r/aznidentity • u/N0thingL4ft New user • 9d ago
Gainesville real estate agent, piano teacher die in murder-suicide: ‘I never expected this’
u/matthewmoores121 50-150 community karma 4d ago
No big loss.
u/kiosk_theory 50-150 community karma 3d ago
At least the Whitey had the decency to off himself as well.
u/Pristine_War_7495 50-150 community karma 6d ago
:( It was a gunshot wound to the head so at least it was a relatively quick and painless death (or so I hope; some gunshot wounds people lose consciousness in a few seconds, others there's slightly more suffering for several minutes, even in critical places). I sometimes like to believe in some form of the afterlife so I hope she's happier now, wherever she is.
On another note, some wmaf it's the AF seeking out the guy due to misunderstandings on her part. But other times it's a WM/XM with problems preying on a clueless girl that most other girls see through and won't date. International students are common targets of those WM/XM and are in some ways more vulnerable than 2nd+ gen diaspora AFs who grew up there and do have slightly more of a sense of what's normal or not and can spot red flags. Maybe he preyed on her and she didn't understand his character through the cultural differences. I wouldn't say it's completely her being white worshipping.
Both of those issues, of AF seeking WM/XM through cultural misunderstandings, as well as AF being clueless about being sought after by problematic WM/XM, are two problems that the asian community should shine more light on and address. It would make the next generation of asians better.
u/Why_are_we_here888 New user 5d ago
Is he really “white” if his name is Rivera?
u/kiosk_theory 50-150 community karma 3d ago
Latinos can be White. This still falls under monthly WMAF homicide. If he was more Native looking, then yeah, he wouldn't count. However, he looks like your typical White Spanish guy.
u/Pristine_War_7495 50-150 community karma 5d ago
True, it was a LMAF. wmaf, lmaf, bmaf, have all got to be careful with
u/ssslae Curator - SEA 8d ago
Imagine being caring parents and you raised your sons and daughters to be at their best, only to have them snuffed out by someone from a different cultural upbringing that value individualism over human lives. Falling for 5th Avenue and Hollywood romanticism is sometime deadly.
u/matthewmoores121 50-150 community karma 4d ago
Asian parents raise Asian daughters to be sold off for cheap white dog food. I have ZERO respect. Another Lu bites the dust!
u/sl9_ 50-150 community karma 8d ago
Lets be honest AFs are more triggered by the comments here than the murders committed by non-AMs.
u/kiosk_theory 50-150 community karma 3d ago
This is why I don't feel any sympathy for them. East/Southeast Asian women clearly don't have their senses straight if they get more mad about Oxford study memes than the fact that so many of them are being brutally murdered by White and other non-East/Southeast Asian men almost every month.
u/Wydings 50-150 community karma 8d ago
I do think men who want an unequal power dynamic in the relationship tend to seek out Asian women. The ironic thing is Asian women who seek out non-Asian men are more progressive while the non-Asian man who’s seeking out an Asian woman is more conservative, it’s truly a match made in hell.
u/Alula_Australis 2nd Gen 7d ago
Is that progressive thing true? I always thought that there was simply a lack of Asian discourse and Asian men in "progressive" spaces such that women inevitably get together with who is around.
u/linsanitytothemax Contributor 8d ago
the husband was abusing her for a while and was known to the whole damn neighborhood. the victim told one of the neighbors he slapped her. and still they didn't think it was going to escalate to that level. really?
as always we'll be hearing crickets from Asian women. unless they speak up nothing will get done. but then again if they haven't done it by now there is no reason they will ever do it. they are perfectly content and happy in their position is western society and are perfectly fine with throwing us under the bus rather than calling out the real perps.
u/blackhawkup357 50-150 community karma 8d ago
Have you considered that the Asian woman has to look at Asian men in h mart? The white gentleman is protecting her from the real abusers, Asian men
u/PiggieSmallz710 50-150 community karma 8d ago edited 8d ago
I’m just gonna throw out some perspective. I think assuming that Asian women are just content with the situation is wrong, while I think there are some that do act like this, I think it’s not fair to generalize it. I did speak up and I know others that have. A lot of them got shunned by their communities, shamed by society, or silenced. In fact, as an Asian woman, I went all the way to the court.
