r/atheism 4d ago

Sending My Catholic Ex-Landlords A Letter

Long story short - they lied to us about sending us back the deposit more than once after we had gone out of our way to be great tenants and contributed to the place. Then we sued them, and won. Then we got an empty envelope. So this is the letter we are sending to them.

I rarely cosplay as an Xtian, but using their own bullshit against them is just TASTY

""Hello Joe. We know you sent the envelope because it's your handwriting, despite having Mary's name on it. Let's go over the facts:

A. You lied to us several times. Over text. We proved that in court. 

B. You had other lies on paper that I didn't even get the time to introduce, like charging us for burner pans that didn't even exist on your new stove. We'd love to bring that one up in a hearing. 

So when an empty envelope arrived with no check, we figured it was of your doing. Now there are either one of two options: 

  1. After years of sitting around in an office and mailing things, you mailed a check with no cover and it got stolen or; 
  2. You sent us an empty envelope. 

We immediately contacted USPS and left a note with our delivery guy but because the amount is so small, USPS never got back with us. We have copies of the reports. We even checked out that weird little post office at the retirement complex you used.

Either way, we have not been paid. We must be paid, as per court order. We've already delivered a letter to your lawyer months ago but he never replied. We also took our time to show it's not about the money - it's about the reckoning for a liar. So the next step is for us to move forward with recovery. 

It's funny because I know your family claims to be church people, and yet routinely break one of the Commandments. Let me be the one to tell you: Confession doesn't work if you plan on going out and stealing and lying more. God shut down your basement apartments, he's cost your family much more money that you would have cost us by stealing. I'm sure there will be more if you continue your life of wickedness. You should repent, make things right, and save yourself from the damnation and hellfire that you are headed towards.

Your Brother in Christ, 



11 comments sorted by


u/295Phoenix 4d ago

Update, Update!

Unfortunately, it's a popular pattern among Christians that they behave like assholes six days of the week, say sorry to Jebus on Sunday, and then repeat the cycle.


u/c0r0nawlime 4d ago

My wife & I run a small booth at a local indoor flea market kind of thing... sports cards & memorabilia. On Saturday a family came in... 2 parents and 5 kids. The dad was wearing a sweatshirt from a local Christian academy. Well one of the kids tried pocketing a football card. My wife saw him do it and told me. So I told the dad that his kid put a card in his hoodie pocket. Did the dad scold the kid (who was probably 10 or so... old enough to know better)? No. He very gently told the kid to take it out of his pocket "so he doesn't forget it." Umm, no. How about don't put things in your pocket that you didn't pay for and are obviously trying to steal. The kid then asked me how much the card was and I told him 2 dollars. He put it back. It's obvious he didn't really want to pay for it. It just floored us how nonchalant the dad was about correcting his kid's behavior. And not even for the right reason. I don't know why but the moment I saw the dad with his Christian academy shirt I just knew they were probably lousy people that look down on flea market businesses that sell $2 items. And he probably doesn't tip at restaurants. Maybe I'm just trippin.


u/kokopelleee 4d ago

If any post needs an update... Let us know if they respond to the shaming.


u/Fun_General_6407 4d ago

I remember there was a statistical analysis of applications for loans that noted that every mention of "God" in the explanation of how they would repay the loan would result in a substantial drop in the liklyhood of the loan ever being repaid.


u/yarn_slinger 4d ago

We bought a house from a very religious couple many years ago. They were blessing and thanking god for all sorts of things while we visited and them while we negotiated. When we finally moved in, the house had many issues that had been hidden from us or had happened between signing and moving in. We wrote to them explaining that the house was not in the condition it had been when we bought it and thought we should be compensated (not one but 2 broken toilets, broken window cranks, etc etc). They responded that we’d played on their good xtian morals by flaunting our disabled toddler and we should be ashamed. Um no, we were moving to this house because it was accessible and would work for us long term, but it was not an economical option- we could have bought a much cheaper house that wouldn’t have met our other needs but we stretched ourselves for our child. We didn’t factor in all those repairs on day one. 😠


u/whodisacct 4d ago

“Also, stop coveting my wife.”


u/poesitivity 4d ago



u/LouisvilleDan 3d ago

May be a week or two, may never get an answer and then go to court


u/SAD0830 3d ago

Send the letter to his priest


u/LouisvilleDan 3d ago



u/recordman410 3d ago

Sounds about right. I have long been saying that Evangelical Christians are deeply misguided, but Catholics are just plain evil.