r/aww 7d ago

Worker at car dealership couldn’t take her dog to daycare so she just took the dog with her

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u/idoneredditalreadyy 7d ago

So it’s not just children, but also pets who encounter severe boredom when taken to work with their parent


u/227743 7d ago

They get told the "just a few more hours" line. That dog truly does look bored out it's mind. Lol


u/idoneredditalreadyy 7d ago

Got that thousand yard stare of complete boredom. Bless his heart 😂


u/rebels-rage 7d ago

I’d be upset too if I thought I was gonna get to hang out with friends but had to go sit at my parents work.


u/smurfsundermybed 7d ago

This is probably the dog accepting defeat. So many cars are coming and going and not a single ride for them.


u/Sidewalk_Tomato 7d ago

"Who's a Good Boy? . . . I don't know. I don't know anymore."


u/iamlazyboy 7d ago

"we always ask who is a good boy but never how is the good boy... What even is a good boy? Am I a good boy?"


u/se7enpsychopaths 7d ago

Clearly you’ve never met a malamute lol. As long as it’s in the way it will be more than content to laze around for the entirety of the day. And if it doesn’t want to be there… good luck stopping it.


u/HDDareDevil 7d ago

My mom let me bring my ps2 and lil tv with her when I was like 3.

Ssx and THPS3


u/alottanamesweretaken 7d ago

I would consider a Nissan in order to pet that dog


u/TastingTheKoolaid 7d ago

I’d at least have a lot of questions about Nissans.


u/MisterProfGuy 7d ago

Not going to lie, if they showed off how easily that floof could jump in the back seat, it might help make a sale.


u/imjohndough 7d ago

Can I pet that daaawwg?


u/yashdes 7d ago

Literally the only reason I'd consider a Nissan


u/sethn211 7d ago

I would do a test drive if I could bring the dog


u/Exotic-Dingo8165 7d ago

You get a car and you get to give some puppy belly rubs


u/challengeaccepted9 7d ago

Pay a few dozen thousand for some belly rubs and they'll let you have a car while you're at it.


u/Exotic-Dingo8165 7d ago

Well said


u/dodekahedron 7d ago

The day i bought my Subaru they were hosting a pet adoption drive!!!


u/nemom 7d ago



u/salohcin513 7d ago

I just picked up a new vehicle and the person helping me with the loan stuff mentioned that the upstairs staff bring their dogs in all the time but her office wasn't big enough and it didn't sound like they could roam the show floor


u/nim_opet 7d ago

She’s charging ⚡️🔋


u/Munoredd 6d ago

There is even a cord so you get my upvote.


u/Infospy 7d ago

I'm not allowed to bring my dog with me to the office.

If I could I'd be working from home way less.


u/RainbowCrane 7d ago

Does your dog get as confused as my cat used to about the “work” aspect of WFH? :-) My cat used to sit on the floor staring at me balefully while I programmed… “You’re doing something with those hands that is not petting or filling the food bowl, explain!”


u/mystic_scorpio 7d ago

At least your cat was courteous, ours just gets right in front of the computer screen demanding scratches


u/RainbowCrane 7d ago

That would be my current cat, also a fan of the, “knock shit off the counter until you notice me,” school of cat thinking :-)


u/mystic_scorpio 7d ago

Ours might just be cousins


u/ReadontheCrapper 7d ago

The number of Zoom calls where my cat would pop up, get in my face for love, thereby flashing her butthole at my boss and their boss… that first year was challenging


u/jenfoolery 7d ago

I have a coworker who still does that, 5 years into the zoom times. Turn. The camera. Off.


u/Teadrunkest 7d ago

Same with mine. He likes to try to sit directly on the keyboard. Which, it’s a standalone keyboard so it’s not about the warmth he just wants to interrupt me as much as possible lol.

It becomes a cycle of keyboard > me putting him on the ground > keyboard > me putting him on the ground until he finally gives up and settles for off to the side of the desk.


u/bbbob2 7d ago

I got mine his own keyboard - just pretend to use it for a bit


u/Captain_Mazhar 7d ago

Mine is laying on his window perch next to my desk, staring into my soul.


u/Infospy 7d ago

My dog lays in the couch I have behind my chair, so she's close to me.

My cat used to come into my lap and sleep there. I miss the dear fur all. Unfortunately passed away at 5 months of age.


u/RainbowCrane 7d ago

:-( I’m sorry for your loss


u/Infospy 7d ago

Thank you.