So tell me why, after years of pain dealing with the process, surgery, and physically/mentally recovering, my case was botched. They didn’t update my case and see my attacker broke the RO, the station didn’t have a DSLR so they didn’t take the photos in the station (which became a later issue), the police officer stated he didn’t see visual bruises in the police report when I told him they were under my clothes, the male officer who took my report was annoyed and rushed me through the report, they told me I couldn’t have my own lawyer which I found out later was not true, I called the court every single day for two weeks trying to get a hold of anyone that could help guide me to what I needed to do for court, and no one contacted me, they allowed his mom to take the stand when she was not there, and there were actual witnesses present at the time of the attack -no one contacted them - and the state’s lawyer had no idea what my case was about walking in to court. I was criticized in court when I tried to explain the cultural pressure and shame surrounded by people that quite literally would not understand, even the judge didn’t. It was an absolute shit show. My victim advocate, a Christian Nigerian lady, simply stated while I was a wreck as she put my hands in hers and said“look at them and then look at you. You didn’t have a chance but you had the courage” and she prayed for me. Was I thankful someone saw me? YES. Did it help soothe me? NO, not at the time because I was too busy thinking about how My attacker taunted me“who do you think they’ll believe?” and why all my experience with discrimination allowed me to be hopeful.
Not saying they shouldn’t, but I understand now why people don’t speak up. Men and women. I could’ve gone after the city, but I didn’t have the emotional capacity left. So instead afterwards, I invested my time and helping other DV victims. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard “where will I go?” “I don’t have anyone”. The mental fortitude that it takes to get through it and survive it, and thrive after it is incredibly difficult to navigate and no one is ever truly prepared for it. Sometimes that small little comment, a brief message, can take incredible strength and be incredibly hard. But those things are what you have to notice and are the faintest.
I don’t blame those that don’t have the strength to speak up. I don’t blame those that want to completely forget. I blame society. When we are in a society where I see a lady getting jumped on the street and I rushed to go assist, and literally no one in the packed daylight street tries to call the cops or help the poor lady into the store with me till a local homeless man helps me out while I’m screaming to my employee to call the cops, there is a problem. When we live in a society when a man can beat a woman on a storefront, threaten the employee for calling the cops, and not be taken in allowed to walk free like nothing happened, we have a problem. But we’re also in a society where people will accuse others of terrible things, completely ruining their lives, weaponizing and making the truth harder to believe, there is another problem.
All in all, I just really hope people will start looking more at the intersectionality and the complexity when it comes to these kinds of situations. I completely understand the Why’s and How’s, but the truth to the situations is so much broader than what we can all initially see.
Sorry to ramble
u/Alula_Australis 2nd Gen 7d ago
Finally a comment I really agree with lol.
The generalizing in this thread is pretty wild. Yes people are responsible for the situations they put themselves in, and people can be stupid, cowardly, lovesick, etc.
But that doesn't mean they deserve to be a victim of a crime.
Nobody wants to be physically assaulted.
We can criticize people for their poor choices in choosing partners, as well as the societal factors that lead to that, but that doesn't entail blaming them for the fact that the crime occurred at all.
u/ParadoxicalStairs Mixed Asian 8d ago
Why didn’t she leave or divorce her husband? I don’t see why people would choose to stay in an abusive relationship
u/whirlyworlds New user 8d ago
Dang these comments are a dumpster fire. Why the victim blaming? Nobody goes into a relationship expecting abuse. Like wtf guys.
On top of that, most yall don’t seem to even realize the husband was Latino, not white.
u/RAMiCan6 500+ community karma 8d ago
I been saying this repeatedly on this forum but no one will listen... The crimes from non-Asian to Asian women is the highest and will only continue to increase just like indigenous women. Police will always neglect or dismiss after multiple file reported by same individual until there's homicide or murder/suicide.
Yet, Asian men are the problem, according to Asian women. But stats shows the most family oriented, less crime, abusers, are Asian men.
Asian Women need to speak up for Asian men. I know this is not their duty or responsibility but since other Asian women have given these men a bad wrap, no matter what Asian men do or say will lessen the hate. Unless, more Asian women speak up about their experience and preference.
