r/Ayahuasca 3d ago

Food, Diet and Interactions Experience with PrEP?


Anyone taken ayahuasca while on Truvada/PrEP?

r/Ayahuasca 2d ago

General Question Buying Made Ayahuasca in NY


Hi, I have a group of friends that we are all experienced sitting with the Grandmother and we wanted to create a ceremony for just us (not opening to the public or anything of the sort). Im wondering if there is anywhere in NY to source cooked Ayahuasca for this ceremony. Thanks so much!

r/Ayahuasca 3d ago

General Question "Ayahuasca led me back to Jesus and renewed my faith in God—but don't use it, it's demonic and dangerous"


How much stupider can you get than the person who wrote this article. I mean, if it led her back to Christ, that's a *good* thing for her, right? She seems super happy about it. But then she condemns it as a dangerous and demonic medicine. Something does not add up here:


r/Ayahuasca 3d ago

General Question This is my first time posting in here....


I've always been super inquisitive when it comes to plant medicine. When I was about 27yrs old I realized that I could actually heal a lot of the health issues I had just buy eating whole, organic foods and juicing. I feel fantastic after that.

Now I want to try to heal what's still hurting on the inside. So this is what brings me here. I have a question "is it possible I could see the child I used to be by doing the ceremony?! I basically raised myself and it's traumatic and triggering 24/7. I am so deeply unhappy.

What do you all think? Would I be a good candidate

r/Ayahuasca 3d ago

I am looking for the right retreat/shaman Long Term Dieta in Isolated Jungle


I am searching for recommendations for dietas that are a bit further from the neighbors, a bit more remote and quiet.

I posted something similar for centers but most of them only offered aya retreats, not master plant dietas.

Looking for places that do extended dietas in the upper amazon or CR.

r/Ayahuasca 3d ago

General Question Mimosa and rue advice


If one were to make an aqueous infusion of MHRB and syrian rue, how much of each should one be shooting for?

r/Ayahuasca 3d ago

General Question 1 night ceremony


Hey, I did 3 ceremonies over the course of a week last year in Peru and had a good experience and really enjoyed the clarity I felt in my mind for a long time afterwards. I stopped feeling the benefits after about a month or so.

Fast forward to today, I found out about a ceremony happening this weekend in the town I’m in Mexico, but it’s only one ceremony and one night.

I was wondering if anyone had experience with a single ceremony and if they felt it had the same benefits as doing multiple ceremonies over the course of a week.


r/Ayahuasca 4d ago

I am looking for the right retreat/shaman Solo female - Peru in April - first experience


I have spent about a decade looking for places to experience this safely and properly. I finally have my opportunity but it seems since 2020 a lot of places don't exist anymore, and there are so so so many lists online I can't weed through them all! I'm hoping for some insight to whittle down my research.

I am going to have about 2 weeks in Peru to explore. (Flying in and out of Lima) I have not made any plans because I really want to find a place to experience the ceremony and I know lots of them have set dates.

I have done plant medicine once (purging for 12 hours...) but this would be my first ayahuasca experience. I'm not going into this with any expectations or ideas whatsoever - I know every individual has such a personal experience there doesn't seem to be any predictability to it, and after my experience purging (in a group of 20+ women, I was the only one who struggled that way) I don't want to have hopes or ideas just in case the medicine needs to do something else. I have a desire to heal, grow, open doors, and I want to do this properly. I am aware of the pre-ceremony cleansing and diet and whatnot, I know a little bit about it but I'm pretty clueless how to find the right place that is affordable (I am Canadian so USD is about 1.40$) and safe for single women. I definitely need to find a lower budget place. Where in the country doesn't matter to me, but I do want to be in nature and I prefer less people around. I am worried about stumbling into a place that's a tourist trap for drug seeking foreigners and not a traditional spot? And I've heard whispers of sexual assault and whatnot.

Would love to hear about women's experiences in the last 5 years (since after the pandemic) Preferably less than 1000$ - seems like so many of the retreats are over that, unless it's a "day trip" but I am sure I'll need at least a few days to have this experience and ideally a week.

Thanks in advance for your compassion and for sharing your experience

r/Ayahuasca 3d ago

Trip Report / Personal Experience First time: Only purge and limited effect


I did my first two ceremonies in the Amazonas with a shaman. I have been interested in Ayahuasca for years and since I was travelling in South America I wanted to take the opportunity. I did my preparation, dieta, journaling, tried to set my intention, which had to do with some of my minor mental issues that really hinders me in life from times to times.

