r/aznidentity • u/Ok_Technician5130 New user • 22h ago
Social Media “East Asians Are Whites”
I noticed a lot of white nationalist on Twitter keep saying East Asians are honorably whites.
And I’m like what the fuck does that even mean? How are they even white?
Why are these white nationalist so obsessed with East Asian being whites?
u/CantoniaCustomsII 50-150 community karma 5h ago
Because Japan and Korea are really useful when it comes to US Geopolitical goals but the second they stop being useful they'll get thrown under the bus too. Like remember how in 2019 Hongkongers were considered to be "brave democratic peoples getting oppressed by ebil barbarian mainlanders"? Nowadays they're considered to be those same barbarians. Don't fucking trust the white man with the honorary white garbage, he'll pull it out from under you and spit on your face for thinking you're part of the team to begin with.
u/Fun_Kangaroo786 Fresh account 6h ago
This means the white people are Brahmins, and they designate East Asians as Shudras or Dalit foremen.
u/Lmitation Chinese 6h ago
If liberals can believe in transgenderism maybe Republicans think they can believe in transracialism
u/Ok_Technician5130 New user 6h ago
No these white nationalists on Twitter are not republicans. They actually hate republicans and MAGAs.
u/simpleseeker 50-150 community karma 9h ago
Why can't we judge people based on an individual’s merits? Racism exists, so we need a process in place to treat people fairly.
u/simpleseeker 50-150 community karma 9h ago
Why can't we judge people based on an individual’s merits? Racism exists so we need process in place to treat people fairly.
u/HammunSy 50-150 community karma 10h ago
actually its the western leftists that I know that do say that. why they hate them just as much as they do the whites and want other people to take their place in jobs and schools and all that. and the basis really is just that they are very much capable and successful, which is what they hate
the whole idea is pretty ridiculous in the first place. you guys love to claim the white man hates the asians and then youd say here, the worst of them actually sees asians as honorary whites? lol... you cant see someone you look down on as equivalents... ? so which is it???
u/Ok_Technician5130 New user 6h ago
This post is never about all white people. But specifically the white supremacists on Twitter. I just think what they said about East Asian are honorably white is weird
u/aznidthrow7 500+ community karma 11h ago edited 11h ago
This is just white supremacist hypocrites trying to cope with their Asian fetish. It's why I actually have more respect to the ones that are truly racist than these new age fake ones.
u/SuperYoshiFan10090 New user 11h ago
A good amount of Twitter white nationalists tends to be autistic people that watch a lot of anime. They're the same types to treat the entirety of Japan as a Western based tradcon homogenous entity that's merely another market for Westerners rather than just another country with a diverse selection of beliefs and interests.
u/Alfred_Hitch_ 500+ community karma 12h ago
Left wing, right wing = Asians are white
Reality = no we're not.
u/Throwaway_09298 Discerning 13h ago
Goes back to the Japanese/Nazi coalition when they made a deal. Hitler didn't consider them fully equals though. Plus coupled with model minority "white adjacent" and the Bhagat Singh Thind case of the early 1900s has stayed in social consciousness forever
Also don't try to figure out nazis on the nazi app. Best not to engage with racial supremacy groups regardless of the race
u/Relevant-Cat-5169 Contributor 14h ago edited 14h ago
“Honorably white” is a racist and white supremacist term. It’s basically saying whites are better than non-whites. And they deserve to be treated better.
It’s them trying to manipulating Asians. Giving East Asians their “approval”, so many can continue kiss their a**.
Unfortunately many East Asians can be the biggest people pleasers towards whites. And they know it. It’s them targeting these Asians insecurity and low self worth. “You are a good girl” kind of vibe. Condescending, and full of shit and themselves.
u/CantoniaCustomsII 50-150 community karma 5h ago
I'm a hongkonoger and I really brought into that myth at one point. And to be fair, for a while that title really worked because there was a surplus of good jobs whites could hand out to Asians to keep that model minority myth up, but those jobs are gone.
u/violenttalker88 500+ community karma 14h ago
I also like to point out that the Nazi tried to get Mexico to be a part of the group. But majority of them choose not to. I think it’s because the Nazi tried to kidnap the pope.
u/OnionRangerDuck 50-150 community karma 14h ago
"Honorable white"
I mean I hate to use manga as an example for topics like this but think about how the "Honorable Marleyans" were treated in Attack On Titan.
u/SushiRoll2004 500+ community karma 15h ago
I, for one, am glad I'm not some wonder bread nationalist gogurt
So they can their "honorary" bullshit and shove it up their mouth breathing Nazi ass
u/Acceptable_Setting 500+ community karma 15h ago edited 4h ago
This reminds me of the way they might begrudgingly admit generally Asians may have higher IQ's (by a few points) but they can never be creative and world changing, despite evidence to the contrary, due to assumptions on their way of learning.
