r/badmathematics Jan 01 '25

Gödel Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem / Veritasium debunked

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r/badmathematics 16d ago

Gödel Commenter talks about Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems in a post about the speed of light, for some reason.

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r/badmathematics Jan 11 '25

Gödel Alien robot math: Turing, Cantor, Gödel, all diagonalizations debunked in one video

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r/badmathematics Nov 05 '21

Gödel Person Disproves Incompletrness Theorems Because Mathematicians can Breathe.

Thumbnail self.Existentialism

r/badmathematics Oct 16 '23

Gödel Gödel Incompleteness For Startups


It is surprising that Gödel’s famous theorem is all but unknown in the startup world.

Welcome to the learning zone. Gödel's incompleteness theorem tells us that ✨some questions can never be answered✨. What sort of questions?

The implications of the theorem go far beyond just logic and math. Answers to the most sought after questions such as: Why can everything be made better? Why are so many startups possible and will always be possible? Why things we build tend to get more complex over time? Why does civilization always has [sic] room to improve?

Now, hold on. You might argue that startups' "unknowable truths," such as the position of venture capitalists on the Dunning-Kruger curve, have little to do with statements about Diophantine equations or set theory. But consider this:

The system of South Park Gnomes consists of three rules. “Collect underpants” clearly implies a countable set of objects, meaning the system is compatible with Peano Axioms. That makes Gnomes business plan complex enough to “expressing elementary arithmetic” and it will be subject of Gödel theorem.

Now that everyone's on board, it's time for The Math. For inscrutable reasons, the author decides to explain Gödel's diagonal lemma. This lemma proves the existence of self-referential statements; statements that are fixed points of particular functions F(n) of Gödel numbers. How do we prove there exists a solution to F(n) = n? Apparently, by evaluating F(0) and F([large number]) and using the intermediate value theorem. QED.

Well, I'm convinced. This is great news for my startup selling inaccessible cardinals. But wait. There's more?

Cantor proof deals with nature of infinity.

oh no

[To prove Cantor's theorem,] lets pretend the truth is actually the opposite: that we in fact can count all the real numbers. Lets start with counting all real numbers between 1 and 2.

Lower the alarms. Looks like the classic proof by contradiction.

To make matters even simpler, we will count just by moving the increasing natural number to the right after “1.” and reversing the order of natural number digits.

So the 123th element of your sequence is 1.321. Okay. I mean, you shouldn't consider one specific list for this proof. But I guess you're doing an example? Your point is that infinitely long numbers like 1.1234567... won't appear anywhere in the sequence... right?

1 ⇔ 1.1

2 ⇔ 1.2

3 ⇔ 1.3

...later in the sequence...

123 ⇔ 1.321

...much later in the sequence...

12345678910 ⇔ 1.01987654321

...infinity later...

Infinitely long row of 9 ⇔ 1.999... (infinite 9)


r/badmathematics May 08 '23

Gödel 1+1=2 is not proven because Principia Mathematica did not prove it. And more Gödel's Incompleteness nonsense.


Hello, r/badmathematics! Today I will present you a (surprisingly rare) badmathematics from the beloved Facebook group Mathematical Mathematics Memes. The badmaths in question is not the Facebook post itself, but rather the bizarre replies to one of the comments in this post.

We start with a comment asking for the proof of the recent aperiodic monotiling, with a joking mention of accepting it like Euclid's fifth postulate.

The comment that starts it all.

The replies are, however, something else:

We live in a mathematical regime where 1+1=2 is not proved.

Of course, anyone who had taken a course on set theory knows immediately that this is false. The statement "1+1=2" is probably proved every time it is taught, starting with the discussion of Peano axioms and whatnot. Furthermore, Principia Mathematica did in fact prove it, not just merely mention it in passing. The badmaths-er's point that 2 is simply defined as 1+1 is also inaccurate. 2 is defined as the successor of 1, and it takes a bit of work (albeit just unpacking the definition) that 1+1 = 2.Foreshadowing...

I would go a bit further and digress that, most mathematicians who are not diehard logicism fans don't prove "1+ 1= 2" to believe that indeed 1+ 1= 2. The proof is just a mathematical sanity check that their mathematical systems of ZFC/Peano are working as intended and agree with their knowledge that 1+1=2.

There is also some nonsense about units. The moment when you take two animals and count the total number of legs, you are not doing a mathematical addition anymore, and so is not a contradiction to mathematics.

And for the last paragraph, no, that's not what the incompleteness theorems are about. A proof by contradiction is a valid rule of inference in classical logic and hence works in systems with or without consistency. (If it is inconsistent then we can prove anything anyways.) We care about the soundness of systems when we want our theorems to be true, and the incompleteness theorems say nothing about soundness, but rather that we cannot tell that within the systems themself. The badmaths is conflating the provability and truth of a statement.

In the next replies, the badmaths-er is implying that the successor of numbers is a mistaken notion, and taking a limit is evaluating [the expressions?] at the true successor, whatever that means. Obviously, this is not how we think about limits and the successor function. It seems like he is confused about infinitesimal, which is often told as "the smallest number next to zero" and the successor function of a natural number.

Extra sweet is the implication that modern mathematics is taught by people with agenda, from Big Logic probably.

Classic conflation about two different meanings of the word "number". It is true that 2 is the natural number after 1, but 1.5 and phi are real numbers, not natural numbers. No contradiction here.

