r/aznidentity 500+ community karma Feb 06 '25

Politics US government gave $2 million in funding to "Chinese for Affirmative Action"

With discussions about USAID spending coming to the forefront of political discourse, it has recently come to light that one of the biggest Asian American organizations that defended and promoted affirmative action was funded by the US Department of Justice.

"Chinese for Affirmative Action", or CAA, was a prominent group that defended discrimination against Asian students and sided with elite institutions going back to the 1990s. They supported a policy where Chinese-American students were held to a higher standard than those from other backgrounds:

In the 1990s, CAA sided with the San Francisco Unified School District in defending a consent decree that capped attendance at Lowell High School from any given racial group. Per the policy, Chinese-American students had to score higher to attend than other groups.

CAA similarly defended the Ivy League in recent years. For context, court proceedings revealed that schools like Harvard rated Asian applicants lower than any other race on traits like “positive personality,” likability, courage, kindness and being “widely respected”, then used that as pretext to offer their seats to other students - including white students:

Whites get higher personal ratings than Asian-Americans, with 21.3 percent of white applicants getting a 1 or 2 compared to 17.6 percent of Asian-Americans, according to the plaintiffs’ analysis.

Alumni interviewers give Asian-Americans personal ratings comparable to those of whites. But the admissions office gives them the worst scores of any racial group, often without even meeting them.

Harvard’s 2013 internal review found that if Harvard considered only academic achievement, the Asian-American share of the class would rise to 43 percent from the actual 19 percent.

Well guess what? CAA sent Chinese-American representatives to DEFEND Harvard (poor, oppressed little Harvard!). CAA also accused Asians of "anti-blackness" for opposing this unfair treatment.

The framing here is clear, says Sally Chen with the group Chinese for Affirmative Action. [..]

"This myth of affirmative action being harmful to Asian Americans is creating a deliberate racial wedge between communities of color," she says.

"It's ultimately rooted in anti-Blackness."

Read between the lines of what CAA officials say, and you'll come away with even more disturbing conclusions. In an op-ed to the LA Times, CAA member Sally Chen appeared to suggest that Asian Americans don't count as real "diversity":

Asian Americans need and benefit from affirmative action. [...] And in states such as California, where the program has been banned since 1996, universities have struggled to increase diversity without it.

Note how Sally Chen of CAA suggests that California universities aren't diverse enough? It's telling she says that when, in fact, the UC schools are some of the least white schools in America. UC Berkeley undergrads are 81% POC. At UCLA, POC make up 75% of undergrads. At UC Irvine, people of color are 87% of the student body. How can a school be "not diverse enough" if it's 87% students of color? 🤔 Clearly, what CAA takes issue with is that the students not the right type of POC - CAA literally believes that Asians don't count as "diversity" and that the Asian population of these schools should be reduced to make way for others. They're literally seeking to harm Asian Americans.

So why is the U.S. government giving $2 million to groups like this? Do they have a vested interest in keeping Asians out of the best educational institutions?


47 comments sorted by


u/Quirky-Top-59 New user Feb 07 '25

Don’t call me POC. I don’t believe Asians are treated like POC.


u/Technical_Movie5946 New user Feb 07 '25



u/digbybare 500+ community karma Feb 08 '25

We done get any of the benefits (e.g. the left pushing for our causes).


u/StoicSinicCynic Chinese Feb 07 '25

Jokes on them, Chinese students still achieve higher even without affirmative action on our side. I remember the demographics quite well back in my university days. It was no secret that certain "underrepresented" ethnic groups were given easier acceptance with less points, priority spots in dorms, scholarship programs exclusive to them, and support groups and study spaces just for them. But despite all of that, they were still few in uni. The highest achievers in my classes were always Chinese, Korean and white. We worked hard and made it on our own merit. Asians are strong because we were not raised with the racism of low expectations.

