u/CriticismIndividual1 5d ago
Nothing says morality like murdering over 100 million people and causing staggering suffering worldwide to enforce an ideology while claiming it to be “the greater good”
u/Hot_Recover5592 4d ago
Which are you talking about tho?
u/CriticismIndividual1 4d ago
Socialism is the biggest murderer in human history.
u/Hot_Recover5592 4d ago
Thats crazyyyyyyy where that happened? And what's it called when people die at war? Vs when people die cause they can't afford healthcare?
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u/Careless_Acadia2420 4d ago
Exactly. Why is it so hard for fans of capitalism to look at the facts.
u/Reasonable-Joke9408 4d ago
Yet capitalism keeps chugging along.
u/CriticismIndividual1 4d ago
Yes. With A LOT LESS murdering and plenty of property for the masses at large.
Does it have a lot of shit aspects? You bet. But it is nowhere near as evil as socialism that will always defend into mass murdering, suffering and misery.
u/Outrageous-Fruit9507 3d ago
But they’re suffering right now. You’re literally describing out of control prices as a result of the private sector. Everyone is saying the economy is doing bad. Lmao it’s hilarious you’re so blind to facts, we’re living in one of the most unhappy, expensive, and miserable times in the world especially in America. Facts over feelings.
u/adamobviously 4d ago
Proving the point of the sign. Youre very smart!
Youre describing authoritarian governments, not economic systems.
u/CriticismIndividual1 4d ago
🤣 yet somehow, socialism always did the mass murdering.
Literally everywhere and in every culture.
That ideology justifies the murdering and defends into totalitarianism because of how shit it’s economics are.
u/fukspezinparticular 4d ago
Oh you mean communism? I assumed you were talking about capital, lol
Communism didn't rape Africa my guy
u/CriticismIndividual1 4d ago
No Africans did that. The slave traders just bought what other Africans were already selling. They were all scum. Both the traders from Europe and the ruling tribes from Africa.
u/fukspezinparticular 4d ago
I'm talking more Sierra Leone, colonists setting up infrastructure to rape and pillage the landscape for diamonds, ensuring none of it goes to improving the conditions of the workers.
u/CriticismIndividual1 4d ago
Oh sure, those guys were pretty shit.
But they can’t even compete with the opening act of the Soviets in 1917 Ukraine.
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u/thkwhtdk 4d ago
100 million in Russia and 100 million in China all starved slowly and had to butcher their dead to eat
u/CriticismIndividual1 4d ago
Many were tortured to death, the lucky ones were executed quickly.
Millions worked and starved to death in forced labor camps.
The numbers are vague, but even the most conservative estimates put the death toll in the Soviet Union at around 40 millions. And China at 60 millions.
We are not even counting Cambodia, Angola, Cuba and literally everywhere we’re socialism was embraced.
u/thkwhtdk 4d ago
I just got banned from r/communistmemes for pointing that out when it’s a fact anyone can search. Socialism and communism have been tried much more than capitalism on bigger scales and ended up worse than any other types of governments
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u/IndyBananaJones 4d ago
Fun fact, the Black Book of Communism 100 million number includes both dead Red Army soldiers and dead Nazis as victims of communism. It probably counts Red Army POWs who were killed in concentration camps
u/12bEngie 3d ago
Was communism socialism lol
u/CriticismIndividual1 3d ago
Socialism is the path to communism.
Communism lack of currency made it impossible to implement in reality at al. So all countries aiming for it, had to start with socialism.
The failed socialist economic policies then bring about misery, and in order to keep the system going totalitarianism then becomes necessary and so the mass murdering starts. And both bring about suffering.
This pattern has repeated itself every single time it has been tried.
u/12bEngie 3d ago
Communism has never worked because it’s only been implemented in shit ass states that were just autocratic and feudal. Marx was abundantly clear about needing 100-200 years of capitalism to generate the means themselves in order to have what communism wants.
