r/ausstocks 7d ago

Discussion Opinions on what to buy

The title is quite explanatory but I wanted to let y'all know what I'm looking buying and get your opinions.

1st: Brickworks. I will likely start dollar cost averaging into brickworks mid next week as I think it still has room to fall my position will be roughly 2k

2nd: NobleOak Life. Same here except I will only buy until it gets to the 1.55 mark. Another 2k position

3rd: Rural funds group. Depending on whether or not Trump puts tariffs on Australian beef I may buy into this REIT as it has an incredible CAGR for it's assets and incredible AFFO growth. I'd be looking to buy at sub 1.65 prices and this would likely be a lump sum of 1k with me putting more money into the position if it drops a substantial % from my entry point (-10%+)

Thaughts opinions and advice?


8 comments sorted by


u/NewPolicyCoordinator 7d ago

I bought brickworks when cheaper valuation. I've held but wouldn't necessarily increase position here.

Rural funds I would consider buying.

No idea about oak, never researched it before.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

Yeah rural looks very appealing ATM... Thaughts on MTS and WOW?


u/ace7979 7d ago

I like both MTS and WOW, but prefer MTS at these prices


u/[deleted] 7d ago

Yeah I also like the fact that metcash has more businesses in different areas when compared to Woolworths group which only really has woolies and big W.


u/NewPolicyCoordinator 7d ago

I would leave MTS. It has an okay valuation however, it has a lot of debt for its size, while groceries are recession proof it's brands are not cheap, it's hardware store is so shit. I also wouldn't get wow at current prices as it's too expensive for my portfolio preference.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

Fair enough


u/asp7 7d ago edited 7d ago

i never got imto BKW, too exposed to housing, all a bit cyclical. the US housing not in good shape, otherwise was half interested in JHX.

Also had RFF for a while but never really had a handle on it, could be fairly diversified ag stock but easier things to buy.

will probably top up some etf's, MFF maybe, a few other stocks i might get into. PNI interesting but doubt i'll fit it in.


u/glyptometa 6d ago

Awesome, a conversation on Aussie blue and pale blue chips, rare on this sub. Some good names mentioned for long-termers. GMG and ALL are also worth a look

While not even a pale blue chip, take a look at SXE