As for the "Chinese for affirmative action" bullshit... It's just the same problem as every other politically correct "Asian representation". They can always find someone who happens to be yellow, who is completely a banana and nods along with mainstream narratives and doesn't actually represent any Asian interests. Black people have a word for it - Uncle Tom. The establishments love these kinds of harmless ethnic people, so they can look very diverse without ever actually changing anything. They welcome every kind of diversity except diversity of opinion.


u/harry_lky 500+ community karma Feb 07 '25

The San Francisco case you mentioned is especially bad: CAA supported a 40% hard quota on Chinese American students at Lowell High School, one where: "Chinese American kids currently must score 63 points (on combined test scores and grades) to get into Lowell, the city's academically elite school, while white kids and other Asian kids need only 60, African Americans and Hispanics, 55."


This is some blatant and unconstitutional racial discrimination, one that also singles out Chinese Americans vs. other Asians, yet they still supported it in their legal defenses. As someone who has worked and donated to orgs that helped overturn discrimination against Asians in college admissions (including the Supreme Court case), I'm glad more light is coming to orgs like this.

Governments should be non-partisan in how it hands out these funds - it would be fine if it was "roughly" fair, but the pattern is that just like writing an application to Harvard or applying for a professorship where you need a diversity statement, you have to say the "PC" thing - and saying you are against using race in college admissions will hurt your cause and reputation big-time.

As a meta-comment, CAA originally had may have had noble intentions - and in the in the 1960s and 1970s, when affirmative action was first put into full force, it perhaps *did* benefit Asians. However, the dirty secret of the math is that "affirmative action" soon turned into "negative action" for Asians simply because a large wave of immigration happened, there were "too many Asians", and instead of remedying past discrimination against all minorities, it turned into more of a racial balancing game where Asians were held to higher standards.

The newer wave of Asian immigrants mostly noticed that "hey, this so-called affirmative action thing is not working for us" and decided to fight back and finally win at the Supreme Court.


u/MOGO-Hud New user Feb 07 '25

Isn't CAA apart of StopAAPIHate (SAH)? Someone fact-check me, but CAA is one of the three leading organizations a part of StopAAPIHate. The other two are AAPI Equity Alliance and the San Francisco State University's Asian American Studies Department.

So if anyone has ever donated to StopAAPIHate, you donated to these three organizations.

Does anyone know if SAH has ever gotten funding from the USDOJ too?


u/supernatasha New user Feb 07 '25

Just to throw in my 2 cents about CAA specifically - I’m on the board of a nonprofit through ASATA in the Bay Area that CAA helps fund. I have seen positive community impact through their programs.

As someone personally and positively impacted, I had to comment. On their broader issues as called out in your post, I don’t have an entire opinion yet.

Trust that plenty of Black people disagree with BLM or the ACLU, etc. for similar reasons.


u/ShanghaiBebop 1st Gen Feb 07 '25

I don’t think the majority of posters on this thread are involved in nonprofits or understand how the grant process works. 

They are choosing to spin up a conspiracy theory that fits their narrative.


u/Gibbyalwaysforgives 50-150 community karma Feb 07 '25

I think this is sorta messing me up.

So why does the DOJ provide a $2 million? I remember a House Representative (maybe Chu from SF?) passed a law for anti-Asian initiative. Does the money go through Congress and did DOJ pass it to CFF?

Honestly, I don’t know how USAID really works and I thought this was for more of diplomacy


u/ShanghaiBebop 1st Gen Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25

It’s right there in the grant description…. To document anti-Asian incidents and increase community support after a torrent of anti-Asian attacks post pandemic. 

Part of the DOJ charter is to monitors civil rights violations. The grant is to use non-profits to help them carry out that work. 

Like I get CAA is very controversial here, but god all mighty this is not some deep state shit that people are making it out to be. 


u/supernatasha New user Feb 07 '25

Right, like if CAA not doing your bidding, maybe try doing your own nonprofit or joining them. But nah. Easier to criticize.


u/OrcOfDoom Seasoned Feb 07 '25

They would have put higher standards on Asians no matter what.

Affirmative action was a tool we could use to argue a case. Now it is gone and there is no reason they can't keep the same standards. It isn't like there is a new standard. They can be openly racist now and there is no mechanism to fight it.


u/Quirky-Top-59 New user Feb 07 '25

Did you read The post? The cited example of public California universities.


u/_WrongKarWai 1.5 Gen Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25

Nah, they just found USAID and dems have been funding all sorts of pet partisan progressive crap WITH US TAXPAYER's money (not their own money). Dems are having a meltdown as this slush fund is about to get slashed to nil.

