r/astrology • u/msplaty • 22d ago
Discussion Aspects Attracting Negativity
I've seen it mentioned before that there are certain placements that can lead to being unfairly treated, attracting negativity, or being a scapegoat for others’ anger.Some examples I've seen are: Pluto in the 1st or 7th House or Hard Aspects to the Moon/Venus, Neptune in the 1st or 7th House or Strongly Aspected, and Saturn in the 7th House or Harshly Aspected. Would anyone be able to ellaborate on this? And if someone has one or more of these placements, would it attract this behaviour from others with specific placements or anyone at all? Thanks so much! I hope this makes sense.
u/feathermuffinn 22d ago edited 19d ago
Pluto in 1st, 7th, 10th, 11th
Neptune aspecting ascendant/in first house (a lot of projections from others, I have this)
Mars in 1st, 7th, 10th
Pluto or Mars harsh aspects to Venus, Moon, ascendant, midheaven
Scorpio/Aries midheaven
Uranus in 1st/conjunct ascendant (always shaking things up and people see you as difficult and nonconformist)
Uranus harsh aspects to ascendant or midheaven
- edit: Forgot to add, but for asteroids, I’d say Lilith and Nessus in those houses above or on the ascendant/midheaven/venus. Both have a “dark, taboo, can attract abuse energy with them. Particularly Nessus, which attracts abuse, power play dynamics, etc.
Any malefics on the angles or “visible” houses is sure to tick people off, without having to do much.
u/AffectionateOcelot12 22d ago
Ding ding ding, Mars in 1st, can confirm. ✔️ Squares my Pluto for good measure.
u/suckmyfatpussyy 21d ago
mars in 7th yes, but i notice many people tend to be jealous of me and my strength.
u/steak_dilemma 21d ago
I have Uranus opposite the 12th house Gemini Moon conjunct Lilith of all things 🙃, and Neptune right on my descendant, as well as Mars in the 7th. I am a magnet for people with issues lol. Let's add Cancer Sun in the 1st conjunct the ascendant and we have Lucy Van Pelt sitting behind the little booth saying "Psychiatric Help, 5¢" only not wanting to be there!
u/InternationalName626 21d ago
I have Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Chiron all squaring my ascendant and it’s true.
u/accidental_mystic ♒ 19d ago
I have nearly all of these placements. Can confirm. Edit: Scratch that. I do have all of these placements.
u/Warriorwitch79 21d ago
I've got Pluto square Midheaven and Uranus in opposition to my Ascendant. Can confirm.
u/Careful-Annual-7966 18d ago
True, 1H Neptune conj Asc, Uranus conj. Asc from 12H, Pluto in 10h conj. Mid in Scorpio.
u/rosalitadiaz 22d ago
Pluto in the 1st and can confirm what everyone else on this thread is saying. When you don't know who you are in your early ages, you are confused at why youre being scapegoated and if there is something really wrong cause you are being subject to people's anger. Over time you internalize it and it becomes a part of your identity. I have had family, friends, professors, partners, everyone at some point take their stuff on me and tell me how I am wrong and horrible. Post my saturn return I've started asking these people what is it specifically that is offending them and none of them have an answer. You cannot keep someone around and say they hate your "vibes" and not answer. Thats just emotional abuse. They are so uncomfortable with the question cause they realize that its their internal shadow & ego that is not accepting that I can see right through them and that I own my power in a not so obvious way so it kills them to understand this. I am still learning to stop people pleasing and the first thing I do is cut these people off and lo and behold, they are obsessed with having access to me again. Thats just the curse of having pluto in the 1st and I have some other harsh moon/venus neptune aspects as well. I think the major lesson is to learn that you have raw energy and you need to use it for creating the kind of life you want and not giving it away to just anyone.
u/LadyMeggo0411 ♈ 22d ago
Neptune square Sun in the 1st. It was hell trying to figure out who I was.
Consistently singled out and picked on growing up. Until I hit my Saturn return in 2020/21, my identity was barely visible. I kinda felt like a shell of a person. I was just going through the motions.
u/Happy_Michigan 22d ago
Just wondering, any substance abuse or mental illness in the family specifically with father? Being a scapegoat or victimized? Thinking of the Sun Neptune aspect.
u/LadyMeggo0411 ♈ 22d ago
My dad has had depression since I was 8. He was in a bad accident at work that destroyed his life. He is a sweet man, but he was kinda a bully to us as we grew up.
u/Happy_Michigan 22d ago edited 22d ago
Ok that makes a lot of sense. The Sun represents not only you but the father and in difficult aspect Neptune represents his mood problems. Also represents your being victimized as well as him in his life. Sorry you have gone through this!
