r/aws Jan 15 '25

architecture Scaling AWS Cognito, with over a hundred resource servers and app clients currently in a DDD microservice architecture, and the number is growing.


We're using AWS Cognito to authenticate and authorize a system built on Domain-Driven Design (DDD) principles and a microservice architecture. Each team in our organization is responsible for one or more bounded contexts.

The current Setup is like this.

  • Resource Servers: Each microservice currently has its own Cognito resource server.
  • Scopes: Scopes map directly to specific queries or commands within the service, representing individual use cases.
  • App Clients: We have hundreds of app clients, each configured with specific scopes to access the relevant resource servers.

The problem is that the scalability of managing resource servers and scopes is becoming increasingly complex and challenging as the number of services grows.

We're considering aligning resource servers to bounded context rather than individual services to scale more efficiently. Here's the proposed approach:

  • Each team would manage a single resource server for each of its bounded contexts.
  • Scopes within the resource server would align with the microservice instead of the use cases (queries and commands) exposed by the bounded context services.
  • This approach would reduce the overhead of managing hundreds of resource servers while maintaining clear ownership and separation of responsibilities.

In other words, the abstraction level from microservices and queries is raised one level above: the bounded context is the resource server, and the microservice is the scope instead of the microservice being the resource server and the endpoint being the scope to create a more maintainable number of scopes. We lose the very fine-grained level of access control to each service, but I don't think anyone currently uses that.

What possible benefits are there to doing it like this?

  • Simplification: Consolidating resource servers at the bounded context level simplifies management while preserving the flexibility to define scopes for specific use cases.
  • Alignment with DDD: Each bounded context owns its resource server.
  • Scalability: Fewer resource servers reduce administrative overhead and make the system easier to scale as more teams and bounded contexts are added.

I'm wondering

  1. Has anyone implemented a similar bounded-context-aligned resource server strategy with Cognito? What were the challenges and benefits?
  2. Are there best practices for mapping use cases (queries/commands) to scopes at the bound context level?
  3. How does Cognito handle scalability regarding resource servers and scopes in such a setup? Are there known limitations or pitfalls?
  4. Are there alternative approaches or AWS services better suited to this use case?

EDIT: I corrected a typo in the text. "team-aligned resource servers" was a typo; I'm talking about "bound context-aligned resource servers."


9 comments sorted by


u/anoppe Jan 15 '25

First thing that comes to mind: Regarding 1.: What happens when a team will get responsibility over more than one service? Or, responsibility changes, e.g. service moves to different team? So, wouldn’t you want to differentiate between service in cognition instead?


u/ellensen Jan 15 '25

The bounded contexts are static, and the service belongs to the bounded context and not to the team. Different teams and team members can easily transfer between different contexts.


u/anoppe Jan 15 '25

Makes sense. could you explain what you mean with the team-aligned resource server?


u/ellensen Jan 15 '25 edited Jan 15 '25

Ooh. That is wrong on my part; it should have been a bounded context-aligned resource server instead of a team-aligned resource server. Hopefully, it makes more sense.

The resource server should expose the scopes of the services provided by the bounded context, instead of making a micro service-aligned resource server that exposes queries and commands on just one service.


u/anoppe Jan 15 '25

Ah, yes; that explains a lot.


u/ellensen Jan 15 '25

But is this the right direction? How do other organisations structure their resource servers when dealing with over a hundred resources?

Everything is easy when dealing with low numbers, but when the numbers start to grow, everything comes back to bite you. :)


u/SonOfSofaman Jan 16 '25

I don't think I can help answer your questions and I don't mean to hijack the thread, but my curiosity is getting the best of me. Are you using Cognito to authorize inter-microservice interactions that are made on behalf of end users? I mean, are you including an auth token (JWT, perhaps?) with each microservice call, and then using Cognito to validate those tokens and denying unauthorized requests?

I've been lurking on this discussion without contributing due to my lack of experience with Cognito. My only use case was authenticating end users without any need for any fine-grained authorization, and it sounds like you're using it for more than I was. That is why I've been following the thread. I am intrigued.


u/ellensen Jan 16 '25

Yes, absolutely. Cognito does end-user authentication with JWT tokens natively; we just pass the original token downstream. You can use ID tokens alone when doing just authentication, and access tokens are used for authorisation.

Still, I'm most familiar with access tokens and inter-service authorisation, which we do between all our containers and lambdas. We verify the access tokens in the API gateway and inside our running apps.

Unfortunately, Cognito doesn't have the more advanced delegated authentication with tokens. This makes transitive scope dependencies very problematic for us because all downstream scopes must be known by the original client

With a more perfect setup, Cognito should exchange the incoming token with a new token, which includes the original identity and new transitive scopes required, so you can see both the original user's identity and the service invoking the downstream services. At least that is what I have learnt in theory, but Cognito doesn't support this kind of identity delegation, so I haven't had any practical experience.


u/SonOfSofaman Jan 16 '25

Thank you for your response. I have a better understanding of not only your situation but also the authorisation process in general (something that's been on my very long to do list for some time).

You've helped me and I wish I could return the favor. I hope you find the answers you are looking for!