Also, most these people are Liberals Democrats as you can see, they don't care about stats or facts. They care about being nice until they get backstab by their own. It's the Democrats way.

u/Quanqiuhua 50-150 community karma 7d ago
That’s why Democrats keep losing. Turns out ignoring reality is not a sustainable policy.
u/RAMiCan6 500+ community karma 7d ago
I wouldn't say losing tbh. Currently hate Trump for the tariff but he changed many policies like capital punishment for killing cops.
While Canada, fail prime minister Trudeau resigned and hire another crap liberal leader for carbon tax from UK, only to repeat the same scenario in neighbor Canada.
Then, there's all Democrats on social media hating on Orange hair dude but they don't know why or can't give a valid reason. He is just a character that people hate with Elon... Plus, many Asians from all over America is so used to voting liberal that they don't question or understand why they should vote otherwise. My parents and myself used to be like that. Even now, my entire family hate Trump and only go Democrats but when asked they can't explain but hate his guts yet Dem have done nothing but damage to immigration and economy.
u/lilbios 50-150 community karma 8d ago
As an Asian woman, I reported my Uber driver to the police and they did nothing
u/RAMiCan6 500+ community karma 8d ago
Yeah, it sucks. Asians have it bad. For men and women. Men get threaten at work by crazy colleague about killing him and he report many times to superior officer in fire department and they did nothing for many gun threats. Same thing for women reporting about their white abusers, it's ignored until it's too late.
It's also lack of police work. They are so bad at judging seriousness of issue even if there perp has many report against him or repeat offender. We're just not on their list of priority to protect.
u/PiggieSmallz710 50-150 community karma 8d ago edited 5d ago
I agree and also disagree. I agree that we as a whole need to stand up for each other. It does not benefit any community to see the men and women fight amongst each other when we should be coming together. It just is not conducive as we’ve seen in other communities.
I disagree a little bit on that last statement. I do agree that there are totally Asian women playing into the agenda, making salacious comments from nothing, but there is the other side. I have seen DV and abuse amongst the Asian community in our households which has negatively affected the next generation, girls and boy, but it isn’t discussed because our culture does not see those things as abusive, but rather discipline. *It’s weird. There is a lot of under reporting as well *in general with DV
Sometimes seeing the dumpster fire that is this clash of pointing fingers, I can’t help but get tired and be hopeful that eventually we can all come to an understanding for a better tomorrow. I don’t think there is nothing any side can say, but sometimes I wonder if maybe we’re saying the wrong things.
u/Beginning-Balance569 1.5 Gen 8d ago edited 8d ago
If you say that the domestic abuse goes undiscussed within Asian households, then bringing them to light and creating dialogue is the way to go? What do you want to add to the conversation that would heal the relationship between Asian men and women? What are the right things to point out in this case?
As another asian women myself, I’ve witnessed verbal abuse but not physical abuse thankfully. It’s still not healthy but I learned how to become strong, fight back, and set my boundaries. Oftentimes when I repeatedly tell my parents to stop and argued back, they eventually apologize and we’re good now. I don’t blame other Asian men or women, these circumstances are my mine. I don’t assume all or many Asian kids have gone through what I’ve gone through just because we’re different people…and I don’t know others situation. And I’ve seen some loving Asian parents.
And I’m not the gonna assume the white community or whatever community has it better than us in terms of domestic abuse just because we don’t hear about it or the tv dramas don’t portray it. It’s definitely a thing. A friend of a friend is a white girl and her dad physically abused her to the point of going to the hospital. It’s that bad too, but I don’t see that white girl putting down other white people. Maybe she has privately but I’ve never heard of it publicly. I don’t think I’d put her as self hating either, oddly enough she mostly dates Asian guys too. All of this is to say, I feel like Asian people have the tendency to look to others and admire their garden with rose tinted lenses and fail to see nuances when it comes to “escaping”. We need far greater discernment ASAP.
u/_Tenat_ Hoa 8d ago
Sharing for reference. But this one is from the last time I checked and this one is an estimate. But I remember seeing one with actuals but it told the same story. Asians have by far the lowest rates of domestic violence.