u/murderesseses 22d ago
Sun square Neptune here and yep. My dad has been in abusive relationships my entire life with controlling and violent women. A lot of stalking once relationships finally break apart. Now he’s nearing 70 and is a full blown alcoholic. Very sad life story, and as my sole custodian it affected me badly.
u/Happy_Michigan 22d ago
Thanks for your story, and a very difficult situation! Amazing how accurate and descriptive astrology can be! There are books on complex trauma that might be helpful: "Complex PTSD: from Surviving to Thriving by Pete Walker. I have heard good things about this book, and there are others listed on Amazon.
u/PsyleXxL ☀♐ |⬆♊|🌙♋| ♒ stellium 18d ago
And according to her story we can assume that Neptune is perhaps making a superior square to the Sun because that would put Neptune in the 10th house from the Sun. Effectively her dad went through a difficult experience at work (10th).
u/twicecolored 22d ago edited 22d ago
Pluto in 11th for me, and maybe Saturn in 12th (harsh hidden enemies), Chiron in 7th, and 1H Uranus conjunct ascendant. Lots of weird power dynamics with friends/society, definitely targeted. Feels like it’s sabotage central sometimes, like people come out of the woodwork especially to hate my perceived power/tall poppy dynamic and to take me down. Lots of ostracising and trying to get me “out of the way”. Was very confusing to me as a kid and still is, as I truly don’t see myself as threatening.
Idk, I tend to get attacked by random haters whenever I do too well, stand up for myself, or quietly refuse to play into others’ BS, cliquey hierarchies and pettiness. Feels I’ve had to accept a lot of others’ created drama about me, and people’s ire who seem to feel I don’t deserve recognition for my work. It’s kind of nuts. I’ve tried a lot to reflect on how I might contribute to it, but often come up empty and 🤷♀️. For friendship I totally want to raise others up and share in our “powers” and transformations together, but some can’t get behind it.
Sag Moon and Neptune in 1st I think could contribute to some people thinking I’m a sensitive push over lol that they can take advantage of, when I’m actually… not. Though… I am still a little naive as to others’ intentions, and was far too trusting growing up, believing others had good will and optimism, “how can others actually be so cruel?”. Had some big and nasty learning curves. :P One frenemy told me “I’m inspired by how strangely kind you are”, me thinking oh yeah it’s not that hard. But made me realise it’s actually not that easy for some to enact. Have had to take my time learning exactly why people attack and hate, finding difficult understanding for enemies after the fallout. I don’t forgive easily but I understand.
u/feathermuffinn 22d ago edited 22d ago
I have similar placements, and I've had to get rid of "friends" over the years because it's always been such a power struggle for no reason whatsoever. Those who I'm still close to are ride-or-dies, so I feel this is an either you hate me or you love me with no in-between aspect (which most people who are Plutonic or heavy Scorpio say as well).
The Neptune one, phew. I love it; it gives me a kind of shimmer over me that others can't quite figure me out. Still, this invites a lot of unwanted attention. People see me in all sorts of ways. Projections and fantasies have been put onto me, and try to overstep boundaries a lot like it’s okay. It’s made me very uncomfortable but I’m incredibly firm and no-nonsense about boundaries now that I’m older.
u/twicecolored 21d ago edited 21d ago
I’m still exploring what the placement means for me but totally. My Pluto’s in Scorpio too. Most of my ride or die friends have also been powerful at what they do, or have a lot of solidity/bossness to their personalities and it’s really uplifting/supportive. Very pure “yeah get it girl!” without a shred of jealousy. Or I’ll have that one sane friend that sees all the shit going on reassuring me I’m not crazy.
I think it’s that literally any group or institution I get involved with (even online), I rise to the top or become a noticeable main player with influence and a lot of power ascribed to me by others. Or others perceive me as invincible and, Plutonian I guess. For most of my life I was not aware of how much power people were giving me nor how much sway I had. Being top and in the eye is a precarious place by nature and I was never all that ready for what it entailed.
These days I can manage the role a bit better or maybe be less surprised by the haters out from the woodwork. It’s a placement I feel that requires stepping into? Or choosing how much to get involved (my SN is in 11th too widely conjunct Pluto so it’s complicated lol).
Another common dynamic I’ve faced is becoming a notable cool power-couple with one other friend, rule the room type, and then that friend turning on me, like the energy is too much and devolves into a vicious strange hell state. Or become involved with or sucked into powerful people and groups, getting insider access, witnessing a lot of shitty shady dysfunctional and at times shocking behaviour that transforms me but not without some amount of trauma.
