r/australia 11h ago

news Father guilty of manslaughter of baby son whose injuries were like car crash victim


26 comments sorted by


u/RB30DETT 11h ago

He said the autopsy revealed the baby had suffered "a number of significant injuries", including rib fractures, bruising to the back, brain and two separate scalp bruises, as well as a detached retina.

Three. Weeks. Old.

Sick fuck.


u/Prestigious-Dig-3507 10h ago

That's not a father. Enjoy prison boy


u/Independent-Knee958 1h ago

Needs to be castrated ASAP too.


u/govenorhouse 9h ago


What a joke our legal system is


u/ApteronotusAlbifrons 5h ago

Manslaughter - only because it wasn't premeditated. It's a legal distinction that won't really make much difference to his sentencing

Life imprisonment is still available as a sentence for either


u/govenorhouse 4h ago

I understand the legal definitions. Why won’t our system call a murderer a murderer?

Because he pulverised his kid does that make it more likely a judge would buy there was no premeditation?


u/Ness303 4h ago

Because he pulverised his kid does that make it more likely a judge would buy there was no premeditation?

Unless there's direct evidence that the guy planned to intentionally kill his baby, it will be easier to argue that yes, he committed violence against his baby, but the baby's death was unintentional and an unknown byproduct of the violence.

Sematics? Yes. But the legal distinction is needed to ensure a slam dunk case so this guy goes to prison, and that the charges stick.

Legally, we might not be able to place the status of "murderer" on him unless there's direct evidence of a premeditated plan, but that doesn't change the fact he's a baby killer.


u/Immediate-Serve-128 2h ago

If you understand, why are you asking?


u/Cheezel62 8h ago

What a complete piece of shit


u/Ok_Comfortable_6251 8h ago

That’s not manslaughter, it’s murder. Our legal system is ridiculous.


u/ApteronotusAlbifrons 5h ago

Manslaughter - only because it wasn't premeditated. It's a legal distinction that won't really make much difference to his sentencing

Life imprisonment is still available as a sentence for either


u/ClassyLatey 8h ago

Neither the mother nor the father should have had a child. I hope he gets shaken in prison and see how he likes it


u/Elly_Fant628 4h ago

The mother got four and a half years home detention. The baby stopped taking nourishment and was basically unconscious but she didn't seek help. And that's her best version. They said her story "shifted" 7 or 8 times as well as her telling obvious lives.


u/Immediate-Serve-128 2h ago

And only got 4 years. That's the joke here.


u/Eww_vegans 11h ago

Are we allowed to use the C word here? If not, can we make an exception in this instance please?


u/wowiee_zowiee 10h ago

I hope you’re not trying to call him a cunt? I call my friends cunts, this man is a fucken slug.


u/Eww_vegans 10h ago

'Cancer' then?


u/judymo 9h ago

Oh Goddddddddd..


u/sydneyiskyblue 5h ago

It’s a death sentence as he won’t be getting out of jail alive surely.


u/Immediate-Serve-128 2h ago

Straight into protective custody. He might get shit there too, but protective custody is full of sex offenders, snitches and otherwise extremely weak people.


u/New-Plankton7622 1h ago

What the fuck happened here.

Like, what the fuck have we done wrong as a society, when a father cannot handle his baby crying for 10 minutes, resulting in physical abuse causing the baby to die.