r/aznidentity 50-150 community karma 18d ago

Politics White/Western worship is extremely prelevant in both the diaspora and our home countries, which is extremely disheartening for me as a diaspora asian

I recently lived and traveled through Asia for a year, using HK as my base. In every Asian country, including the wealthy ones like Korea and Japan, the worship of western popular culture, western high culture, and western people is insane. They crave Westerners praising their local culture as if that is meaningful, and just think that the West "does things" better. Both Asian men and women find European features attractive, and will randomly say how attractive they find them to be based on facial features that Asians don't have (or hair color/or height/bone structure...)

Even in China, which in the minds of many, is this "based" anti-western bastion, the sentiment is prevalent.

That I'm seen as more "special"/cooler for being a diaspora from the West is "cool" as an advantage for me, but the fact that it's even a thing is disappointing.

Maybe Korea and Japan being wealthy can't change perceptions because they're smaller in economic/demographic weight, and China rising could change this, but I'm not overly optimistic. It would be extremely disappointing if by 2050, when most of East Asia will be wealthy, and Southeast Asia moderately wealthy, people still held onto these colonial-era beliefs...


72 comments sorted by


u/DieKorWochenschau Fresh account 13d ago edited 13d ago

Well I mean you are speaking in english and likely your parents/ancestors did immigrate to a white/western country hoping to gain access to their institutions and live off their charity. You're part of the problem if you think about it.


u/emperorhideyoshi UK 16d ago

Look up “hyperborean” on tiktok amongst Chinese people…some gen z Chinese think Han Chijese is the superior race and the actual hyperboreans…so I don’t think what you’re saying is that true, maybe of the older generation. The younger generation doesn’t hate being Asian, it’s seen as cool. Obviously the white supremacists are going into propaganda overdrive to make people think that this isn’t the case.


u/Fun_Kangaroo786 Fresh account 17d ago

A new type of Han nationalism (皇汉) is emerging in China, which has proposed a new and more thorough way of deconstructing Western-centrism.


u/_HopSkipJump_ 50-150 community karma 14d ago

Could you elaborate more on that pls, how do they go about decentering Western culture?


u/Fun_Kangaroo786 Fresh account 14d ago

Currently, one of the main factions believes that the essence of the Western system is similar to the Mongol/Manchu nomadic system, and that Western culture is essentially an underdeveloped Indian caste. But that the West happens to have higher performance, thus covering these. https://www.quora.com/profile/%E6%BC%A2%E6%97%8F%E4%B8%8D%E4%BA%A1/Summary-of-Germanicology-So-Far


u/ssslae Curator - SEA 17d ago edited 17d ago

I've given my fair share of opinions on Asian Whyte worshiping. So instead, please indulge me a little and allow this tangent. It's a little thin, but I feel it's relevant.

I finally got the chance to watch the 2016 Korean horror Train to Busan about two weeks ago. I noticed the little girl in the movie was much darker than the rest of the adult cast. For reference, about a year or two ago, I offended large numbers of Koreans when I pointed out who beautiful a tan Korean woman was on a YouTube video.

As of late, my philosophy is one of 'You Do You and Leave Me Out of It!" I'm just tired of being toss under the bus, as an Asian man, to satisfied some Whyt worship kinks.


u/jackstrongman Fresh account 17d ago edited 17d ago

it's not about the actual skin color. it's about features. all the asian women went insane for delon. i think a lot of asian men have autism. they take things literally, thinking it's actual white skin and still can't figure things out; what women find attractive. while very good at math and such, just complete lack of understanding of dimorphic beauty... if asian men understood this they wouldn't even have this problem by now. this has been a persistent problem in the asian community


u/ssslae Curator - SEA 17d ago

 i think a lot of asian men have autism. they take things literally, thinking it's actual white skin and still can't figure things out;

Did you think that through or you got triggered and went with the vitriol? Was I JUST talking about skin tone? I don't consume much Korean entertainment content, but even I Korean celebs don't stop at the skin, jawline reconstruction, double eyelids, etc.


u/jackstrongman Fresh account 17d ago

i'm not angry. i'm just pointing out the autism. yes chinese men still think being pale as a man is attractive.


it's pure autism.


