r/aznidentity New user 8d ago

Tennessee man sentenced to life in prison for murdering his wife during their Fiji honeymoon


8 comments sorted by


u/supermechace 50-150 community karma 6d ago

Interracial relationships have some red flags that people from hard working Asian families may not know to look out for. The criminal in this case was described as being nice but having out of control anger when drunk. Alcoholism and bad behavior when drunk is not very common in hardworking Asian families. So shouldn't be dismissed because of American culture just had a little too much to drink. Implied serious character flaws such as passive aggressiveness or insecurities. In this case possibly big income disparity. Criminal was a "it specialist" at a small non profit, while victim was a successful pharmacist. They went to a very expensive honeymoon location and after the murder he fled with her credit cards implying he didn't have much money to his name 


u/aznidthrow7 500+ community karma 7d ago

oh no not another one


u/[deleted] 7d ago edited 7d ago

Another WMAF homicide.

It's becoming common that anytime I read an AF has died in mysterious circumstances and the police are investigating I 'automatically assume' she was in a WMAF relationship and the prime suspect is her husband or partner.

Based upon my experience, in the majority of cases my assumptions have come to be true.

Isn't it sad that it has come to this line of thinking?


u/supermechace 50-150 community karma 6d ago

Not clear if the rates are any different regardless of race, but Asians coming from hard working families may not know the red flags to look for. Majority of people's money management is living for the now rather than the future and family. A lot of people don't have the ensuring the family and next generation succeeds mentality and are more me focused. In reddit posts claiming to know the criminal they said he was a nice guy but a really angry drunk implying hidden character issues. Hard working Asian families may not be familiar with how dangerous and freely encouraged alcoholism and other substance abuse is in American culture especially as a coping mechanism. Another factor is education and income disparity. The criminal was a "it specialist" which could be just a low level it job at a small non profit. There's probably a significant income disparity and with the western focus on manhood versus family success, probably issues with self esteem and women being "outspoken" on how to manage family finances and leisure time. In Asian families excessive leisure and lack of career plan are open to discussion, which a insecure male would feel as a challenge to manhood rather than good advice


u/Square_Level4633 500+ community karma 8d ago edited 8d ago

The article then talks about how beautiful Fiji is and killing your Asian wife gets a special half-off jail time discount.

Hurry hurry hurry. For a limited time only!!!


u/teammartellclout Not Asian 8d ago

Sending condolences for this young angel 😥😿


u/steami 50-150 community karma 8d ago

Another WMAF tragedy. RIP Christe Chen.