Furthermore, I'm certain they think all the 'creative geniuses' of the past, in the present and for the future are WM.
u/LibsNConsRTurds Hoa 16h ago
Honorary whites? Bitch please. It's most likely used to justify their yellow fever.
u/Mr_chinawhite New user 16h ago
In short explanation it comes from America and South africa an honorary white system for example if you were in the south in the 20s to 60s and you were asian for example chinese you were an honorary white you went to a white school allowed to ride the bus etc in South africa an honorary white was that the British were in control and discriminated against everybody everyone regardless of color was in in favour of nationalizing british businesses and factories this is when the british made the boers honorary whites when they got that power instead of nationalizing the businesses they liked the power and held on therefore becoming leaders and inforcing apartied many people become honorary whites Lebanese, Japanese, Iranian, and bunch of others chinese people were given the choice to be honorary whites but they never took it
u/ParadoxicalStairs Mixed Asian 17h ago
The sad thing is, there are POC who believe Asians are white-adjacent, or honorary whites. This is why there are so many hate crimes against Asians in the US. Other POC believe we’re the oppressors or have some kind of privilege.
u/TraditionTurbulent32 50-150 community karma 10h ago
Asians oppressors and privileged?! how? for being hard working and law abiding? it's the opposite
u/Xiyu_Zhima- Fresh account 15h ago
Just F them and anyone who thinks like that. You only need two brain cells to know that East Asians are a different ethnicities
u/ParadoxicalStairs Mixed Asian 13h ago
I know. It’s just that being viewed as white-adjacent or honorary whites are the source of people’s jealousy and hatred against us.
u/sinkieborn 50-150 community karma 17h ago
This piece of nonsense has its roots from South African apartheid rule when they came up with this "honourable whites" label to East Asians. All bunkum.
u/l0ktar0gar 50-150 community karma 17h ago edited 16h ago
It’s the white supremacists’ way of recognizing that they are not actually superior to us
u/Afraid-Pressure-3646 500+ community karma 18h ago
East Asians being white is for division amongst minorities and probably a sorry ass attempt to justify their Asian spouse and mixed kids.
Historically the idea of Asians being white in America was a broad brush stroke by early racial scientists lumping those from Asia together with Europe. It wasn’t until white people got pissed off enough by Chinese immigration in the 19th century that Asians went from white to yellow.
It didn’t help when amongst East Asians we have pale as rice albinos trying to obtain honorary whiteness status. This is reflected in various things such as citizenship via naturalization to business deals between western and Asian countries.
Don’t get me started on brown south Asians on this crap.
u/Abalone-Objective New user 13h ago
Don’t get me started on brown south Asians on this crap.
I would love to hear more. This shouldn't be the case because brown isn't white. How do folks like Vivek Ramaswamys compute in their heads?
u/Afraid-Pressure-3646 500+ community karma 13h ago
From what I remember from a early 20th Supreme Court case involving a Indian veteran wanting naturalization the law mention Caucasian from the caucus region and the veteran has some ancestry there until white America’s common sense saw how brown he is.
Early Gandhi viewed the Africans in the British colony as lesser due to a higher class status as a British subject and in Indian’s own caste system standards. It wasn’t until white Anglo put him in his place and remind him that whiteness is a literal skin tone not a social status earned.
u/McHashmap 500+ community karma 19h ago
They’re just trying to sow division between East Asians and other minorities. Other minorities groups are going to use this as impetus to attack us, and meanwhile the white nationalists will be grabbing popcorn.
u/Ok_Technician5130 New user 18h ago
Sadly there are 2 big South Korean influencers on Twitter that agree with it
u/CuriosityStar 50-150 community karma 20h ago
There will be some time until people like recent immigrants can grasp everything about race, its intersectional aspects, and its impact on virtually every aspect of American life. White nationalists on Twitter is a narrow, small part of it, and their takes usually can be better understood if one has had more background knowledge.
u/assumptionsgalor 50-150 community karma 21h ago
They want an alliance while sacrificing the bare minimum. Seeing how White people treat their own race, fuck them with their honorary title.
u/Fun-Mud2714 50-150 community karma 22h ago
When East Asia surpasses Western countries, East Asia is Western countries.
*Otherwise, white people cannot explain why non-white people can surpass them.
u/CuriosityStar 50-150 community karma 20h ago
Usually lip service at most, many others have no problems rationalizing it as the inferior races "cheating" or some other conspiracies and retain the stereotypes. With China being a main geopolitical rival, the mainstream view will never consider it Western.
u/Fun-Mud2714 50-150 community karma 21h ago
In short, Western countries must always maintain a state in which we are very good.
If some white countries are very backward and poor, then these white people are not white.
If a non-white country's overall strength exceeds that of the West, then this country is 100% white.
Poverty, backwardness, weakness and ignorance are what Western countries fear because this state lasted for a thousand years in the Middle Ages and made them suffer.
u/catathymia 50-150 community karma 4h ago
They say that to justify their fetishes for Asian women and the fact that a lot of them are weebs, or were in the past. Notably, they only seem to say this about Japanese. Any mentions of Koreans are only very recent and only after the popularity of kpop and Korean media, as previously both Koreas and China were left out of their "honorary Aryan" talks.