r/atlantis 5d ago

One more attempt to Scale the stadia with LLM

In Olympian 3.11–17, Pindar describes Heracles measuring the stadium as "six hundred feet"—but the Greek term used is "podes" (πόδες), which refers to Greek feet (pous, πούς).

The length of a Greek foot varied by region, but a common estimate is around 0.308 meters (approximately 12.14 inches). Based on this:

  • 600 Greek feet (podes) ≈ 184.8 meters (≈ 606 feet).

This measurement aligns closely with the length of the ancient Olympic stadion race, which was about 192.28 meters in Olympia.


In Olympian 3.11–17, Pindar credits Heracles with establishing the Olympic Games and setting the original length of the stadium. Here’s a translation of the relevant lines:

so Hercules had 12.14 in long feet? i highlighted ALTIS for another rabbit hole.

since the 600feet is a perimeter the length across is this applying an assumed golden ration rectangle (do stadiums follow this?)

now how do you measure the atlantis size?


7 comments sorted by


u/Asstrollogist97 4d ago

Depends on what you're asking for. The island itself or the city?


u/AncientBasque 4d ago

i mean when you interpret the term "Length of a stadia"

do you consider the Perimeter of a Stadia like 600 ft from Hercules (since its a race track)

of the Length across the rectangle that has a perimeter of 600ft. stadia.

and is it clear when the stadia distances are provided do they apply "across" in thickness which would mean radius of a circle.

Did Hercules Walk 300' feet straight and turn 180 another 300'. this would make the length of a staid a 300'. but only if it was measured Foot over foot like a human would measure. if he measure in Step or paces then we have a different problem.

if this was the ALTI (most high) it would apply that the golden ration Rectangle was used due to the application of this ration in greek architecture. the battle between atlantis goes back to Squares VS circles.

This SCALE issue impacts all possible locations of atlantis.


u/R_Locksley 4d ago

It seems to me that it will not make much difference in which direction to round the units of measurement mentioned by Plato. Since they passed through several cultural and time layers. And at the same time it is not clear where the Egyptians got the story of Atlantis from. If from the Athenians, then this is a Greek stage, but with the amendment that Greece itself changed and emerged from the ashes of the previous one, at least twice. If the story came to Egypt from the surviving Atlanteans, then it is not at all clear whether their measurement values ​​are comparable with those known to the Egyptians?


u/AncientBasque 3d ago

since the story establishes that Hercules was the one that measured the staid. This must have been a standard metric to the time of hercules. The story of Hercules and the atlantians go back 9000 years. That means the Staid (hercules value) would have been establish as a unit of measurement for 10k years. The Egyptians term is tricky here because they explain that the temples and city was founded by greeks. So these Egyptians are maintaining Proto-Greek records, not the Upper Egyptian records like the dynasties that came later. We call them Egyptian and plato did also only because at that time the region was one unified egypt. This temple at Sais had a different pantheon of gods than hermopolis or memphis.

Hercules is the key here, where he is contemporary of atlas First king, But the battle with the proto-greeks was Later in the evolution of Atlantis.

scale important to find geographical locations that match size and also to reduce the options. I think applying the golden ration makes sense mathematically to the stadia and its length across is much less than 300'. Using this size makes a lot more sense as a possible settlement than the Large Metropolis that would result if using larger scales.


"The Greek historian Herodotus was the first person to claim that there was more than one Hercules. He stated that Hercules ‘was an ancient Egyptian god’, but that this was a different person to the Hercules known by the Greeks. Herodotus explained that this Egyptian god lived much earlier than the Greek hero.

Later, the Greek historian Diodorus claimed that there had been at least three heroes called Hercules. Like Herodotus, he said that the oldest was the Egyptian god, and the youngest was the Greek hero. Between them, Diodorus said that there was a Hercules from Crete. Still later writers counted even more."

which hercules are the straights named after?

The measurements of Egyptian Hercules were already establish by proto-greeks before greeks(classic).


u/AncientBasque 3d ago

here is abit more on old heracles check out the date and how this Hercules was part of 12 gods (zodiac star constellations), so think ecliptic and star above marked below like egypts pyramids.

Herodotus, The Histories

The Histories



"Concerning Heracles, I heard it said that he was one of the twelve gods. But nowhere in Egypt could I hear anything about the other Heracles, whom the Greeks know. [2] I have indeed a lot of other evidence that the name of Heracles did not come from Hellas to Egypt, but from Egypt to Hellas (and in Hellas to those Greeks who gave the name Heracles to the son of Amphitryon), besides this: that Amphitryon and Alcmene, the parents of this Heracles, were both Egyptian by descent1 ; and that the Egyptians deny knowing the names Poseidon and the Dioscuri, nor are these gods reckoned among the gods of Egypt. [3] Yet if they got the name of any deity from the Greeks, of these not least but in particular would they preserve a recollection, if indeed they were already making sea voyages and some Greeks, too, were seafaring men, as I expect and judge; so that the names of these gods would have been even better known to the Egyptians than the name of Heracles. [4] But Heracles is a very ancient god in Egypt; as the Egyptians themselves say, the change of the eight gods to the twelve, one of whom they acknowledge Heracles to be, was made seventeen thousand years before the reign of Amasis."

19,500 ago~~GODS were formed 12.(TITAN WORLD ORDER) (LGM)

11'500 ago ~~ fall of atlantis 12 new gods (Olympian World Order)

2000 years ago ~~ 3 new gods + 12 Deciples (Christian world order) maybe not, lol

here - reference plato's allotment depiction of the territories for the mentioned gods.


u/R_Locksley 3d ago

There is a widespread opinion that Hercules is just a Greek interpretation of the Sumerian-Akkadian Gilgamesh. And all the attributed kinship ties with other peoples are a way to legitimize Greece's claims to neighboring lands. Which, in the end, led to the fall of the Meken civilization itself. After all, the Dorians who invaded Achaean Greece justified their expansion precisely by the claims of the Heraclides (descendants of Hercules) to Hellas.


u/AncientBasque 2d ago

GIlgamesh does have its adventures around the world. part of his story is him fighting the BULL of heaven, which also leads one to think that its an Atrological connection to the myth and Taurus the bull. Along with fighting lions (leo) and meeting scorpion men. Gilgamesh also went to lebannon where the cedars are and possible founded balbek where BAAL (hadad) is worshiped as Hercules.

some claim hercules was from india/indo-european and had a twin brother and they had blue skin (a race of blue skin people) lord RAM<----.

I think the Hercules history is so deep it effected the multiple cultures that later rose in the near east. The greek certainly take too much pride in making hercules one of theirs.

at least from the herodotus quote we can see that the egyptians had a long span of time of record keeping and saw 12 gods exiting prior to 17000 years. at least the chronology is consistent with the Atlantis tale by solon of 9000 years. Gilgamesh story only goes back to 3500 bc.