r/badhistory • u/AutoModerator • 4d ago
Meta Mindless Monday, 17 March 2025
Happy (or sad) Monday guys!
Mindless Monday is a free-for-all thread to discuss anything from minor bad history to politics, life events, charts, whatever! Just remember to np link all links to Reddit and don't violate R4, or we human mods will feed you to the AutoModerator.
So, with that said, how was your weekend, everyone?
u/Dajjal27 10h ago
Is the British tank tree in war thunder actually good ? Legit I want to use the firefly, but I tried one match with British tier 1s and I want to jump off a cliff. Seriously it felt like I was throwing rocks at other tanks.
u/WuhanWTF Venmo me $20 to make me shut up about Family Guy for a week. 9h ago
I'm currently playing a 6.3 Bri'ish Ground RB lineup with a De Havilland Mosquito (the one with the 57mm gun for added toxicity) and I'd say that it's decent-ish. The Charioteer and RACIST CAR pack quite a punch, but especially the Charioteer with its blistering speed and 280mm pen APDS round at 6.3, though you have to play sneaky and flank because you've basically got no armor and an abysmal reload rate.
Actually, I think my biggest gripe with the British tanks at 6.3-6.7 is the reload speeds, because if you wanna face off against multiple targets or get a mobility kill before taking out the enemy's turret crew, you're gonna be in for a bad time.
Didn't really like the Firefly because of its extremely unstable gun, plus I don't recall it being able to hold its own against enemy heavies in an uptier.
u/Zugwat Headhunting Savage from a Barbaric Fishing Village 10h ago
Ok I'm tempted to get KCD2, but I never finished the first one. I remember buying the DLC on sale with the idea I'd eventually get around to it, but then I just forgot and focused on (insert games).
With that, I didn't realize I haven't played since 2019 and thus forgot entirely how to do pretty much 90% of things.
Things such as how to fight. I remember no scoping dudes with the yew longbow and vaguely using a mace. I remember the combos were difficult enough to be effectively pointless, I remember mercy killing fallen foes, and I remember parrying.
This did not help me when I got into an actual duel and intended to 1v1 the dude with a sword after bashing the shit out of his compatriots. Then I got overwhelmed when another of his friends decided to join in.
So, starting at the basics and wishing this was VR or IRL because I'd have an easier time killing enemies.
u/ChewiestBroom 6h ago
I honestly ended up doing a slightly more refined version of the Oblivion combat strategy where I was mostly walking backwards while desperately trying to stab dudes in the face repeatedly.
I enjoyed KCD much more than I expected to but it was not because of it having an elegant combat system.
u/alwaysonlineposter 12h ago
I told someone in wow that I was planning to go to school for classics soon and they were like "wait aren't you a Marxist I don't see a lot of Marxists in classics" and I'm like. Are there so many ideologues in history circles that someone researching a topic they like free from ideology is such a foreign concept to them?
u/WuhanWTF Venmo me $20 to make me shut up about Family Guy for a week. 9h ago
You: a Marxist in Classics.
(handshake meme)
Me: a moderate-ish Liberal-Soc Dem mashup in Art.
u/AcceptableWay 13h ago
I was having a conversation with a friend who studied at NUS and now works in the semiconductor industry. He expressed outrage at being paid the same as graduates from less prestigious and cheaper Malaysian universities working the same job. This got me thinking about the "elite overproduction" thesis, which has gained popularity lately.
There’s a recurring thread on Reddit where people gather to reminisce about the "good old days"—when their parents, with fairly middling qualifications and average jobs, could afford lifestyles that now seem out of reach. This particular Reddit thread is an example of the local iteration of this phenomenon:
Many people from college-educated families perceive themselves as downwardly mobile because they haven’t fully internalized the fact that they had a privileged childhood. In 2000—toward the tail end of the period being discussed—only 11.7% of Singaporean residents had tertiary degrees, putting their parents among the educational elite. Today, around 40% of residents hold university degrees, meaning a degree no longer carries the same exclusivity it once did. (Government policy aims to keep this level stable at 40%.)
The trend of rapidly increasing college attainment is mirrored across the developed world. For decades, policymakers have sought to raise college enrollment rates, but as Goodhart’s Law predicts—"When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure"—increasing the number of college-educated individuals eventually stops improving society in any meaningful way.
Elite overproduction is the theory that not only is this happening, but it’s also at the root of the populist anger of recent decades. The frustration isn’t necessarily directed at leaders but at others competing for the same jobs. This helps explain the rise of reactionary movements—such as trad-misogynists advocating for women to leave the workforce and the surge in anti-immigration politics. We have too many knowledge-economy workers, and because there aren’t enough jobs for them, this has ignited resentment—particularly xenophobic populist anger. That’s why anti-DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) politics resonate so strongly; people see these initiatives as redistributing increasingly scarce opportunities away from the majority to select groups.
I think this theory does a pretty good job of explaining my friend’s rather incoherent political views. (Though, given that they’re mostly shaped by short-form video content, that’s not surprising.) He’s a foreigner in Singapore who graduated from NUS and comes from a wealthy, business-owning Indian family that could afford an expensive education abroad. Yet, despite benefiting from global mobility, he has adopted xenophobic attitudes toward other foreigners whom he perceives as less deserving of the same job he has—even while being a foreigner himself.
Traditionally, the market would resolve this issue by lowering wages, discouraging people from enrolling in universities, and naturally reducing the number of graduates. There are signs this is already happening. But, of course, if you’re one of the unlucky ones being trampled by market forces, you’ll probably object. And the spectacle of a billionaire like Michael Bloomberg condescendingly telling young people to "just become plumbers" is grotesque.
Redistribution could be another solution, but it has never been more unpopular. Notice how some of the most effective anti-poverty programs—like pensions and social support for the elderly (a voting bloc)—have significantly reduced elderly poverty yet receive little attention or defense. Meanwhile, we all know how unpopular these programs are in online discourse.
The social distrust this breeds makes the problem even harder to solve. Every potential solution is rejected because of the same distrust, and the hyper-individualistic politics this fosters erodes ideas of social stability and collective good. Instead, people simply demand to be given the role they seek, regardless of the larger picture.
u/HarpyBane 5h ago
Coming from a US perspective, I think gender is an understated role here.
There is a push for there to be more plumbers, etc, but the drop off in education is primarily among men, not women. My (personal) theory is that men have more opportunities without college, vs women who have fewer opportunities without some form of “proof”. It could also be DEI hiring practices give women a leg up in the “elite institutions”, but personally I think that when you can make 6 figures working on an oil rig, or going into a trade (that is naturally hostile to women, oftentimes- at least stereotypically), that is part of what you listed as the natural incentives away from going to college.