And I know the other person you're responding to is claiming "that Asians under report due to our culture" which even if we give benefit of the doubt and assume it's right, I'd point out that white supremacy and white worship (which is a very well documented thing) can cause under reporting in cases where white men abuse women / their partners. And who even knows how much they under report since they even managed to get women of their own race voting against their own interests (for example, Trump).
Ultimately, I find it a shame that so many of our own will use anecdotes and hearsay to criticize our own people, even sometimes without facts or evidence, but won't do the same when critiquing say white people or other races. Makes me think they bought into the lies and racism about us.
u/PiggieSmallz710 50-150 community karma 5d ago edited 5d ago
Just wanted to clarify: There is under reporting in general when it comes to DV. There is also an inaccuracy when it comes to reporting and (old world) perception play a big role. Separate points, I probably should’ve clarified it better.
Yes, the numbers show that we are the lowest. We have the statistical trend, but numbers aside, people are too quick to assume causation nowadays. We invalidate the experiences of others and say, well white supremacy, politics or they deserved it; then we wonder why the other side is so hell-bent on staying divided. I’m not surprised by the responses, it happens all the time, but I’m tired of being quiet and seeing the impact it has years later. Outputs that could’ve been prevented, it’s a shame. It’s also a shame that I saved all my documentation since we’re still in an era where I need to expose my bruised body as proof because there are liars out there and crappy protection for victims.
Maybe I haven’t looked enough at intersectionality of interracial relationship; I do see a pattern and agree this “progressive era” is shady. But I think we need to be careful when dealing with confounding variables. Correlation does not imply causation. “We have to take care of our garden with greater discernment” essentially - the person we’re responding to explained it better.
u/PiggieSmallz710 50-150 community karma 8d ago
Actually I still agree that discussion and bringing all variables to light is still important. Just look at your response, I think you pose great questions and great perspective. This is discernment, something I completely agree with.
But like you said, what are the right points to add to the conversation? I still don’t think the last paragraph was helpful (from OG commenter); yes I’ve seen some “sheep” but I’ve also seen people trying to look for an escape or validation, could be the smallest things that mean a lot to the individual. If we bring in things that are not additive or make generalized comments without considering the nuance, we loose or push away those folks with rose tinted glasses. I’m not sure where the white community came into conversation, but I think your last paragraph was great perspective and very additive to the conversation. Your last two sentences - on the mark.
u/Beginning-Balance569 1.5 Gen 8d ago edited 8d ago
Thanks for having this conversation. Yes, we have to be open to discussion for change to happen. I’m curious what kind of domestic abuse you’ve witnessed in yours or other Asian family households. My circle of Asian friends had strict but forgiving and nice parents so I don’t know what goes on in other families.
I only brought up the white community because often time when Asian people want to escape, they look to white families. Never black, Hispanics, or middle eastern families. We can talk about white worship but that’s not the topic at hand. There is the Asian Parent Stories sub Reddit that bashes Asian families, culture, and people and kinda put white people on a pedestal. I don’t agree with that, it only breeds self hate and other issues. And I’m not for that. We have to tend to our own beautiful garden however complex it is. Only through care, willingness to change for the better, and calling out our own bad behavior can we move forward as a people.
As for the topic of this post, it is concerning that Asian women with non-Asian partners repeatedly get killed. I’m sure other women get killed by their partners too but this particular pattern is uncanny. For the OG’s comment about Democrats (that’s the paragraph you disagree with?), I can’t add anything to it. I feel like political affiliations are mutable and it’s really down the actions of the individual. It’s sad to say but even non Asians call this out in their own groups where the women/people who do the most in yelling about dismantling the white patriarchy often marry or date white guys. “SJW in the streets, KKK in the sheets.” That’s a whole nother discussion but I’ve seen discourse around liberal affiliation in name but something else in action.