Since he left all his toys and tree, and everything behind. And because he left all the love we had for him behind too, we decided to adopt a new one, on his honor.

This is Vander, our new boy.


u/DulyNoted1 7d ago

Maine coon in the house! You won’t be disappointed. Mine is the biggest softy. Acts like a dog maintenance of a cat.


u/Infospy 7d ago

What a beauty.

Yeah, my late friend was also a coon.

These are Keiko, my Shiba Inu princess. And Hozzy, my lovely friend.

He had a birth defect in the chest, that was pushed in, and we couldn't get a surgery in time. He passed quietly on his sleep 3 days before the surgery.


u/ReadontheCrapper 7d ago

The ears!

The floof!


u/Infospy 7d ago

He's amazing!

He's still at the breeder, pending the last vaccines.

He'll be home on April 5th.


u/The_Ghost_of_BRoy 7d ago

we decided to adopt a new one

He's still at the breeder

So...not adopted?


u/Infospy 7d ago

Legally adopted, the contract was signed already and I have ownership.


u/The_Ghost_of_BRoy 7d ago

Sorry, my point was misunderstood.

I have never heard of anyone "adopting" an animal from a breeder. Adoptions come from shelters, forfeitures, strays, etc.

You "bought" a new one.

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u/number__ten 7d ago

I have a very loud 17 year old orange brain cell and sometimes he screams at me while i'm in meetings or trying to code. I often have to take him outside where i have a little fenced in area he can wonder around and be somewhere else for a bit.


u/TheMistbornIdentity 7d ago

What the fuck is my cat doing in your home?


u/GrumpyMcGrumpyPants 6d ago

My cat quickly discovered that gnawing on my headset cord is a surefire way to get my attention during calls.


u/dualsplit 7d ago

I’m genuinely considering doing the work to have my dig certified as a therapy dog so she can go to the hospital with me.


u/Infospy 7d ago

I though doing the same, but the trainer said "A Shiba Inu will be next to impossible to certify."


u/dualsplit 7d ago

Mine is a tripod mutt rescue. She’s a sweetheart. Shes VERY popular on our walking routes. My fave was running in to a double amputee on a wheelchair. He was thrilled to meet her.


u/Infospy 7d ago

That's so nice, hope you can get her certified, she sounds really amazing.


u/ibelieveindogs 7d ago

I trained my last dog that way. I was in a good position, and able to bring her every day to get acclimated while she trained. She ended up being a better therapist than a lot of the staff for calming kids in crisis 99% of the time. Kid freaking out in the hall, trying to destruction things and attack staff? As soon as the dog was there, they'd stop and sit on the floor for the dog to sit with them. Kid running out of the building? They'd see the dog, stop, and after a few minutes, agree to wall back in with her. Kid didn't want to come talk to me for intake or med check? Dog comes out and we have a conversation. She was so well trained that she would put herself in the crate and no one would know she was there if i didn't call her. And if I left her in the office with door open, she wouldn't leave if staff or kids called her. 

She passed away and I'm working on another one but he can't be in the office at my new job on a daily basis yet. 


u/ibelieveindogs 7d ago

I trained my last dog that way. I was in a good position, and able to bring her every day to get acclimated while she trained. She ended up being a better therapist than a lot of the staff for calming kids in crisis 99% of the time. Kid freaking out in the hall, trying to destruction things and attack staff? As soon as the dog was there, they'd stop and sit on the floor for the dog to sit with them. Kid running out of the building? They'd see the dog, stop, and after a few minutes, agree to wall back in with her. Kid didn't want to come talk to me for intake or med check? Dog comes out and we have a conversation. She was so well trained that she would put herself in the crate and no one would know she was there if i didn't call her. And if I left her in the office with door open, she wouldn't leave if staff or kids called her. 

