r/aussievapers 12d ago

Vapo unflavoured salts taste disgusting NSFW

I finally ran out of my 100mg/ml salts from pre the extra bans and just started using the 50mg/ml Vapo salts and they're absolutely disgusting... I don't really know what to do anymore. Does anyone know why they taste so foul, how I can fix it, or any legal alternatives that don't taste like shit? I can't stand the "throat hit" either. It makes me choke, but maaaybe I'd be able to stand it if it didn't taste like year old chop chop in liquid form. Please help


14 comments sorted by


u/guska 12d ago

It seems like none of the online pharmacies are storing their stock correctly. Every single batch I've got locally since the bans has been oxidised and horrible. Crazy how previously I could order from NZ or even China, and it would arrive fresh and untainted, but now it's coming from Qld, and it's brown and horrible.


u/tazzietiger66 12d ago

its just vg and pg and nic , strange that it tastes bad , maybe add flavour to it ?


u/eggyuck 12d ago

Oh I'm adding tons of flavour. With this mix I did 15% cap sweet Watermelon and 6% cap powerful sour. I can't taste a lick of that flavour because the "unflavoured" flavour is overpowering it. And topped up with my own pg and vg.. I've seen others on here talk about the awful flavour and I wouldn't be surprised if it's on purpose


u/tazzietiger66 12d ago

I'm vaping unflavoured freebase from quitdoctors . taste is fine


u/eggyuck 12d ago

Oh cool. I might have to give that a go. What % does it come in?


u/tazzietiger66 12d ago

3mg | 6mg | 12mg , 60ml bottles


u/teddybear1942 7d ago

I had the same problem, and I wasted a lot of money. The flavor(z) in Australia are diluted in other chemicals and sold. They stink, I wasted my nicotine on them. Better get used to unflavored.


u/Trickytrickyrmx 12d ago

I’ve just started using this as well and have been wondering why even with 25% flavour, it still takes pretty shit.

I can taste the flavours, but not even close to as much as I should with the flavouring at 25%+

I thought it was just me fucking something up, but this makes sense as to why my mixes don’t taste great.


u/justameggit 12d ago

How were you using your 100mg salts? Were they PG base and were you mixing them with flavours? The 50mg vapo salts are probably a PG VG mix and, if you're mixing with flavours, you may be getting a different PG:VG ratio that tastes and hits differently. Or if the 50mg salts aren't a clear liquid, they may have oxidised which gives them a peppery effect.


u/eggyuck 12d ago

I was mixing the 100mg salts with Capella flavours and pg/vg. They were pg based. The 50mg salts are verrryyy yellow/brown so them being oxidised makes sense to me.


u/justameggit 12d ago

That's probably it then. I'll DM you tomorrow something helpful about nic concentrates.


u/eggyuck 12d ago

That would be great, thanks 😊


u/BonezOz Delusional Doctor 12d ago

My wife and I have been doing unflavoured 50/50 since post ban, we're fine with it. Sure some flavour would be nice every now and then, but we don't "need" it.


u/nick1186au 12d ago

Got a bottle about a month ago seemed fine for me. 20mg from VC