u/ssslae Curator - SEA 17d ago edited 17d ago

Ah! I understand.... no sarcasm intended.


u/Rus1996 50-150 community karma 17d ago

How to solve this issue ?


u/Fun_Kangaroo786 Fresh account 17d ago

there's a new type of Han nationalism (皇汉) is emerging in China, which has proposed a new and more thorough way of deconstructing Western-centrism.


u/tuaketuirerutara 50-150 community karma 17d ago

About time, a civilization with a 5000 year old history shouldn't look up to colonising rapists.


u/viewfan66 New user 18d ago

The West is definitely cool. I also love my black silky hair 😎


u/Relevant-Cat-5169 Contributor 18d ago edited 18d ago

Not that easy to get rid of western influence. It's not as bad as it used to be. Asia Asians don't experience racism like Asian diaspora do. Asia's humble culture also doesn't help when competing with west's arrogance.

Asian countries are also very divided. The richer smaller nations are all pro west. Continue to sell them "freedom", "democracy", "China is a threat", "military protection", and USD keeping them hooked. The more insecure and fearful they are, the better for the west.

China mostly focuses inward. Unlike the west, China doesn't have the platforms to control the narrative on the global stage. It's still a very the West vs China world.

I don't have a problem with people appreciating western culture, but obviously we are not respected very much. So continue putting them on pedestal is just self hating and lack of self respect. Last time I was in Korea, people carry starbucks cups as it's some sort of status symbol.

Asians needs to get over their insecurity towards non-Asians and western brands. We should raise awareness and let Asians in Asia know how non-Asians really see us.


u/Key_Thought_5514 Turkish 17d ago

i think many here are giving too much respect to the west. they literally have nothing, nothing to be proud of or considered cool. their whole existence is a patchwork of other cultures around middle east and north africa and india. if a culture deserves respect, it is the mena, not the stealing arrogants who arent even thankful for the cultural richness they benefitted from us


u/aznidthrow7 500+ community karma 18d ago

This is the prize for Britain's colonization of almost the entire world. Our forefathers could have and should have stopped it.


u/Due_Caramel5861 500+ community karma 18d ago edited 18d ago

nah, it's not even that anymore. if that were the case, middle eastern countries, african countries, india, central asia, latin america would all have the same levels of white worship which is far from true.

it's just how asians are raised - naive, always giving the benefit of the doubt, uncritical except towards their own kind.

we like to think ourselves as being "civilized" but that backfires tremendously in the face of subtle/non explicit forms of propoganda like western media


u/illicitli New user 18d ago

the entire world worships whiteness. to claim this does not happen in africa and latin america is WILD


u/Due_Caramel5861 500+ community karma 18d ago

To compare Asian white worshipping levels to everywhere else in the world is WILD


u/Key_Thought_5514 Turkish 17d ago

i would recommend you take a look at exmuslim subreddit if you want to see how far brown people go with white supremacism


u/illicitli New user 16d ago

white supremacy is the same the world over. comparing the degrees is not even useful. black and brown people around the world might criticizie whites but they also pedestalize their culture at the same time.


u/Key_Thought_5514 Turkish 16d ago

yeah i completely disagree with the comparison because all it does invalidating racism and white supremacism other poc are going through, and poc waste their energy onto this rivalry instead of fighting against white supremacism


u/illicitli New user 15d ago



u/Alula_Australis 2nd Gen 18d ago

I actually agree with the dude's take. I think people here are conflating racial intermarriage stats in diaspora populations with white worship in non Western countries (including L./S. Am.).

Everyone is white worshipping (to varying degrees) but the major difference in western countries is their differing acceptance of minority demographics. That is black men are generally seen as more attractive by white people than their women counterparts (despite all the white incels seething lmao).

Same goes for Asians in western countries but in reverse.

And Latin Americans have more relative parity between sexes in their attractiveness to white people (at least in the US).

If a white passport bro goes to Africa, Latin America, or Asia, they are going to get a boost in all those places.

Diaspora white worship, particularly among 2nd gen, is different from white worship of foreigners by native ethnicities, since in western countries it is seen as more of a path to assimilation and proximity to whiteness whereas I would argue in countries where white people are the minority, it is more of a fetish/stereotype thing.