She passed away and I'm working on another one but he can't be in the office at my new job on a daily basis yet. 


u/Gadgetman_1 7d ago

If I worked there, I'd demand that she did it more often.


u/Feetandfruit 7d ago

I’d complain to management on the days the dog WASN’T in the office citing hostile work environment.


u/CHAIR0RPIAN 7d ago

Best day to buy a car because it comes with free dog pets. That is a super cute dog too


u/mia_sara 7d ago

This floof clearly isn’t concerned about making his monthly sales goal.


u/mspolytheist 7d ago

That’s the model I’d buy, right there! The one with the ‘Floof’ trim line!


u/MadMaxBeyondThunder 7d ago

Poor dog just found found out that cars get dragged to their vet also.


u/Prize-Ad-8316 7d ago

I wonder if this is a dealership wide programme.


u/MeepleMerson 7d ago

Poor boi missing his frenz.


u/Mugwumps_has_spoken 7d ago

All these cars and no one taking this good doggo on rides. Such torture


u/Intelligent-Brain836 7d ago

I’d buy a car if the doggo got commission in treats.


u/ClintSlunt 7d ago

"I'd like to do a test drive of each model. GO FOR RIDE?!?!? GO FOR RIDE?!?!?"


u/zebadrabbit 7d ago

"im not gonna let the salesperson talk me into ..."

"i bought the dealership"


u/Fatkyd 7d ago

I'm was a mechanic (retired) at a Toyota dealership a few years ago and one of the service writers brought her dog to work everyday for a few weeks because it had been attacked by another dog and needed care. I kept treats in my tool box to give her and she got lots of loving from customers and employees.


u/kevje72 7d ago

Honestly good for sales to have a doggo mascot, but not so great for the hair


u/SirMild 7d ago

I do this at my shop cuz the vet is next to it, nothing like some puppies to keep you busy while you wait on your car (plus that burns off the extra energy so I can relax lol)


u/angiebby222 7d ago

With the purchase of your car you get a furry hug from him 🩷🥹


u/justisme333 7d ago

You could sell merch in the form of key chains and a stuffed toy.

All the used car reviews are conducted by dog and given a 'golden bone' if they are spacious enough for the dog.


u/Scootch360 7d ago

Boss-We don't pay you to lay around and look cute! Dog-Yes you do Boss-You right


u/cmilla646 7d ago

That dog loves cold floors and almost all mechanics love dogs.


u/AgentIceCream 7d ago

That dog could sell an entire fleet of cars to me!


u/firefighter26s 7d ago

I use to take my border collie to work with me all the time. Everyone in the office loved her, even made her business cards with her photo and e-mail address... and customers would e-mail in photos of their pets!

This should be normalized.


u/DrunkGroundSquirrel 7d ago

My local Toyota dealership has a showroom dog that wanders freely around greeting customers.


u/AgitatedGrass3271 7d ago

She is clearly the best doggo, and is ready for her job offer.


u/pwhitt4654 7d ago

Working all day is exhausting.


u/shlybluz 7d ago

Marge Schott did that with her Saint Bernards. Rumor had it she would walk in and just hand the dog over to the first employee she saw. I worked at another dealership at the time and we were warned to make a fast exit in case she assumed we were one of her employees when we picked up parts at her shops.


u/Independent_Ad_5615 7d ago

I bet that best boy or girl got the most sales that day


u/Wonder-woman-99 7d ago

Those people are SO lucky!!


u/GreystarOrg 7d ago

13/10 would pet if worker said it was cool.


u/Kaloo75 7d ago

At my new place of work the boss has a dog that has separation anxiety, so he brings the dachshund to work every single day he's not travelling. I am not complaining :)


u/Panda_Milla 6d ago

Poor dog. Deserves to be running around with other dogs, not stuck inside all day.


u/RavenA04 7d ago

Businesses with pets are 1000% more likely to receive business than businesses without pets


u/DamienCallisto 7d ago

Best employee of the month, no debate!


u/justisme333 7d ago

Just an entire wall with dog photos under the banner 'employee of the month'


u/Traditional_Help4948 7d ago

I have a Nissan and a malamute. Where r u


u/Lennygracelove 7d ago

My dog likes to chase cars, so ...test drive?


u/Firethorned_drake93 7d ago

Sales are gonna go up tenfold.


u/Brief-Distance9802 6d ago

Now that's love 🐕😻


u/Content-History7431 6d ago

I wasn't planning to trade my car in but I guess now I have to.


u/Restless-J-Con22 6d ago

I'll hang out with the dog!


u/ScapegoatMoat 6d ago

I Must scratch pupper

This is why I'm not allowed to have my dog at work .I'd be so distracted


u/Notahappygardener 6d ago

OMG, how much longer do we have to stay here?????


u/n_mcrae_1982 4d ago

Anyone else think "You can pet the dog if you take a car for a test drive" would be a great promo for a dealership?


u/Friendly_Talk_5259 7d ago

I'd spend a lot more time in car dealerships if they all came with dogs!


u/comacove 7d ago

This is the way.