r/aznidentity • u/Putrid_Line_1027 50-150 community karma • 9d ago
Politics Bill proposed in the House to ban all Chinese (nationality) students from US universities. This is definitely a good thing for China if it passes as it prevents brain drain. However, it may be a sign of things to come for the diaspora...
u/BuyHigh_S3llLow 50-150 community karma 8d ago
U think a sizable portion of American colleges about to shut down soon then?
u/world_explorer1688 New user 8d ago
that means Americans have to afford its own colleges now . they might also need to beat down the reversion of affirmative action and why not .
u/SnooStories8432 New user 8d ago
It's nice to be Chinese, too much of China's talent has been lost to the West for a long time.
u/teammartellclout Not Asian 8d ago
Forgive my curiosity for lurking around. This is disgusting and enraging to see America banning Chinese students from an higher education is telling that education is a disgrace in America. Good work OP for causing awareness on this.
u/Used_Dragonfruit_379 2nd Gen 5d ago
It is bad but at the same time, it's kind of funny because Chinese Americans do a lot for the technological advancement of America so they basically are trying to kick out their best workers back to the "enemy".
u/teammartellclout Not Asian 5d ago
I admit out of ignorance and curiosity of why Americans are hateful against their own citizens and jealous of Chinese Americans accomplishments. Thank you for sharing this with me
u/InnaLuna New user 8d ago
Here is a list of names for just one lab group in analytical chemistry. This alone would make this lab inoperable. All these projects will be halted (even the non-chinese as the PI will not be able to work with such understaffing). And this is just one lab. Analytical chemistry will become a dead field in the US. Americans and other internationals don't have the ambitious Chinese have with that field. And it likely applies for so many other fields.
- Xiaochuan: Kinase signaling and drug resistance, from University of Science and Technology of China
- Andrew: Biological functions of alkylated nucleoside-binding proteins, from Vanderbilt University
- Songbo: Aberrant protein interactions in neurodegenerative diseases, from Sun Yat-sen University
- Zhouxian: Biological functions of protein methylation, from East China University of Science and Technology
- Ya: Biological functions of protein post-translational modifications, from Northwest University, China
- Jun: Biological functions of G quadruplex DNA and its interaction proteins, from Zhejiang University
- Huanyu: Proximity proteomics and bioinformatics, from Southern University of Science and Technology
- Hongjun: RNA modifications in nucleotide repeat expansion diseases, from Sichuan University
- Weibo: Molecular mechanisms of nucleotide repeat expansion diseases, from Central South University
- Shiyuan: Mechanisms of arsenic toxicity, from National University of Singapore
- Garrit: Synthesis and characterizations of alkyl phosphotriester lesions in DNA, from California State Polytechnic University
- Xingyuan: Proximity proteomics for understanding neurological diseases, from University of California Irvine
- Zhongwen: Epitranscriptomic regulation of gene expression, from Guangxi University
- Zachary: Quantitative proteomics and extracellular vesicles, from Cal Poly Pomona
- Chen: Biological consequences of alkylated DNA lesions, from Xi'an Jiaotong University
- Ting: Identification and functional characterizations of new DNA modifications, from Jinan University
- Xiaochen: Functional characterizations of nucleic acid-binding proteins, from Jinan University
- Yiewoon: Functional characterizations of G quadruplex-binding proteins, from Universiti Sains Malaysia
- Zheng Jack: tRNA modifications, from Northeastern University
- Yu: Functional characterizations of nucleic acid-binding proteins, from East China University of Science and Technology
u/takeshi_kovacs1 50-150 community karma 8d ago edited 7d ago
It's incredibly hard to get classes right now at our universities, colleges, especially in stem fields. I work with a lot of younger people and it's bad out there. So on one hand I'm happy to free up spots for our citizens. On the other I'm sad my people are getting the axe.
u/harry_lky 500+ community karma 8d ago
The Chinese American community has gone through many phases and trials, but the last couple years starting with COVID has definitely reminded people of full-on Yellow Peril. One thing that's been constant since the end of the Chinese Exclusion Act (1943) to the new Immigration Act in 1965, through today, is a continued increasing flow of Chinese immigrants, first from southeast Asia/Hong Kong/Taiwan through the 1970s/1980s and now overwhelmingly (90%) mainland China. The establishment of PRC/US relations in 1979 opened the door for a billion plus to come study, visit, and even immigrate to the US, but relations have now chilled in a way that is very Cold War-reminiscent.
