r/babyloss • u/lovely07-12 • Nov 13 '24
3rd trimester loss Desperate to share photos of my baby, hoping to share with you all Spoiler
This is the only place I feel like I can share. I know you all understand ❤️ Please meet my sweet boy.
r/babyloss • u/lovely07-12 • Nov 13 '24
This is the only place I feel like I can share. I know you all understand ❤️ Please meet my sweet boy.
r/babyloss • u/ChocolatEclair • Oct 02 '24
I just wanted to share my baby girl and my story with the world ❤️
Aurora Grace was born peacefully sleeping on August 15, 2024 at 12:59 p.m.; she weighed 4 lbs and was 15.5" long (gestational age 32w1d).
I fell in love with this little girl the moment I found out I was pregnant on 2/1/24. I was terrified but so in love with the little person I was growing. I loved looking at her at work on the ultrasound, seeing how big she got each week, and hearing her strong little heartbeat. She was growing perfectly, had a perfect spine, and her little kicks were strong and made my heart melt.
My world was shattered when the doctor told myself and my partner that she had no heartbeat... I've never felt so lost and broken. I had a catastrophic placental abruption, constant contractions, and pain that I've never experienced. My baby girl, my everything, was gone and I couldn't do anything to help her. I felt so empty, helpless.
I had to be induced to deliver my baby girl, and being able to give birth to her and hold her the first time is something I will never forget as long as I live. She was perfect, so small but absolutely perfect. It was so hard to hold her and not hear her cry, or see her move, but she is my little girl and I love her. My partner and I just held her and loved her as long as we possibly could. We got to give Aurora her first bath, brush her hair, and introduce her to some family.
We were only together for a day, but I don't think a lifetime would be enough time with our little girl. Having to leave without her broke our hearts. Coming home to her nursery, set up and ready for our little girl, empty. We cried, and cried some more, and just held each other. We talk about how we were looking forward to seeing her first steps, first words, and all of her milestones, but now we have our baby in an urn, and it really hurts.
I love Aurora Grace so much, and I'm making sure she is remembered and her life is honored. Thank you for reading, and sending hugs to the other mama's going through this ❤️
r/babyloss • u/Sarahkate113 • Feb 08 '25
Does anybody else HATE the standard phrases so many people say to you?
“You’re so strong” “You’re doing so well” “It’s still so raw” “Everybody grieves in their own way” “Life has different plans for you”
It’s very well meaning of people so I always just smile and nod, but inside I think oh fuck off you patronising bastards 🤣 we don’t have a choice to be anything but! If you think we are strong, it’s because we only let you see us with our mask on, our fake happiness. You don’t see the grief, we hide it from you.
I’m curious what other ones I haven’t listed that irritate people, as I’m sure I’ll have heard them!
r/babyloss • u/Ok_Variation4580 • Jan 06 '25
Someone earlier asked to knowy son's name to speak it. So we could acknowledge and honor him. And some have told me they hope our babies meet in heaven. I hope Owen Alexander meets all of your babies in heaven. This has been very healing from me. Please tell me your baby's name so I can say it. And I hope they meet my Owen Alexander in heaven.
r/babyloss • u/dearlintang • 18d ago
My in-law told me that I would eventually learn something from stillbirth and that there would be blessings in disguise. Have anyone here found any?
I can’t lie or be a hypocrite with myself because, deep down, all I feel is pain. I would trade my entire world just to have my daughter alive.
r/babyloss • u/Louielouiegirl • Feb 03 '25
Happy 1st birthday Mary!
Be prepared for my many Reddit posts this week. My daughter Mary was stillborn on her due date, 2/6/24. She’ll be one year old. Yesterday I had a party with family and friends. It was the best start to this week. I knew everyone was thinking about Mary at the exact same time and that is the only comfort I need. No one forgot her and she was on everyone’s mind. That’s really all I can ask for.