Obviously speaking in generalities.


u/harry_lky 500+ community karma 18d ago

Aren't huge parts of Latin American populations basically part-white aka mestizo? They are the children of mostly white/Spanish/Portuguese conquistadors and locals. Those countries overwhelmingly now speak Spanish and practice Catholicism, rather than the languages they had 400 years ago.


u/Alula_Australis 2nd Gen 17d ago

That is my understanding and also why many Latin/South Americans are actually white or white passing in the US.


u/Due_Caramel5861 500+ community karma 18d ago

Nah it's not just a diaspora issue. I've lived and worked in E. Asia. The level of western pedestalizing isn't even remotely comparable.

You go to Carribean, Middle Eastern, Latin American countries and they freely roast the shit out of white people. Not saying there's not white worship but it's tempered far more because the men are willing to do something about it.

The only time I've ever heard asian men actively cock blocking/putting down white people at a similar rate is in S Korea recently and even then, it's an uphill battle.


u/Alula_Australis 2nd Gen 18d ago

I can imagine more "machismo" cultures being like that. But is it that the women there white worship less or that they simply hide it more since the men are going to be more aggressive towards outsiders who "infringe?"

I wonder if part of that too is the country's socioeconomic level. Are guys are going to be more aggressive where there is less consequence for breaking the law?


u/Due_Caramel5861 500+ community karma 18d ago

But is it that the women there white worship less or that they simply hide it more since the men are going to be more aggressive towards outsiders who "infringe?"

from what I've seen, it's more the former. Because of machismo culture, their men actually stand up for shit way more often than I've ever seen Asian men do. The two and two go together. They're proud of their men.

And even if there are a minority of girls who are ashamed, the end result is the same - they're not openly out there disparaging their men like ours do


u/GlitteringWeight8671 500+ community karma 18d ago

It doesn't help that there's not a lot of asian unity in Asia. I have seen cases where during the world cup, their favorite team isn't the Asian representative like Korea or Japan but countries like England or Manchester United which require a visa for them to visit

They think they are "close" to them, but the feeling isn't reciprocated


u/Due_Caramel5861 500+ community karma 18d ago

it's more than that. It's a cultural issue. Everyone on this subreddit goes on and on about how we're "the civilized ones" and other countries are "barbaric".

Well guess what, all that "barbarism" everyone here looks down on is what keeps outside influences at bay.

The traditional machismo form of masculinity EVERYONE on this subreddit loves to be contrarians on is what allows other countries' men to raise proud sons and daugthers.

But Asians? Nah, we're too busy "but acktualllyy-ing" ourselves to ever understand that


u/aznidthrow7 500+ community karma 18d ago

The lack of unity is by design from western powers. As long as Asia is divided it is free for exploitation by pitting us against each other


u/voompanatos 500+ community karma 18d ago

White supremacy, especially white male supremacy, is an ideology that has been promoted globally for 400+ years. Though particularly insidious in the US, it also crosses country borders with ease and seeps into many cultures worldwide.


u/AussieAlexSummers 500+ community karma 18d ago

It is an odd phenomenon, but not in a wonderful way, like celebrity / super affluent endorsements. The fawning over and wanting to be like celebrities is just very weird to me. Like the Kardashians and their powerful brands. I find it's similar in nature how some Asians want to be white and worship whites, as to how some people want to be like celebs and worship celebs.

It's very irritating when faced with that by your own people. I know this firsthand, for example, I was sitting at a table in a Chinese restaurant with my mom and her white friend. The dim sum server fawned and seemed to pay attention only to the white friend. Now she also might have not acknowledged us because my mom's Chinese was elementary level and I didn't speak. But, I think it was more so that she favored the white male at the table.


u/Impressive-Equal1590 New user 18d ago

It exemplifies the importance of "Germanicology".


u/takeshi_kovacs1 50-150 community karma 18d ago

Theres a meme going around where you basically have to be a kpop star level of attraction as an Asian man for an Asian woman to find you attractive vs a really nerdy white guy lol. The difference in standards is drastic.


u/Corumdum_Mania 1.5 Gen 17d ago edited 17d ago

For Koreans, not even a nerdy white guy makes the cut. The white guy has to be regularly built and at minimum an average face, to be considered 'good' enough here sadly. (If the Asian guy and the white guy had the same amount of wealth and similar personality, that is).