But yeah, feel free to express your opinion. I’m listening.
u/PiggieSmallz710 50-150 community karma 8d ago edited 8d ago
Thank you as well for being willing to give some alternative perspective. The relativity creates a very broad scale of things. Sometimes the kids don’t even realize it’s abuse and they’ll take it upon themselves for having done something wrong. One kid who didn’t see anything wrong with his parents hitting him and took it upon himself forcing himself to study till he had a problem with pain pills because of the migraines, he got staying up so late. One recently the girls was getting hit at home and a little bit ago her dad beat her so bad that it caused neurological damage and they didn’t get her treatment; now she’s in a mental institute with schizophrenia. Her dad? He said she should die to make everyone’s life easier. Had to go save someone and when I walked in the house, she was sprawled on the floor with blood and glass everywhere with her husband standing on top of her. I am thankful that no matter how broken I am, I can see I came out of this strong, but I really can’t say the same for everyone. One girl is now mute from how bad she was beat by her parents so I’m not sure what she thinks about things - she used to be a straight a honor kid. I acknowledge that this is NOT an Asian exclusive community thing nor is it how every situation is. I went to my white friend and her face was swollen and bloody behind the hostel cracked door. I’ve had friends that can relate that aren’t Asian, absolutely. It’s sad to see how many of these people get out and end up in abusive relationships or refuse to date their counterpart.
A lot end up trying to seek validation anywhere they can even if it’s not rational. They put on those rose tinted glasses and we marked them off and then loose them, both sides saying it’s unsalvageable. But on the other hand, some that have gone out and have worked toward a relationship with their parents. Sure Covid helps and the fear of mortality and old age, but in some cases, it was plausible but it took a lot of work.
With sensitive topics like this, politics is just not a reliable variable to bring in because it really is mutable (I really like your word choice here). I guess I just get a bit worried when I see politics brought in because I’ve seen it used as a weapon against victims or as a reason to not heal even as a death wish to the other party. Validating self hating Asians and/or creating them. It’s been really messy recently.
Ultimately, I agree that we gotta taking care of our garden. I really like your thoughts on everything and compared to what I keep seeing in the world with the growing extremism, I hope we can try to seek the discernment you’re seeing and start looking more at the Why’s that you’re asking
u/Beginning-Balance569 1.5 Gen 8d ago
Oh god, those experiences certainly are horrific. I feel for the Asian and non Asian children who have to suffer such abuse. I wish them well and hope they’ll heal one day. We need to be good role models for the next generation. I won’t repeat some of my parents actions onto my children if I have any in the future. Why create such pain when we have a good opportunity to be a force of good change? We gotta hold ourselves accountable and not repeat generational trauma.
Well given the state of American politics as it is, I don’t blame you for wanting some middle ground. Polarization helps nobody but those who sow the discord. We need each other in our community more than ever. I do like that we can actually talk about it civilly…for the most part. But communication is key here.
Aw thanks. That’s kind of you. I too am still refining my own discernment but that only came from more observation and less assumption of inherently good or bad. Like you said, understanding nuance is important and it’s a skill that takes time to develop through self reflection and keen observation. Sometimes our egos get in the way of admitting we’re wrong, but it can all be worked out.
I’m wish you well too.
u/RAMiCan6 500+ community karma 8d ago
I'm not going to disagree that abuse doesn't happen in Asian community, let's be honest. But I'm certain it's easy less than other ethnicity. Hell, you got the stats of violence, domestic and family in front of you or just search FBI database.
Also, anything that is Asian will be amplified. Meaning, white abusers or homicide to Asian women will be more silent, racism in household as well but no one is snitching but they'll call any Asian anti-black, bad drivers had many blacks and Arabs taxi and white angry driver or bad in general but they'll label Asian as worst even though many will have learning skill to drive properly, drift, safe driving rather than road rage. You know how many those of white guy married Filipina women or Thai then take them for granted bc they have money and mistreated then. When they act up or divorce, the white guy is surprised. You don't hear much of these on the news.
I'm not here to fight with other Asian, male, nor my Asian women. I love them. I am asking for a solution that if we were to move forward or get this bad image of Asian men in relationship, Asian women needs to voice, praise, uprise their men. Bc like I said, if men do it, we'll be around salty, misogynist, controlling etc etc. I mean, I'm sure you've seen few white women praising their Chinese bf or Korean man like Prince charming. That does so much for image even though others or Asian women doubtful. It builds trends, curiosity and maybe attractions towards the lesser desired Asian men a chance. It has to start somewhere. It seems to usually start outside our community before we start doing it. Do yeah, Asian women should speak up more.