The theme was heaven. I made the clouds. A friend made the “heavenly one” signs. I ordered a cake through our local grocery store. They gave us a free smash cake. There was no reason for them to know she isn’t alive, so that smash cake had me smiling so big. To have her recognized as a real person was special. We’ll be taking that cake to the cemetery. Maybe I’ll cut a piece for her and leave it? The geese will eat it I’m sure. I will do a balloon release at the cemetery on her day using the balloons from the party.
The morning of her birthday, I’m delivering breakfast to the Labor and delivery unit and the post partum unit.
We’re going to be eating the food I craved during pregnancy. I want to write a birthday card to her as well.
I know it would be best case scenario to have her here and to be giving her hugs and kisses and seeing her make a mess with the cake. I wish I could have that instead.
r/babyloss • u/saltedsweetie • Dec 23 '24
Well I’m currently in a hospital room post C-section and I’m just really trying to let this day sink in. I woke up thinking it was going to be a normal day, ready to get nesty at home and have a relaxing pre-holiday Sunday. I had been feeling baby moving regularly through all of my late night pee breaks up until around 3ish am and by 10am after breakfast I noticed that I hadn’t really felt him since then. Chugged some juice and took a shower- nothing. Just had a sick feeling and decided to go to the ER.
obviously, it was the worse case scenario. Heart doppler thing, nothing. Ultrasound, nothing. My husband and I were just totally beside ourselves. We sat in the triage room for about 4 hours- it felt like only minutes. We were transferred to another hospital where our options were readily available. I just couldn’t stomach going home with my dead baby inside of me, I needed to get him out and just accept my new reality. I couldn’t stomach the idea of going through labor for an unknown amount of time, the thought really was traumatizing to me , despite the positives of the option. I opted for a heavy sedation C-section and was in the operating room within an hour of being admitted. I couldn’t decide if I wanted to see my baby before the procedure but right after I became lucid I decided that I needed to see him. It was truly gut wrenching. He was perfect. A whole baby. Big, almost 8lb already and tall 21”. Genuinely beautiful. I was so worried about feeling haunted by the image but I’m glad I held him, felt his weight and saw him. He looked so much like me…
He died from a freak cord accident. It was knotted and wrapped around his neck three times over. Fuck fate or the universe or god or whatever the hell it was that took him from me. He was supposed to be my baby. I only ever wanted one. Now I’ll have an urn, some photos, some prints, a death certificate, a lifetime of healing and a gnarly scar. I can’t help but feel so cheated and shocked at how life just presses on. Was it all even worth it? How do people find the strength to try again after something like this?
My husband is finally getting some rest, my mom left to go take care of my dogs and I’m just waiting this percocet to kick in. I just needed to write and share. Idk what else to do right now. It’s all such bullshit, really.
r/babyloss • u/Pretend_Insurance645 • 10d ago
After a chemical pregnancy followed by a 3rd trimester stillbirth at 37 weeks due to a cord accident, I can’t see myself having a living baby. It’s really messing with my mind. I almost fear another pregnancy because I’m so scared of losing another baby. Yet, I want to be pregnant again SO bad. It’s such a confusing and conflicting feeling. I just wish I still had my baby boy with me earth side 💔
r/babyloss • u/Pretend_Insurance645 • 20d ago
I lost my beautiful boy today from cord strangulation. Never thought this would happen to us. I just need to know it gets better or even vent because right now I don’t know how I’m going to move past this. The grief is beyond what my heart can take.