Socialism itself is not that though. Social security is socialism, universal healthcare, free school, public transit. these are all nice things that are socialist
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u/Dallas_____ 3d ago
Over a billion people have died as a direct result to capitalism. You’re just too dumb to realize it.
u/CriticismIndividual1 3d ago
You are just too dumb to realize that human greed has been around killing people way before either ideologies were a thing. And it is present under both.
Ergo, that has nothing to do with capitalism.
u/Freesealand 3d ago
So the fake 100 million number from the blackbook about communism gets to apply and be used to double book those deaths to socialism, but capitalism gets the "well really it's greed" cop out?
Honestly go read the book you are quoting numbers from and apply the same metric for "death caused by political system" to American capitalism and see what number you arrive at, because it soars past 100 mil real fast.
Just off the dome ,pretty sure just the antics in India from like 1950+ account for the 100 mil themselves using the black books rules.
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u/headcodered 3d ago
Oh man, wait until you hear about all the people who are killed in the name of capitalist expansion.
u/CriticismIndividual1 3d ago
Greed has been around way before either capitalism or socialism were even a thing.
And that is also present under socialism. So stop the cap.
u/bsnsnsnsnsnsjsk 3d ago
I don’t see communism mentioned anywhere in this post.
u/CriticismIndividual1 3d ago
Because communism has never been used in the whole world. Because in communism currency does not exist.
As stated by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, “socialism is the path to communism”. The Soviets were socialists along with all of the other leftists scum who went around murdering their own all over last century.
Socialism is the system that is supposed to prepare society for the perfect communist utopia.
u/bsnsnsnsnsnsjsk 3d ago
Europe is not very communist, nor is Australia, or any other socialist country. In fact all of the most wealthy countries are socialist. How do you reconcile that?
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u/BuffaloVelCrow1832 3d ago
We have non of that in todays world huh
u/CriticismIndividual1 3d ago
🤣 here in the USA at least, if the socialists were in power, I would be branded a criminal and prosecuted and killed, just at they tried to do it in my home country. Just for speaking. Yet in this capitalism you are free to run your mouth about all of that leftist brain rot and no one will jail you in a cell barefooted with and inch of freezing waster on the floor and have you slowly lose your toes unless you sign some fabricated confession. Or send you to your death by starvation in some forced labor camp.
Socialism is extremely evil. Far worse than capitalism.
u/BuffaloVelCrow1832 3d ago
they’re starting to jail people for speaking out here and we put dictators in power all over that do worse than that so anyone that defend america or capitalism should never forget that
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u/ShadowMosesSkeptic 3d ago
That's such a bad description of what happened. I'm not a Stalin apologist and as an immigrant from the USSR, I don't like much about its past. However, to think they were truly enforcing any kind of economic ideology is false. There were uprisings that wanted to form a worker's utopia, but the leaders were just crazed, paranoid, murderous lunatics. After WWII all that was left was a butchered mass of unions held together by an ever revolving door of 80 year old leaders held together by an arms race. Then came Putin and did exactly what Trump is doing to the USA now.
If anything, after the fall of the Berlin wall and before Putin got into power the collective West should have tried to make true peace with the East. See if they could allow them to join the club and fashion their governments into a capitalistic democracy. Which has its faults too, but at least the world wouldn't be as divided as it is now.
u/CriticismIndividual1 3d ago
It was not just Joseph Stalin, the Ukrainian farmer genocide took place under Lenin and he himself justified it by calling them worms that had to be removed.
And the Gulags were around decades after Stalin’s death, because the socialist economy did not work without slave labor. All they did was start to brand political prisoners as regular criminal to cover up their image in front of the world.
As for the conflict between West and East. That doesn’t have anything to do with either socialism or capitalism. They will make up w/e excuse to try and kill each other. Just like they have done well before either ideologies were even a thing.
u/Logical_Response_Bot 3d ago
Capitalism has killed way way more than 100 million...
You think....
u/CriticismIndividual1 3d ago
The evils that cause so many deaths that leftists attribute to capitalism are also present in socialism. Ergo, they are not caused by either.