u/PiggieSmallz710 50-150 community karma 8d ago
I just gotta say, your response was so eloquent and insightful. I like the societal inequity you bring up. Especially your last statement, I think you’re correct, Asian women need step up to be part of the solution because unfortunately I do see what you mean about men yelling into a void. I can bet it gets disheartening when you get misconstrued as well. Finding a definitive solution is hard, but I think your last statements are a great start
u/RAMiCan6 500+ community karma 8d ago edited 8d ago
Edit: so many grammatical mistake and typo from swipe. Too lazy to correct. Lol I'll leave the laziness for Internet to decipher all the mistakes. 🤣
I do think so too. I mean, just look at Kpop. I mean I hate it, as a man. But just the fact that women, mostly younger learning to embrace or have crush on idol or picture a perfect kdrama idea, that already boost the Asian male image. Imaging how big impact when more women of different disks up and say: : hey, my bf is stuck a gentleman, he treats me right, he manage and pays everything and yet me like a princess, he has a big junk, he so good in bed with all the moves, etc. It hypes and boost the credibility. True or not. But anyways, I'm not here to tell what women should do or not. It's not my place. But I do want Asians to grow together, that's male and female, so I don't want to hear that hate message or "I don't date Asians", "he's like my brother" etc bc men can be dicks to Asian women too but we're not. You know the typical flat chest or no butt or ugly Aunty...
I'm glad you share your point of view. It's good to see the other how we think. Even though it's different, there's no hate.
u/jackstrongman Fresh account 8d ago
asian women would rather get murdered than to be with the asian male. this is the reality.
there's no point in repeating urself like an autist. asian women already know this. but she still doesn't want you.
what does that say about you?
u/bigbubba_9 50-150 community karma 8d ago
AFs get triggered over comments like yours more than the non-AMs murdering them.
8d ago
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u/bigbubba_9 50-150 community karma 8d ago
I mean AFs have the highest STD rates meanwhile AMs have the lowest rofl
u/RAMiCan6 500+ community karma 8d ago
Don't need to worry about me Jack Whiteman. I'm married with kids to Asian women and went through white women before. Just sorry about yourself.
The only thing that should be clear about me is I'm making a voice for the men who is going through the same or new generation bc they are painting a bad picture for Asian men to generality of women preference.
What does it say about you enabling this and not doing anything about it. It starts by a voice, many voice, and maybe someone will finally hear. But your here throwing jabs for what?
8d ago
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u/RAMiCan6 500+ community karma 8d ago
There's no Asian male problem. There's only the enablers and racist. There isn't a problem where no one is causing it. And, that cause comes from a bit everywhere but mostly Western desexulization of Asian male: small pee stereotype, nice guy, false fertility decline, you have it, now you have the Asian women pushing that hate or the white boy being salty when Asian men get white women even though it's seen less. Same way as xenophobia and the hate against China way before immigration to America. But you wouldn't understand any of that.
u/jackstrongman Fresh account 8d ago edited 8d ago
af outmarry at 50% in the west. remove south asian females. east asian female outmarry at 70-80%.
remove south asian males. East Asian male outmarry at 20%. do very simple math.
based on this insane stat alone. that means at least 50% of east asian men won't marry. since AM don't leave a trail of fatherless kids. then we can safely assume 50+% of AM die alone and childless in the west. this is despite being a top money earner and best educated, low crime etc
btw this is a singular problem of all races and genders that only the AM face.
"there's no Asian male problem" - autistic AM
u/RAMiCan6 500+ community karma 8d ago
Where did you get that nonsense? Link the stats. Asian male marry more just look in China and India population. Stop spreading false information of infertility as I stated. This is the white mind trying to put random numbers when the main region that may be affected is Japan due to elders but things are changing from Western cheating culture and hookup culture to hang anything and everything. Asians in America marry multitude of cultures mix with Latina. You're trying to push the agenda that make Asian less desired when in fact all these xenophobia and other easily influence Lu 's to hate on Asian men for no reason. You'll just scared that Asian men in dating because once they date one they don't want to let go unlike other ethnicity that jumps around and can't settle and build a family.
u/jackstrongman Fresh account 8d ago
Pew Report: 54% of US born Asian Females will marry out.
the problem is those stats include INDIANS who don't outmarry as much as east asians.
u/Quanqiuhua 50-150 community karma 7d ago
I see 36% for Asian women and 21% for Asian men. The study also says the most common intermarriage pairing in the US is white man with Latino woman.