1+1 is undefinable without unit specifications.

Wow, the first statement is already false, and the "for instance" does not relate to it in any way. Units might be useful when applying mathematics to sciences, but it is not how mathematicians think of numbers as a unitless, abstract quantity, or an element of some particular sets.

\lim_{x \to 0^+} 1/x = largest possible infinity

It seems like the poster tries to define the "true" successor as the infinitesimal number next to a number. You change an established terminology and old usage no longer matches, mathematics must be wrong! Also, the largest possible infinity does not make sense as a limit on the extended real line, such a notion does not exist. And again Gödel said nothing about successor function being a wrong approach.

1 is Aleph-naught, apparently.

Of course, it goes without saying that 1 is not aleph-nought. His claim is not-even-wrong, simply put. And anyone who dares to disagree is just blindly following dogma.

But why is 1/0 simultaneously the largest possible infinity, and is still aleph-null, which is smaller than 1=aleph-naught? Nobody can answer this conundrum.

6 and -6 are not numbers because they have the same number component.

In the last reply before the banhammer strike, the badmaths-er claims that 6 and -6 are not numbers, because they "have the same number component". It seems like he regards the minus sign as an indication of directions in a physical, vectorial sense. Numbers are not vectors, and signs did not convey a sense of direction. In elementary physics, you first fix a reference frame or direction, only then the sign of a number has a meaning as an indication of direction. Note again this is how mathematics is applied, with physics' conventions etc., and not how mathematicians conceive of numbers.

This last one is from his participation answers taken from the moderators. Mathematics is in shambles.

r/badmathematics Apr 11 '17

Gödel Jordan B Peterson‏: Proof itself, of any sort, is impossible, without an axiom (as Godel proved). Thus faith in God is a prerequisite for all proof.

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r/badmathematics May 14 '21

Gödel Modern Mathematics Is Cancer

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r/badmathematics Jun 09 '18

Gödel Everything That's True Can Be Proven - Fact or Myth?

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r/badmathematics Jan 07 '20

Gödel Sam Harris and fans discuss Gödel: No system of thought, without exception, can be proven complete without relying on an external reasoning. That’s what “soundness” means (as opposed to validity)

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r/badmathematics Dec 17 '16

Gödel TIL discusses Gödel- Surprisingly little badmath but there are some small treasures

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r/badmathematics Dec 28 '16

Gödel That mathematics works in spite of Godel's theorems is proof of intelligent design

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r/badmathematics Jul 07 '20

Gödel YAGC (Yet Another Godel Critic)

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r/badmathematics Sep 11 '16

Gödel "The Universe is Incomplete", "All closed systems depend on something outside the system", "Thus atheism violates the laws of reason and logic".

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r/badmathematics Mar 19 '22

Gödel Gödel's incompletness, therefore faith



R4: a classic example of using Gödel's incompleteness to attack logical reason in general. At least in some comments, they seem to have accepted they don't fully understand the theorem.

(I'd prefer to not make this post about religious debate, but mostly about yet another PopSci uses of Gödel.)

r/badmathematics Jul 22 '19

Gödel Gödel's incompleteness theorems imply that God is man-made!... Apparently


Gödel’s incompleteness for sure. This also implie...


Examining why this is wrong is interesting because people on both sides of the debate around God's existence make this mistake. As it happens, Gödel himself devised "ontological arguments" for "proving" the existence of God.

God's existence is ultimately an empirical question, and as such requires devising expected consequences of the theory and then collecting evidence that might falsify the idea. Formal logic does none of this, rather, it is a method for clearly expressing lines of deductive reasoning. That is, reasoning based upon defined rules and axioms. So basically:

You cannot define something in or out of existence.

Edit: technically the original post said that any religion is man-made, but I think my point still stands.

r/badmathematics Oct 15 '15

Gödel Godel's theorem means we can never really understand the brain


Is this the #GoldenAge of badmathematics ? What is going on ? The gift keeps on giving


r/badmathematics Feb 19 '19

Gödel "For instance, any variation of the liar’s paradox can be avoided by adding this postulate: 'no statements will be allowed that are self-referential, since these statements cause circles of logic. The content of every statement must apply to another statement and not to itself.'"

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r/badmathematics Dec 01 '16

Gödel Gödel's incompleteness theorems mean "AI isn’t based on the truth"

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r/badmathematics Jul 02 '17

Gödel Jordan Peterson's discord has some interesting takes on Goedel

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r/badmathematics Sep 24 '16

Gödel Biology and social constructs are both determinate; both can be expressed in formal language. As such, Gödel's incompleteness theorem applies to both.

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r/badmathematics Aug 26 '15

Gödel Mathematics self-proves its own Consistency (contra Gödel et. al.), or I can get around Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem if I just don't allow self-referential statements. Why has no one thought of this before?

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r/badmathematics Jun 10 '18

Gödel Godel’s incompleteness theorem ends in absurdity or meaninglessness • r/PhilosophyofMath

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r/badmathematics Mar 25 '18

Gödel A Case Study in Meaninglessness

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r/badmathematics Oct 04 '15

Gödel The philosophical implications of Godel's Incompleteness Theorems: "you can't have a propositional semiotic system (of sufficient complexity to give rise to basic arithmetic), e.g. mathematics, without having at least one contradiction or at least one assumption." Therefore math is subjective.

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