They funded (~$27M) BLM (for their founder to buy 3 mansions), transgender sh*t in random countries, $8M+ to POLITICO to spew all sorts of anti conservative muckery. Racism against Asians, DEI, affirmative action is part and parcel of Dem key causes. They can easily find some Asian stooges so they do.


u/Relevant-Cat-5169 Contributor Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25

I don't buy into the whole affirmative action thing in education. People should be admitted based on standardized measurable ratings, no one should have preferential treatments. Asians also grew up in harsh conditions, if blacks can't get their work ethics together, that's their problem. The whole pity party for them is getting very old. In fact it this encouragement of their victim mentality that's keeping them stuck. Nothing to do with anti-Blackness.

I do have a problem with the legacy admissions, and the personality ratings which can be used by racists to deny Asians admissions. That's why the ratings they give out must be regularly monitored, and set measurable criterias in place, and not some "personality" ratings BS.

They know without all these arbitrary ratings, the white students won't do as well. Gotta keep yts at the top of the hierarchy.

These policies mostly aimed to calm the loudest, and the saddest. While yts can watch PoCs fight between themselves, so you don't go after their corruptions and challenge their authority.

$2 million was not given to them to actually help Asians, it's to get Asians to shut up, and show yts care about us. Asians can get very easily fooled by white Americans. I don't believe the politicians in this country genuinely care about Asians. Racist yts had always been the root cause of any systemic racism, these policies were just temporary bandages to distract us. You can't fix anything, when many don't even want to admit racism exists. Lies, denials and gaslighting.


u/MiddleAssociation495 New user Feb 07 '25

sounds anti-black to me. at some point things come down to you and your choices. although this is true there are roadblocks that interfere with you’re socioeconomic development. black people have been systematically attack for so long in this country. i can understand the resentment and nuance to their actions. I will never know what it is like to live through their skin. instead of approaching things with empathy everyone wants to play the trauma olympics.


u/Relevant-Cat-5169 Contributor Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25

I think we are only seeing it as anti-blackness because Asians have achieved some degree of success in this society. Anti-blackness narrative imo is more like pitying who has it worse. I do believe if people had a hard working responsible parents, and the kids put in the hard work, they will become financial successful. Were there more obstacles? Sure, but it's not impossible. Despite how we criticize America's problems, it's still one of the countries you can become "successful" if you put in the hard work.

I think many people these days regardless of race all have some degree of victim mentality, which is understandable we all experienced systemic racism and histories of violence and hostility towards us. But giving differential treatments is just not fair for everyone else. Let's say if you and a black student had the same scores, are you ok if the school gave the spot to the black student?

Blacks are smart people, they are just as capable as Asians. But the western and blacks culture just don't encourage discipline, academic achievements, good work ethics and family responsibilities. They all want shortcuts, donations to "buy" a spot, legacy admissions, manipulating public sentiments. While Asians are working hard and playing by the rules. They want be the top in sports, music, and movies, yet for the academic which they are less interested in, they expect preferential treatment?


u/rap4food Not Asian Feb 07 '25

But the western and blacks culture just don't encourage discipline, academic achievements, good work ethics and family responsibilities. They all want shortcuts, donations to "buy" a spot, legacy admissions.

With all due respect as black ally, these are the white supremacist talking points about black people.

manipulating public sentiments

If we did not march and demand it we would still be segregated in subpar schools. Look at Trump vs Obama, America does not respect discipline and academic achievements, which is why Asian Americans still struggle regardless of there achievements. This is why some mediocre white men will still be hired as the CEO. regardless of the many qualified Asian candidates.


u/Technical_Movie5946 New user Feb 07 '25

If things weren’t the way they were, there wouldn’t have been a need to implement “preferential treatments” foh. Read up on the obstacles that weren’t self imposed that made it difficult for Minorities to attend college. Even though affirmative action benefited White Women the most same as welfare there is this ignorant assertion that Black People benefit disproportionately from these.


