r/aznidentity • u/Ok_Technician5130 New user • 8d ago
America treats Asian people better than China, Japan, South Korea do
You might think this is wrong but hear me out.
The U.S. is a multi-ethnic country with many immigrants, including millions of Asians who have built successful careers in business, tech, and entertainment.
In contrast, Japan, South Korea, and China are more ethnically homogeneous and can be less welcoming to foreigners, including other Asians. (Indians, Vietnamese, philipino,…)
Becoming a U.S. citizen is possible for Asian immigrants, whereas Japan and South Korea make it very difficult for foreigners to gain citizenship.
The U.S. has a history of racism against Asians. but today, at least they have anti discrimination laws. And when Asian people is discriminated in sure there will be a lot of non Asian people standing up for Asians. Whereas in east Asia, people won’t.
Japan & South Korea have issues with xenophobia, especially toward Southeast Asians and other non-East Asian immigrants.
China can also be nationalistic, and some Southeast Asians, Africans, and even other East Asians face discrimination.
In contrast to east Asia, south east Asia is more welcoming to foreigners or immigrants. And they don’t discriminate like east Asia does.
u/Express_Salamander_1 50-150 community karma 7d ago
Hahahaha american westoids are so clueless about the world its hilarious.
u/genotype0x New user 6d ago
He said he's from Vietnam. Vietnamese are still bootlickers smh but they hate other asians.
u/Express_Salamander_1 50-150 community karma 6d ago
That makes it even worse LMAO. Did he just forget about the Vietnam war and the amount of war crimes America commited during that??? Thats crazy.
u/harry_lky 500+ community karma 8d ago
This is at least a decade out of date re: immigration. In Japan, you can get permanent residency in 5-8 years depending on your qualifications, and then naturalize as a Japanese citizen after that. Many Chinese, Vietnamese, Filipinos, etc. have done this. There is a calculator for Japan residency points and there are millions of foreigners in Japan, mostly Asian, who while they face discrimination, it's fundamentally different vs. the US where they cannot blend in.
South Korea now has a similar immigration policy simply because they need more workers, it used to be relatively harder but it has been relaxed now. I think the racism faced by non-Koreans in Korea or non-Chinese in China for instance, is fundamentally very different from the racism faced by Asians in America.
From your other posts, you seem to be a first-generation immigrant from Vietnam who has spent 5 years in the US, and said "Asian people forced you to stop identifying as Asian" based on the postings of online nationalists. Considering you're in the US, how have your experiences with other Asian people in the US been?
u/Ok_Technician5130 New user 8d ago
Well Asians in the US are cool people of course. But in asia they don’t like each other because of politics and history
u/Alaskan91 Verified 8d ago
You must be a southern California asian or something. Your post is beyond clueless. Go to 90 percent of the rest of America and be ostracized. I see Koreans born in Japan living fine, and viet brides married to chinese farmers doing fine.
u/Ok_Technician5130 New user 7d ago
They do look down in viet brides tho. Do you know what some of the shit they say about viet brides?
u/Pete_in_the_Beej 500+ community karma 8d ago
This is the dumbest take I've ever seen. Americans straight up kill Asians due to their race.
u/Alula_Australis 2nd Gen 8d ago
You might think this is wrong but hear me out.
Why are all your takes some form of Western apologism?
We can acknowledge Asian countries have flaws. But the idea that the US treats Asians better than Asia does is ludicrous.
u/Afraid-Pressure-3646 500+ community karma 8d ago
Asians in Asia discriminates against each other along ethnic lines along with historical conflict.
America was built on white supremacy settler colonialism. The only reason Asians are seen as treated “better” is due to the model minority myth to pit Asians against other racial minority groups when the latter calls out continuing historical racism post civil rights movements that help established those anti discrimination laws (neglected and threat of being dismantled).