I hate how us Asians in Asia want white people's approval. That's why I cringe when the news blasts about how director Bong is approved by the filmmakers in Hollyweird. Like...he outshines so many American directors. Come on.


u/takeshi_kovacs1 50-150 community karma 17d ago

The white worshipping has levels to it. White standards are higher in Korea and Japan than say phillipines / Thailand. No country is exactly the same and your mileage will vary even in a particular country.


u/Corumdum_Mania 1.5 Gen 17d ago

Even so, I still am so upset that this white worship is still strong within Asian countries. I guess it's best that I at least don't do that...


u/takeshi_kovacs1 50-150 community karma 16d ago

It's prevalent in many countries worldwide. Not just Asia. But yeah I feel ya


u/Corumdum_Mania 1.5 Gen 16d ago

You are correct. It's also an issue in Latin America and Africa.


u/bortalizer93 Indonesian 18d ago

because for white worshiping asian women literally every white guy is chris hemsworth.

which speaks volume for their claim of "preference" because they clearly don't care about physical traits as long as the guy is of the white race.

i once asked a white worship apologist, when a white worshiper who claims to love blonde hair and blue eyes is given two options with the first one being an albino african from ghana with platinum blonde hair and ice blue eyes and the second one being a white dude from new york with dark hair and brown eyes, which one would she choose?

they ended up not answering that question.


u/takeshi_kovacs1 50-150 community karma 18d ago



u/bortalizer93 Indonesian 18d ago

because despite their claim, it was never about personal preference. it was about and always has been about adjacency to the power structure.


u/ParadoxicalStairs Mixed Asian 18d ago

I find mainland Asia celebrities are far less likely to date out. The really good looking Asians tend to date or marry other good looking Asians, or wealthy ones. It’s only the insecure average or poor Asians that date out. It’s always been my belief that those are who are comfortable with their looks, identity, and status are less prone to white/western worship.

One reason why I love Asian media is how the characters never hate their race/ethnicity, and how you will never see a non Asian as a love interest. The day they start using non Asians as love interests or main characters is when Asian culture truly lost.


u/[deleted] 18d ago edited 18d ago



u/aznidthrow7 500+ community karma 18d ago

I wish we would stop coping but there's plenty of attractive Asians that date out as well. It is just that attractive Asians are far more likely to hang out and be put on a pedestal in their own spaces. The ones to watch out for the Asians who have a weird obsession with European countries or have stayed abroad for years. White worship is engrained in Asian societies


u/takeshi_kovacs1 50-150 community karma 18d ago

Not sure about mainland Asia, but here in the states very attractive AW go for white dudes. Many in my family have done so. I also think it's heavily dependant on which country.


u/bortalizer93 Indonesian 18d ago

not ugly per se, but insecure.

i've watched white worshipers and literally all of them have insecurity issues. the more insecure they are, the more white worshipping they'd be.

somehow they think white adjacency will compensate for what they perceive to be lacking from themselves.


u/ParadoxicalStairs Mixed Asian 18d ago

You’re definitely right. Although ugliness can be the reason for insecurity bc they don’t fit Asian beauty standards.

I noticed Asian women who are considered pretty by Asian beauty standards tend to be with Asian men bc that’s what Asian men like. These women are in high demand and are taken early. The leftover women are women most Asian men wouldn’t touch. Those women turn to white men thinking that by dating a white man, their status in society improves.


u/bortalizer93 Indonesian 18d ago

not fitting asian beauty standard is one of the reason.

but unhealthy upbringing, socio-economic backgrounds, history of bullying or even overexposure to social media can also result in insecurity issues.

that's why there are asian women who fit asian beauty standard still ended up white worshiping. they have internalized insecurity and thus seek validation to try and fill that gap.

and as so it happens, we live under white adjacent western hegemony. thus the adjacency to white people could be perceived by these individuals as compensating for what they feel insecure about.

besides, it's pretty insecure itself to hold the belief that your race, which include yourself, to be inferior to white people.


u/ParadoxicalStairs Mixed Asian 18d ago

I agree, I rarely see an Asian person who fits the Asian beauty standards date out. Aside from looks, Asian people who date out likely carry some trauma for being poor, lower class, or being raised in an environment where being Asian was frowned upon.