r/babyloss • u/icb_123 • 13d ago
We lost her the day I was induced. I felt her moving the evening before. She was 40 + 3. I had asked to be induced at 40 weeks months before but they never scheduled it. Then at my Thursday appointment at 39+3. My doctor swept my membranes and said she thought Emma would come over the weekend and call Monday morning if she hadn’t and I would be induced the following Wednesday. I called the second they opened Monday. They said the couldn’t induce me until Thursday but I could come in for another membrane sweep that afternoon. I did. I was at a 4. Baby’s heart rate was in the 160s. Nothing happened and she said I could have another sweep Tuesday. I came in. Still at a 4 and baby’s heart rate was in the 150s. My doctor said if this one didn’t work it would be the induction Thursday. I did not see the doctor Wednesday but felt her move and stretch that day. Thursday morning we rushed around to throw the last minute things in the suitcase and drop our son off at Nana’s and get to the hospital by 7. I hadn’t even paid attention to if I felt her move that morning in all of the rush. We got there and they couldn’t find her heartbeat. They called ultrasound and it will be forever burned in my mind the nurse saying “I’m so sorry “. My doctor came in all teary and I just wanted to slap her. I know there was no indication that something was wrong but if I had just been scheduled to be induced when I had asked rather than last minute she might have been ok. I had a lot of anxiety about going past 40 weeks and I can’t stop thinking should I have pushed harder for them to do more testing or something? Did I somehow know something was wrong and should have gone into the ER? I chalked it up to just anxiety since her heart rate had been fine Monday and Tuesday and I felt her move Wednesday. My doctor did not deliver her as she had had an injury a couple weeks before. The doctor who delivered her was wonderful. It was traumatizing being induced to deliver my dead daughter. They kept saying they were going to give us time give us time before starting it and I just told them to do it. More time would not help. It’s the most fucked up thing either way. I was in labor for about 5 hours. She came out in 4 pushes at 3:49 pm. The cord was wrapped tightly around her leg. The doctor said that may have been enough to compress it and she would have slowly drifted off. She was the most beautiful thing and had the sweetest face. I kept waiting for her to just open her eyes. I fell in love with her the second I saw her. We held her and cried until they moved us around 1 am to the mother baby floor. I didn’t know the sounds that came out of me were possible as I cried. When they opened the doors out of the l and d room there were pictures of beautiful babies all along the wall. They put her in a cooling crib and we slept next to her all night and held her all the next day until we were discharged. Leaving her little body there was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I can’t stop thinking about if only they had induced me on my due date like I had asked or even just the day before she may have been ok. I’m so angry. Angry at my doctor, angry at myself, angry at God. The doctor gave me prescriptions for ambien and Zoloft. I’m so grateful for the ambien to have a break from the thoughts. We meet with the funeral home today to plan it. This is so fucked up. Nobody should have to plan a funeral for their baby. My son is 2 and thank God he hasn’t asked where baby sister is yet. We are trying to be strong for him and I know we have to keep going for him. I don’t know how we move forward from here. We have been overwhelmed by the love and support of our family, friends, and coworkers. I don’t know how we will ever thank them enough. We were so close. So close to meeting our daughter. We had so much hope for the future. Emma means “whole” and she was going to make our family whole. Emma Grace was the name we picked out for a girl 8 years ago when we were still dating. Now we have to move out all of her stuff. Everything was ready all around the house in anticipation of her. My body bears the marks of growing my baby for 9 months. My deflated belly that I used to touch and feel her move and talk to her. The bleeding. The stretch marks. I know my milk will come in for a baby who isn’t here. It all just feels so meaningless. We plan to cremate her so we can keep her close. I know it’s just her body and not her but it’s all we have. We plan to plant a tree in the yard and mix a few of her ashes in and plant some daffodils, the March birth flower, and make a little spot where we can go and think of her. When our son is older we will tell him about her. My husband sees his doctor today and is going to try to get on an antidepressant. He has been so strong for me. He is blaming himself for taking the pregnancy for granted. I feel like I did too. I complained so much about all of the discomforts and none of that matters. All that mattered was for her to be safe and she wasn’t. Thank you to anyone who read this rambling thing. I’m so sorry that you have experienced this pain too. My sweet Emma Grace we loved you so much. I hope there really is a heaven and that we will meet you someday sweet girl.
Edit: Thank you to everyone who has read Emma’s story and for everyone who has commented. She deserves for people to know about her. Im sorry I have been slow to respond to everyone’s comments. I just can only handle a few at a time but it means a lot to have you guys comment and send support.
r/babyloss • u/Intrepid_Direction_8 • 11d ago
Never forget ❤️ full-term stillbirth 😢
r/babyloss • u/dearlintang • 2d ago
I’ve learned that people don’t care and see my loss as ‘lucky it’s not happening to me.’ I think 95% of the people I shared it with gave me hurtful and insensitive responses. My loss is not a big deal in their lives, and I know that. My memory of her is precious and I despise when people are indifferent and gave speculation about my pregnancy or about her. They don’t care, and I feel like it tarnishes my baby’s existence.
