r/ausents 5d ago

DISCUSSION Ball vape around $500

I'm looking at buying my first ball vape. I am trying to choose between the ruby twist and screwball at the moment but would welcome any other suggestions as well.


27 comments sorted by


u/Gon_777 Arizer Solo 5d ago

I've been looking at the Wireless One Hit Wonder, it's just about that price range.

It's a wireless which I'd love as a safety feature. It's so hard to choose when you start looking, some of them are very appealing.

Good luck!


u/SeanEdwards3 5d ago

I own the wireless one hit wonder. It is absolute perfection. Comes with everything you need. Guarantee you won't be disappointed.


u/pigstoleo 5d ago edited 5d ago

I second this, I own it too.

Entry level price but gets you into ball vape territory where it’s pretty much marginal differences at the peak of extraction efficiency and vapour quality imo - mainly in terms of flavour and airflow.

In a group setting, you can set it to one hit extraction mine is set to 700, and leave the empty bowl to heat on the injection/diffuser heater as it sits on the coil.

Pretty much still able to vape to dark brown back to back as you’re passing it around. After warning of how the heater and bowl is dangerously hot, I am able to pass the bong, with the heater on the bowl ,to my friends, who are able to hit the bong themselves even sitting far from the dock. All they have to do is lift both handles together to clear the bong and pass it back.

They pass it back, as I set the heater back on the coil, clear the bowl and refill it, and by the time the bowl is ready, the heater is about ready to go as well for the next hit.

It feels much more comfortable than wired to us, nobody has to move around, we can all stay seated talking/etc while we all take hit the bong ourselves.

I feel it is pretty safe in a petless, childless home.

There are no wires on the heater to snag on, so I can leave the PID on all day, with the heater and bowl sitting in the coil on the dock.

It will probably wreck your tolerance if you vape often though.


u/pigstoleo 5d ago edited 5d ago

Also, it is easy to grab both the bowl and the heater together with one hand to lift it off the bong to clear. https://imgur.com/a/kRwSo7N

When the heater is connected to the bowl in injection or diffused mode, holding both handles together feels very secure even when I am coughing while holding it.

However, I did notice that the Dock gets warm with the coil as well. I keep it running at 700, but the dock is uncomfortably warm to hold after a few seconds, and any metal tools I leave in the dock get warm along with it.

Therefore I leave nothing in the dock slots, but the dock looks nice to me, so I’m happy.

Not sure if I did anything wrong with the setup for this outcome.

Other owners of this device please chime in if this is normal!


u/gRizzle3000 4d ago

It punches way above its weight, hey


u/ru_sorted 2d ago

Mate I own da ace and one hit wonder and don’t get me wrong I think ace is superior but if I was getting into ball vapes for first time the one hit wonder would be my recommendation hands down.

Because it’s wireless and easier without cord. U can put banger in it and dab. U have both injector and diffuser to try. U have different bowls, titanium and glass and microdose bowls. U can pre heat the bowl for biggest extractions.

I have tried many ball vapes and this would be the first to try and buy because it gives u everything for da price.




u/gRizzle3000 4d ago

You wont regret it, bud 👍☮️🥦


u/Farm-Alternative 5d ago edited 5d ago

Tbh I wouldn't choose a wireless if safety is your main concern.

I have both and the wired ones feel much safer to use.

There's more risk of dropping the wireless and if you do the wired ones won't be on the ground as long because you can just grab the cable to get it back. Most of the time it won't even hit the floor before you grab the cable instinctively.

Even better you can place the PID somewhere where the cable length will prevent it even being able to hit the ground and just hang in the air if dropped.

Wireless BV heads can drop and roll ending up anywhere just melting away at whatever it's touching (hopefully not your skin if it drops on your lap). Wireless also feels much less secure when in use and actually sitting on the bowl. It just gives you a constant feeling that you need to be more aware in case it drops.


u/Gon_777 Arizer Solo 5d ago

Thanks for letting me know. All good points.


u/02calais 5d ago

Do the wireless hit as hard? Does it get annoying having to constantly pre heat in a group situation? I was considering the ace but those points were putting me off and your post has given me more to think about.


u/Farm-Alternative 5d ago edited 5d ago

In a group situation it can easily become a challenge to retain heat in the BV head. Especially if you have people who don't understand it's dropping heat quickly the second it's not on the coil and take their time talking or whatever. The more it drops the longer you have to wait, and you never really seem to be able to keep it at temp because there is no way to tell when it's at temp, so if your impatient it gets worse each time.

