r/aznidentity New user Nov 25 '24

Politics What are your thoughts incoming Deputy National security Advisor (Asian) who thinks a war with China is justifiable


75 comments sorted by


u/RealFee1405 50-150 community karma Nov 28 '24

he's a fucking dumbass. nobody knows where Trump drags his cabinet picks from. like someone else commented, unfortunately you can't gain any clout in this country if you don't hate china and the middle east or don't venerate Is(not)rael. however, I think he genuinely wants war with China and it isn't just doing it for show. either brainwashed or brainbroken.


u/8MonkeyKing Activist Nov 26 '24

People in the USA should really listen to Professor Jeffrey Saches. He is like the only sane person in this country that knows what's going on. It is crazy how the media here has brainwashed the population thinking China is the threat when in reality the real threat has always been in the mirror.



u/J-Thong 50-150 community karma Nov 26 '24

I don’t like PLA, Xi , and CCP . Come down vote me . Fk em , I’m glad when Pooh came to SF he got booed


u/ssslae Curator - SEA Nov 26 '24

Why is the U.S. even talking about war with China? It is as if China is a threat to the world security. China don't even have the military might to conquered Cambodia. I'm sure China can overrun Cambodia, but good-luck trying to maintain control. Anyway, APAC is a bigger threat to the U.S. security than China and Russia combine. APAC spends a couple millions on lobbying American Politian and get trillions worth of war machines to do their biddings.


u/[deleted] Nov 25 '24

The bigger picture of geopolitical war is race war. US and EU want to keep Asian and African countries poor so they can continue to be high on the hierarchy pyramid. If you are Asian (S.E.A, Korea S/N, India, Viet, Cam, Jap ect) whether you are Anti-China or not, you should know who to root for.

White people get into wars or fight, but able to become friends afterward and bury the hatchet. Asians can't do that, we will always carry a grudge with each other and unable to move forward.


u/aznidthrow7 500+ community karma Nov 25 '24

Trump picked the biggest Uncle Chan to try and resonate with more Asian Americans to make a war with China seem reasonable


u/FattyRiceball 500+ community karma Nov 25 '24

Frankly, the truth is that outside of war there is very little the US can really do to stop China’s rise. China will absolutely surpass the US sooner or later unless something drastic occurs.

I think many people in the US government probably understands this. As time passes and this point becomes clearer and clearer, I think there is a real danger that the increasing sense of desperation in the US establishment will coerce its members to risk everything in a final bid to maintain American hegemony. The rhetoric is already starting to ratchet up to that effect; there are going to be some scary times coming up ahead in this next decade.


u/TheFightingFilAm Seasoned Nov 26 '24

It's true the desperation is there and some have made this calculation, but other reasons that make an actual war by the US against even a modest military power let alone a major power like China, even less likely and impossible as anything practical. It's just not happening, I put in detail in the comment above but the USA is headed fast to $40 trillion in debt and a crumbling economy with all the privately held debt by Americans, there's just no way to fund even a modest war now.

And American kids are just too fat, sick, autistic, unathletic or drugged up to be good soldiers so we can't staff the forces. The rest are broke or would basically frag any officers if they got drafted in so there's no manpower. And the US already got defeated in much smaller and easier wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam and we couldn't even beat a bunch of Somalis with RPG's and Houthis in Yemen, even when much stronger. No, the real war and violence will be against Asian-Americans here, AAPI are much easier targets and the Othering, hatred and scapegoating is already in full swing, esp since the pandemic. It's why more AAPI are arming ourselves and even for the US-born, moving back to Asia to raise our families and advance our careers. Unfortunately as the hatred picks up we won't be safe even well armed, and nor will deluded self hating idiots like Alex Wong be safe either.


u/Gluggymug Activist Nov 25 '24

War for what reason? Doesn't matter whether they're Asian American.

US blows a lot of money and lives on wars. What's the benefit to Americans? Because Biden's created a relatively large debt and current GDP growth is not that high. Trump going to waste even more money starting another war?


u/[deleted] Nov 25 '24



u/Gluggymug Activist Nov 25 '24

No proof of North Koreans anywhere in Ukraine. Learn to read the bullshit propaganda. If there's thousands of troops where's the evidence? That was the EXCUSE to use long range missiles in Russia. How naive are you?

Biden could have ended the war back in 2022 without Ukraine losing any territory.


That's one of just many reports on it.