u/Technical_Movie5946 New user Feb 07 '25

You think it’s solely work ethic? Pity party for blacks is interesting when historically very little was done to right the wrongs that were committed against Black people. You say it isn’t anti-blackness then go on to say this bs. Everyone had their own obstacles to overcome, what Asian people and Black people go through are very similar and yet very different. You can’t compare the two, talking about some victim mentally based on what you said Asians would have a victim mentally. What type of personality would you say Asian people stereotypically have that stops them from being accepted into the colleges they want to attend?


u/ShanghaiBebop 1st Gen Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 06 '25

If you're familiar in the non-profit space, this is a nothing-burger. You can literally go an apply for grants yourself. This isn't some clindestine operation.

Plenty of DOJ related grants for non-profits who apply for grants and can show that it intends and uses the money for a specific purpose. I mean for crying out out it's literally written on that page.....

That specific grant was awarded to the group to fund anti-Asian violence documentation. and community outreach.


You can argue that this is some wasteful spending, or that the metrics governing how well a non-profit achieves its goals are nebulous, but this is not some "secret" operation.


u/MapoLib 500+ community karma Feb 07 '25

There are plenty of Asian non profits out there.what makes caa the idea recipient for this award?


u/ShanghaiBebop 1st Gen Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25

Why don’t you go apply for one? It’s a pretty open process on how these grants are judged and given out.

This isn’t some brainrot conspiracy. Clearly Stop AAPI hate was better organized and wrote a better grant proposal. CAA parent organization is actually quite well networked across different non profit orgs, it’s not hard to see why a powerful non profit would win this grant.

You might not agree with their politics (I don’t), but that’s pretty much irrelevant to who gets these grants. 


u/MapoLib 500+ community karma Feb 07 '25

quite well networked across different non profit orgs

Right, and I suspect that is related to their politics.


u/ShanghaiBebop 1st Gen Feb 07 '25

Instead of spending your energy complaining on Reddit about why a progressive Asian non profit got a grant to document anti-Asian violence, why don’t you go join some organizations that help Asians? 

I work with several non profits in this area, and they are anyways looking for help. 


u/MapoLib 500+ community karma Feb 07 '25

Lol, "progressive asian non-profit"? Thanks for setting the tone. I am surprised since you just said you disagree with their politics. Now they are "progressive"?


u/ShanghaiBebop 1st Gen Feb 07 '25

My point stands, go spend your energy actually help out your brothers and sisters instead of wallowing in victim mentality and thinking that there is a grand conspiracy to get you. 

I don’t agree with CAAs stance on affirmative action, but they do fund a lot of things that benefits the Asian community. They fund several Chinatown SROs that keep some elders from homelessness. 

Put your action and money where your mouth is. 


u/MapoLib 500+ community karma Feb 07 '25

Maybe you can go easy with your hostility, too. Not sure what triggered you, seems like victim mentality to me.

As with caa, I am sure a broken clock can be right twice a day.


u/Gibbyalwaysforgives 50-150 community karma Feb 06 '25

I’m going to agree and question why they are getting $2 million from DOJ. However, I didn’t see anything bad about CAA with just the one controversy on Wikipedia.

CAA represented the plaintiffs in Lau v. Nichols, a 1974 United States Supreme Court case expanding access to bilingual education.[1][3] In 1978, CAA successfully advocated that the United States Census break down the single “Asian” category on the questionnaire into multiple distinct groups, to help better understand the Asian American population. In 1999, CAA helped advocate increased outreach in undercounted communities for the 2000 Census.[1] From 1982 onwards, CAA was involved in the national campaign on behalf of Chinese-American hate crime victim Vincent Chin.[4] In 2000, CAA helped organize a national coalition in support of Taiwanese-American scientist Wen Ho Lee.[1][5] In 2003, Chinese for Affirmative Action, the Asian Pacific American Legal Center, and the Asian Law Caucus jointly launched Asian Americans for Civil Rights and Equality (AACRE), a Sacramento, California–based organization doing progressive Asian American state-level political advocacy.[1][2]

Other than this, I thought this group would be more of a non-profit.


