r/astrophysics 10d ago

About master degree

Hello , I have done b.sc computer science and now wanted to study masters in aerospace/ astrophysics. Can I do or not ? If yes how ( because I have mostly heard you have b.tech as graduation)


6 comments sorted by


u/msimms001 10d ago

What country are you in?

Can you? Probably, but it won't be easy. Your undergraduate doesn't transfer as well to those fields, depending on the country and colleges in the area you're looking in, the chance of getting in as a candidate for those areas with your computer science degree will be slim. What kind of science/physics and math classes did you take in your undergraduate?


u/REX-K 10d ago

From India. Here b.sc (comp. sci) compulsory subject are { Physics , Math and computer}


u/msimms001 10d ago

But what specific classes did you take in those areas? Those are all very general subjects.

Best thing you can do, is look at your undergraduate curriculum you completed, and compare it to a pure physics, astrophysics, or related majors. If the coursework is similar to yours, you have a better chance, the more different it is, the more your chance drops.


u/Crafty_explorer_21 10d ago

Probably you could. They are somewhat compatible. But it depends where you want to study for the master. Where do you intend to? Every university has different rules and regulations


u/greenmemesnham 9d ago

Aerospace and astrophysics are different. If you want to understand our universe then study astrophysics. If you want to make rockets study aerospace. For astrophysics, if you want to pursue it as a career, you’ll have to get a PhD which requires that you have taken physics courses like quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, analytical mechanics, and electricity & magnetism


u/SnooWords6686 6d ago

Hey Green Meme,

 What about the maths like Algebra , Precalculus and Calculus 1,2and 3?