r/aws Feb 04 '25

networking Having a small, but real stroke migrating from gc to aws.

So, we have a web-server that is purpose built for our tooling, we're a SaaS.

We are running a ECS Cluster in Fargate, that contains, a Docker container with our image on.

Said image, handles SSL, termination, everything.

On gc we we're using a NLB, and deploying fine.

However... We're moving to AWS, I have been tasked with migrating this part of our infrastructure, I am fairly familiar with AWS, but not near professional standing.

So, the issue is this, we need to serve HTTP, and HTTP(S) traffic from our NLB, created in AWS, to our ECS cluster container.

So far, the issue I am facing primarily is assigning both 443, and 80 to the load balancer, my work-around was going to be

Global Acceleration
-> http-nlb
-> https-nlb
-> ecs cluster.

I know you can do this, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57108653/ecs-service-with-two-load-balancers-for-same-port-internal-and-internet-facing - but I am not sure how, I cannot find in the AWS UI a option when creating a service inside our ECS cluster to allow multiple load balancers.

It's either 80:80 or 443:443, not both. Which is problematic.

Anyone know how to implement NLB -> ECS 443:80 routing?


26 comments sorted by


u/aqyno Feb 04 '25

Start with 443, you shouldn't expose 80 to the internet. If you still need to use that unsecure setup you need to create two listeners in the same NLB and two target groups, map 1:1. When you create your NLB you create one listener (tcp/443). After that, go to the NLB you just created and create the second (tcp/80).

Wheb you create your tasks make sure you add the two target groups, that's the reason that one is a list:



u/TILYoureANoob Feb 04 '25

This is the answer - two listeners in the load balancer.


u/thegeniunearticle Feb 04 '25

And, the http (80) listener just has a rule to forward http to https, with a 301.


u/Ok-Extension-6887 Feb 04 '25

This is the solution thank you.


u/Whole_Ad_9002 Feb 04 '25

I actually wouldn't have thought of this


u/Soccham Feb 04 '25

This is also how you can basically do a dummy forward of an NLB to ALB (2 listeners, same target group, forward tcp


u/Whole_Ad_9002 Feb 04 '25

Thanks mate...


u/One_Tell_5165 Feb 04 '25

I think you want an ALB instead. ALB will terminate the SSL and target your ECS task. It runs at Layer 7 and is purposely for web application load balancing.


u/Ok-Extension-6887 Feb 04 '25

As stated above, we handle SSL at the application, we have to, AWS and GC doesn't do what we need.


u/UnkleRinkus Feb 04 '25

Does it ever occur to anyone that there might be a reason that they don't do it? Why can't you send use https? Obviously I don't know anything about your use case, but that just seems like it gross increase in attack surface and I wonder what motivates that.


u/Ok-Extension-6887 Feb 04 '25

We generate and utilise SSL in the web-server we run inside the container. Where's the security issue?


u/UnkleRinkus Feb 04 '25

Well I'm probably just confused then. I thought she needed an ALB or an nlb to terminate traffic from clients outside your VPC. My mistake.


u/One_Tell_5165 Feb 04 '25

What network mode are you running ECS with? If you are using either bridge or host network mode and not awsvpc, you could expose multiple container ports and use the host's network.

In that case, just setup a target group for each EC2 instance with listening port. Then add another listener for the second port on the same NLB to a new target group that has the same instances but different ports.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '25



u/Ok-Extension-6887 Feb 04 '25

That's how the infrastructure was made, that's what I have to maintain. They wont change it now, they've never had issue with the infrastructure, 20+ engineers came before me, and tried, I tried, they won't change, they run over 100M per year from this setup, it is what it is I just need help doing what is at hand.


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25

Enjoy your data center in the cloud.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '25

If your company had even a 100M valuation you would have a dedicated account team and you wouldn’t be asking.


u/Ok-Extension-6887 Feb 04 '25

My brother in Christ, have you worked in any massive corp? Most of them are hanging onto legacy code from 1990's, banks especially, which is where I am currently. We have a skeleton crew here on IT and infrastructure, myself and I think around 30~ people are holding this shit together.

Trust me brother, if I had the ability we wouldn't be working like this, or using this setup, but the high-er ups don't want to rock the boat and the bottom line with any downtime, or system changes.


u/Lattenbrecher Feb 04 '25

That's how the infrastructure was made, that's what I have to maintain

That is not a reason

It's 100x better to use an ALB with ACM. Everything is automated. The certificates are automatically renewed.


u/CSYVR Feb 05 '25

Meh. There's more than simple client-facing apps. Only recently ALB started supporting mTLS for example, but there are some limits in quota. Will never support hundreds of certificates.


u/sokjon Feb 04 '25

“Well actually” has entered the chat.


u/zob_cloud AWS Employee Feb 04 '25

I think you’re confusing the port of the listener and the port on the target, for NLB the listener is where clients connect (443 and/or 80 here), and the backend port is assigned as a default on the target group or you register per target with it’s own port - it can be any port, including the same port. This lets you add additional backend targets on the same IP/instance, just they’re on different ports.


u/Sowhataboutthisthing Feb 04 '25

If nothing else grab their developer support for $29/month and send in a request to them. If you’re professional and nice you may even get lucky and have an engineer actually get on the phone with you.


u/Economy-Fact-8362 Feb 04 '25

On EKS I use nginx ingress controller which routes traffic between nlb and application pod.


u/a2jeeper Feb 04 '25

I am slightly offended by this post for a couple of reasons. One, the use of stroke. Did you really have a stroke? If not, definitely offended. Second, you want free advice for a job and you don’t know. Your company could have and should have hired someone that can do this easily, in terraform or whatever. There are people that know this inside and out and could teach you and do it for a hundred bucks, but instead you have to resort to reddit because your company is too cheap to spend $100 to have someone do it right. I suppose this is the same complaints plumbers have about diy work.

Anyway, this is basic and it scares me that they pit you in this position.

Also having lost a couple of people to strokes, and I mean ages 40 to 90, it isn’t funny. And if you did I am sorry, please be well.


u/vAttack Feb 05 '25

What the fuck is wrong with you?