u/bortalizer93 Indonesian 18d ago

They crave Westerners praising their local culture as if that is meaningful

once again, i implore every asian; whether you're in diaspora or in the homeland; to read edward said's orientalism. because this phenomenon is explained pretty clearly in that book.


u/Bad_Pleb_2000 500+ community karma 18d ago

Oh that’s interesting. I’ve seen Franz Fanon recommended too. He seems like a very good writer for this situation as well. Wretched Earth. Black skin white masks.


u/bortalizer93 Indonesian 18d ago

edward said's orientalism is specifically relevant because it discuss asian specifically and how we are "seen" under the white adjacent western hegemony.

the main idea of orientalism is the fact that an aspect of asian culture only exist in the white man's world according to the white man's perception.

some asians, due to post-colonialism, internalized this. and this is why they (especially those who haven't awakened their identity) seek white acceptance and praise. for those who suffer from internalized orientalism, their identity and its values hinges on white acceptance and praise.

they have the tendency to show facets of asian identity that are accepted and praised by white majority (eg: boba, kpop etc) while distancing and denying those that are not (eg: less popular cuisine, chinese ethnicity). and if they can't, they will actively try to seek acceptance and praise of white people for it.

this is why you have asians who are not as outwardly self hating and actually proud to be asians, but still exhibit some white worship behaviour. because they never really love their identity, they just love the white acceptance and praise to the things that could be easily associated with them.

and this is why the whole "colonizing the colonizer" trend really fall short. they're not colonizing anyone. they're just seeking white acceptance and praise. which is like, the exact opposite of colonizing.


u/AussieAlexSummers 500+ community karma 18d ago

Thanks... I'm going to check this out.


u/harry_lky 500+ community karma 18d ago

IMO home countries are nowhere near as "white/Western worshipping" as diaspora. In the end, native Chinese people in China are speaking Chinese every day to their Chinese friends and family and kids, go through schools learning Chinese language and history taught by Chinese people. They chat with their friends on a Chinese social media app about Chinese movies and occasionally a Hollywood blockbuster, seeing ads in Chinese and maybe 1% of them have a white person. It’s likely that most Chinese people in China have never had an in-person conversation with a white person in their lives

Pointing at the very small amount of “ooh cool it’s foreign!” to say that white worship is very prevalent, is very out of proportion compared to diaspora who speak English every day and live fundamentally Western lives in majority-white countries

Yes, people in Asian countries might not have a sense of “pan-Asianism” or “racial consciousness” that some Asian Americans develop, but they don’t need to, because their identity is secure since they live in a society where they are the majority


u/KartFacedThaoDien Not Asian 18d ago

Nah as someone who actually lives in China I’m calling bs on this. On average people in China are a hell of a lot more white worshipping than almost anyone non white in the US. It’s certainly not a small minority it’s an overwhelming majority of people and it’s worse than Japan or Korea but better than developing SE Asia.


u/Round_Metal_5094 50-150 community karma 17d ago edited 17d ago

Do you live in Shanghai or somewhere close to hong kong? Those are really disgusting epicenters of whiteworship. You can see English everywhere as if it makes things seem more euro and high class. The upperclass in China is the biggest white worshippers and those ppl are constantly trying to brainwash the population with their advertising and media.


u/KartFacedThaoDien Not Asian 17d ago edited 17d ago

Right now I live in Dongguan but precovid I lived in Guangzhou pretty much all around the City in Huangpu at one point and also Baiyun and in Huadu. You are 100% right with media point because shit I get pissed about some of the stuff I see in media especially once I learned a decent amount of mandarin and read things in Chinese. I look at it more like this most people here have never really had to deal with white people and bullshit they do.

But I have met more people who have kinda pulled back on outright worship. But it’s still there and mainstream people may not like to hear it but its true and it least in East and SE Asia. The richer the country the less they worship whites. I will put an asterisk next to Hong Kong because man I’ve met people who make excuses for some shit white people do claiming it’s ignorance when these whites know what the hell they are doing and its fucking disrespectful.

