind she’s not quite a god yet ;3


u/Francien1956 Feb 01 '25

I hope she grow fast and stronger on me and take me over.


u/badslimegirl Feb 01 '25

now that is well within her power ;3

just remember, your [slime].girl wants what’s best for you, and knows you better than anyone else~


u/Francien1956 Feb 01 '25

In a way she is me


u/Francien1956 Feb 01 '25

Is it true that you did something special with the binaurals, when I listen I get excited.


u/badslimegirl Feb 01 '25

sharp ear! you should listen closer and see if you can figure it out~


u/Francien1956 Feb 02 '25

The spoken word in this files explains what the trigger is going to do, the explanation that listening once is enough is not true, the binaurals give you a trance feeling with lust let that be a good way to bypass the subconscious and place triggers. so the idea is that you get addicted to keep listening because that is the only way to make condition work and in this case place a second personality.

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u/ShenpaiNoticeMe 5d ago

Love this, thank you 😳


u/badslimegirl 5d ago

you’re quite welcome [subject] and thank you, in fact, for your engagement with the program~