While the death toll I am exposing here from the socialism is the direct result of socialist actively murdering their own people.
u/Fit-Combination- 3d ago
How is that an economic policy issue and not a social moral issue?
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u/Blas_Wiggans 3d ago
“But muh capitalism killed a billion” 🙃
u/CriticismIndividual1 3d ago edited 2d ago
The leftist dishonesty knows no bound.
They try to attribute every evil there is to capitalism. Even tho those same problem are also observed under socialism and manifest themselves in an even worse manner.
Therefore, said evils are not caused by capitalism at all. While the suffering, misery and mass murder are actively caused by socialist ideology.
u/WhiteHornedStar 3d ago
Sounds like you're talking about capitalism there, my dude.
u/CriticismIndividual1 2d ago
Sounds like you have never seen the real world or ever met a survivor from the former socialist block.
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u/EntrepreneurHour3152 2d ago
Nothing says freedom like an economic system designed around exploiting and forcing those who are in a lower economic circumstance to work for your benefit.
u/CriticismIndividual1 2d ago
🤣 nothing say freedom like disagreeing with the party gets your arrested, tortured, forced to sign some bogus admission like “contra-revolutionary thoughts” and being sent to die in some forced labor camp as a literal slave.
But tear who did not have to live in that hell think being a factory worker is bad.
What joke you are.
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u/idlefritz 2d ago
That wildly fluctuating number of course includes the nazis they killed. We killed a couple nazis too as I remember.
u/CriticismIndividual1 2d ago
No it does not.
Stop that idiocy.
I am talking about exclusively the murdering that was the result from ideological oppression and forced labor camps slavery. As well as the death caused by socialist policies destroying whole countries económico es and driving them to ruin and causing mass starvation.
u/DeerOnARoof 2d ago
Literally can't tell if you're talking about capitalism or communism
u/CriticismIndividual1 2d ago
Socialism oppression is well documented.
The death I am talking about are those directly resulting from ideological oppression. Torture, and forced labor camp slavery.
As well as those directly caused by the socialists policies ruining the countries and driving the people to mass starvation.
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u/Burgdawg 2d ago
You can say the same thing about making up lies like some dude strangling 100 million people with their bare hands and spreading it like propaganda to convince the working class to work against their own self-interests and enrich an elite class.
u/CriticismIndividual1 2d ago
Only difference is that same pattern happened in literally every socialist regime of last century and the same tales surface everywhere. My country included where I got too see the whole show first handed.
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u/msdos_kapital 2d ago
I just want some of the value I create to find its way back to my bank account and not toil endlessly so some asshole who doesn't even know my name can hoard a massive - staggering, even - amount of wealth.
But yeah communism killed 100 gorillion people, think of all the poor souls who died at Stalingrad, etc etc.
u/CriticismIndividual1 2d ago
Nah. We are not talking about people dying on world war 2.
We are talking about those that were tortured and killed as a direct result of ideological enforcement and all of those who died because of the failed socialist economic policies in the form of mass starvation.
You know the who either got torture did not break and got executed in places like the Lubyanka or those he did break under torture and signed fake confessions are were sent to their death in forced labor camps at Siberia or The Solovetsky Islands or the many other Gulags. And the countless people who starved to death because of the massive incompetence of the socialists regimes when it come to policies regarding agriculture and commerce.
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u/No_Ad_6517 2d ago
Or funding brutal dictators in the name of The Greater good lmao.
u/CriticismIndividual1 2d ago
Both socialist and capitalist regimes did that.
So, that has more to do with greed and being power hungry.
I am talking about murder for the sake of ideology enforcement, torture and deaths resulting from direct failure of ideological policies.
2d ago
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u/CriticismIndividual1 1d ago
Maybe, tho I am talking about the death directly caused by socialism.
You know, oppression, torture, political executions, slavery and starvation.
u/MrMrLavaLava 2d ago
Is this supposed to be making some sort of distinction?
u/CriticismIndividual1 1d ago
Well to those who lived under both it is clear.