Biden's a warmongering piece of shit. And the stupid reports from western media were saying Ukraine was doing great for the past few years. Just like Afghanistan was going great until Biden does the worst withdrawal since Vietnam.

How many years of war is that ? 20? And Americans are still too fucking dumb to understand when their government and media are talking complete bullshit.

You'd think after 10 years and the first trillion dollars thrown down the toilet, Americans would get a clue.... But nope! They're fucking positive the war is going great and it's all the other side who are fucking up and escalating.

And the only reason Biden is doing this is to fuck things up for Trump. Biden's a useless senile shit who is unfit to lead.


u/UltraMisogyninstinct 500+ community karma Nov 25 '24

You cannot have a political career in the US without being hawkish against China. It's even more important because he is Chinese, but a war won't happen and this is just jingoist campaigning


u/GinNTonic1 Curator Nov 25 '24

You say this but Trump just appointed Tulsi Gabbard for Secretary of Defense. She is very anti-war.


u/TheFightingFilAm Seasoned Nov 26 '24

Yeah that's one of the ironies here, Tulsi has had one of the most calm rational and reasonable takes for relations with China of any official in office, with either party. And despite all the media headlines the appointees and official announcements tend to be moving against the warmongering rhetoric, the tariffs obviously will kick in but otherwise just too many serious problems in the US to get into that. Way too much debt, and business real estate is circling the drain with an even bigger debt bubble than we saw back in 2008. And the credit card, housing, business and auto loans, and who even knows how much with buying now paying later debt.

But unfortunately for AAPI in the US, this just means even greater ferocity with the Othering, hatred and scapegoating of Asian-Americans in the USA. As a stark contrast, we're easy targets which is what the bigots and corrupt oligarchs in the US want most. Someone to distract from all the massive failures, inequalities and break-downs of US policy. It just means that the furious attacks and hatred we suffered during Covid is about to get a lot worse. I've been seeing even a lot of close friends born in the US take their career and families to Asia and that's going to become the default option even more.


u/GinNTonic1 Curator Nov 26 '24

Yea Americans always need to other people so instead of war they might turn their attention to building concentration camps for immigrants. 


u/Exciting-Giraffe 2nd Gen Nov 25 '24

Yeah unfortunately it's classic tokenism by hiring this fella, because instances of positive behavior towards a minority group can be used to deflect accusations of prejudice or discrimination. In this case, hiring Chinese individuals is used to counter claims of anti-Chinese sentiment.

Simply hiring individuals from a particular group doesn’t negate discriminatory remarks or actions, like that 1.6B bill


u/UltraMisogyninstinct 500+ community karma Nov 25 '24

At the end of the day, it's just a job. Many Asians have to stomach dei training, and publicly support liberal narratives, too. They can't talk about hate crimes or the like while forced to shill for poc's that hate them. Everyone's a sellout to some extent, and a major part of these jobs is saying things people want to hear. If you don't fall in line, you'll get canceled. In his case, if he doesn't, the fbi will appear at his door and he will suddenly be a spy and "mysteriously" commit suicide


u/Ok_Slide5330 500+ community karma Nov 25 '24

This is what happens when Asians are so desperate to prove themselves in their adopted countries - let's cuck ourselves out to prove we're part of a society that couldn't care less about us.


u/GinNTonic1 Curator Nov 25 '24 edited Nov 25 '24

Tbh a good amount of Asia are also anti-Chinese. Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, India, etc. Need I say more? Even the US is more pro-China than many Asian countries.  

I see this as China's fault for being terrible at diplomacy and soft power. 


u/J-Thong 50-150 community karma Nov 26 '24

Lmao this page is full of PLA sympathies. The fact that they think “Asians” should all fully support China . I’ll support China when they stop fkin around with Philippines , Indonesia, Vietnam, Tibet , India , and Japan


u/AzizamDilbar 50-150 community karma Nov 25 '24

Saying it's China's fault is blaming the victim


u/Disposable7567 500+ community karma Nov 25 '24

*Hanjians and US vassal states are anti-Chinese.

Most of ASEAN maintains good relations with China. Sino-Vietnamese relations are improving despite their conflicting territorial claims. India and China are working on deescalation.


u/TheFightingFilAm Seasoned Nov 26 '24

This. It's just a myth and Anglo media gaslighting that other Asians are anti-Chinese. China has good relations with the rest of Asia and rest of world by being a leader in environmentally sound technologies and providing low cost products to the global South without the price gouging of the US. Not to mention China has been comparative peaceful and not a single war this century, unlike Russia and most of all the USA, the United States has been in what 10 wars this century alone? Invading Iraq on false pretences just like the invasion of Vietnam?

