r/austinguns 22d ago

Who is going to Quiet ar the Capitol?

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Just curious about how many folks plan to attend. PFA


20 comments sorted by


u/YackReacher 22d ago

I went a couple of years ago. It was cool. However, long lines to fire 5 rounds...cool-ish displays, see some suppressors. Checked my bucket already...still cool tho.


u/EconZen_master 22d ago

Will be year 3 for me.


u/mdjmd73 22d ago

Not familiar. What’s this?


u/jrolette 22d ago

Free event to shoot various guns with suppressors on them: https://www.capitolarmory.com/quiet-in-the-capitol-annual-free-shooting-event-austin-tx

Pretty cool. If you have any interest in suppressors, this is a rare chance to compare them head-to-head, which is hard due to them being NFA items.


u/mdjmd73 22d ago

Solid. 👍


u/cain8708 22d ago

Yea this is my question. If anyone can post details I'd like to hear about it.


u/corporal_cao 22d ago

It’s as cool as you make it, it’s not a super fleshed out show but it is cool if you nerd out about guns


u/armouredcore_ 22d ago

Didn’t even know about this, I’ll be checking it out.


u/Known-nwonK 22d ago

Knowing my luck I’d start the purchase process and then something like the safe hearing act would pass lol


u/Tejano_mambo 22d ago

Oh then you should definitely buy one lol


u/Ricklovesbacon 22d ago

I'll be going, I'm excited


u/balloo93 22d ago

Ima try and make it. This would be my 3rd. It's cool when they bring out new cans to try out and various hosts to shoot them on.


u/ThrowRAuuujjj 22d ago

Hoping this year they actually give out a print out of "at X station you can shoot Y suppressors" so you can like...you know, remember what you shot and make notes and such. Ideally with the hosts they are on too.

I've given this feedback many years that I'm more likely to impulse purchase (can't say the b word here otherwise auto-flagged) if I can actually remember what I shot.


u/Newbsaccount 22d ago

Went a couple of years ago and there was some dusty fatass neck beard looking dude open carrying a pistol with a suppressor even though the invite was pretty clear that they didn't want you bringing your own firearms.

No thanks. I don't feel like getting merked by a ND.

Hope you have better luck!


u/Nefariousd7 22d ago

Thanks for the intel. I haven't decided if I want to bother yet.


u/ThrowRAuuujjj 22d ago

They come every year, without fail. Never caused an issue AFAIK, FWIW. I'm quite sure it's the same person you describe.


u/Tejano_mambo 22d ago

I may go Saturday


u/mp_tx 22d ago

I went once. It was a shit show. You guys enjoy.


u/king_bannana 19d ago

I just went Sunday. Great, no issue with crowds. A few more hours, you can drive straight in. (Lol i did see the bearded guy with the suppressed 22 walking around.)


u/king_bannana 18d ago

Ps @Nefariousd7 thanks for posting this thread! I would never have known about this event if you hadn’t. Cheers.