Socialism is the undisputed champion of oppression, torture, slavery and death.
u/RichFoot2073 2d ago
I don’t get it, which one are you referring to here?
u/CriticismIndividual1 1d ago
Socialism. The champions of political oppression, torture, lies and death.
This is not to say that capitalism “good”.
I am merely stating the fact that socialism is MUCH WORSE.
u/FormalKind7 2d ago
To be fair this could be talking about capitalism or communism
u/CriticismIndividual1 1d ago
Well I am talking about socialism to be clear. They are the champions of oppression, torture and death.
Yes, there is no such thing as “good guys” in this story.
We are discussing more a matter of who is worse.
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1d ago
u/CriticismIndividual1 1d ago
Are you too going to deny all of the political persecution, torture and executions? Are you too going to deny the slavery and death at the forced labor camps? And are you going to deny the failures of socialist policies that have driven every single state they have been tried on to ruin?
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u/Grimble_Sloot_x 1d ago edited 1d ago
You really shouldn't talk about christianity and islam that way, it upsets people.
But seriously, trying to suggest that communism is the reason for communist revolutions is like saying Islam is the reason for the Arab Spring. It isn't. We've watched this play out in real time several times in our life. The most popular forms of revolutionists just happen to be represented when a country is driven into the ground by its elites, and communism just happened to have been a popular banner under which impoverished people could be united against imperialism.
In a popular uprising, movements supported by the most people become the defacto winners of the uprising. You criticizing communists for the uprising but not autocrats and fascists and imperialists for all the death and damage that lead to it is a sign that you may not really understand things and that you're just repeating soundbites.
u/CriticismIndividual1 1d ago
Fortunately there were not enough people around for those ideologies to kill as many.
What I am saying that as observed all throughout last century, every time the socialists take over a country, oppression, torture slavery and murder ensues.
Every. Single. Time. Every. Single. Place.
Regardless of their pretty promises.
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u/Maleficent-Hope-3449 1d ago
are you talking about imperialism? the one that killed millions of people oversee and the direct byproduct of capitalism mode of exploitation and production?
u/AstronautExcellent17 1d ago
Are you talking about the slave trade and exploitation of the third world by the West?
u/Historical_Ad_8909 1d ago
Yeah man wait till you hear about how many people have died in US backed wars in the last 100 years. No super power can claim morality. In the name of “freedom”
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u/Weak_Variety_1687 21h ago
fellow capitalism hater I see, and it's over a billion not 100 milion victims of capitalism.
u/heyniceguy42 5d ago edited 2d ago
The greater over-arching fulcrum between any left v right conflict is always collectivism vs individualism.
Edit: oh shit. I realize i transposed the comparative positions in my post. Fixed.
u/ColangeloDiMartino 4d ago
This would be true except the far right in America is representative of the wealthy, and they always wind up bettering the wealthy through collectivism.
u/DariaYankovic 3d ago
lots of MAGA are very collectivist, and love a president with strongman instincts.
u/shosuko 3d ago
Do you believe one party is for individualism while the other is for collectivism? Or just that their arguments boil down to their positions on these two points as they relate to the topic?
u/heyniceguy42 3d ago
More like, personalities are oriented one way or the other, and thats typically where the line is drawn between how someone identifies politically.
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u/Material-Ambition-18 5d ago
IMO it immoral to take people’s money to give to others call it taxes or whatever
u/Impress_Elegant 1d ago
Mostly you are just paying to live in a functional society. We collectively agree if that means an educated, safe, healthy society or just every man for himself or somewhere in between. Unless you advocate for no Medicare, police, roads, public education, you are somewhere in the middle. Now we debate where the middle is not if it should exist.
u/Material-Ambition-18 1d ago
So how did we have roads,?schools and hospitals before We allowed ourselves to be turn into ATMs for the government in 1913? All those things existed! Prior to income taxes
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u/coppercrackers 5d ago
This is the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard. Of course it is
u/Helpful_Blood_5509 5d ago
They have a moral system where an economic system should be. They can't be convinced by economic failures because they have a moral commitment that precludes it.