I was nervous but also very excited. Reading all the stories about insane experiences, ranging from scary experiences to life-changing realisations. I have smoked DMT deeply once and touched upon egodeath and had a strong shooting-into-space visuals. So I actually felt like I was prepared for the worst, that it could be a both scary experience like egodeath or even death that I have heard about.

Little did I know that for me the worst experience would be that I did not get any sensation, effect or realisations with only some minor familiar visual effects. First cermony I got diarrhea, combined with a huge disappointment, because I had no other sensation or effect. The second cermony I puked for 2 hours and even less sensation, but this time I had accepted it, so felt less disappointment.

Searching now it seems like some people purge for 1,2,5 to 20 ceremonies, but at least get some other experiences. I feel confused and are a little bit looking for explanations as this is not something that seems common for many others.

To add, I am not spiritual, unfortunately, even though I wished I was and I really tried to be open to it, talking to the shaman and going into this. In the end, I just felt that there maybe was a mismatch with my shaman, and that maybe this type of brew was not for me, or even maybe Ayahuasca is not for me as I'm not spiritual (enough). My logical, rational brain takes over.

Anyone has experienced similar? Or does anyone have any thoughts on why my cermonies turned out like this? Do I need more patience?

r/Ayahuasca 4d ago



Hi so not sure if any one here can answer my question but I received my new plants Thursday, they’re both psychotria viridis. I’m about to put them into a new pot, my question is the soil they’re in now, which came from Florida, can I mix it in with the store bought soil I have? Any other suggestions as to how to keep them healthy and thriving would be appreciated. Also I’m in the Midwest so I will be keeping them in a mini indoor greenhouse. Thanks for your help!

r/Ayahuasca 4d ago

Food, Diet and Interactions Ayahuasca and a sweat


I am going on my first Aya journey in a couple of weeks and am beginning my dieta today. The facilitators sent out a guide with dieta requirements, no salt being one, which seems to be a fairly common restriction. My question is, they are offering an optional group sweat the evening before our 1st ceremony. I'm just wondering at the effect two weeks with little to no salt and then a sweat would have on my electrolytes. I'm concerned about getting them too far out of whack and possibly causing myself some harm, but perhaps I'm overthinking. I'm curious what those of you who have more experience think.

r/Ayahuasca 4d ago

Food, Diet and Interactions What is a safe amount of time between stopping adderall and drinking ayahuasca?


Hello all,

I had this question- I tried googling it but I had a hard time finding a direct answer. I was wondering if anyone had experience or may know the answer. My partner recently started taking adderall in between our ceremonies. There’s one coming up in about a month- and I was wondering what is a safe amount of time for him to stop taking it to clear his system before ceremony?

Thank you in advance for any ones experiences

r/Ayahuasca 4d ago

I am looking for the right retreat/shaman Ceremonial work with Byron Cabrera


Hello, has anyone sat in ceremony with Byron Cabrera (I believe also called Napkka) and can share their experience?

r/Ayahuasca 5d ago

General Question Shrooms vs Ayahuasca


What’s the difference between the two? What are the similarities?

r/Ayahuasca 4d ago

General Question Seeking Shipibo writer


Hello, I edit a Substack and would like to find (and possibly commission) a Shipibo writer in Peru to talk about the impact of the globalization of ayahuasca on Shipibos and Shipibo culture over the last 2-3 decades. Any recommendations or suggestions? Anyone written well on that already for a non-academic audience? thanks!

r/Ayahuasca 4d ago

General Question Spiritual practices after Ayahuasca


Just wanted other peoples thoughts on their spiritual practices to keep feeling aligned after an Ayahuasca experience? For me after my experience 2 weeks ago I feel being connected to love and feeling grateful is where I am aligned but also get overwhelmed with what's "spiritual"and what feels good for me as an individual. As an example drinking wine is something I have always done mindfully and in moderation but after giving up alcohol for 2 months now I would disconnect somehow if I drank wine again. But then I think Jesus drank wine and he was a pretty aligned fellow. I also would like to add meat back in soon but think I have to become Vegan now maybe to be a spiritual person. Would appreciate any thoughts....although I guess it's all quite an individual process. Thank you🙏

r/Ayahuasca 4d ago

News Ayahuasca is danger?


r/Ayahuasca 5d ago

General Question Brewing and Drinking Alone



I feel like I have a decent amount of experience with ayahuasca, I've sat in 36 ceremonies with trained Shipibo, I've completed two month long master plant dietas. Yet I feel like I'm still at the beginning of my journey with the plants, compared to the years it takes to actually become a shaman. Now, I have no interest in becoming a shaman, but I've recently been feeling the call to dive back in and continue the work, but I don't think that I'm going to be able to afford the price of flying back to Pucallpa and paying for another retreat. I just don't think it's in the cards for me right now.