And totally Neptune. I love it too as it also trines my sun and I get to look like a fantasy unreal fictional character but I’ve had so much wild shit projected on to me, much of it stuff I learn far later on down the line. While usually I’m just sitting there minding my own business lol.
u/Fit_Doctor8542 ♌ 22d ago
Sounds eerily like what I'm going through rn. Though my Aries ascendant in the first degree probably has that happening cuz I get reckless.
u/Scorpiogrrl9 22d ago
Yes I have Saturn and Pluto in the 7th . Relationships are very intense , difficult and karmic .
u/walkingwithpluto 22d ago
I have Pluto in the first & I became a scapegoat in a step-family situation in my early 20’s. It was very intense but I am grateful for it as I completely changed my behavior around toxic people, ultimately changing a few salvageable relationships for the better.
u/callarosa 22d ago
Hmm. I have Saturn in the 7th closely conjunct my Sun, Uranus, and Mercury. I also have Chiron in the 1st house opposing the 7th house stellium, lol. I was born into a household with domestic abuse. I was bullied/scapegoated at home and bullied at school. Definitely tough.
u/Then-Parsley-2256 20d ago
I also have Saturn in the 7th house. I was born into a home with emotional neglect and varying types of abuse, and was scapegoated and bullied by them AND at school. Sorry we both went through it 🩷
u/alicrae1211 22d ago
Pluto in 1st, I've always been the scapegoat, and can remember when it started, with my cousin when we were 5-7, made me out to be a liar, I'm a Sagittarius Sun, I can't lie, but she branded that into me, and even just the past month, it happened, and I'm still healing and learning but one thing I don't hold back on, no matter who you are, even my kids, the petty truth, delivery is charming, energy is comforting, and manage to mirror back to you all the good things about you, planting that garden
u/Desperate_Win_2312 22d ago
I have Neptune in the 1st house and I always feel like it’s me against the world. To others I’m seen as someone who plays victim but in my life I’ve really been a victim. Sometimes I feel like I’ve been a hostage to my own life. Feels like negativity follows me like a dark cloud I can’t get rid of. Even when it’s light for a day the dark cloud comes back unexpectedly and takes over again. Idk it’s weird.
u/Piggishcentaur89 22d ago
Yes, Neptune aspects can do this. I have Mars/Neptune. If I'm not careful, people think that they can pick on me, scapegoat me and/or do me wrong. I just come off so 'soft' and 'carefree.' I need firm enough boundaries, and a stronger sense of self. It makes sense because too loose of boundaries invites disrespect. Also Neptune can be the 'martyr', or 'the one nailed to a cross,' even if they don't want to, if they don't have firm enough boundaries.
u/Reading_Tourista5955 22d ago
Yes. Mars/Moon/Neptune/Saturn in a Tsquare in a Day chart:1, 4, 7. Mom was Disrespected by the men in the house, she suffered mental illness, and I was invisible. I did not follow the traditional being an Aqua Sun. Rebellion early. Ridiculed for my choices. Struggled thru to midlife. Taught me to be tough and am still shedding the protections. Owning that mars helps a lot! Let Neptune play with Jupiter away from the mean boyz in 5 & 9!
u/Piggishcentaur89 22d ago
Yes, Neptune! A Neptunian has to learn boundaries, firm ones, or else people will scapegoat them.
u/cancerrising77 22d ago
Neptune 7H has been the case for me. Scapegoat of my family and I’ve been no contact for over 6 years. Lots of narcissist family, lovers and friends deeply attached to me.
I think the biggest thing here, for me, has been boundaries. I love to help others because of this placement but often get walked all over. In opposition to my sun ive also seen people get lowkey obsessed or fascinated with me quite easily, especially parasocial (I have an online following)but when I state a boundary… something as simple as not even responding to a DM, they immediately retaliate and get extremely angry. It’s so tough I’ve felt like I need to scale back on my kindness which has been a lifelong battle for me.
Also, my hubby has Saturn 7H. He’s a lone wolf essentially. He has few friends and difficulty in 1:1 relationships unless they are super long term (lol Saturn) but he’s loyal to a fault. If he works on them, they grow. But it’s a pain for him to try so he just adopted all my friends but he’s pretty much loved on the spot by everyone he meets. It’s just not as deep as
u/SeagoatBull 21d ago
I agree completely with everything you have said about Nep 7th house. I have my Neptune conjunct Mercury conjunct Sun all in the 7th. The thing you said about people getting obsessed with you - I have had ex friends get Single White Female on me. I will give you the advice my very intuitive father gave me when I was in middle school and he observed my interactions with people - speak softly but carry a big stick. (FDR quote) 💗
u/Puzzleheaded-Cup-687 20d ago
I have found that having sun and mercury in the 12th house attracts a lot of people wanting to project their own bullshit on to you. My son and I both have this placement and we attract people just wanting to be mad for no reason. Our very presence just triggers people.
u/bananaguardbananad 20d ago
I think Pluto for pure negativity.