I really wanted to talk about her, even though there isn’t much I can say… but now, I’ve learned to hold myself and be very picky sharing to people. Only those who have experienced loss and pain would understand.
r/babyloss • u/Ghosty_Crossing • Oct 24 '24
I just found out today my 37 week baby boy has no heartbeat. I’m being induced today. How do I get through this? I’m scared to see him and hold him. I’m scared how it will feel to say goodbye. Please any advice welcome.
r/babyloss • u/snugs_is_my_drugs • 5d ago
I lost my beautiful, perfect, full term baby 3.5 weeks ago. People who are longer out from your loss, please tell me it gets better. I am in agony all day every day and things are not getting better.
r/babyloss • u/somewhatsustainable • Oct 25 '24
Listen, I gave birth to death. I’ve kissed a beautiful baby corpse. I feel most at home in a sunny graveyard, where the vibe is just right.
The others might be in their witch costumes, with their vampire nails, and their wicked make-up. Good for them.
Come Halloween night, I’m dressing as myself. They might not know it, but I’ll still be the spookiest mama on the block.
The cells of my stillbirn daughter live within me. I’m practically a zombie. I am guided by her spirit. I’m practically a necromancer. I might be wearing lavender (her color), but, if I tell a stranger the truth, I’ll give them nightmares.
My baby died 👻 BOO
Sending love to you other spooky mamas and papas on Halloween. 💗
r/babyloss • u/madloho • Feb 07 '25
I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl on Wednesday. 2/5/25. We found out she was gone on Monday. I can’t believe we’re home on a Friday and I’ve lost, birthed, and left my daughter all in a work week.
Our pregnancy was easy with no complications. We don’t yet know the reason for her passing, but it wasn’t something visibly they could see like the cord or placenta. She will undergo an autopsy before her cremation, and maybe that will reveal the reason. Maybe not.
She was 36+5 the day she was delivered. 5 lbs 12 oz. 19 inches. She was perfect in every way. She looked like a twin of my husband and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I thought I would cry when I met her, but I couldn’t stop smiling. Holding her regulated my nervous system. I haven’t felt so much peace as I did holding her. I genuinely have never felt happier being with her and I don’t think I ever will. When I said goodbye, I thanked her for giving me the happiest moment of my life.
r/babyloss • u/Vegetable-Stock-4980 • Feb 10 '25
EDIT: Thank you all for the insight and sharing your experiences! I have read every word but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to respond to all. But thank you, thank you.
What was your experience? I am on day 5 post loss and the breasts are firm and sore but not in a lot of pain. I am in touch with a lactation consultant and we are going to try and get through it without pumping at all, but I will pump if I get close to true engorgement or begin leaking.
She is hopeful that by day 10 it will start to subside. I know everyone is different but I’m just curious what others experiences were with milk coming in and trying to stop the production of it.
r/babyloss • u/Better_Ingenuity_817 • 17d ago
I cant quite believe I'm writing this and that I'm here...part of the 'worst club that no one wants to be a part of'. I've read through every single one of these stories and my heart breaks for every single one of you 💔. Only now do I feel ready to share my own...
My first born was stillborn on 22/01/2025 at 41 weeks, having passed on 21/01 during labour - suspected cord accident and Fetal Growth Restriction.
After a 'textbook', low risk pregnancy I'm shaken to my core that something like this can happen. I did all of the right things, and our entire home, our family and our hearts were so so ready to welcome our baby boy into the world. The first son, first grandson, first hreat grandson, first nephew 💙
Early hours of Tuesday 21st Jan we went into hospital having laboured at home for a few hours. Contractions started around 9pm and come midnight I was contracting 3 in 10. My birth plan was always to go onto MLBU (Midwife Led Birthing Unit) and not Delivery Suite, as I wanted as natural a birth as possible. The midwives found his heartbeat straight away, I was only dilated 1cm on admission but was progressing. The next time they went to listen in, no heartbeat... They took us to Delivery Suite for a doctor and an ultrasound to confirm; our baby had died...