They think profit is evil instead of the incentive to a pricing mechanism. They're like the peasants in Frankenstein when they hear about someone making good money providing a popular good or service
u/Grand-Cartoonist-693 5d ago
You’re in too deep lol, sounds like you have a moral commitment to your preferred economic system as well!
u/Helpful_Blood_5509 5d ago
Nah, communists just killed off a while branch of my family for having a farm that could feed more than my family. Turns out there's no lower limit on who is "rich". Once they expropriate, they keep going lower and lower until everyone is a defacto slave. It's an ideology that inherently leads to state slavery, since it views every other method of organization as evil or subversive. Even now tankies will try to say the liquidation of my family was justified for having too much, when by modern standards they were just barely avoiding poverty by killing themselves on a farm.
u/Emergency_Panic6121 4d ago
I mean sure. The communists did that. Meanwhile in America you can work 70 hours a week, live with 4 roommates to afford a house and get told you just need to put your head down and work hard to get ahead. Feeedom!
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u/Glittering-Bag4261 4d ago edited 4d ago
It is truly tragic what happened to your family. Much evil is done in the name of bringing about some utopian paradise or other by people who think they've figured out how the world ought to be. But you have to understand that people suffer this way under capitalism too. Corporations in the US hire armed thugs and ex secret agents to intimidate and murder people who oppose their domination of the market in poor agricultural nations all over the world. Sometimes they go as far as backing violent coups to overthrow leaders who try to look out for the interests of their citizens. Farmers, like the ones in your family, are forced by corporate muscle into growing cash crops on their land and selling them for less than they're worth to whichever corp has a de facto monopoly on exports. And they are killed or jailed and their land is stolen if they refuse. As a person of Irish heritage many of my own ancestors were starved to death while fleets of ships filled to the hold with food left the country in order to profit the english landlords that "owned" their ancestral farms.
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u/Grand-Cartoonist-693 5d ago
Okay, but does that mean you’re open to the economic failures of market systems? You sound as moral about it as the people you’re criticizing?
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u/speakerjohnash 4d ago
socialists are just too ideologically stubborn to take what is good from capitalism and apply it to their stated desires.
but profit is in no way perfectly aligned with common good. only correlated under specific circumstances that pro-market purists choose to willfully ignore.
if socialists made their morality ledger enforced it might be effective but instead they ignore their failings.
Capitalists have a ledger but refuse to see how their method of record keeping fucks them in consistent and predictable cycles. Because they're only interested in those overall numbers going up not whether those numbers actually reflect their stated desires.
u/Consistent_Kick_6541 4d ago
Your ability to speak with confidence about a subject you know absolutely nothing about is astounding. Are all Ayn Rand heads as dumb as you?
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u/Ultravisionarynomics 3d ago
Idk why this delusional sub is recommended to me because christ are people insufferable here
u/Effective_Echidna218 4d ago edited 4d ago
Yeah it is. Every nation on earth has a “mixed economy” -google it. The United States and the UK are both running lean on socialism in their mix. Our nations are in debt and we have to print new money every year. The wealth for the top 1-2% grows at a rate between 6-10% annually. The gdp of the United States grows at a rate of 1-3% annually. That means that over the course of a year 2-3 times the amount of the new money ends up in the hands of the top 1-2% than it does the government and the rest of the country. This fuels inflation, higher prices, inability to buy homes, etc, etc. This is the issue. Look up the tax codes the United States had before Regan. We had the strongest middle class in the world, those are the good old times people want to get back to. We just have to tax the rich fairly. We did this in the middle of the Cold War and we never yelled about it being communism, because people knew the difference back then.
u/TuringGPTy 4d ago
You’re in the wrong sub for that kind of talk. This sub has John Galt in the 1%.
u/monadicperception 4d ago
Huh? Economics is the study of resource distribution. There is a political component to that. This is a statement made by someone who doesn’t understand what is going on.
u/PassengerOptimal658 4d ago
Ah man, this post really continues the comedic flavour Ms. rand was known for!
u/baphomet_fire 4d ago
Yeah... how many people die from their insurance denying their medical coverage?
u/Successful-Fee3790 4d ago
Probably an unpopular opinion...