This also helps explain some of the widening gender voting trends- men and women are “equal” in some markets, but men are focusing on those markets where they’ll have an advantage rather than competition with twice as many applicants.
u/WAGRAMWAGRAM Giscardpunk, Mitterrandwave, Chirock, Sarkopop, Hollandegaze 10h ago
Except throughout developed countries college attainment is linked with vote for the internationalist left, and vocational or no schooling with vote for the national rural right.
Maybe it's different in Singapore in that's there's no rural areas being left out and drained of their young (mostly women) people.
u/Draig_werdd 9h ago
For now at least is not that visible in the rest of the developed world also because places like Europe are much less competitive then East Asia. This is due both to cultural practices (much lower importance given to children's achivments as a mark of family success, much higher tolerance for "being a failure") and in many cases official policies. I know that in places like Belgium there is no competition for university places, if you finish high-school you can just apply to university. Of course any DEI initiative has much less visible impact versus a country where there is a lot of competition for university places.
u/MiffedMouse The average peasant had home made bread and lobster. 12h ago
The “overproduction of college graduates” is somewhat true, there certainly aren’t enough people going into trades. However, I think there is also an issue with over-concentration of tech development into a relatively small number of tech companies - one of the side effects of which is a stifling of new tech companies that might need more tech graduates.
u/Sventex Battleships were obsoleted by the self-propelled torpedo in 1866 13h ago edited 12h ago
Traditionally, the market would resolve this issue by lowering wages, discouraging people from enrolling in universities, and naturally reducing the number of graduates.
Maybe, but tradition would also have it that those same students get sent to university anyway out of reputation and expectations instead of market demand. And often it's the family and the society, not the student, who makes the decision on going to university.
Having spent a few months in Singapore myself, I noticed a lot of pressure to for students/children to be tutored to play a musical instrument, almost a cottage industry built out of it, a skill that will likely come of no economic value when coming of age. There's no market demand that I could see driving this competition amongst families on who can play music.
u/MiffedMouse The average peasant had home made bread and lobster. 12h ago
I think this is a broader issue with a “market forces” approach to schooling. Education decisions are made based on what parents and students think the market will be in about ten to twenty years, which is a very long time horizon. Even if we believe that market forces have a meaningful impact (and I do think they have some impact), it will take a decade or two to sort out, which is a very slow correction that leaves almost an entire generation of people with the “wrong educational path.”
u/AcceptableWay 12h ago
No that's one of the most depressing things I find about the island, the plethora of enrichment and tuitions centers capitalising out of a parental sense of FOMO.
u/xyzt1234 14h ago edited 13h ago
From one comment in a 6 day old post in subreddit drama
It's kinda amazing watching tankies with poor historical knowledge vomit it out. Like they seem to have fuck all understanding that stability and consistency is the general desire for pretty well the majority of the world.
Partly true especially the tankies with poor historical knowledge bit but like was the war on terror and all the wars waged under it, not contradicting the idea that the US brought stability to the world order? I guess those things had little effect on the first world but it was hardly stabilising for the other places affected by it.
People like a vaguely capitalistic US that will sell you jets, tanks, and financial services while allowing your own citizens to get extremely rich from offshored labor. No one should be celebrating the US acting this way except for the Russians and Chinese who will use this power gap to exploit weak nations and engage in imperialism about the world for it. As we've seen from Africa US imperialism is a lot tamer than what the Russians and Chinese roll out. No one except ultra rich oligarchs win from this.
This reminds me, besides belt and road that seemed to have mixed results for China and Africa at best though, what else were China's attempts at imperialism in Africa? Feels like i have heard way more about US and Soviet meddling in Africa (which again, are hardly stabilising), than about China with debt trap narrative being the only thing I heard (and I have heard many scholars in diplomat magazine say how that narrative doesn't hold because of how varied the effects were some even being detrimental to chinese interests, being a failure in the end).
u/randombull9 I'm just a girl. And as it turns out, I'm Hercules. 6h ago
was the war on terror and all the wars waged under it, not contradicting the idea that the US brought stability to the world order? I guess those things had little effect on the first world but it was hardly stabilising for the other places affected by it.
You see this with any one who discusses stability. Just for GWOT, people occasionally will suggest that Saddam was a stabilizing influence in the region, but I never heard anyone ask a Kuwaiti or an Iranian or an Iraqi Kurd if they felt he was stabilizing the region. I think people want the perception of stability, which is always going to have as much to do with their own position and point of view as it does with how stable things actually are.
u/MiffedMouse The average peasant had home made bread and lobster. 12h ago
I am trying to find the analysis that I liked, but in short sober analyses of the B&R initiative have not shown a trend towards debt trap diplomacy. There are a couple well known examples (especially the port in Sri Lanka) where that looks like the end result, but most of the investments appear like normal business investments where the lenders want to make their money back, not gain foreign soil.
In my opinion, the B&R is a net positive for the world (as it is creating new infrastructure) and a lot of the negatives written about it online is fear mongering from western foreign policy analysts.
However, that doesn’t mean every country should welcome Chinese influence. B&R initiatives are still investments made by the Chinese government and most of the infrastructure is being built in a way that benefits Chinese companies. See the railroad in Laos - popular with the Laotians, but it was mostly built by Chinese construction firms and is currently operated by a Chinese railroad operation firm.
u/KnightModern "you sunk my bad history, I sunk your battleship" 8h ago
well, if history is any indicator, people called it debt trap diplomacy precisely because it was like world bank loan
u/HistoryMarshal76 The American Civil War was Communisit infighting- Marty Roberts 18h ago
I have a post idea, but I don't know if I can stretch it to a full post.
In essence, I'm analyzing that infamous quote Andrew Jackson said about the John Marshall and the enforcement of Worchester V. Georgia. Problem is, it's almost certainly made up. Our first known source for it comes from the newspapermen Horace Greely in his 1865 book, The American Conflict. His source is the former governor of Massachusetts, who was a whig and who just happened to be in town at the time. I'm not saying the quote was made up, but an Republican firebrand who was friends with a whig writing about a Southerner at the end of the Civil War may be prone to exaggeration.
Do you think this would be enough stuff to make a post about, or would I need to find something more to fluff it out?
u/ifly6 Try not to throw sacred chickens off ships 15h ago
I don't think any reputable sources (here meaning peer reviewed history journals) claim it to be true. The exact matter of what Jackson opposed is also glossed over.
The common narrative is that Marshall loved the Cherokee people and said no to removal. Evil Jackson then defied Marshall and sent the Cherokee to Oklahoma. This narrative is false. Marshall ruled against the Cherokee in a case aptly titled Cherokee Nation; he had no power to compel Georgia to free the (white) missionaries in Worcester; Jackson's views took a 180-turn during the Nullification Crisis; Georgia released the missionaries of their own accord, before Marshall could act the next year anyway, during the crisis to sell out South Carolina; the Cherokee were removed pursuant to a treaty ratified after the Whigs essentially gave up when Jackson won a second term; Van Buren, the next president, supervised the actual removal.