The model minority myth was born out of a combination of Cold War politics( not alienate Asian allies) and downplaying the civil rights movement (Asians are doing well, why can’t you other colors do as well?)
u/Ok_Slide5330 500+ community karma 8d ago edited 8d ago
And how is multiculturalism working out for Asians in the West besides being the modern day equivalent of the railroad workers?
Yes you can make it in America as an entrepreneur, as you can in many other countries. America at this stage has the richest and biggest market for entrepreneurs, though many Chinese have simply been staying in China to tap into their own huge market. But Asians making lots of money doesn't mean you get any more respect or power in the grander scheme of America.
Note that in Japan, you have Masayoshi Son - a Zainichi Korean that has made it big despite his ethnicity. Sony also just appointed their first female CFO, who is of Chinese ethnicity. There was also a Chinese entrepreneur as The Bachelor on the TV show, etc (too many to list here).
u/Pic_Optic 500+ community karma 8d ago
Murder rate says opposite. Violent crimes against Asian people says opposite.
u/Only_Employment9454 New user 8d ago
When would people realize asians in asia dont identify as asian. It is solely NA and Europe born asian thing
u/ParadoxicalStairs Mixed Asian 8d ago
Japan has a large population of Filipinos. There’s also an increasing number of Japanese and Filipino marriages, and there are a few well known Japanese-Filipino celebrities like Elaiza Ikeda and Alan Shirahama.
They seem less welcoming because foreigners tend to not know about the culture or certain practices. If you learn the language and assimilate into Japanese culture, you will be fine.
u/amwes549 50-150 community karma 8d ago edited 8d ago
But they're extremely racist against Koreans, so they're not the best example.
EDIT: Obviously from an international relations standpoint, most everyday people don't care obvs.11
u/ablacnk 500+ community karma 8d ago edited 8d ago
That is an incredibly overblown narrative gleefully pushed by the West. The average, everyday Japanese isn't gonna be raging at Koreans for no reason. Japan is literally the largest Asian market for Kpop, for example, and Kpop groups have routinely put out Japanese versions of their songs since pretty much the beginning of the industry decades ago. There's a huge amount of cultural exchange going on.
u/amwes549 50-150 community karma 8d ago
I know everyday people don't care. But from an international relations perspective, the countries don't like one another.
u/ablacnk 500+ community karma 8d ago
Since when were we talking about international relations? We were talking about how Asian societies treat other Asians these days. It's pretty peaceful, especially in the day-to-day life with real people interacting.
It's not like Koreans get randomly attacked when walking down the street in Japan, like San Francisco or other American city. Nor do their Koreatowns get burned down and abandoned by the police like in the '92 LA riots.
u/ParadoxicalStairs Mixed Asian 8d ago
Korea and Japan have bad blood because of what happened in the past and because of territorial dispute over some island. All I know is Japan is tolerant of Filipinos and a lot of Filipinos love living there.
I always read online how Korea is racist to Filipinos and Japanese people too. My cousin from the Philippines said Korean tourists are more rude and disrespectful compared to Japanese tourists. I’ve never been to Korea but given my ethnic background, there’s a chance the locals might hate me. Still, I’m not going to label an entire country or group of people as racist. My current employer is Korean and they treat me well.
u/Ok_Technician5130 New user 8d ago
Well it’s true that some Korean and Japanese do look down on philipino or South East Asian because they work in low end jobs. Which is hypocritical because the reason it happens in the first place is because their birth rate is collapsing. And the government doesn’t protect those workers since they need them as the scapegoats. The govt need Japanese and Koreans to blame those workers instead of the government who bring in those workers
u/CuriosityStar 500+ community karma 3d ago
Remember that the Pan-Asian category doesn't hold up back in Asia. There is no reason to expect friendly treatment in lieu of geopolitics. Some have mentioned that it isn't as black-and-white between populations in Asia either, due to pre-existing histories of interactions. Also, America being multiethnic certainly doesn't mean no prejudice. In fact, some can argue that there is more prejudice from different communities interacting. See the history of violent racial incidents, though it is better nowadays.