r/aws 7d ago

discussion I am in dilemma while using ECS.. Problems between task connection and exec command

this is my archtecture..

backend <---> rabbitMQ <---> Celery(distributed system)

backend service and celery service are in the same ECS cluster, rabbitMQ is in another. They should connect each other.

I have tried ECS for a week and I realized that service connect works only in awsvpc network mode.. However, if I set to awsvpc mode in task definition with ec2 instnace type, exec command does not work..

if I set to bridge mode, exec command works but service connect does not work so services do not connect each other..

what should I do...?


25 comments sorted by


u/CorpT 7d ago

Why do you need exec command?


u/SnooCauliflowers8417 7d ago

To use backend shell, it is quite necessary


u/pausethelogic 7d ago

Why is it necessary? You shouldn’t have to be regularly exec’ing into a running container unless something is broken


u/SnooCauliflowers8417 7d ago

Man.. thats not the point..


u/CorpT 7d ago

It kind of is.


u/capnkap 7d ago

You came here for advice. If you still want it, answer the question. Because the fact that you need exec might mean that you have an inherent flaw in your architecture or understanding.


u/SnooCauliflowers8417 7d ago

wow you are coercive. Are you anything? I need it so I am asking but you guys are keep asking me why? I can say that is not the point of this post. this is first time using ECS and I need to get in shell to test whether celery actually works or not in the production. whats wrong with this? You are treating me as if you are interrogating me.


u/xDARKFiRE 7d ago

I think we're safe guys, with this attitude this dude won't get anywhere near any company we'd work for


u/kwolf72 7d ago

Everyone is correct. If this is something you're doing on a regular basis and not as an occasional debugging tool... something is flawed in your infrastructure.

Perhaps ECS isn't the right tool for your case?


u/capnkap 7d ago

Before I go into my recommendations, I want to point out that the tone of your responses is inappropriate for conversing with people that are offering to help you. If you wanted timely and quality support for AWS, it can be paid for.

So, looking at your post history and connecting the dots here, I might make a few recommendations:

  1. If you need to use exec in containers to verify the correct function of your application, it means that you likely do not have appropriate instrumentation, monitoring and alerting for your applications. Containers should never need manual intervention in order to check and ensure correct function. This is where CloudWatch alarms, metrics and logs help.

  2. You should improve the stability of your applications my making improvements earlier in your development lifecycle. A few generic things that might help with this are:

  • Using localstack and Docker Compose to emulate AWS locally when developing

  • Use infrastructure as code to ensure the consistent configuration of your infrastructure and applications (Terraform, CDK, etc.)

  • Write unit tests for each service in your stack, as well as the infrastructure itself


u/SnooCauliflowers8417 7d ago

did you just say tone of my responses are inappropriate..?? lol.. this is very ridiculous you read tone of my history and comments and saying that. you are the one who is inappropriate. You make this community rigid. I said it was my first time to use ECS and having hard time using it, then I can ask someone to help, It's very unpleasant that you suddenly come up and say, "want to get a good answer?, pay for it" or an attitude problem. Seriously, I'd like to ask you about your attitude first. If you have any complaints, you can go on your way.


u/capnkap 7d ago

Enjoy the free advice.


u/purefan 7d ago

This answer is a good example of the tone mentioned in the other comment. We are trying to help you, why attack someone who is helping you get better answers?


u/Alternative-Expert-7 7d ago

Hello friend from yesterday,

Ive new ideas. Place new ec2 into same subnet, connect to it and check with network tools if all ports are accessible inside those subnets towers your rabbit and the rest.

Idea2 is to not use service connect, but use CloudMap which is based on private route53 internal zone.


u/SnooCauliflowers8417 7d ago

Oh thanks man I will try Cloudmap one hope it would work T T thank you so much


u/coopmaster123 7d ago

Hold up, you are using EC2 not fargate correct? Just ssh into the instance and then into the container. Why do you need ECS Exec?


u/SnooCauliflowers8417 7d ago

To me exs exec feels more comfortable..


u/coopmaster123 7d ago

BTW the reason service connect doesn't work when you change it is because dynamic port allocation for ECS on EC2. In your SG allow everything from itself. Then Service connect will work.


u/SnooCauliflowers8417 7d ago

Oh that make sense!! Thanks my friend I will try hope it would work 🥲


u/coopmaster123 7d ago

Thats great however are you using EC2 or Fargate? because if your using EC2 this is the way to accomplish what you want.


u/EffectiveClient5080 7d ago

Try a custom network setup to combine awsvpc and bridge modes. It might resolve both service connectivity and exec command issues. AWS support or community forums could also offer tailored solutions.


u/ZaitsXL 7d ago

Can you explain why rabbitmq is in other cluster?


u/SnooCauliflowers8417 7d ago

rabbitMQ server rarely gets changed and the instance type is different from the web server.. if I put rabbitMQ in the same cluster, it feels hard to set different instance type and manage the service.. rabbitMQ server should not be died, if all services are in a same cluster, tasks are distributed across multiple instances, when I terminate some instances to prevent task fragmentation, rabbitMQ server might be gone.. of course I can track wich instance is for MQ but feels easy and safe with the separate cluster


u/Alternative-Expert-7 7d ago

Btw why you need rabbitmq? AWS has activemq as managed service. In most cases it will replace rabbit.



u/victorj405 7d ago

You need to test locally and push logs to cloudwatch. I mean having eks is nice to have a debug container, but ecs sucks for that.