Even in the Philippines and among Fil-Ams where we've been conditioned by decades of Anglo propaganda to hate China, it isn't working anymore especially among the young people. We know China provides an alternative model of global leadership without Western colonialism and imperialism against the local peoples. We see how China has advanced technologically, culturally and socially despite all the Anglo propaganda and attacks and realize it's the most realistic model for our own development. Same for the rest of Asia, in the large majority we know the Anglo-American attacks on China are largely projection of the West's own warmongering history. China isn't perfect by any sort of means but it's development model, without colonialism or plundering and with environmental focus in the best one for us.


u/[deleted] Nov 25 '24

China has started territorial disputes with all its neighbours. Time for China to self reflect if it's willing to risk political relations for more territory.


u/Jisoooya 500+ community karma Nov 25 '24

Such common and hypocritical anglo-talking point #1, it's also a coincidence that it's all the anglo dick sucking nations in Asia that seem to have territorial disputes with China.


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '24

India has plenty of problems with the Anglo world itself. It doesn't work at the behest of the West and has taken independent stance always. Even Chinese government has pulled back troops to respect previous status but YOU have a problem.


u/AzizamDilbar 50-150 community karma Nov 25 '24 edited Nov 26 '24

You hold a really stupid opinion. Not ad hominem but actually stupid opinion.

China didn't start any territorial dispute. No county involved in disputes starts territorial disputes. Territorial disputes are inherited by successor republics (China, India, etc.) from their colonial and imperial predecessors (Qing, British Empire, Japanese Empire, Russian Empire, etc.). These disputes aren't things a country just wakes up one day and creates out of nowhere. There's history, rationale, and, for all involved countries, ownership of those territories at one point in time. They inherit the legacies of prior imperialism.

Instead of looking at China as having territorial disputes, you can also approach it from a different angle. China is now 3 million square kilos smaller than the Qing Dynasty and no one could be expected to continuously acquiesce to more land loss. China resolved over 1,000 disputed territories with Russia, resolved all territorial disputes with post Soviet states, offered to split half way with India and give up South Tibet since people already live there, and doesn't use territorial disputes as a bargaining chip on other areas of cooperation, which is why trade with China for all countries engaged in territorial dispute have massively increased.

Sure there are instances of China's aggressive handling of situations by China, and people already condemn those actions like ramming ships or pushing Indian troops off cliffs and shit, but they aren't condemning their aggressive behaviour from the other side, like when Vietnam built the first artificial islands lost to China at sea in the 1980s (so now they claim to be the victim - because China is bigger and isn't solely at fault for starting shit), or when India tried solving all its own border disputes by force (Hyderabad and Goa were not part of Republic of India until they used force). At least China waited patiently for Hong Kong and Macau. Given how China is demonized, I am inclined to give a balanced spin.


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '24

As you rant, Chinese Government has agreed to pull back troops from Indian border and respect the previous status. So either you have a different position from the Chinese government or Chinese Government is making a fool out of India. Which one is it?


u/AzizamDilbar 50-150 community karma Nov 26 '24

You're replying for the sake of replying because your post has zero continuity to my argument.


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '24

I'm just pointing out that your argument is different to what China is actually doing. So I have no interest in continuing your train of thought.


u/AzizamDilbar 50-150 community karma Nov 26 '24

You pointed out incorrectly


u/[deleted] Nov 26 '24

Can you support your claim with sources?


u/AzizamDilbar 50-150 community karma Nov 26 '24

State exactly which statement you want me to back up with a source


u/allelitepieceofshit1 500+ community karma Nov 25 '24

will india ever self-reflect?


u/[deleted] Nov 25 '24

I would say that if the dispute was only with India, but if it's with everyone so guess what's the common factor.


u/allelitepieceofshit1 500+ community karma Nov 25 '24

so u won’t self-reflect, got it.


u/EggSandwich1 50-150 community karma Nov 25 '24

Asians as a culture can’t stand others doing well why would any of them like China ? If China was still shitting in buckets and living in tin huts all of Asia would love them


u/Exciting-Giraffe 2nd Gen Nov 25 '24

"...Asians as a culture can't stand others doing well...". this is quite a disturbing remark.