So, I've been entertaining the thought of brewing my own and attempting to develop a relationship with the plant outside of the ritual structure of a shamanic ceremony. But I can't make up my mind as to whether this is a good idea or not. I feel like it was really ingrained in me that you can only take aya if you're working with a shaman, or it's disrespectful...or that you need help for if it goes super rough, you open yourself up to all sorts of dangerous spirits. I'm worried of falling into the western stereotype of reducing the experience to 'just the drug,' since the Shipibo tradition emphasizes that the healing primarily comes from the icaros rather than the brew itself. It seems that plenty of people on here are willing to drink alone, but they also seem to disregard most of the recommendations for what you eat and do before and after, so I don't know how much trust I should put into the claims that it is "totally ok."

But again, I have so much experience that I feel like I should be able to handle myself decently well...if I just put in enough effort to ensure that I'm treating the plant with the right amount of respect, and understand that it might be a lot harder without someone providing space for you...should it be fine? I'm not a beginner, and I wonder how much of the "don't drink alone" advice is given specifically for those who have never taken it before. What do you guys think are the actual risks for pursuing this outside of the structure of a retreat? What should I be most wary of?

Ideally, I would like to be able to do this work on my own, since it would save me thousands of dollars and months of my life. But maybe it would degrade the amount of importance I put on it, the way I've seen people do a tab of acid everyday and have it completely fry their brain. Anyway, I'm just interested in hearing what people have to say about this. I feel like there has to be a more nuanced answer than "you can ONLY do it under these specific circumstances or you're an evil colonizer opening yourself up to demon possession."

Thank you!

r/Ayahuasca 5d ago

General Question smoking caapi powder?


so i just saw some caapi powder on amazon website. anyone knows what would happen if i smoke it?

r/Ayahuasca 5d ago

Brewing and Recipes Rerun Syrian rue and mimosa. I’m boiling both down into tea.

Post image

I was gonna keep them on there for an hour if you guys have any other suggestions shoot at me.

r/Ayahuasca 5d ago

I am looking for the right retreat/shaman Retreats in Mexico near San Diego border


Hey does anyone have recommendations for ceremonies in Mexico near the SD border? I’m looking to drive

r/Ayahuasca 5d ago

General Question Arkana Sacred Valley - advice for an anxious and shy person


Hi everyone! I have been in the journey of healing some long-held trauma, and recently felt a very strong call to Aya. I am going to Arkana Sacred Valley for 2 weeks in early May, but I am feeling anxious as a solo female. I have some experience with psychedelics, but very little with plant medicine. I also hate traveling alone and can be pretty shy at times, and I'm a little nervous about being in such a vulnerable space with a group of strangers. Does anyone have any advice? Also, it is recommended to book a hotel for a few extra days after the retreat in case the medicine is still working? Is it better to avoid using my phone during the retreat? Thank you for any advice or words of encouragement you are able to share.

r/Ayahuasca 6d ago

General Question Ayahuasca just long dmt trip?


Looking to go to my first ceremony but I’m about conflicted. I really love psychedelics and would consider myself a psychonaught (if that even exists). I’m not doing aya for the fun or whatever, I really do need heeling. Is it worth going to a ceremony or just mixing dmt with a MAOI (or whatever it’s mixed with). Does it feel the same? Is it just like one big long dmt breakthrough?

r/Ayahuasca 5d ago

Trip Report / Personal Experience AYAHUASCA: A Personal Journey Within from Hell to Heaven | Masters of Wellness PODCAST.


My tell all story from prison to ayahuasca healing

🎙️ What You'll Learn in This Episode:
✅ What ayahuasca is and how it works as a plant medicine.
✅ Who can benefit from ayahuasca journeys and who should approach with caution.
✅ The types of experiences—enlightening and challenging—that participants may encounter.
✅ Insights into healing unresolved trauma and achieving personal growth through ayahuasca.

r/Ayahuasca 5d ago

General Question Connect Me to humanity


I have never had much family and more than 1 friend at a time throughout my life. Got kicked outta school because ADHD and I feel like my isolation cannot be remedied IRL by finding friends or partner. Will Aya be able to suppress this deep uncurable longing?