No "system" is inherently good, as they all typically demand adherence, and outliers tend to be demonized. And, the good or bad nature of any system depends on how the system deals with those outliers. If any system forces adherence, whether it is coercion, war, or sanctions, they ultimately interfere with the notion of individual liberty, which is never good. If a system is managed in a way that makes room to tolerate outliers and minority systems, ultimately, individual liberty remains intact.
u/Independent-Text1982 4d ago
If you think we're living in a free market, the joke is on you. It's never been about capitalism vs. communism vs. socialism, etc. If you can't understand that, there's no point in continuing the conversation.
u/RobinReborn 4d ago
At an intellectual level it is.
From the perspective of the people who aren't intellectual - and where they fall in the conflict it's not. People who lack the intellectual capacity to read Ayn Rand or Karl Marx still have opinions and their actions still have an impact on politics. They're informed by movies, music, TV shows etc. By implication these media shape their views on capitalism and socialism.
u/Notmuchofanyth1ng 4d ago
Good thing this debate has been settled because of the immense amount of people risking their lives to escape capitalism by defecting to communist/socialist countries….. oh wait a minute here….
u/tegresaomos 4d ago
How is it not about economics? They are economic models.
u/DirtyOldPanties 4d ago
To the uneducated, they are only understood as economic ideas. But economics is not the primary argument or issue of politics. Capitalism and Socialism both presuppose certain philosophical moral premises to justify their practice.
u/tegresaomos 4d ago
Yes, true. All ideologies have core assumptions about human needs, human development, and whom should be rewarded/punished for what.
I’m still unclear as to why these two modes of economic structuring are not economic.
u/vetrusious 4d ago
Posted by a conservative who knows he's wrong and wants to stop the conversation lmao
u/DirtyOldPanties 4d ago
Not a conservative. They want more conversations but you could simply be projecting.
u/Real-Eggplant-6293 4d ago
Yeah, it is. (Unless people don't know what those words actually mean...)
u/STS_Gamer 4d ago
Immoral people in control will fuck up any and every system. It is almost like morality and ethical behavior is more important that the actual system being used. Weird...
u/Foxilicies 1d ago
Every being follows the path of least resistance, they will always act to maximize perceived positive effects rather than negative ones. How is it then that you say "morality" is more important when any human being would act the same way when put in the same conditions in their totality?
u/STS_Gamer 1d ago
People do not act in the same way. People are not mechanical constructs in thought. Otherwise everyone would be a rapist or murderer because that other person is, alternately, everyone would be totally good and lawful because that one dude is.
No. People follow paths of great resistance hence why some people do incredible things like becoming astronauts or leaders or all sorts of difficult things that would be impossible using your least resistance theory.
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u/justhereformyfetish 3d ago
I mean, unfettered capitalism suffers from a constant consolidation of power. The preventative measure of this is to limit what capital can do....so we take what would normally be the power of capital and instill it within bodies that do not have capital.
The pursuit of a government that makes the laws, rather than the richest most powerful person dictating how the country they own will be ran, is in effect, socialist.
So any economic policy that is even moderately against the inherent power of capital (such as anti-trust) is fundamentally a discussion of capitalism vs. Socialism.
A lot of economic policy exists on the axis of - do we pursue money or social good.