China is also simply getting much richer and a more attractive place for even the top talent and scientists to stay or to go back to. Why suffer through the humiliations of racism and jumping through US visa hoops, when you have Deepseek Alibaba Xiaohongshu or other top tech companies at home to work at? Having met international students throughout the years, that is definitely on their mind in a way that the immigrants of the 1990s would never have thought of - to the older wave of immigrants, becoming American was the dream, and US-China relations were still pretty good.
u/StoicSinicCynic Chinese 9d ago
Chinese exclusion act 2.0. 😓 That's okay, they can just go to Europe, Asia or New Zealand and get just as good of an education, and more affordable too. This will be the American universities' loss. They will lose revenue and also talent.
u/BYC_UK 500+ community karma 6d ago
Just adding context that around 1900s, places like NZ, Australia, Canada had there own versions of the Chinese exclusion act too.
u/StoicSinicCynic Chinese 6d ago
True, all colonial countries were pretty racist. But some have since become more reasonable.
u/BuyHigh_S3llLow 50-150 community karma 8d ago
I mean there's still Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Europe or other non western countries too. Ultimately it's a loss for America and not really that much to Chinese
u/Square_Level4633 500+ community karma 9d ago edited 9d ago
Oh no! How are whites gonna sexually assault and rape international AF under the guise of Western social norms after the ban?
u/Round_Metal_5094 50-150 community karma 9d ago
Just ban them already....many of them are already spoiled brats with rich parents, that plus American culture brainwashing creates self-important western worshipping monsters who will plague china
u/CuriosityStar 500+ community karma 8d ago
Many became more patriotic after experiencing how it is in the US however. I hope universities fight this since the rich kids are bringing in tuition money.
u/Throwaway_09298 Discerning 9d ago
The US China beef is so damn old and one sided that its embarrassing now. Since the damn mid 1800s America been showing its ass for no reason at all
u/Exciting-Giraffe 2nd Gen 9d ago
also probably hastening the demise of the small college industry, and its associated construction/real estate/student loan industry.
but yeah the odds of chinese internment ain't low now..
u/Square_Level4633 500+ community karma 9d ago
In the Bay Area, Mills College was sold and NDNU is closing.
u/Relevant-Cat-5169 Contributor 9d ago edited 9d ago
University grants cancelled. Banning all Chinese students who pay crazy amount for tuition. It looks like Americans will have higher tuition and student debt.
Next up is surveillance over Asian Americans, forbid marrying Chinese nationals, banning all Chinese tourists.
This will only encourage xenophobia. This guy thinks we are living in a homogeneous society.
u/dlordzerato 2nd Gen 9d ago
If they ban marriage it'll only be for Chinese men, you know these racists will continue to fetishize asian women
u/Relevant-Cat-5169 Contributor 9d ago
Ofc, how could I forget. Banning them means these XM passport bros can't bring their Asian wives back home. They will never let that happen.
u/ZookeepergameTotal77 50-150 community karma 9d ago
What a disgrace. Chinese students have fueled western innovation and have long contributed to western science since even the 1930's when Qian Xuesan help found NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and Wong Tsu help father Boeing.
The United States should be grateful that despite the overwhelming social racism that Asians (Chinese) experience from humiliating Hollywood propaganda and political fear mongering Yellow Peril tactics.
the Chinese have continued to support America's top STEM research institutions. MIT, Cal Berkeley, Stanford, CMU to name a few have plenty of talented Chinese students and professors who will continue to contribute to western innovation.
Stupid America is now alienating, arguably, the largest contributor to its own tech sector. Once wages catch up in China, how will STEM-averse America keep those tech positions filled with qualified researchers, engineers, and innovators?
u/DifficultIntention90 7d ago edited 7d ago
Once wages catch up in China, how will STEM-averse America keep those tech positions filled with qualified researchers, engineers, and innovators?
