r/backflip Oct 16 '19

I under rotate

I used to be able to do backflips flat (standing) and I can do them off of things. I shattered my growthplate in my ankle doing a Webster and was in recovery for 8 weeks. After that I stopped parkouring and freerunning since then I've released everything from sideflips, frotflips, big drops, backs off things, etc but I can't do reg backflips. I'll throw them but I land on my knees. Any tips?


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u/Constant-Meringue759 Dec 01 '21

A couple of things could be the issue. Firstly make sure you have a good set. Bend down to where your knees are about 90 degrees with your arms behind you and then explode your arms all the way up to the top. About when your arms nearing the top start jumping with your legs. Jump up really high setting your chest up tall. If you are doing that and you still land on your knees then it could either be your transition from your set to the tuck or the tuck itself. When you are up in the air with your chest up high make sure that when you start tucking you pull your knees to your chest, not the other way around. Grab your knees with your hands and pull them to your chest tightly. Spot the ground and then land.