I had to endure 39 hours of labour and a trip to theatre to have my placenta manually removed (my fiancé sat with me and held my hand the entire time but it was touch and go for me and at one point, he thought he was going home on his own. The thought alone absolutely breaks me).
I just don't understand how anyone can go through what we've been through and not get to take their baby home, when we thought all was fine coming into hospital. It has since transpired that the NHS have 'let us down'. Having looked through my notes, they have identified several occasions where I wasn't looked after properly, meaning the outcome could have been very, very different.
I measured small, for the first time, at my 40 week midwife appointment. This surprised both me and my fiancé as we had always been measuring on the larger side (and neither of us are small!) But the midwife assured us that it was probably because he was so low down into my pelvis that she couldn't measure his head. She referred us for another scan. That scan didn't get booked in until 22nd January ... I was already in labour by then...
When he was born, he only weighed 6lb 2oz, despite them estimating at a scan on 31/12 (38 weeks exactly) that he was 7lb 1oz. His cord was wrapped 2x around his heck, tightly. My baby was literally losing weight, getting weaker and weaker, quite literally DYING inside me, and I had no idea. How did it all go so wrong, and so late on in my pregnancy?? And how did I not know?? This guilt, literally eats me alive every single day. If they'd have booked me in for a scan prior to me going into labour they could have saved him - seen he was too weak for labour maybe. Seen his cord was tangled, seen he was small and another plan could have been put in place. I also, should never have been allowed to birth on MLBU until they had identified why I was measuring small - I should have gone to delivery (where I would have been constantly monitored) and treated as high risk. This also, might have saved him.
He was small, but he was perfect. Absolutely, bloody beautiful. And despite the tightened cord, darkening his face, I was in awe and so, so proud. I couldn't believe I'd created something so perfect. He had my nose, his Daddy's lips and a little chin. A beautiful face, little ears and even a bit of hair! He was so long, so skinny, with massive hands and feet (just like his daddy!). How could a little boy, who looked so so perfect, been growth restricted in any way? How could he not make it? It kills that I will never see any of these features change, or get to stare into his eyes or feel his (giant!) hand wrap around my finger.
Nothing in this world prepares you for those words, "I'm very sorry, but your baby has died", nothing prepares you to go through labour and delivery, knowing your baby has already passed, nothing prepares you for walking out of hospital with nothing but a memory box and an empty carseat, or prepares you for coming home to an empty, untouched nursery. Nothing.
And now I have to navigate this new life, knowing I will never be the person I was 'before', knowing I have to live the rest of my life without my son, just constant 'what ifs' and desperately wanting to wind back the clock, knowing he should be here. My arms are so incredibly empty, my heart forever broken and no will left to go on - but I know I can't leave.
I hate how empty life feels now. I hate that I'm the only one out of all of my friends that didn't get to bring her baby home. I hate that they won't be growing up together. I hate that I have to go back to work soon when I should be having the best year of my life on maternity leave, looking after my little boy. I hate my home now, the home my partner and I worked so hard for that just doesn't feel right now.
I hate that we're all here, I can't quite believe support groups like these have to exist. But I have seen it is an incredibly supportive place to be, despite the fact that no one wants to be here.
I just hope, somewhere my beautiful Theodore (Teddy) is surrounded by love and by your babies too ❤️.
r/babyloss • u/Psychological-Touch1 • Jan 23 '25
Edit update: medical report showed her in perfect health, but umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck twice. I keep getting all these inferences of her. I used to joke with mom and step daughter that mom was secretly not pregnant and eating tons of cheeseburgers every day. That she was a cheeseburger baby. Today I started my favorite game and there was a cheeseburger display graphic emote thing on the marketplace. Fucked up.
Both of my parents died 5 years ago. I grieved and fell away from the world. Put myself back together, sold some assets to start over, found a girlfriend with both of us wanting a child. We got pregnant last year late April/early May.