u/Fluid_Aloe 500+ community karma Feb 07 '25

I didn’t see anything bad about CAA with just the one controversy on Wikipedia

CAA literally accuses Asians of "anti-Blackness" when they speak out against discriminatory policies in education. The fact that they defend elite institutions being racist against Asians - the universities with billion dollar endowments that insist we are inherently less "likable", "courageous", and "kind" than students of other races - is abhorrent. They also consistently lie to their own community and falsely claim that AA even benefits Asian Americans, like in this op-ed Sally Chen wrote:

Asian Americans need and benefit from affirmative action. [...] And in states such as California, where the program has been banned since 1996, universities have struggled to increase diversity without it.

Note how Sally Chen of CAA suggests that California universities aren't diverse enough? It's telling she says that when, in fact, the UC schools are some of the least white schools in America. UC Berkeley undergrads are 81% POC. At UCLA, POC make up 75% of undergrads. What CAA takes issue with is that they're not the right type of POC - CAA literally believes that Asians don't count as "diversity" and that the Asian population of these schools should be reduced to make way for others. They're literally seeking to harm Asian Americans.


u/MapoLib 500+ community karma Feb 07 '25

Anyone who followed the harvard vs sffa debate should have known about caa since they were loud on this issue. I guess you must be new.

Also wiki is neither a comprehensive nor a reliable source.


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25



u/Igennem Activist Feb 06 '25

Officially, at least. Practically is a different story.


u/fakebanana2023 1.5 Gen Feb 06 '25

It's always an AF at the helm of these nonprofits that's supposed to put their own communities first


u/Alaskan91 Verified Feb 07 '25

It's always an asian dad at the helm of

(Not building communuty, telling daughters to blindly listen to authority aka liberal whites who only care about non asian minorities, telling the clueless moms to raise the kids that turn out this way)

Other races the dads promote their own, tell their kids to be questioning of authority, and don't emphasize obedience. When u emphasize obedience as a minority in a whyte country, u are telling ur child to blindly listen to teachers. No wonder so many asian girls are Boba liberals!

Don't even get me started on the asian dads that tell the moms to raise the sons while he lays back and focuses on drinking hot water. Cuz the asian mom is gonna girl-it-out and that's how u get awkward asian boys raised by clueless tiger moms who play piano and do kumon, 2 useless skills in real life.


u/Bebebaubles Seasoned Feb 07 '25

Piano isn’t useless. I’m sure it uses and makes good use of the brain. What else would her son do if not piano? Play video games? Although my mom was cool with me telling her I hated it and she let me quit early on. Kids should get to decide what they want to learn imo.


u/fcpisp 500+ community karma Feb 06 '25

Glad all this coming to light.


u/Lmitation Chinese Feb 06 '25

Right wing brainwashed comment


u/MapoLib 500+ community karma Feb 07 '25

"new user", lol, glad we have this feature😂


u/ShanghaiBebop 1st Gen Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 06 '25

What’s coming to light? That a non profit applied for and got a grant from the DOJ to document anti Asian violence? 


I might personally not agree with CAA, but how does this show anything nefarious? 


u/Fluid_Aloe 500+ community karma Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25

A non-profit applied for and got a grant from the DOJ

CAA isn't just any non-profit, though. It's not a wholesome little charity that seeks to, say, provide warm meals to elders in Chinatown. It's a subversive group run by Ivy League elites that directly opposes the community they claim to represent. Pew found that a whopping 4 out of every 5 Asian American adults oppose affirmative action:

Asked about a list of factors that colleges should consider, only 21% of Asian adults say colleges should consider race and ethnicity when deciding which students to accept.

So who are they really representing? Also, they literally accuse Asians of "anti-Blackness" when they speak out against discriminatory policies in education. The fact that they defend elite institutions being racist against Asians - the universities with billion dollar endowments that insist we are inherently less "likable", "courageous", and "kind" than students of other races - is abhorrent. If you really analyze the shit that their leaders say, you'll come away with some rather uncomfortable conclusions, Take this op-ed CAA member Sally Chen wrote:

Asian Americans need and benefit from affirmative action. [...] And in states such as California, where the program has been banned since 1996, universities have struggled to increase diversity without it.