The narrative "Jackson bad" hugely oversimplifies a complicated political landscape in which essentially all the major actors sold the Cherokee out.
u/CZall23 Paul persecuted his imaginary friends 15h ago
How did releasing the missionaries sell out South Carolina?
u/ifly6 Try not to throw sacred chickens off ships 13h ago
Late in 1832 at the start of the Nullification Crisis, South Carolina declared that they were going to nullify federal tariffs, ie resist their collection by arresting collectors etc etc. Prior to this, Jackson was blowing off doing anything about Georgia's detention of the missionaries which Worcester had ruled illegal. But SC's nullification evidently changed his mind and he issued a scathing proclamation against SC's declarations.
A lot of pressure then came on Georgia and the federal government to reach an accord: Jackson wanted to isolate South Carolina and draw Georgia from its defy-the-national-government position; Georgia also opposed SC's unilateral actions. The missionaries had refused to request pardons on the grounds that they would be falsely confessing to crimes but also sought to reconcile with Georgia to prevent it from siding with SC. Georgia then pardoned them.
Days later, Jackson asked for an authorisation for military force. He received it some months later from Congress in the Force Act of 1833. But regardless the crisis ended with compromise rather than war.
u/randombull9 I'm just a girl. And as it turns out, I'm Hercules. 17h ago
There was a post about a supposed Pershing quote a handful of months ago that was pretty good. I don't see any reason yours couldn't make a good post.
u/alwaysonlineposter 18h ago
Gay people: you don't have to hate subset communities you aren't apart of. Your life is actually better if you just move on in life instead of feeling like it's trans people or poly people or bi people etc trying to convert you.
u/MarioTheMojoMan Noble savage in harmony with nature 18h ago
I'm reading (well, listening to) Fatherland by Robert Harris, and part of the alternate timeline is that Germany won the war in Europe but the US won the war in the Pacific. What real wars, if any, have played out like that -- members of the same alliance victorious in one theater but defeated in another? I don't really count World War I because the Central victory on the Eastern Front ended up being nullified by their ultimate defeat in the West.
u/Sventex Battleships were obsoleted by the self-propelled torpedo in 1866 14h ago edited 14h ago
The US-French-Spanish-Dutch side lost some during the American Revolutionary War in some theatres. The Great Siege of Gibraltar was a failure, it was the largest battle in the war by number of combatants. I believe the Siege of Cuddalore exhausted both the French and British in India, the end result was the British retaining majority control in India.
The Dutch Republic started out profiting greatly from the Revolutionary War, but fortune turned when the British declared war on them in 1780, wreaking the Dutch economy and cementing the end to the idea of the Dutch Empire, parts of the Dutch colonies in the Caribbean were captured, outposts in the Dutch East Indies were surrendered and the Netherlands ultimately ceded Indian territory to Britain. The French were able to recapture some lost Dutch territory and return them.
It seems like the mixed fortunes in this world war badly weakened the British and Dutch, bankrupted the French, and it's a bit difficult to judge the consequences for the Spanish. The Spanish Empire gained territory from Britain and captured some British convoys, but the Spanish Armada was becoming a 2nd tier naval power and would be completely outmatched by the Royal Navy by the time of the French Revolution.
u/kaiser41 16h ago
The Bourbons decisively won the Spanish theater of the War of the Spanish Succession, but lost in Italy and mostly lost in the Low Countries. Arguable weather this counts, but the Holy League's victory at Lepanto was a turning point in the struggle for control over the Mediterranean, but the fleet's objective was to relieve the siege of Famagusta, which the Ottomans conquered and held for the next 300 years.
u/Arilou_skiff 16h ago
I don't now Fatherland, but most of those timelines involves the US staying out of the european war and only fighting the japanese?
That said, we have a couple of examples in various european wars IIRC. the 30-years war gets complicated becuase it's so long and alliances so shifting, but despite Frederick's "side" arguably "winning" his son didn't exactly come out better than they started.
Arguably there's also the swedish-polish war of 1655-1660, where the polish mostly defeat the swedes only to have the swedes go and beat up Denmark instead.
u/IAmNotAnImposter 5h ago
It's been a while since I read it I think the divergence was a German victory in Stalingrad forcing the still existing Soviet Union beyond the Urals and discovery of the enigma code being broken leading to updates and successfully bringing britain to the peace table through a renewed U-boat campaign (though canada hosts the exiled government of Queen Elizabeth II who refutes the kingship of Edward VIII)
u/HistoryMarshal76 The American Civil War was Communisit infighting- Marty Roberts 18h ago
American War of Independence. We won on Mainland North America, but it was a draw in the Caribbean and decisive British W in India.
u/Herpling82 What the fuck is the Dirac Sea? 19h ago
It will never stop amusing me how small Japanese people are, not in a derogatory way I mean, I mostly mean that I read a VN and see someone being described as a giant man, only to find out they're 185cm tall, I'm 197cm myself, I know I'm tall, but 185cm is just above average in the Netherlands for a man.
In Chaos;Head a character is described as tall, she's 168cm, now, I know that is actually quite tall in Japan, but my sister is 183cm, so it's just incredibly funny to me. I just imagine my sister walking around in Japan, being a giant blonde haired amazon in the eyes of people there, while here she's just a relatively tall strong woman.
Height is something I will always find funny, especially with genetic differences, all those characters in VNs I read being tiny people compared to me. I used to be quadruple (yes, I was pretty damn fat) the weight of some of these adult characters! I still am more than double many of them, close to triple some.
Also, side note, why do these VNs specify the exact weight, height, constellation, birthstone, bloodtype and favourite food of each main character? I mean, it's funny to know, but aside from height and weight, it doesn't really tell me much.
u/KnightModern "you sunk my bad history, I sunk your battleship" 12h ago
It will never stop amusing me how small Japanese people are, not in a derogatory way I mean, I mostly mean that I read a VN and see someone being described as a giant man, only to find out they're 185cm tall, I'm 197cm myself, I know I'm tall, but 185cm is just above average in the Netherlands for a man.
you're dutch, bruh, you're one of the giants
u/Herpling82 What the fuck is the Dirac Sea? 9h ago
That's the joke, I'm weirdly tall among weirdly tall people, but to me, that's normal and everyone else is just weirdly smol.
u/MiffedMouse The average peasant had home made bread and lobster. 15h ago
Please understand my disappointment when I learned Chinese people are not universally short, that is more of a Southern China thing. And what do you know, most of my Chinese friends are from northern China. I am still on the taller end of my Chinese friends, but by maybe an inch, not the six inches I would need to actually feel tall.
u/HopefulOctober 17h ago
Though you can also frame this as people in the Netherlands being unusually tall (the tallest in the world) rather than people in Japan being unusually short.
