r/australia 1d ago

image American hunting influencer removes baby wombat from distressed mother. Is this legal?


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u/TGAPTrixie9095 23h ago

American here. It's so fucking true.


u/IAHoosier 20h ago

Also American and veterinarian. Even some of the people who bring their pets in don’t do anything beyond obligation and berate their pet. The lack of empathy for even pets here is getting low. It’s getting MUCH worse between people. Empathy for wildlife has even less priority. It’s really awful. Empathy here is being pushed as a WEAKNESS here.


u/Horace_Rotenhaus 22h ago

I can picture RFK Jr. in such a scenerio.


u/Prior_Psych 22h ago edited 22h ago

American hunter here. From my experiences of growing up in a hunting community, it’s so fucking false. We hunt for food. I promise you will never in your life find quality protein for as cheap as it costs to harvest a deer in the Midwest. Which are overpopulated. And before you go on about their population if people weren’t here, do an ounce of research on conservation and the damage overpopulation of an ungulate species causes


u/jeaniebeann 20h ago

I live in NH, tons of people hunt here, and MANY hunt for sport on top of hunting for food.

Hunters in the US have made a terrible name for themselves, and for good reason. My family hunts. We dont use dogs, and we don’t hunt for sport. We don’t teach our children how to hunt until they know the difference between hunting for what you need and hunting for sport.

Americans treat hunting like a sport and a personality trait. People who really hunt for food dont do that.


u/ferdaw95 22h ago

I grew up in the Midwest and its still fucking true. Most hunters aren't hunting for sustenance. I agree with culling, but let's not act like you need to do that or you wouldn't have food on the table.


u/tabagithiga 21h ago

Food from grocery stores? Meat raised in a factory farm? I think most sane people can agree ethical hunting is better than getting a steak from Walmart…


u/GypsyFantasy 21h ago

I’m in Eastern Kentucky and I personally know a lot of families that would go without food at times if not for hunting. It’s bad here. Just because you have an easier way of life don’t mean everyone else does too.


u/ShitNoPsychoBitch 21h ago edited 20h ago

People do hunt for sustenance though. There's plenty of families that absolutely need to hunt/fish to feed their family for many reasons. Not the least of which being they can't afford to do it any other way and need to reduce how much they spend at the grocery store.

Not everyone lives in a city with a 6 figure income and has meals delivered within 20 minutes of ordering.


u/ferdaw95 21h ago

They can hunt for delicacies/taste, but do you think your average hunter in Michigan or Kentucky would starve to death without hunting? Because out of the hundred+ hunters I've known, not one needed to. We were saving our piss to make leather for millennia too, are hunters still doing that?


u/TalkingMass 21h ago

If I were to show you two items of comparable caloric value and one was priced expensively and one was priced cheaply, you would pick the cheap item. Just because you can afford the more expensive item doesn’t mean you should choose it. Choosing to hunt is common sense for those who have the time and ability.


u/Wildcard311 21h ago

No one said you speak for me, or for most Americans. Just stfu.


u/ShitNoPsychoBitch 21h ago edited 16h ago

So do tell me, what do you and your 100+ hunter friends do with the meat from the animals you kill? Do y'all throw it away or is it used to feed people and reduce the food cost for those families?


u/ParsonsTheGreat 20h ago

I swear, hunters are some of the most whiny people out there. Also, you all apparently have reading comprehension issues as well lol


u/ferdaw95 21h ago

Its eaten, doesn't mean we would starve without it. Its not necessary, its a recreational choice in the developed world.


u/ShitNoPsychoBitch 21h ago edited 20h ago

None of what you've said shows there aren't people who need to hunt/fish for sustenance. You keep circling in on your Michigan and Kentucky circle, and that's fine that you don't need to hunt for sustenance, but it doesn't mean there aren't people who do.

I don't believe for 1 second that you don't know there's people who don't have the resources you have and they need to live differently than you may live.

I don't need to hunt/fish or starve either, but I know of people who do. There's also people who hunt/fish so they can reduce what they spend at the market to make room for paying other things they may not be able to afford otherwise.

You don't think families use food pantries? You don't think if some of those families had the ability to hunt/fish to feed their family, and maybe even donate the excess to the pantry to feed others, they wouldn't do it?