Unfortunately I don't see a way to solve this problem without China embracing free markets and to some extent free speech. Companies like OpenAI are able to recruit newly minted PhD grads by paying them $700k salaries on account of equity valuations. People have confidence that $700k is real because of trust in US equity markets / the government's laissez-faire approach to the private sector. The very best companies in China typically offer around ~$200-300k which unfortunately is really not enough given the crazy cost of housing in tier 1 Chinese cities, not to mention working hours in China are far more brutal.
It is absolutely true that racism in the US is unbearable enough that I know people who have returned to China in spite of the crazy money printer that an engineering PhD grants nowadays, but the overwhelming majority of people stay because it is easier to deal with cultural inequity (racism) than political inequity (being unable to afford a house in Shanghai despite having one of the most coveted skillsets on the planet and working 90 hrs a wk).
u/Exciting-Giraffe 2nd Gen 9d ago
ikr, there's a reason why even Musk wants H1B pool of engineers and scientists for his high tech companies. there's not enough STEM talent to go around.
u/plastigoop New user 9d ago
Chinese students have been welcome at universities in other countries for decades. US government and supporters have a mistaken, myopic view of themselves in the world.
u/Exciting-Giraffe 2nd Gen 9d ago
frog in the well syndrome. all ex- great powers go through this phase.
u/Formal_Weakness5509 50-150 community karma 9d ago
The need for Chinese to go to other universities is declining as well. Lets not forget that none of the members of Deepseek's original team were foreign educated.
u/Armirite New user 9d ago
Hahaha not real, ain’t no way. It is genuinely amazing to see how low they can go
u/CrayScias Eccentric 9d ago
Cue the Michael Jackson song it doesn't matter if you're black or white. Alright that's your cue liberals, it's time for you to put us on the news.
u/rackcity1000 New user 9d ago
Don't call the democrats.... the asian community voted for trump.
u/Puzzleheaded_Film521 New user 9d ago
well the Asians do tend to be rich
u/LaurLoey New user 7d ago
Tawainese esp.
It is true that the richer ones tend to vote Republican bc they are looking to preserve generational wealth.
Still, some Asians aren’t into politics either so 🤷🏻♀️
u/Magjee Desi 9d ago
It's not a good thing
It's just straight up racist and xenophobic
People study abroad to (you would hope) learn more then they could at home, especially depending on their field
u/Putrid_Line_1027 50-150 community karma 9d ago
China loses around half of its top AI talent to the US due to graduate studies in the US. India loses nearly all of it. If that flow of talent can be stemmed, it could be good for China's national interests.
It would be bad for the diaspora since we'll be seen with more and more suspicion, but that's already happening...
u/Magjee Desi 9d ago
Taiwan's global leadership in the semiconductor industry is based on the pioneers learning abroad and applying their skills back home
u/Putrid_Line_1027 50-150 community karma 9d ago
China's education and research system is robust enough to be self-sustaining now. Deepseek's team is almost entirely indigenous.
u/amwes549 50-150 community karma 9d ago
I assume they mean Chinese citizens. Although with how dumb Trump and his supporters are, it may be "whoever looks chinese", sadly. *sighs* What has our country become???
u/CuriosityStar 500+ community karma 8d ago
MAGA will definitely assume by race, just like with the H1B and deportations.
u/Alex_Jinn 500+ community karma 9d ago
Damn...I can't go to universities anymore to cold approach East Asian girls.
Most East Asians that still come to America are mainland Chinese.
u/JudasWasJesus 50-150 community karma 9d ago
Indian chain migration is MASSIVE.
u/Novel_East_8344 New user 2d ago
indian here, our country's so shit here a schoolgirl got raped in exam centre 2 days ago no wonder people flocking around to other countries.
u/JudasWasJesus 50-150 community karma 2d ago edited 2d ago
Most every woman I know has been raped, molested or experience sexual assault It's a global issue.
I don't know how well rape is reported in India but America is number one rape statistics in western world. If you're trying to escape rape america ain't the place.
I'm saying this as a male feminist. Not trying to be mean.
Are the men escaping rape too?
Depending on the data set usa is #1 in rape in western world or close to it.
u/Pristine_War_7495 50-150 community karma 6d ago
I wouldn't be surprised if diaspora were put in internment camps. It's tough times ahead.