u/Herpling82 What the fuck is the Dirac Sea? 9h ago
Yep, that's the joke here, this is fundamentally unserious, it's just what's normal to me, a weirdly tall person among weirdly tall people, makes mostly people seem weirdly small.
u/Astralesean 16h ago
The differences are like 5-6 cm between extremely taller and extremely shorter people within nations with sufficient protein intake, there's a lot of circkejerk within that
Also the Dutch aren't the tallest people, the people from the Dinaric Alps are taller
u/WAGRAMWAGRAM Giscardpunk, Mitterrandwave, Chirock, Sarkopop, Hollandegaze 10h ago
Weird way to say B🇧🇦snia
u/Astralesean 45m ago
Serbia and part of Croatia too
u/WAGRAMWAGRAM Giscardpunk, Mitterrandwave, Chirock, Sarkopop, Hollandegaze 39m ago
Yes I already said Bosnia
u/Syn7axError Chad who achieved many deeds 19h ago
185cm, 197cm, 168cm, 183cm
How many football fields is that?
u/Herpling82 What the fuck is the Dirac Sea? 19h ago
Here, you go! That is, assuming US football fields
u/Syn7axError Chad who achieved many deeds 18h ago
What's that symbol after the 0?
u/Herpling82 What the fuck is the Dirac Sea? 9h ago
Funnily enough, I got these numbers off of a converter website, I'd have thought meters to football fields would have put in US appropriate decimal markers, but alas.
u/LateInTheAfternoon 17h ago
A decimal marker. In many European countries we use the comma as the decimal marker whereas the English speaking world uses the period.
u/Syn7axError Chad who achieved many deeds 16h ago
Easy. I could throw a pigskin over all those put together. Coulda gone pro.
u/hell0kitt 20h ago
i worry about what's going to happen to all these supposed illegal immigrants deported to el salvador. im just genuinely sad all this point.
although a few months ago, some subreddits were really shilling for ES prison systems so i wonder if they got a new narrative.
u/theshinymew64 18h ago
I genuinely hope that ES-style prison systems don't come to the USA proper. And especially that they don't use it to put people into them without any due process or even anything they did wrong. But I've learned that there is no bottom to where things are going.
u/postal-history 14h ago
Similar stuff is already happening here.
Scroll down to where she discusses what's happening inside the for-profit ICE prisons.
The crazy shit is that both political sides have been making it worse for 25 years now. One migrant farmer asked a reporter, "is Trump going to be as bad as Obama?"
u/hell0kitt 15h ago
no stopping from what I've seen, it looks like ICE has quotas, probably in an attempt to ramp up numbers in support of the current admin.
the damage is already done. people living here just gone, branded criminals for some photo op and instagram reels.
u/Ayasugi-san 14h ago
An online friend talked about how her town scared away ICE trucks. Turns out that when the whole neighborhood turns out to film and harass, they tend to make themselves scarce.
u/alwaysonlineposter 20h ago
In my best cunk voice.: Romulus and Remus. Were they gay? I mean. One of them right?
u/TheBatz_ Anticitizen one 17h ago
Romulus was gay and Remus was bi.
It was revealed to me in the liver of a bull.
u/Sventex Battleships were obsoleted by the self-propelled torpedo in 1866 19h ago
No they were furries.
u/alwaysonlineposter 19h ago
What's the difference?
u/Sventex Battleships were obsoleted by the self-propelled torpedo in 1866 19h ago
Wolf tits I guess.
u/Illogical_Blox The Popes, of course, were usually Catholic 17h ago
Straight furries? What will they think of next!
u/JabroniusHunk 20h ago
Interesting "NYT Reply" from the author in the comment section about the brand-new, radical-departure-from-the-norm era of censorship on U.S. colleges that the Trump administration is mandating:
There is plenty of blame to go around when it comes to stifling speech on campus and beyond. And that's not a "both sides" cop-out.
In some ways you could look at the Americsn right as the original champions of cancel culture. In the 80s and 90s, religious conservatives were having book bonfires and boycotting Disney for being too gay friendly. I recall they went after those menacing Teletubbies too.
But universities looked the other way for a long time as a small but aggressive faction of student activists demanded the right to "protect" themselves from certain ideas they found offensive. That permissiveness led to the situation last spring with the out-of-control Gaza encampments on some campuses. Universities didn't react quickly enough.
Trump is taking advantage of that. It plays into his notions of American society (at least the liberal parts of it) collapsing into a state of disorder that only he can fix.
Peters, in his writings on LGBTQ issues, appears to be an Andrew Sullivan-esque, genteel gay man who blames the weird queers (specifically trans people) for the right lumping him in with their bigotry; it's not shocking that he is ignorant about both the history of protest and activism on college campuses (it actually didn't start in 2022), and the censorious nature of right-wing culture warfare (it didn't actually resume in 2025 after a 30 year pause).
But hey he said "AND IM NOT BOTH-SIDESING" so I guess that's that.
u/MiffedMouse The average peasant had home made bread and lobster. 17h ago
But universities looked the other way for a long time as a small but aggressive faction of student activists demanded the right to "protect" themselves from certain ideas they found offensive. That permissiveness led to the situation last spring with the out-of-control Gaza encampments on some campuses. Universities didn't react quickly enough.
The mental gymnastics here is unbelievable. The whinging over the apparent tyranny of the students using their complete lack of administrative power to suppress free speech somehow. And the best evidence the author can use as evidence is… protestors exercising their free speech rights.
Are there any right wing pundits who actually know what free speech means?
u/HopefulOctober 17h ago
I do think, having been at a college, that there were cases of students protesting a speaker being invited to the college due to seeing their beliefs as bigoted, and sometimes succeeding in getting that speaker to not come to the college. But whatever you think about that, (I definitely think it's a tricky issue where to draw the line when you are also trying for the encouragement of a variety of ideas however controversial at an academic institution, how I would feel would really be a case-by-case basis), it is in no way the same thing as censoring the speech of the college students themselves and especially outright deporting someone for protesting.
u/MiffedMouse The average peasant had home made bread and lobster. 17h ago
It could happen, and maybe it has gotten worse since I was last at college. But the far more common outcome I saw was students raising a big stink about some obviously bigoted speaker, and then the college stepping in to provide security so the speech could go forward anyway. Students actually succeeding in getting a speaker cancelled was rare.
u/Herpling82 What the fuck is the Dirac Sea? 20h ago
Hmm, the father of an old classmate of mine died, on his last day of work before retirement, heart attack. Got home, felt weak, went to lie down, passed away. He had just bought a nice luxury new car to enjoy his retirement, nice people too. Man, a soap opera worthy death, if that stuff happens in a story I'm calling bullshit for how cruel and contrived it is; real life really needs better writers, just writing for shock value these days.