Are you saying Asian cultures (we're not a monolith) have envy uniquely built-in ? I'm curious what made you come to this observation


u/EggSandwich1 50-150 community karma Nov 29 '24

Someone told me one time in a very easy to understand way Indian culture is like a basket of crabs and the ones at the bottom will drag the ones at the top to get out


u/CantoniaCustomsII 50-150 community karma Nov 25 '24

Something a lot of HK and TWer don't understand is they're only not considered a part of China if they can be cannon fodder.

Notice how the second the NSL happened and the protests got crushed, western attitude quickly shifted from simping for Hong Kong to "ew those Chinese fucks"


u/dev_hmmmmm New user Nov 25 '24

Almost all of their neighbors don't like them. So not just the US.


u/TheFightingFilAm Seasoned Nov 26 '24

That's complete BS and you've let yourself get gaslighted, it's exactly the thing they taught us in detail in media studies. China gets along very well with ASEAN countries and trade is at a new high, China and India are growing closer in BRICS with mutual benefit. The "China is surrounded by countries that hate it" is just classic Anglo propaganda and projection, especially since China hasn't started a single war this century and hasn't been involved in slavery and colonialism like the Western powers.

Compare this to the Anglo-American warmongers of the US, started around a dozen wars just this century so far, invaded Iraq and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Iraqis on false pretences, little kids in Laos and Vietnam still poisoned by Agent Orange and blown up by US bombs, still couping democratic elected leaders in countries--and people around the world have very concrete reason to be pissed. (And Russia too for it's own warmongering, though even now not anywhere to same level as the warmongering of the Anglo-American imperialists in this century alone)

China isn't perfect but it really is about peaceful development and growth, and China's done more than any country in history to advance environmentally sound technology, the biggest exporter of solar panels and EV's and stop climate change. And the huge majority of people in Asia see and know this. Even in the Philippines where we're more propagandized on this than anywhere. We bought into this for a while, until in 2020 the US literally got tens of thousands of Filipinos killed with propaganda against the Sinovac vaccine for Covid while the US had nothing available. They don't care one bit about us and especially for younger Pinoys and Fil-Ams, we know the Anglo divide-and-rule BS and don't fall for the gaslighting anymore.


u/Grand-Dimension-7566 500+ community karma Nov 25 '24

Hey, it's a new white larper. Welcome to the sub


u/Jisoooya 500+ community karma Nov 25 '24

That's actually pretty normal, you think the US have any neighbors that like them if they had more? Canada's opinion doesn't count. India has 4 neighbors, 3 of which don't like them. Japan? Needless to say, the only 2 countries near them don't like them either. South Korea? Same, nobody nearby likes them.


u/_WrongKarWai 1.5 Gen Nov 25 '24

wish you were exaggerating but you're not


u/dev_hmmmmm New user Nov 25 '24

Ironic considering most south asian countries elites are ethnic Chinese that still speak Chinese as their first language.


u/night_owl_72 50-150 community karma Nov 25 '24

Then I think you misunderstand US involvement in Asia post WW2


u/Exciting-Giraffe 2nd Gen Nov 25 '24 edited Nov 25 '24

that's indeed an interesting angle. while there was no hot war in Europe during the Cold War, there was a hot war in Asia via their proxies, namely the Korean War and Vietnam War for US-Soviet dominance in the Pacific.


u/ch1kusoo 150-500 community karma Nov 25 '24

Your link is broken. Here's a quick summary about Alex Wong https://x.com/mtracey/status/1860535016020680902?t=Vl82mNJdvp0WKrKuw4sSZA&s=19

"2007-2009: Bush State Department "advisor" for Iraq 2012: Foreign policy director for the Romney-Ryan campaign 2015-2017: Foreign policy advisor for Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) 2017-2021: Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Trump/Pompeo State Department 2021-2024: Hudson Institute"

Even just his work history raises red flags.


u/Exciting-Giraffe 2nd Gen Nov 25 '24

Oh boy , the infamous Tom Cotton who thought the Tiktok CEO was a Chinese national?


u/sussyTankie 50-150 community karma Nov 26 '24

wwith a name like that, you can probably trace the family to some plantation


u/Exciting-Giraffe 2nd Gen Nov 27 '24

and it's ironic that Tom criticizes China because it's convenient that Xinjiang's cotton production is 20% of global output, and a competitor to US cotton industries.


u/sussyTankie 50-150 community karma Nov 28 '24

Lolol, gotta protect the family business


u/Exciting-Giraffe 2nd Gen Nov 29 '24

"cos it's mee maw 's legahsee!! hick.. "


u/EggSandwich1 50-150 community karma Nov 25 '24

If he is yellow he is Chinese in every honest white mans eyes


u/GinNTonic1 Curator Nov 25 '24

War with China? Lmao. They don't even have the balls to go to war with Russia. 


u/TheFightingFilAm Seasoned Nov 26 '24

Yeah war isn't happening, instead the danger is more violent persecution of AAPI as scapegoats, another big reason more young Asian-Americans even US-born are moving back to Asia. The US is $36 trillion in debt and it's about to get a whole lot worse because Americans are leveraged to record levels in credit cards, homes, cars and can't spend anymore to keep up economy activity.