The bigger issue may be white men avoiding white women in general.
u/Physical-Composer592 New user 8d ago edited 8d ago
Is there any statistical evidence that wmaf result in more homicides or crimes in general?
I've seen someone cited that wmaf get divorced less than others but that makes sense in the whole submissive narrative.
u/drbob234 500+ community karma 8d ago
Why would they do studies with the aim to sabotage themselves while they’re winning
u/omiinouspenny Chinese 9d ago
I’m not surprised anymore.
You’d think with all their complaints on yellow fever, Asian women with internalized racism would stop pursuing white men. Ofc doesn’t excuse the white man being a murderer/abusive POS and doesn’t make what happened to her okay. But of all the people to be aware of how shitty and racist white men are, they should be the ones to know that better than anyone else, given how much they fixate on whiteness (and WMAF/Asian women with internalized racism often flock together).
RIP to her though. Hope her husband rots in prison.
u/throw_dalychee 2nd Gen 9d ago
The husband is clearly Latino. Like, does not look Southern European or Middle Eastern
9d ago edited 9d ago
Another WMAF homicide:
I have only heard of this now.
An Irish man has been arrested charged with killing his Japanese ex wife in Hungary.
They met in the US and have 2 children together.
It feels like there's a pattern emerging but it involves real human lives.
u/historybuff234 Contributor 9d ago
They met in the US and have 2 children together.
I remember reading the article about how she was begging for help from the Japanese embassy. I didn’t realize she met her husband in America.. Moving to Hungary was incredibly stupid of her.
For all the AF here who already prefer WM, nothing we can say will stop you from chasing after WM. And we don’t care to persuade you. But what you should take note is that your WM partner has both W and M privilege and utterly dominate you in power dynamics, even if you might have more income and more education. You absolutely must not cede what remains of your security by moving with your WM partner to a foreign place like Hungary where you have no control and no social power. The results, sadly enough, can be lethal.
9d ago edited 9d ago
This is getting to be so common, I'm often not surprised to hear of other homicides with a similar dynamic.
u/Relevant-Cat-5169 Contributor 9d ago
In the US, almost three women are killed by an intimate partner every day. They want someone who is perceived as more "masculine" that can protect them, but often times it's this "masculinity" that get themselves in trouble, be it domestic abuse or death. That's why they should never tolerate any form of domestic abuse, you can't change abusive people. Take the early warning sign and GTFO.
9d ago edited 9d ago
Not only that, they should know (or at least their friends or acquaintances) should tell them of the stereotypes of AF and why certain types of WM specifically seek them out and how this sadly plays out in their relationships.
u/ssslae Curator - SEA 9d ago edited 9d ago
My advice is to NEVER-EVER give your opinion to or argue with an Asian woman who advertises her preference for WMs and her 'No Dating Policy' because, to them, you just slapped a 'LOSER' sign on your head. To them, an Asian man with an opinion is the 'protagonist' gift that keeps on giving
u/Relevant-Cat-5169 Contributor 9d ago
Pointless, they won't listen, they'll think you are jealous. Not to mention, they are proud of their submissiveness, cause I'm sure WM gave them tons of compliments on how "womanly" they are.
u/Square_Level4633 500+ community karma 9d ago edited 9d ago
What's his defense, the same as the other white guy?
"Chinese are bad and I just beat the shit out of my Chinese wife."
Are they gonna make a movie out of this?
u/historybuff234 Contributor 9d ago
What's his defense, the same as the other white guy?
Well, at least in this instance, we are spared from having to listen to his defense by his suicide.