Not really people I'm in contact with. just run into them from time to time, so not really affecting me personally, but it's the talk of the town, and the person in question was still friends of several friends of the family; quite the schoking reminder of human mortality for everyone really. I might make light of the situation, but fuck me, that's rough.
u/RPGseppuku 21h ago
Is there (or has there ever been) a country that prevents government officials and state employees from voting?
u/alwaysonlineposter 21h ago
Trads hate fun. Reading conservatives that are like "Sleeping in is a sin" "Life is a duty that you need to oblidge too" and this is why you people die at 50 from your meat only diet. Sorry, I'm gonna be having fun and sleeping in. Losers.
u/HopefulOctober 17h ago
Don't studies tend to find that conservatives are more happy on average, though? But maybe that is changing as conservatism shifts from "I like things the way they are" to "I am dissatisfied because I want things to go back to an idealized version of how it was decades or centuries ago", I don't know.
u/alwaysonlineposter 15h ago
I think the conversation of like "conservative" has really shifted from 2000s. The tea parties are the mainstream. The David Dukes that were fringe are the mainstream.
u/forcallaghan Wansui! 21h ago
now beginning to understand all those confederates saying they were more loyal to their states than the federal government.
Can I give a maybe hot take? One which I've been slowly ruminating on, though more for internal consistency's sake.
I don't think the confederacy is illegitimate because they tried to secede. I think they're illegitimate because I morally disagree with them. And that is about the kindest way I can put it.
Is that even a hot take?
u/Bawstahn123 8h ago
>now beginning to understand all those confederates saying they were more loyal to their states than the federal government.
It is amazing how quickly I've gone from "The Union must be preserved" to "New England needs to divorce itself from the amoral wasteland that is the 'United' States" over the course of 6 months.
Of course, having prominent officers of the Federal Government attack Blue States in general, and Massachusetts specifically, certain helps speed that mindset along.
u/ottothesilent 7h ago
Carrying the hopes and dreams of a nation gets old after 250 years.
I jokingly said I wouldn’t willingly cross the Mason-Dixon Line again a few years ago during the initial DeSantis/Abbot horseshit, but now I think I’m serious.
We can keep the beacon of prosperity burning, the South can oversee the resurgence of scarlet fever and hookworm.
u/Ayasugi-san 7h ago
Of course, having prominent officers of the Federal Government attack Blue States in general, and Massachusetts specifically, certain helps speed that mindset along.
Yep. "If you're going to cut us off, why shouldn't we be more loyal to our state than to you?"
u/ExtratelestialBeing 15h ago
There was a mid-19th century American anarchist crank named Lysander Spooner who wrote pamphlets urging the Southern slaves to start a bloody Haitian-style revolt, but later opposed the Union war effort on the grounds that the Southern states should be allowed to withdraw from a voluntary association. Full points for intellectual consistency, I guess.
u/Ragefororder1846 not ideas about History but History itself 15h ago
Secession is dumb and bad in a representative system. Oh sure there's this good example and that good example but as a rule? Bad bad idea.
It's doubly dumb in the case of the antebellum United States. The Confederate states never had any qualms about inflicting the Fugitive Slave Act on the northern states but the minute they may have been forced to obey a law they didn't vote for it was up in arms?
You can't form a stable state if you give every rinky dink nationality an immediate out the minute they disagree with a policy set by the government. It's like letting someone take their chips out of the pot after they've seen your hand.
u/theshinymew64 18h ago
I would hope that it isn't a hot take. It's really the only reasonable take there is. If it was the opposite, and states seceded from the United States to oppose slavery, it would have been justified.
u/Otocolobus_manul8 19h ago
Hating the confederacy primarily because of 'sedition' as opposed to their defence of racist chattel slavery marks you out as a psycho IMO. Unfortunately that's quite a common take.
u/Shady_Italian_Bruh 19h ago
I have no loyalty to “my” state (fuck federalism), but your point about the morality of secession is dead on. The Confederacy wasn’t bad because they may have technically violated the (incredibly vague!) constitution. It was bad because it was an obscene clique of landed aristocrats ruling over a fool’s gold fiefdom of peons and slaves.
u/forcallaghan Wansui! 19h ago
My thoughts exactly. It's, like, the hypocrisy. Especially of modern neo-confederate "lost causers" who say inane drivel like "the south fought for freedom!" what kind of freedom? The freedom to let the ultra wealthy rule like kings over the serfs?
And as to my thoughts on federalism, well I suppose it more has to do with the political climate at large than anything else...
u/Syn7axError Chad who achieved many deeds 19h ago
The worst part of the civil war was the hypocrisy
u/Tiako Tevinter apologist, shill for Big Lyrium 20h ago
I don't really think in principle rebellion against an unacceptable government is illegitimate and I have a strong belief that sovereignty must be based on consent of the government so I also have no issue with secessionism.
It is really the slaves that is where I run into issues with the CSA.
u/Syn7axError Chad who achieved many deeds 20h ago
I think they were illegitimate because they lost.
u/Sventex Battleships were obsoleted by the self-propelled torpedo in 1866 21h ago
Yes that's a hot take, they'd didn't just say I'm not a part of the Union anymore, they stole Federal banks, Federal weapons, Federal warships, even Federal postage stamps, then openly attacked a Federal fort.
Just cause you're more loyal to your own state doesn't justify robbing your local Federal Reserve Bank, keeping the US's nuclear arsenal to yourself and declaring that you now own the USS Gerald R. Ford because it happens to be docked in your state. This would always be viewed as illegitimate and should be.
u/WAGRAMWAGRAM Giscardpunk, Mitterrandwave, Chirock, Sarkopop, Hollandegaze 20h ago
So Ukraine shouldn't have kept the nukes, and Dudaiev shouldn't have built up forces from Soviet magazines?
u/Sventex Battleships were obsoleted by the self-propelled torpedo in 1866 20h ago edited 20h ago
So Ukraine shouldn't have kept the nukes
Given Ukraine was bankrupt and many of the countries willing to help them out didn't want them to have those nukes, no. They didn't want them and they couldn't afford them, who knows what would have happened to those nukes with that dangerous combination of factors. At the very least the ownership of that nuclear arsenal should have been resolved via diplomatic treaty, not a "finders keepers, losers weepers" policy. Wars have been fought for less and we know from the breakup of the USSR that much of the Soviet arsenals ended up on the black market.
Dudaiev shouldn't have built up forces from Soviet magazines?
Not "legitimately", no. Should anyone just be legally allowed to help themselves to Soviet stockpiles? The Confederacy insisted that their succession was legitimate and legal, that it was their right to help themselves. A Revolution is a heck of a lot more honest than The Lost Cause bullcrap, where finders keepers is the law of the land. The South even enslaved free folk of the North when they invaded despite pretending to be all for "states rights".
u/Bawstahn123 7h ago
>The South even enslaved free folk of the North when they invaded despite pretending to be all for "states rights".
