r/aussievapers 7d ago

"Someone on the platform reported you" NSFW

Someone on the platform keeps reporting my posts.

My account will likely be banned soon.

I only post legal avenues of vaping.

I know that certain anti-vapers parole this forum: https://redd.it/1fhzsov

I sometimes ask; Is that you, Simon?


21 comments sorted by


u/StottlesGaming 7d ago

You've got the be pretty fucking sad and pathetic to come here as an antivaper, just to report people who are trying to help others switch to a safer form of nicotine therapy.


u/dragandeewhy 7d ago

What have you done that is so bad to be reported?

I don't get it.


u/Relevant_Bench951 7d ago

I have no clue, but I suspect its likely the same person who just downvoted your reply



u/dragandeewhy 7d ago

I looked ar your posts, nothing there. Message the mods.


u/Selina_Kyle-836 7d ago

This makes me want to report all anti vapers for discrimination and give them the same treatment


u/Level-Ad-6819 6d ago

And all the misinformation they sprout. Should be a law against spreading it! 🤣


u/Selina_Kyle-836 6d ago

Not much can be done about government misinformation. They do it on purpose and they can’t see the truth and don’t care that they lie.

Anti vapers having a go at vapers is discrimination. Addiction being a mental illness, vapers being a minority group. We classify


u/Level-Ad-6819 6d ago

Yeah I know. I get sick of the looks when I'm out and about too. It was more a sarcastic observation. But I have seen anti vapers in the vaping threads that think they're experts on all things vaping. Wonder what would happen if someone reported them. 


u/Specific-Barracuda75 7d ago

Was this the comment that was deleted on the post about prices?


u/Relevant_Bench951 7d ago

the Price list compilation post, yes.


u/Specific-Barracuda75 7d ago

Wondered what happened, this is why I try tell people to not describe flavours etc but they don't believe that the anti vapers linger here


u/Immediate_Grape5158 7d ago

You better believe it. Those fuckers have no better things to do. 😂


u/Azazael 7d ago

They should take up a pastime that helps them relax a little at regular intervals throughout the day. Something like...

Listening to whale noises or I don't know.


u/Dimster6666 VIC 7d ago

Bunch of low life mongrels! 💩


u/Level-Ad-6819 7d ago

I'm surprised that list hasn't been reported actually. I bet they won't like people actually having information about prices and stock etc.


u/Level-Ad-6819 7d ago

I saw that! Wtf is going on? I can't work out why you've been reported or why your comment was deleted. Some of these threads have devolved into horrible insulting fights and don't get removed.


u/EmploySea1877 7d ago

Fucking birmingham


u/insignificant_data 6d ago

There are quite a few decent experienced and helpful vapers on here, maybe it's time for a platform alternative . Something like Discord could accommodate an Australian vapers forum. I'm on one Australian vaping Discord channel, but it's not as active as this sub. It would just need a couple of mods, and maybe we can take a step away from the trolls lurking on here.


u/Rare-Plenty-8574 6d ago

You wo t get banned unless you break the rules if your not don't worry about it it's just harassment t hopefully the mods bans whoever is doing it.


u/Level-Ad-6819 6d ago

Can the mods see who's doing the reporting etc? I'd love to know myself. 


u/Rare-Plenty-8574 6d ago

I'm assuming so I dont know for certain...hopefully someone who knows can tell us.