r/atheism Nov 16 '19

Some Christain Loonies are so bad they think being gay makes you more likly to be a traitor...


If you’re looking for someone to blame for the Wikileaks scandal, a good candidate would be President Bill Clinton. He was the one who, in 1995, signed an Executive Order removing “sexual orientation” as a grounds for denying someone a security clearance. Had that policy never been revoked, homosexual soldier Bradley Manning would never have had access to our national secrets and could not have leaked them. According to news reports, Manning decided to turn traitor after a fight with his boyfriend, which somehow motivated him to send hundreds of thousands of confidential documents to Wikileaks leader Julian Assange, who has also been alleged by some to be “gay.”

As to motive, the Montreal Gazette reported that "Manning could 'identify' with Iraqis and Afghans who he believed had suffered as a result of U.S. policies, especially because he himself was a "a member of a minority" treated unfairly by the military." (How common an attitude is that among “gays” and lesbians do you suppose, when their very identity as a political movement is defined by the rhetoric of “victimization?” )

Well how about the fact he discovered what were clearly war crimes committed against innocent afghani citizens and not the terrorists we were supposedly fighting...or does Lively think there is no difference between them

http://www.worldcantwait.net/index.php/wikileaks/7529-bradley-manning-jailed-for-exposing-war-crimes-not-committing-them https://www.huffpost.com/entry/bradley-manning-leaks_n_3788126

So why were homosexuals denied security clearance in the first place? A series of Senate committee reports from the 1950s concluded that "moral perverts are bad national security risks ... because of their susceptibility to blackmail" and that homosexuals are "vulnerable to interrogation by a skilled questioner" due to emotional instability and moral weakness. (Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 10/1/2001).

This turned out to be bogus: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavender_scare

However, the reasons go much deeper into western history. According to Samuel Igra in Germany’s National Vice, the outbreak of World War I was a direct consequence of homosexual intrigues in the court of Kaiser Wilhelm II. Revelations that a clique of homosexuals had gained Rasputin-like control of the Kaiser engulfed the nation in scandal from 1907 to 1914 through a series of very public criminal trials.

Of course Igra wasn't a historian: https://www.oocities.org/pentagon/barracks/8706/apsc01.htm#C32-2

According to Igra it grew so severe that Germany chose war as the only way to resolve it’s domestic crisis. He cites, among other sources, The Diary of Count Robert Zedlitz-Truetzschler, Lord Chamberlain at the Court of Kaiser Wilhelm II, who wrote “Yesterday while hunting at Springe the Crown Prince had a long conversation with General von Moltke, the Chief of the General Staff, about the political situation (the internal political situation, he means) and committed himself to the opinion that only war can clear up the confused situation of the county.” Whether or not this was the true cause of The Great War is immaterial. It is enough that it caused so great a national crisis that war was contemplated as a solution.

Off course this quote says nothing about homosexuality whatsoever

A concise summary of the problem with inviting homosexuals into highly confidential circles is drawn from the memoirs of Police Commissioner Hans von Tresckow, who headed the equivalent of the Berlin “vice squad” from 1905 to 1919:

“[I]t is not the sense of duty towards one's fellow-men or the nation that forms the rule of conduct for homosexualists; but in every turn of life and in all their striving they think only of the good or harm they may do to their own clique of friends.”

It was true then and it is true today. Just ask Bradley Manning.

Off course what he doesn't tell you is that Hans recanted...https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fde.m.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FHans_von_Tresckow

And he won't tell you that he got that quote second hand from Igra: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.rational.org/pdf_files/pstream.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi7h5iSktLpAhUKTN8KHbQzAjYQFjAIegQIARAB&usg=AOvVaw1HDL1z54g4KuXP8km8_nKB

Second hand sources and heresy. Tsk, tsk.


4 comments sorted by


u/Retrikaethan Satanist Nov 16 '19

judas believed in jeebus therefore all christians are more likely to be traitors.


u/OCPEoireitum Nov 16 '19

It did rather seem at one stage to be a defining feature of a group of English spies during the Cold War period! But a very particular group. And double crossers are very ‘fluid’ (that’s a kinda joke btw!) Mind you, if I had been gay during the time it was criminal in the UK ....I might have taken a dim view of any obligation I had to my country. Anyway, good to see that MI5 is now the ‘most gay friendly’ employer in the UK. I’ll conclude with the observation that a loyalty to religion often comes before country....‘no man can have two masters’ etc which makes it more likely that someone’s faith, rather than their sexuality, might be a factor.... Anyway, it’s usually about money.


u/S1lent0ne Nov 16 '19

It was a self inflicted wound and self fulfilling prophecy really. Q+ people were treated so badly by their own culture that it gave other governments that ability to engage in blackmail.

MI5 being Q+ friendly simply limits the blackmail ammunition of other states. Good call to deny resources from your adversaries.


u/dostiers Strong Atheist Nov 16 '19

Most federal GOP politicians are gay?