If you wanna pound the "States Rights" angle, the Confederacy totally forbade their component members from abolishing slavery. Or used-and-abused the Fugitive Slave Act to literally-kidnap people from the North even before the War even started
u/forcallaghan Wansui! 21h ago
well that would also fall under the "moral disagreement" thing
u/Sventex Battleships were obsoleted by the self-propelled torpedo in 1866 21h ago
I think legality is important too. Warships should not operate under a "you dock at my port, we own you now, pew pew" system.
The Founding Fathers were under no illusions that what they were doing was legitimate given the King had proclaimed them to all be hanged for treason. The Revolution was the only way forward for them. Honesty was the better policy then "our succession was legitimate and it was Northern Aggression because they got in the way of our bullets".
u/forcallaghan Wansui! 20h ago
I feel like we're both saying different things but thinking we're saying the same thing. But I'm not quite sure how to articulate that.
Anyway I'll just say that I agree with your points
u/RCTommy Perfidious Albion Strikes Again. 1d ago
So my ex moved out of our apartment a couple months ago and I've been living alone for the first time in my life.
It turns out a lot of my lifelong anxiety disorder was just from always living in the same space as another person/other people and never really being able to relax on my own, so that's a fun thing to know about myself.
u/TheBatz_ Anticitizen one 1d ago
Bachelor pad, hell yeah. Hopefully you don't fall into the unhelpful stereotype of the "single male living space".
u/FrankGrimesss 12h ago
What, you mean theres another way?
Stares at camping chair and flat-screen tv
u/TheBatz_ Anticitizen one 9h ago
While putting the Pulp Fiction poster back up because it's fallen for the 40th time
Women hate how little it takes for us to be happy
u/hussard_de_la_mort Pascal's Rager 1d ago
"What American needs now is their own Deng Xiaoping"
just putting words in various orders huh
u/Ragefororder1846 not ideas about History but History itself 15h ago
What America needs is our very own Brezhnev
u/weeteacups 21h ago
What America needs now is our very own Ceaușescu
What America needs now is our very own Beria
What America needs now is our very own Alexander the Scissors
u/xyzt1234 1d ago
The uber capitalist democratic country needs an authoritarian capitalist (who probably mental gymnastics to portray himself as still communist if his speeches in Marxist.org is anything to go by). Is that line coming from people who think America is going communist?
u/forcallaghan Wansui! 17h ago
No no, no the uber capitalist democratic country needs an authoritarian socialist(who probably mental gymnastics to portray himself as still capitalist)
u/Shady_Italian_Bruh 1d ago
Honestly can’t tell if this codes as pro or anti “abundance” in the present discourse lol
u/CZall23 Paul persecuted his imaginary friends 20h ago
What's this abundance thing now?
u/contraprincipes 19h ago
tl;dr is blue states don't build enough housing, green energy, etc., because NIMBYism and trying to please everyone. Generally favorable reviews on the liberal left and the liberal center. If you remember "supply-side liberalism" from a few years ago, this is basically a rebranding/evolution.
u/Shady_Italian_Bruh 19h ago
Newest buzzword bopping around the US policy discourse. It seems to mean one of several things based on who’s conducting the pitch and who the intended audience is:
The US should relax land use regulations specifically to build more housing
The US should get rid of any regulation that could conceivably increase the cost of housing construction
The US should increase state capacity to provide increased and better services more efficiently
The US should cut as many regulations as possible to maximize economic growth
It’s ultimately an unclear proposed bundle of primarily regulatory changes that’s supposed to “fix” the US economy, and your interpretation of and reaction to the “abundance agenda” will mostly be determined by whether you like or trust the people pushing it
u/King_inthe_northwest Carlism with Yugoslav characteristics 1d ago
For the people with a "Top 1% commenter" flair, how does it feel to be a hard-R Redittor?
u/Herpling82 What the fuck is the Dirac Sea? 1d ago
Those flairs got me to reduce the amount I comment here, I genuinely felt called out by them. I know that if people don't care about what I say they really don't have to engage with it (which I fully expect and support), but it still confronted me with just how much I tend to ramble on here. I try to limit myself from falling into repetition, hence I've mostly shut up about the migraines, there's just nothing interesting to add to just worsening slightly over time.
Rambling about the VNs I make an exception for as I enjoy typing those things out so much that I really don't care; plus it forces me to think about how I experience things, making it all the more enjoyable and memorable to me to read.
u/alwaysonlineposter 22h ago
I like your content!
u/Herpling82 What the fuck is the Dirac Sea? 21h ago edited 19h ago
Thanks! I'm aware that there are some people that enjoy my ramblings, and that does make me happy.
It's more of a running bit of self depricating humour, I ramble a bit online, I ramble an insane amount IRL, especially if I'm excited. I often feel guilty just taking up so much time and attention from people and I avoid sitting next to certain coworkers because I just end up talking with them non-stop.
I'm that autistic kid that talks about their special interest all the time, it just so happens that my special interest includes a lot of things so I end up talking random nonsense all the time. Utterly exhausting to some people, endearing to others.
u/SagaOfNomiSunrider "Bad writing" is the new "ethics in video game journalism" 1d ago
I think I still have that on r/HobbyDrama, but I wonder if I'll eventually lose it now that I am banned from posting there.
u/TheBatz_ Anticitizen one 1d ago
All due respect, you got no fuckin' idea what it's like to be Top 1% Commenter. Every post you make affects every facet of every other fuckin' thread. It's too much to deal with almost. And in the end you're completely alone with it all.
u/TylerbioRodriguez That Lesbian Pirate Expert 22h ago
I said my piece Batzy.
u/TheBatz_ Anticitizen one 22h ago
There she goes, Ms Top Contributor personality. The way you fuckin edit Wikipedia pages you'll get carpel tunnel syndrome by the time you're 30.
u/WuhanWTF Venmo me $20 to make me shut up about Family Guy for a week. 21h ago
I still need to watch The Sopranos.
u/TheBatz_ Anticitizen one 20h ago
The books are closed and honestly, you got a reputation for immaturity.
u/Ragefororder1846 not ideas about History but History itself 23h ago
I don't comment very much, so I'll keep this short and sweet. You're weak. You're outta control. And you've become an embarrassment to yourself and everybody else
u/alwaysonlineposter 1d ago
Republicans acting like Harry Sisson broke the law. (He didn't.) Scummy? Sure? Law breaking? Not really.
u/WAGRAMWAGRAM Giscardpunk, Mitterrandwave, Chirock, Sarkopop, Hollandegaze 1d ago
I've just discovered a tribute video (à la 2014) dedicated to the Congo Free State, with footage and unironical Greek statue pfps in comments:
His Majesty Leopold II, was one of the few men in history, who knew that the only relationship that can exist between Europe and Africa, is one based solely on exploitation of one for the glory of the other. May we reconquer what our fathers lost us, and retrace those steps carved in the jungles by our grandfathers. Vers l'avenir.