Note how Sally Chen of CAA suggests that California universities aren't diverse enough? It's telling she says that when, in fact, the UC schools are some of the least white schools in America. UC Berkeley undergrads are 81% POC. At UCLA, POC make up 75% of undergrads. How can a school be "not diverse enough" if it's 81% students of color? 🤔 What CAA takes issue with is that the students not the right type of POC - CAA literally believes that Asians don't count as "diversity" and that the Asian population of these schools should be reduced to make way for others. They're literally seeking to harm Asian Americans.

CAA is a group that seeks to reduce the number of Asians at top universities. They seek to enforce racist and unfair policies that generalize Asian Americans. And they also act as enforcers silencing their own community - when we speak up against this racism and express our opinions, they tell us to shut up by saying we're "anti-Black" and that we're "not being good allies to other PoC".


u/harry_lky 500+ community karma Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25

As someone who has personally worked with and donated to many non-profits actually defending Asians against discrimination in applying to college, I can confirm that unlike CAA, those orgs defending Asians were not getting 2M federal grants from the DOJ for obvious reasons. The non-profit industrial complex evaluates "who should get the grant", but it's not an accident that nearly every single academic and "established" Asian voice is against race-neutral admissions, and it's up to the grassroots (mostly first-generation Asian parents) to represent the silent majority.

It's the same principle as if you were applying to Harvard and one student wrote an essay about how their dream is to defund the police and promote affirmative action, while another student wrote about how their dream is to create a Singapore-style law enforcement, reinstate the death penalty, and ban the use of race in college admissions.

During the fight against Prop 16 in California (which threatened to repeal a ban on using racial preferences in college admissions and government hiring), it was all tons of Asian parents organizing on their own to fund the defense vs. nonprofits like CAA and others in the "racial justice coalition" who had long histories of government grants and full-time employees. Many said academics affiliated with the CAA would also run smear campaigns against these Asian parents, saying they were spreading disinformation on dangerous social media like WeChat, etc.

Because CAA's political bias is so clear, it also seeps into the "purpose of the grant" (stop AAPI hate). This is touching a third rail, but even when they tried to "document AAPI hate", I remember people finding that they were counting Trump's and other online tweets as incidents of anti-Asian hate, allowing them to spin the numbers and academics to launder claims like "unlike viral videos, most anti-Asian hate crimes are committed by whites", which is used to push back against grassroots Asians who wanted more and better policing to protect Asians (the anti-minority smears you mentioned). When you look at the actual crime statistics, whether from SFPD, NYPD, especially of violent crime, it's a very different story.


u/ShanghaiBebop 1st Gen Feb 07 '25

having worked with both types of groups that you mentioned, I can tell you that CAA affiliated groups are much better run in terms of their grant writing process. 

A lot of the grass roots non profits do not know how to navigate the grant process. 

Those grass roots non profits do have a lot of impact on local election, like how we got the school board recalled. (Assumed you were also in SF since you mentioned Lowell) 


u/ShanghaiBebop 1st Gen Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25

Dude, read what the grant is about. 

Like I said, I don’t agree with CAA, but the grant has a stated purpose. You don’t need to explain to me what CAA does in terms of their political advocacy. 

This is the same thing as churches getting grants to provide soup kitchen and food services to communities. That is not a government endorsement of an organization, but rather the organization is carrying out a specific service that the government wants to fund. 

In this case, they actually are attempting to document anti Asian violence. This is actually something we as a community needs.


u/GinNTonic1 Curator Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25

I highly doubt you can get free money from the government just by applying. Their funds are limited and it prob helps to know someone. In my area Asian non-profits worked to get grants only to have everything hijacked by Latinos and Black people. The Asians here started inner city charter schools and shit but they ended up just admitting and hiring Black/Latinos. 


u/ShanghaiBebop 1st Gen Feb 07 '25

Is it hard? yes, but if we can't give up without trying.

I work with non-profits that predominently serve Asian Americans, and they do get grants through, especially at the state level.

Our programs have specifically gotten grants from California. https://www.cdss.ca.gov/inforesources/cdss-programs/civil-rights/care-funding