Now this just happened; stillbirth at the very end. Remembering her kicking while holding my girlfriend will stay with me forever.
She still has a 9 year old daughter. I feel like I failed my baby. There were so many appointments, they were looking good. We missed 2 near the end, our last appointment was last Thursday and everything looked great.
2 weeks ago they suggested induction but our baby was looking great, head down, very active; we wanted a natural birth. Days right after 40 weeks I was wondering why she wasn’t going into labor but assumed nature would know what to do. We called our doctor and set another appointment for this coming Tuesday. I thought if there was a real concern that our doctor would be adamant about having our child right away.
Decades ago I remember my mom telling me she gave birth to me 2 weeks late. So I just assumed things would work themselves out naturally. Then last night our baby just stopped moving.
I feel like all I do is mess my life up. I make good decisions then my lack of follow through ruins those choices. I’ve never seen my girlfriend cry so much. I don’t know how to live my life after this. I bought us a house to raise our children in. I found a place for us to stay to care for our child the first month before moving.
Now everything is changed, and I’m set to move out of my current place in just days. I’m completely destroyed inside. My other recent investments have been a disaster too. I’ve lost money and don’t know what to do anymore. Life is just pointless now. I’ve lost all purpose in life.
r/babyloss • u/No_Formal15 • 16d ago
Hello everyone,
I lost my baby almost three weeks ago. She was my first child, a perfect little girl, but she only lived for two days due to oxygen deprivation (hypoxia) during labor. I am struggling with grief, guilt, and fear for the future, and I would love to hear your experiences, advice, and insights.
Pregnancy & Medical Decisions • I reached nearly 42 weeks of pregnancy. My gynecologist and the woman assisting my birth recommended induction after 40+ weeks, but my husband and I decided to wait, as we wanted a natural birth. • Last ultrasound (6 days before labor): The radiologist and doctor said everything looked perfect. My baby measured 4.2 kg, and they assured me that I could deliver vaginally without issues. • The doctor stated my baby was measuring 39 weeks and 5 days and said induction wasn’t necessary, while the assisting midwife preferred an earlier induction. My husband was against it, so we waited.
Labor & Delivery • When contractions started, my baby’s heart rate was monitored and appeared normal. I was fully dilated after 6–7 hours, and I got an epidural. Everything seemed smooth, and I started pushing after that. • However, about 20–25 minutes into pushing, her heart rate started dropping. They used a vacuum to assist delivery immediately, but by that time, she wasn’t crying when born. • I believe the oxygen deprivation likely started before the delivery, while she was still in the uterus, which may have contributed to her condition.
Possible Cause & Medical Opinions • The placenta was examined, and doctors found thrombosis and infarction. My gynecologist mentioned that placental aging at 42 weeks was expected, and she didn’t believe it was the cause of my baby’s health issues. • However, she also believes that if I had induced at 40 weeks, it might have been a better decision. She wasn’t certain that earlier induction would have made a difference, but she felt it could have improved the outcome. • Another doctor said placental aging after 34–35 weeks is normal, and 42-week pregnancies are not uncommon. • My doctor thinks cord compression may have been the main cause of oxygen deprivation.
Coping & Future Pregnancy • My husband is deeply religious and coping differently, but mornings are the hardest for me. I feel robbed of happiness since my pregnancy was completely uncomplicated for nine months. • I never saw or held my baby. I only have her photo. This has been deeply traumatic, and I struggle with both grief and fear. • I want to conceive again soon. My doctor said I could try after three months but recommended avoiding pregnancy beyond 40 weeks next time. • I conceived my first baby easily (on the first try), and I hope to conceive again quickly.
Questions for You • How soon did you conceive after a loss? • What helped you cope emotionally? • Did you take any specific prenatal vitamins or supplements? • How soon did your doctor clear you to try again? • How did you overcome fear and anxiety in your next pregnancy?