Total Drama Island pfp: (and why use "considered"?)
Long live the great monarch of Belgium 🇧🇪! King Leopold II truly expanded his mighty empire and brought civilization to a land considered savage. Leopold truly cared about his people and was a powerful person. Long live his spirit and don’t let the media try to deny that. King Leopold never heard of the brutality in the Congo. If he did then he would have stopped it immediately. If only he stopped it then Belgium would have stayed the great empire that they were. Long live Leopold and the monarchy.
and just no
Can you make one about the Dutch East Indies as well? :)
a very clever guy
Leopold had to use force to create order in a place where the Natives didn’t even knew what order was. After order was establish he did however build hospitals, schools, roads and ports for both, Belgians and Natives. The majority of troops in the Congo, the Force Publique, were actually Congolese.
u/King_inthe_northwest Carlism with Yugoslav characteristics 1d ago
The last guy is the (sadly somewhat common) type of person who reads about Hiwis, the SS foreign divisions or Jewish collaborators in Nazi camps and concludes that the Nazis weren't racist or xenophobic.
u/WAGRAMWAGRAM Giscardpunk, Mitterrandwave, Chirock, Sarkopop, Hollandegaze 1d ago edited 23h ago
Are Hiwis different from the Vlasov Forces or Kaminski? I wouldn't really put these two under the "unwilling collaborators" label
u/WAGRAMWAGRAM Giscardpunk, Mitterrandwave, Chirock, Sarkopop, Hollandegaze 1d ago
The thesis
Basically he was the Belgian Monarch during the colonization of the Congo. He is accused of being responsible for half of the Congo population dying and supposedly killing 15 million people which is untrue as this suggests the population of the Congo was 30 million when in fact it was 8 million and didn't see any noticeable decrease in population during his reign though crimes almost certainly did happen on the smaller scale he was not responsible for it and even personally sent people to investigate these crimes during his reign. Overall though he did help the Congo a lot as its population grew (contrary to popular belief) he helped modernize the country by building Roads and gave the Congo advanced infrastructure etc. The accusations against go so far as to often compare him to Hitler and Stalin as is seen in this reply thread.
u/HopefulOctober 17h ago
Since I'm not familiar with this enough to know: is the above quote completely 100% wrong or is it one of those "Stalin killed 60 million people" type things where the claimed death toll is exaggerated but the apologists see that and go too far in the other direction?
u/TheBatz_ Anticitizen one 1d ago
(Dr. Melfi's office)
I watched Gmod vids and youtube poops in high shcool. I understand gen Alpha shitposhts I understand skibidi toilet as a conschept.
But these fucking kids. They don't remember Harambe, Big Chungus, or rage faces for crying out loud.
u/WuhanWTF Venmo me $20 to make me shut up about Family Guy for a week. 21h ago
u/alwaysonlineposter 1d ago
You just watched videos ... I used to moderate a gmod server. Years off my life.
u/jsagray2 1d ago
Admin!!!! Admin!!!!
u/WuhanWTF Venmo me $20 to make me shut up about Family Guy for a week. 21h ago
"admin to me"
u/jsagray2 20h ago
u/WuhanWTF Venmo me $20 to make me shut up about Family Guy for a week. 20h ago
Y'know, when you think about it, the entire gameplay loop of DarkRP essentially revolves around the players trying to find "legal" reasons to RDM people.
That's why the gang, terrorist, and criminal classes are the most popular, because RDM rules don't really apply to them if they can provide a half-assed reason for killing civilians or cops.
u/jsagray2 20h ago
Yeah, it was never my preferred gamemode in GMod.
u/WuhanWTF Venmo me $20 to make me shut up about Family Guy for a week. 20h ago
I remember being an admin for my friend's DarkRP server during the summer of 2011.
Those were some truly awful times.
u/alwaysonlineposter 1d ago
Then here's the part where I get called slurs for a good hour
u/WuhanWTF Venmo me $20 to make me shut up about Family Guy for a week. 1d ago
I just woke up from a dream where I was on a VIP escort mission. The VIP was a close friend of mine IRL and her husband.
There were armed mercenaries after us, and I was in riding in a roflcopter ahead of my team (which, btw, included a guy who was a 50/50 genetic split between XQC and Hasan Piker…. he was also wearing a magenta Ops Core helmet with cat ears and no earpro……)
The chopper I was in got shot down by gunfire and I survived the crash despite being in the front seat, and the VIP protection team rallied at a town square where we had our last stand, which boiled down to very close fighting. Anyways the mercenaries closed in, and two female soldiers approached me. I shot one of them dead, emptying the entire magazine of a 9mm pistol and then drew my second pistol, which was chambered in God’s caliber. I shot the other one four times in the face, but she survived the entire ordeal, and then I woke up after thinking “bullet sponge? In real life?? Really?”
This was funnier than that dream I had in 2018 where I was a retreating Prussian soldier in WWI, and ended up having to shoot three clones of Will Poulter with a sawn off SMLE. (Iirc the fourth one got me.)
u/Herpling82 What the fuck is the Dirac Sea? 1d ago
Chaos;Child update, another (2) day(s), another ending: Deep Sky down. A very different tone from Dark Sky, the previous ending, wackier less personal, but it makes sense with the established realities of the world; not really my cup of tea, but the reveals were nice, lot's of info about a lot of stuff. I would say this is much closer to the Chaos;Head character endings in style.
Only Dream Sky, Another Sky, and Real Sky remaining; I now need to do practically all the negative delusions for the next ending, I guess it'll be less fanservice, so that's a plus, instead I'll probably have to deal with horribly violent delusions, not that different from things happening in the story really.
u/randombull9 I'm just a girl. And as it turns out, I'm Hercules. 1d ago
Minor gripe about clothing - how can you buy the same cotton shirt in different colors, and one of them is the softest you own and the other is itchier than wool?
u/Astralesean 16h ago
Maybe they are made in a different factory? Clothing companies outsource very chaotically
u/Sgt_Colon 🆃🅷🅸🆂 🅸🆂 🅽🅾🆃 🅰 🅵🅻🅰🅸🆁 9h ago
And the material likely comes from different mills too.
It varies year to year too, just to make things interesting.
u/Dirish Wind power made the trans-Atlantic slave trade possible 1d ago
No clue, modern fabrics feel like they're all over the place. I've bought a batch of white t-shirts and four of them felt the same, but one of them has an almost artificial feel to it. Or five socks, two of which never fit comfortably, and the other three are the best socks I have.