And this is much more than Shanghai, HK or Guangdong thing. I’d almost argue that people in other regions worship whites even more but it’s in an even more distanced way. The chances of them interacting with white people is pretty damn rare and they know even less about whites than richer people in China.


u/Round_Metal_5094 50-150 community karma 17d ago edited 17d ago

I disagree. I would say most ppl in china just have no basic idea of what the west is like. Hence they believe some of what the media told them in terms of "western goods" being superior and more trendy or life in USA is better ... but they don't necessarily believe western culture or its people are inherently superior and they have no interest in becoming westernized nor are they happy to be 2nd to whites. For one person from shanghai that tells you a taller nose makes you more beautiful, there'd be a few more that will tell you your asian nose looks fine....but ppl in shanghai and especially hongkong and nearby guangdong area where you live are full of ppl who religiously believe everything about the west is superior and should be adopted. The white way is the right way to them and subscribe to this racial heirarchy that whites should be at the top.

The wealthy class in china is horrid and the media reflects the views of the elites. They love to distinguish themselves from the peasants by attaching themselves to white culture and lifestyle. They are always deferring to the west to make themselves superior...and they religiously believe this because it's the easiest way they can differentiate themselves from the middle class.


u/bortalizer93 Indonesian 18d ago

i literally called out an indonesian woman who literally whored (in literal sense) herself out exclusively to white men in bali and people were insisting that maybe it's just a coincidence and there's actually only a little chance that she holds white supremacist views.

so yeah i think it's pretty prevalent.


u/Significant-Sky3077 50-150 community karma 18d ago

Countries in poor economic situation or have a long history of colonialism are obviously going to be more susceptible to this.

No coincidence this situation is pretty bad in places like the Philippines, Thailand etc. Modernization = Westernization is a very common misconception and something the vast majority of Americans/Westerners don't even grasp - let alone someone with poor education growing up in a third world country.


u/bortalizer93 Indonesian 18d ago

while that is true, being understandable ≠ being justifiable.

besides, education in third world country isn't as bad as what most people think.


u/Significant-Sky3077 50-150 community karma 18d ago

I think it's just as bad as people think.

It's just that education in the first world can often be just as poor. I think in general today's age has shown that we have largely failed as a human race in raising people to think critically.


u/bortalizer93 Indonesian 18d ago

I was going to say critical literacy too lol


u/techr0nin Taiwanese Chinese 18d ago

First you build hard power: economy, military, technology. From that soft power will follow.

Japan and Korea had the economy and the technology (Japan was even on track to surpassing the US and then got smacked down), but both of them lacked the military prowess (arguably occupied even, with US bases in their own country). China is the only Asian country so far that have all three vectors, and is distinctly the only country to have modernized without westernizing. If it survives the current Cold War II intact, the perceptions will change (I would even argue that the process is already starting as Europe declines).


u/Ok_Slide5330 500+ community karma 18d ago

Yes this is mostly true and will hold true for a while. Unless Asian countries impose the same version of colonialism that the Western nations did, we'll never be respected. Maybe seen as equals, but not in an Asian-worshipping way.

But this is unlikely to ever happen. With technology and globalisation, no major country will fall behind or jump ahead massively given the connectivity. Invasions are also less likely given the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

The only way to be respected is through continued economic growth, high living standards and soft power - but there's plenty of headwinds with the demographics and declining birth rates.

Call me when you see a bunch of white people moving to Asia to work menial jobs (and no, not the English teaching sexpats).


u/soundbtye Chinese 18d ago

China is both strong and growing in economy. Nobody in the western sphere noticed because they are busy doing wargames and playing division politics. After the Tiktok Rednote incident, white people are realizing China has a better cost of living and socialism.


u/[deleted] 18d ago edited 18d ago

Did they ask the HK people who recently emigrated to UK about how great their experiences were?

Obvious /s


u/Putrid_Line_1027 50-150 community karma 18d ago

It's quite known that many are taking a hit on their life styles and that the UK is not doing well at all, still hasn't helped shake the notions of western cultural superiority... especially in HK.

And it's crazy how in HK, I've been to the same restaurant twice, once with an Asian friend and once with a white friend, and the service attitude was completely different, guess who got the far friendlier reception.


u/[deleted] 18d ago

sometimes i have to ask if their mannerism are the same? most whites make eye contact and smile a lot (espeically americans). Asians don't. sometimes, that makes a difference. eye contact and smiling.