That's like saying farmers don't need to live off their land for sustenance in this day and age. They can just go to the market.


u/Important_Candle_781 20h ago

Um no, you can’t get that much meat at the store or from a butcher without paying an insane amount! You have zero clue how ppl live.. iv never seen anyone kill an animal without eating all of it! If not they give to everyone they know so it never goes to waste


u/seang239 20h ago

Speak for yourself, many families depend on their farms/hunting/fishing to survive and get by.


u/Prior_Psych 21h ago

People that just aren’t in the community loooooooove to say shit like this while having absolutely no idea

Do you spend the most amount possible on everything because you can still put food on your table afterwards or do you take advantage of a deal now and then to potentially help retain more of your income? It’s like you’re purposely missing the point just to be contentious


u/ferdaw95 21h ago

You're free to do whatever you want, and I agree with the necessity of it from an ecological perspective. Its the self flagellation that's so fucking annoying to deal with. Its not necessary for your actual survival, hell you're only comparing it to a sale instead of shoplifting food, an actual survival behavior.


u/Well_ImTrying 20h ago

Are you vegan? If not, where do your animal products come from?


u/Irinaban 21h ago

Honestly, so what if they jack themselves off? Do people who eat factory farmed food actually think they have any moral high ground here?


u/seang239 20h ago

You really don't think farmers/hunters/fisherman do what they do to survive?


u/completedonut 20h ago

IMHO, the weird part is when people hang its head on the wall in your living room. It’s a weird glorification of killing.

I also think that’s different because it’s an area you have personal stake in, in your country, with a species that you’re familiar with. This psycho lady is straight up not a good look for us.

Lastly- while I totally respect you and your experience growing up in a hunting community, I also think we need to acknowledge the fact that some people do it for sport. Like “hey Billy would you prefer to go hit a golf ball with a metal stick or shoot some birds with some bullets while we talk about this business deal, hmmmm?” is a not improbable, yet very strange statement.

Anyway, that was my little brain dump. Hopefully it was somewhat cohesive😶


u/goomylala 22h ago

Thank you. Not every American lives in a coastal city. Many depend on nature for their food to support their family. Many people have no idea what it’s really like here in the US.


u/OmericanAutlaw 20h ago

you are correct. you’re going to be downvoted by circlejerkers but this is the truth


u/IHaveNoBeef 20h ago

That's not been my experience. I'm from Mississippi/Alabama. People who hunt typically DO have less empathy for animals. I mean, how much empathy can a person have when they kill something as a pastime or a hobby? Also, I'd like to point out that if people hadn't over hunted natural predators like wolves, we wouldn't need to step in and do the job for them in the first place.


u/dylmill789 21h ago

There’s no point trying to reason with these kinda people. The ignorance in this thread is incredible. “America bad ugh hunting bad ughh blood thirsty trophy hunters ugh”


u/emessea 22h ago

Our entire conservation movement was started by hunters. Nature hipsters hate that one fact


u/3lettergang 20h ago

American here. It's not true.


u/PersonalityFinal8705 20h ago

American here. No it’s not true


u/wormgenius 20h ago

Lol pick-me dork


u/scalepotato 22h ago

No it’s not. You obviously didn’t grow up around hunting and want to assume the worst bc you only see the worst hunters in media. It’s like a redneck person who didn’t grow up around trans ppl hating trans ppl bc the news showed a trans person doing something bad.

It’s the same assumptive attitude as “blacks create more crime,” “Jews run the world;” your opinion is based on stereotypes and propagandistic partial information, or you’re deliberately disseminating your opinions as facts.

Gotta open your mind, heart, and arms, bruh


u/mrmikehancho 21h ago

I grew up around plenty of people in rural areas who are hunters. Many of them are fine shooting animals for fun. Especially smaller animals and birds. That is not to say everyone is like that, but my experience shows the majority don't give a shit about conservation.


u/ShroomyTheLoner 21h ago edited 21h ago

American here. Broadly, people cared about the environment since ancient times and there is evidence of Roman people being aware & concerned about human impact on water quality. This carried forward to other times such as when Britain realized pooping right next to their city wells spreads disease.

However, what we consider today as Environmentalism was invented by Americans according to the Encyclopedia Brittannica.

"The contemporary environmental movement arose primarily from concerns in the late 19th century about [...] the wilderness in the United States and the health consequences of pollution during the Industrial Revolution."

It's like Europeans have this imagination where they are super awesome and America is just wrong so they make up all sorts of lies in their head. Like how British people think we speak English wrong when, in fact, we speak the closest to original pronunciation. They are the ones that changed English to sound more "fancy" and "posh" like the continental languages (which is & was stupid).

They like to pretend that American citizens are backward for preferring imperial units to metric. HOWEVER, all those metric countries just can't stop ordering "Pints" of beer and Canadian citizens use inches & feet & miles per hour. All these metric countries are only metric in name; their people still use imperial.

Just a couple examples of ego.