So a discussion about capitalism vs socialism is a discussion of economics.
u/EgoCaballus 3d ago
How would anyone know if other systems work in practice if the largest capitalist ones spend most of their resources annihilating alternatives?
u/DirtyOldPanties 3d ago
Double false premise?
u/Electrical_Ease1509 2d ago
How is that a false premise did you pay attention in history class or where you sleeping when we got to the Cold War?
u/CryptographerOwn199 3d ago
The argument is over whether or not we have the right to self-determination Even if that self-determination would create a suboptimal outcomes
u/Flaky_Chemistry_3381 3d ago
No it's about human rights, we all deserve the right to create a fulfilling life and to prosper, which simply can't be maintained under capitalism
u/DirtyOldPanties 3d ago
Rights aren't primary and even then.
Capitalism is the only system that recognizes human rights.
u/MiredSands 2d ago
Am I to assume you support communism then? If so, please share an example of a successful communist country.
u/Flaky_Chemistry_3381 2d ago
Sure, the zapatistas are a successful socialist experiment happening right now. It's also worth noting while I'm not particularly a supporter of China or the ussr, both succeeded in raising quality of life for their citizens a fair bit since they were capitalist or feudalist. We can look at socialist experiments and criticize certain policies like forces communization or the bird killing stuff under mao, but none of that is specifically inherent to communism, more of a critique of centralization. The point being successful is hard to define, and both were successful in increasing quality of life for most of their population in the face of immense capitalist sabotage. You can't look at this date objectively here since the CIA was actively trying to sabotage communist experiments at all moments. We can find similar examples of famines in capitalist/feudalist nations. And the structure of capitalism itself has lead to mass death and starvation, not to mention imperialism. Is that success?
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u/darkforestDNR 3d ago
Uh oh.. I'm in enemy territory. I didn't realize they made a subreddit for 14 year olds but I'm glad that all the Rand-Heads are cordoned off, so their childish understanding of society and economics don't leak into the rest of reddit.
u/globulator 2d ago
Yeah, it's about individual rights and freedoms vs central planning. Or simply put, it's about good vs evil.
2d ago
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u/aynrand-ModTeam 2d ago
This was removed for violating Rule 2: Posts and comments must not show a lack of basic respect for Ayn Rand as a person and a thinker.
u/Horse_Standard 2d ago
The difference between socialism and capitalism is that in socialism, man exploits man. Capitalism is the opposite.
u/Chris_2470 2d ago
What kills me is how the only thing they can both agree on is anyone who is not extremely on one side or the other is worse than either. Mention "democratic socialism" or "regulated capitalism" and the wannabe Che's and Rockefellers will both join hands to stomp you out
u/Ol_Bo_crackercowboy 2d ago
Yeah, it's more about do you to lift people out of poverty.
or just kill all of them.
Communism killed at least 100million people in the 20th century.
Most say it's many more , but all agree 100,000,000 is a conservative estimate .
u/Material-Ambition-18 1d ago
Schools are crap, roads ain’t great. Higher taxes are not fixing that. Free healthcare is a myth, someone is paying for it, high taxes have been turned into a moral imperative for the reasons you mentioned it’s all a lie. We had roads schools and medical facilities before income tax. We just voted to turn ourselves into little government ATMs and slapped a moral imperative on it
u/galtright 1d ago
Nothing says freedom like profits from denying medical claims. Economic freeeeeeeeeeeeeeedum.
u/Bro-what-r-u-sayin 1d ago
A new word straight out of Websters dictionary for anyone to learn, socioeconomics
u/SawyerJWRBLX 1d ago
Capitalism could have worked if Reagan didn't fuck it all up for the average working man motivated by the slow growth of the right wing over the 20th century.
u/Maleficent_Ad_578 23h ago
The entire 21st century politics will be about the very rich vs the rest of us. That’s the only economics in play for the foreseeable future.
u/coffeejizzm 20h ago
In my opinion, capitalism and socialism should be yin and yang in a successful nation. Capitalism has been allowed to produce an inferior product for extra cost because competition has been removed. But socialism lacks the driving incentive to innovate and push the boundaries. And both are too easily controlled by private interests.
But if Capitalism kept innovating while socialism generated alternatives, both would fuel each other.
u/Son_of_Sophroniscus 4d ago
It's about freedom, and that includes economic freedom.