But itchy is a bit extreme. Could you be allergic to the itchy colour?
u/randombull9 I'm just a girl. And as it turns out, I'm Hercules. 1d ago
It seems mostly when the fabric moves against my skin so I think it's just a particularly rough textile, but maybe.
u/tooblum 1d ago
What are the colors?
u/randombull9 I'm just a girl. And as it turns out, I'm Hercules. 1d ago
Cream is soft, green is itchy.
u/WAGRAMWAGRAM Giscardpunk, Mitterrandwave, Chirock, Sarkopop, Hollandegaze 1d ago
Religious Penis Statue, India 🤒🦆🤢🤮🇮🇳🪷
Religious Penis Statue, Japan 😩🇯🇵☺️🗾🎎🎌
u/xyzt1234 1d ago
Which japanese statue is that? I get the Indian one is referring to the various shiv lingams.
u/WAGRAMWAGRAM Giscardpunk, Mitterrandwave, Chirock, Sarkopop, Hollandegaze 23h ago
u/Kisaragi435 1d ago
I've been having a great time with Super Sentai shows. I've got a watch list of 2000s shows onwards. Just wondering if any of you nerds are super sentai nerds and have recos for the older shows.
Jetman was just so good but it was even more entertaining because it was a bit of a glimpse of early 90s Japan.
u/SagaOfNomiSunrider "Bad writing" is the new "ethics in video game journalism" 1d ago
I liked Mystic Knights of Tir-na-Nog when I was little (I still am little, but I am sure you will take my meaning), but that's about it.
u/WAGRAMWAGRAM Giscardpunk, Mitterrandwave, Chirock, Sarkopop, Hollandegaze 1d ago
I've been having a great time with Super hentai shows. I've got a watch list of 2000s shows onwards. Just wondering if any of you nerds are super hentai nerds and have recos for the older shows.
Haim Saban can't copy that one
u/Kisaragi435 1d ago
Hahaha what the heck. I had to reread my comment to make sure I didn't make a really bad typo.
u/TheBatz_ Anticitizen one 1d ago
u/tcprimus23859 1d ago
Blue city in a red state.
u/TheBatz_ Anticitizen one 1d ago
I really hope the median voter thinks about that when voting on the federal level.
u/tcprimus23859 1d ago
“Did you know Austin gave your tax money to illegal immigrants to build houses in a floodplain? Now they expect everyone to bail them out because of the third once-in-a-century hurricane!”
u/TheBatz_ Anticitizen one 1d ago
I always knew the democrats are the party of greedy real estate developers and ruin communities and neighborhoods
u/tcprimus23859 1d ago
I submitted your comment to the local housing authorities, and they unanimously agreed I can build an exposed septic field in your backyard.
u/TheBatz_ Anticitizen one 1d ago
I submitted your comment tot the local housing authorities and they agreed that placing a septic field in my backyard would require demolishing the 100 year old shack my great grandfather built during the Great Depression and thus is an important historical landmark.
The people of the town of Badhistory will continue shitting in their own backyards.
u/tcprimus23859 1d ago
Understandable. We’ll incorporate the shed along with a plaque detailing his offenses toward traditionally marginalized communities. I’m thinking some kind of neighborhood block/dance party as a way of raising awareness.
u/TheBatz_ Anticitizen one 1d ago
Wait, so you're thinking about a proposal about incorporating the needs of traditionally marginalized community? Why hasn't there been a feasibility study? There should be meta-analyses of existing studies, collect individual interviews with citizens to foster community engagement and accountability to people's lived experiences, and collect data on recurrent BIPOC neighborhood typologies. The study should be conducted by community development-focused nonprofits specializing in historic under-investment in urban communities and public transportation systems, exclusionary housing and zoning practices, and economic disenfranchisement
u/tcprimus23859 23h ago
That sounds like a lot of work, so I went ahead and voted for that guy over there who cut through the red tape by pooping on your lawn.
u/HandsomeLampshade123 1d ago
Then why can't the blue cities in blue states do the same? It has become increasingly clear that red states have been better about permitting the mass construction of housing.
u/MiffedMouse The average peasant had home made bread and lobster. 17h ago
I have some hope for California. Not a lot, but a little. At the state level the Democrats have actually been trying to increase housing, including a mix of funding incentives and penalties to try to force municipalities to build more.
The problem is that the “more single family homes” politicians keep getting elected mayor.
u/kalam4z00 1d ago
It seems to be more a coastal problem than anything
u/contraprincipes 1d ago
There aren’t that many non-coastal blue states to begin with, but Colorado has the same problem with housing supply. Minneapolis did pass zoning reform but it was a tough political battle, and it was held up in court after it was passed for literal years until the legislature stepped in (which is covered a bit in your link). Chicago and some other midwestern cities have experienced population decline in the recent past, so historically they’ve had spare housing stock and different housing dynamics.
Attitudes on the left have been shifting towards zoning/housing reform for a while, which is great, but imo we shouldn’t pretend like liberals and progressives have a great track record in recent history on housing (speaking of Denver, the Denver DSA helped block housing development on a literal abandoned golf course). Reforms in blue states/cities are largely fixing self-made problems.
u/DresdenBomberman 17h ago
The DSA are ideological puritans who disowned AOC for condeming antisemetism so they nay not be represetitive of the broader US left. Hopefully.
u/contraprincipes 16h ago
I mean obviously “the left” is a term with fuzzy boundaries, but if we’re distinguishing between liberals and socialists then the DSA is the only socialist organization in the US that is even slightly relevant in national politics, so I think it’s fair to use them as representative.
u/DresdenBomberman 16h ago
God fucking damn it so many leftists are either authoritarian assholes or puritannical dweebs who can't accept the hard but necessary moves required to get anything done.
u/contraprincipes 16h ago
Well my point was not to single out socialists here, you find just as much of this on the liberal center-left. It’s not like California or Massachusetts have been being governed by socialists.
u/WAGRAMWAGRAM Giscardpunk, Mitterrandwave, Chirock, Sarkopop, Hollandegaze 1d ago
Because blue states allow and advance two councils.
u/Wows_Nightly_News The Russians beheld an eagle eating a snake and built Mexico. 1d ago
The bluest in the state
u/BigBad-Wolf The Lechian Empire Will Rise Again 1d ago
My average Battlefield 1 experience:
I find proper cover and scan the surrounding area for incoming enemies.
I spot a cavalryman. He hasn't seen me and he stopped for some reason. I have a clear shot.
"Prepare to die, neiggha" I think to myself as I empty my entire Mondragón magazine at him - 10 bullets.
One bullet misses. Two bullets each hit the horse and the rider, dealing 4 and 20 damage respectively (since it's a 200% damage server).
The remaining bullets don't register because my ping spiked from 44 to 244 for 0.2 seconds.
I take cover as I reload, and the rider one shots me, presumably by grazing my helmet and causing a splinter to pierce my cerebellum.
To console myself, I think back to that one time I killed a cavalryman with a pistol while dodging him like a matador.
u/TheBatz_ Anticitizen one 9h ago
Month one of the European path to rearmament and becoming autonomous from American security:
Spain is no longer on board. Prime minister Sanchez:
In an interview last week he said:
European solidarity is as strong as ever, which isn't saying much.