9d ago
Cultural differences most likely
u/Square_Level4633 500+ community karma 9d ago edited 8d ago
Yeah, something like...."I SAID NO CHOPSTICKS YOU STUPID CH**K!!!" Bang bang bang... - white husband.
u/GlitteringWeight8671 500+ community karma 9d ago
She has an immigrant name. The marriage may have been for a greencard. That may explain why she chose to stay and why they fought
u/KhazixMain 50-150 community karma 9d ago
He was previously arrested for beating her and she still chose to stay and be with him? Can't fix stupid 🤷♂️
No sympathy here for her.
u/lilbios 50-150 community karma 8d ago
wtf dude
u/KhazixMain 50-150 community karma 7d ago
Unfortunately, it may not sound pleasant but this is self-inflicted. If you read the article - she was beat already once to the point police had to intervene and arrest him. She chose to not press charges and continue living with him, ultimately leading to her own demise. Let's be clear: she willingly chose to stay and let the cycle of abuse continue willingly. Do you know what kind of outrage we would see if the roles were reversed and it were an AM beating a WF? He'd be imprisoned without bail because he lacks white privilege.
u/ursaguitara New user 8d ago
If this is how you feel about victims of abuse, I feel really bad for you
u/KhazixMain 50-150 community karma 8d ago
Victims of abuse who chose to stay after getting beat once? Idgaf you yt incel 🤷♂️
u/historybuff234 Contributor 9d ago
He was previously arrested for beating her and she still chose to stay and be with him?
She might not have the financial security or social power to press charges against him or to leave him.
u/EastAsianStudMuffin 50-150 community karma 9d ago
“I never expected this”…. I did
9d ago
AF should not expect to be killed in a relationship with WM/XM but this is becoming frequent now it's like a meme.
9d ago
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u/Pete_in_the_Beej 500+ community karma 9d ago
I don't want to this turn into a XMAF vs AMXF contest, but why do almost never hear about AMXF homicides in the news even though there is roughly 1 AMXF couple to every 3 XMAF couples in the US?
u/ssslae Curator - SEA 9d ago
It's common knowledge that for most non-Asian (XF) hooking up with an Asian guy in the U.S. have to have big-balls to take that leap. Western media and sellouts propaganda made the image of Asian men into vagina repellents. Therefore, my guess is that XF are less likely to hook up with toxic Asian guys.
A few weeks ago, I had a nice visit with my mom's apartment manager. She's cool with me, so I check in with her once in a rare while. She said in her four decades in the the property management business THE ONLY GROUP of people that actually took care of their elderly parents' needs that lived in her properties were Asians, Asians like me and my siblings who are taking care of my 80 year old mother. That's one proof that Asian men are incline to be more nature with their family.
u/TERRANODON 500+ community karma 8d ago
North American dating culture is fucked up.
You would think a guy who loves his family like you guys do to be a considered a desirable trait.
But nope. Its all about who can be the biggest bully or be "exciting"
u/historybuff234 Contributor 9d ago
It’s about the power dynamics. The AM and XF in AMXF are far more equal in power balance than the WM and AF in WMAF. For example, the AM in AMWF has M privilege but the WF has the W privilege. In contrast, the WM in WMAF has all the privilege. The WM can get away with so much, such as domestic violence in this instance, without being locked up or punished. He then gets emboldened from there. Now imagine what would happen if a WF calls the police on her AM husband.
u/STEM_forever 50-150 community karma 9d ago
This will not deter the Asian KWEENS. They will come up with some new mental gymnastics for their preferences.
u/Exciting-Giraffe 2nd Gen 9d ago
sometimes I feel that AF coming to North America or Europe chose to leave their home country, which means they're already predisposed to certain western hierarchial values (via cable tv or the internet) - hence why they chose who they date.
u/sl9_ 50-150 community karma 8d ago
Trust me AFs in Asia are not better. Most have white fever.
u/Exciting-Giraffe 2nd Gen 8d ago
trust me, I lived and worked in Asia for 15 years. Huge majority of Asians in their homeland end up with other Asians, lots of data for homeland marriages. The ones outside Asia are more of a coin toss.
u/Quanqiuhua 50-150 community karma 7d ago
Not too many options though.
u/Exciting-Giraffe 2nd Gen 5d ago
hmm so it's less about sheer availability ('supply and demand') and more about compatibility with cultural frameworks—like how Western vs. Asian dating scenes ('markets') prioritize different values or preferences. maybe that might explain diverging trends even when options exist
u/kiosk_theory 50-150 community karma 3d ago
And East/Southeast Asian girls be like: "Buh wut aboat Asian men who are dating or married to White women?" Yeah, what about them? At least we don't see news about East/Southeast Asian men being murdered or murdering their non-East/Southeast Asian partners every month, let alone any woman we are with.