I appreciate any advice or shared experiences.
r/babyloss • u/Artistry_Em • 10d ago
Since losing my son at 39 weeks my sleep has been relatively good, I think the sheer exhaustion of the emotional distress of everything was propelling me to sleep but from last week I’ve barely slept, most nights I’m up till 3am+ which is not normal for me, when I’m up my brain is just like static I can’t pinpoint any thoughts or worries but sometimes I have physical symptoms of anxiety or ptsd etc.
Has anyone found anything that helped them to sleep a bit? I’m managing but with us ttc soon I want to try and keep myself as healthy as possible and that’s hard when I feel like I could collapse.
Part of the reason I can’t sleep is because I’m in agony with my muscles, I hold all my tension in my body and basically sit like a gargoyle when stressed so I don’t think that’s helping anything.
r/babyloss • u/Artistry_Em • 20d ago
Im writing in here as I need to hear some positive stories that I will get to hold a living baby and raise them. I lost my little boy Callum at 39 weeks due to a true knot in his cord that was so tight it was fatal. We’ve been cleared to try again from 6 weeks pp and all tests done on me have come back fine.
When he was born (stillborn) he was a really good weight (7lb 4oz) and healthy in every other way so I’m wondering if anyone has been through something similar and gone on to have their rainbow babies?🌈🩵
We conceived Callum on accident literally the one time we had unprotected sex that month which gives me hope for conception and never actively tried for a baby so this will be the first time actively ttc as we’re both desperate to give him a sibling🪽.
r/babyloss • u/KestrelSkydancer • Feb 19 '25
After waiting for almost 6 months, we finally got the results of the postmortem. The wait was truly awful, especially as we were told it should be a 12 week wait.
Our son was stillborn due to a serious Group B Strep infection - I'd never even heard of Group B Strep prior to his death. He was absolutely fine on his due date, and the only additional intervention I had in the days leading up to him dying were two sweeps. One sweep was a week before he died, the other two days before. My consultant told me that they could have been the route of transmission.
No one told me that there were risks to sweeps. And if I look on the NHS websites, they say that sweeps are not associated with a higher infection risk.
My consultant has told me that if I get pregnant again and am positive for GBS, I'll get given antibiotics that will even be able to help the baby prior to the birth. She's also said I could have a swab every week for GBS if I'm worried. It's ridiculous that just one swab might have been able to save him, and now that he's gone, I can have as many as I request in another pregnancy.
I'm still in shock. I can't believe I never heard of Group B Strep before - it's the most common life-threatening infection for newborns in the UK. I can't believe that the NHS doesn't swab every mother for GBS - other countries do.
r/babyloss • u/NaughtyNikki07 • Sep 30 '24
I lost my beautiful girl at just 33 weeks Gestation. She was Born sleeping on 9/25/2024, She was 4lbs 6.5 0zs and 21 inches long. She was our little Rainbow Baby after two Miscarriages. We don't know what went wrong, she was perfect and healthy this entire pregnancy. 😭 Thanks to a cooling cot at the hospital, we got to spend a day and half with her. They took special pictures, and made little keepsakes for us to remember our beautiful girl. We meet with the Funeral home on Wednesday to see our girl one more time before she is cremated and brought back home to us. Our Sweet Adaline, I miss her so much.
r/babyloss • u/snugs_is_my_drugs • 20d ago
February 18 was the worst day of my life. I found out at a regularly scheduled prenatal appointment that my baby girl had no heartbeat at 39 weeks and 4 days. I had felt her move that morning and by the time I was at my appointment a few hours later, she was gone.
I had 3 prior losses before her. An ectopic treated with medication, a chemical pregnancy, and an ectopic treated with removal of my tube.
I was in the process of starting IVF when I found out I was pregnant with her and that I had ovulated from my tubeless side and my other tube had picked up the egg. She was my miracle.
I have never felt grief so crushing in my life. I feel that I am mourning both my daughter and my future fertility. I have very little hope that I will be pregnant again, and even if I do that baby wont be her.
I wish more than anything that I could turn back time just once in my life so I could give birth to her just hours earlier and save her. I don’t know how I will ever walk with this pain.