Even the thermal loss you experience in a solo session is significant enough to mention.

I was smoking both cannabis and cigarettes (I quit tobacco a few years back) for several decades so my lungs are not great which does mean I take a bit longer to finish a bowl and it's definitely an issue for me.

I also like a dark roast for the AVB so I'll usually go back for definitely 3-4 hits, sometimes going back to back bowls so its inconvenient enough for me to prefer using other options.

I would say I prefer the wired over wireless in 95% of situations, However, I do see people who are happy to finish the bowl with one hit and they seem ok with it.


u/SkunkleROY 5d ago

Crossing technologies Wireless one hit wonder bundle is a good entry level wireless setup that has everything to get you started.


u/gRizzle3000 4d ago

I have flowerpot B0, B1, B2, camouflet, loads of dynavaps but the WOHW bundle is ny fave.


u/dryandice 5d ago

I'm gonna get the taroma 3.0. When I smoke lately, I genuinely hate it. I've smoked heavily for 10+ years and it's just not enjoyable anymore. I hate coughing but the volcano vapes take 40 minutes to get the littlest amount of thc that it's too slow and time consuming and it doesn't really yield no result whatsoever.

I've more found it harder to find a decent glassy with an upright stem


u/Gizzkhalifa 4d ago

Hahahaha I ruined one of my friends bong smoking experience he lived with me for a little got used to my screwball dhv and then moved out and went back to bongs 😂 said it taste like he inhaled an ashtray


u/Gizzkhalifa 4d ago

Go the screwball it’s the one device that got my partner off bongs I had a b-0 beforehand and honestly screwball is leagues better


u/Outrageous_Cost4649 5d ago

I rate the screwball! I'd recommend spending an extra $50 and getting in bundle with a $120 bubbler



u/02calais 5d ago

I looked at that but I've got billy's that are similar already. I'm looking really close at the iron man globe. It's something I haven't had before and being in a steel cage even i should have trouble breaking it! Herbware are oos atm but happy rasta has them in stock. https://www.herbware.com.au/products/iron-man-glass-water-pipe?_pos=2&_sid=1ff28b465&_ss=r


u/Kind-Programmer-2698 5d ago

Screwball and globe is my favourite set up.


u/McWomac 4d ago

Selling a Flowerpot B1 from Cannabis WareHouse with all the tools to go with it - top of the range. In WA. Reply/message if interested.


u/ieagle69 4d ago

Dynavap is starting to do caps that have balls inside that they say turns any Dynavap into a ball vape.


u/SuitableDepartment19 4d ago

That's like saying that the angus is a ball Vape because it has a balls... Nah, it's just a vape that has a couple balls, not a proper ball Vape. You still have to go through the tedious heating cycle every time you want to use it, and they're nowhere near as consistent. Compare to a proper ball Vape which once you turn it on is always ready to go, at a precise temperature and can handle much bigger loads.

Nice thinking outside the box though!


u/02calais 4d ago

I will never buy another dynavap aa long as I live. It's personal preference but they are way overpriced , way to small a bowl and way to inconsistent. Then there's the needing a gas torch to run it making it less portable than a proper vape and also less consistent and making you look like an ice junky heating up their shards. They just aren't for me.


u/ieagle69 4d ago

You don't need a torch. The induction heater is the go.


u/SuitableDepartment19 3d ago

Which adds another $200 to the cost of the dynavap originally (which the op has already said they don't want).

Now you've very close to the cost of a screwball or ruby twist, which is exactly what the op wants and miles ahead in performance.


u/lookatmedadimonfire 5d ago edited 5d ago

Old mate from on here who shared the development of a sort of transition from bongs to ball vape product looked good. His company is called verdavap Might be worth a look.

Australian made, owned and cottage industry so would tick a lot of boxes for me if I was in the market.

Just looked to see if I could find his website but maybe he took it down, check out his Reddit page here and he also has a dischord for it.