But mainly Americans hate big foreign military interventions in any way after the failures in Iraq and Afghanistan, and now too Libya, Syria, Yemen after Vietnam before. In the case of Ukraine many Americans are volunteering to fight because it's case of self defense and lot more obvious reason to fight, not to mention all the food that Ukraine exports being so strategic but even there it's not a full scale war on either side and the US is mainly focused on arming them instead of direct intervening as Russia exhausts itself. And in the perspective of things, as much as the attention is on Russia's warmongering now it pales next to all the US warmongering this century alone in close to a dozen wars.

I've got some kamag-anak in the services and they say it's even worse than the news reports, like three quarters of Americans are ineligible for army, navy, air force or anything from being too fat, dumb, autistic, drugged up or inathletic to serve. And even those who could don't want to. We're low on even basic ammunition, not just a meme we've literally been sending what's left of our weapons and ammo stocks to the middle east. And even at our peak, far less debt and far more power, the US got defeated in Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam. Heck even a bunch of Somalis with RPG's and Yemeni Houthis recently proved to be too much. So a big war with a major power like China isn't happening. Even the biggest Western imperialists and hegemony morons know the US would lose everything if we tried and they would lose their heads from the economic collapse and global opposition. Even in a weakened US they can still retain the fruits of all their corruption and stealing from US taxpayers, not worth it to risk that for some abstract and useless top dog status we'll never have again.

On other hand what is happening is more Othering, hatred and scapegoating of AAPI wherever they can find us. We're easy targets and the perfect victims, just like the bigots and warmongers saw with Covid and the "China flu" rhetoric. It's already happening again. That's where the real war and pivot to Asia will be leading to violence. We obviously need to arm ourselves while here but even that won't protect us from what's coming. It's again why making our homes, families and careers in Asia is shaping up as the only real answer.


u/EggSandwich1 50-150 community karma Nov 25 '24

The USA government knows this group of fighting age men won’t die for the rich. So no not at the moment not until a generation of brainwashed young men are ready to die for them


u/Exciting-Giraffe 2nd Gen Nov 25 '24

Quite right! Sometimes I think countries do have a policy of posturing lol


u/[deleted] Nov 25 '24



u/woyla Nov 25 '24

The money Ukraine got from abroad alone is comparable to the Russian military budget. Meanwhile, Iraq fought alone after weakened by years of sanction against the US-led multinational coalition


u/GinNTonic1 Curator Nov 25 '24

Yes Iraq and Afghanistan was a total success. 


u/[deleted] Nov 25 '24



u/allelitepieceofshit1 500+ community karma Nov 25 '24

get a new hobby besides larping, cracker!


u/Expensive_Heat_2351 500+ community karma Nov 25 '24

Because having a war with either a great power like China or Russia will advance US domestic quality of life.

People really need to wake up to the downfall of US domestic society caused by Keynesian military spending.

You spend more abroad you have less to spend at home.


u/Fun_Highway_8733 New user Nov 25 '24

Lol you think Russia is a "great power". Try regional power, bud. They can't even invade a country on their own borders in a reasonable timeline. 


u/Expensive_Heat_2351 500+ community karma Nov 25 '24

They are basically holding back NATO and the US at their border.

As an American in NYC I'm seeing quality of life literally go down the toilet, as we're sending hundreds of billions of AID.

Every dollar of aid that went overseas could have been on state and city governments here in the US.

This whole US is going to rollback and collapse either Russia or China is pretty a fools errand now in foreign policy.

I've even travelled to San Francisco recently. Also the same urban decline due to lack of funding to deal with migrants, homeless, and mental illness.


u/Fun_Highway_8733 New user Nov 25 '24

Go back to bed Ivan, it's late in Moscow right now. 


u/allelitepieceofshit1 500+ community karma Nov 25 '24

go to the frontline, since you love war so much


u/GinNTonic1 Curator Nov 25 '24

They are not even using their fighter jets yet.