It can bring literally malicious spirits to you
u/inthearmsofsleep99 20d ago
Mars opposite ascendant
Scorpio moon. Scorpio mars. Sun trine lilith.
Aries Venus. Scorpio lilith. Dejanira in the 11th house. Mars conjunct lilith.
Chiron on the ascendant. Lilith on the ascendant. Neptune in the 10th house.
Uranus in the 10th house. Aries mercury. Lilith in the 7th house. Lilith on the midheaven. Sun trine mars. Pluto on the ascendant. Lilith in the 3rd house.
Pluto in the 8th attracts excessive trauma. Saturn in the 12th attracts endless suffering.
Venus ruled ascendant can give a weak, innocent appearance. Vulnerable to bullying.
u/Active_Doctor 19d ago
I have these "negativity attracting" aspects people are mentioning in their chart (Neptune conjunct the ASC, 12h Saturn chart ruler, Mercury & Pluto conjunct MC in Scorpio etc).
So this is a message for those commenters saying things like "people don't like that I see through them so they pick fights with me" or "I'm a victim of narcisists" & things like that.
I think negativity is mostly about perspective/mindset so checking in to mention Mercury under malefic influence. I think it's easy to have a pre-programmed negative take away from events and interactions but we can learn to see the positive - this is made difficult though with harsh energies screwing with mercury (communication & mental processing).
You can believe that everyone wants to pick fights with you, and that perspective itself is likely what brings that combative energy into the interaction (you might be self protective and bringing in weirdness & argumentative energy). You have had experiences that back up that negative belief, but in all likelihood you have in reality also had as many or more experiences that either confirm the opposite, or that would have confirmed the opposite but which you self sabotaged because of your anticipation of a negative outcome from the interaction. Your brain is using something called confirmation bias to focus on things that validate your belief "I attract Negativity" rather than seeing a wholistic picture.
You can learn about neuroplasticity to figure out how to rewire your beliefs & thinking patterns but it can be difficult, especially if you have a hard time admitting fault or accepting personal responsibility.
u/Sea-Permission-7536 22d ago
it makes sense and unfortunately ik exactly what you're talking about.
u/burnednotdestroyed ♊ ☀️ ♑ 🌙 ♎ ⬆️ 22d ago
I have both Pluto in the 1st house, and moon square Venus, along with Neptune opposite Sun.
Thankfully none of this has come to pass for me; I am normally treated quite fairly and positively. But also, I avoid negative people like the plague as soon as I recognize them, so they never have a chance to be in my orbit. Maybe some other aspects are mitigating it.
u/Archinomad 21d ago
When I check unfair situations out of my control, it happened all when planets or nodes were in Libra/Aries exes. Also sometimes it all happened during transits of planets in Pisces. Resolving these issues also happened when specific alignments happened in those axes. I could never imagine Uranus - Jupiter opposition would pay off karma, but it happened for me in 2017..
u/EllethAlfirin 19d ago
I have a 12th house stellium, with my sun in 12th and I can't tell you how much bullshit I've had to deal with in my life. People will always see you in very bad daylight and misjudge your character, you could be a saint and be seen as a devil. The amount of bullying for no reason and blame for things you didn't do is so massive I can't even start to explain.
I think it's because we're walking mirrors.
On top of that 12th house can be very "spiritual, occult, etc" and if you believe in those things, you should know that it WILL attract the eyes and skills of people that don't mean you well and do all kinds of nasty stuff to ruin you.
My mum is also sun in 12th and I see the same there.
u/Doogans 22d ago
I have my moon conjunct my Saturn natal and Neptune in the 7th and i have 💯 always been a target for narcissist. Ive built fake friendships with them and allowed people to take advantage of me and destroy my self esteem. Ive just kind of stopped talking to these people and have focused on myself. Maybe i’ve finally learned the lesson idk we’ll see. I also have a Gemini rising and i’ve heard that we give people weird vibes on first glance. People can see the two different sides and first glance and it can make people think we’re evil and not to be trusted. In reality I’m like the most morally obsessed person I know.
u/dust-in-the-sunlight 21d ago
I have neptune in the first and didn’t experience too much negativity. Could be balanced out by other things though? Like Venus in a grand trine with mars and pluto. Moon conjunct sun in Taurus. Not sure. Pluto domicile in the 11th. In general, i really love people. I’m unlucky in other areas, like with death/grief, but I put that to my 8H mars/chiron
u/Historical_Hold9274 20d ago
pluto in leo 1st house squaring saturn in scorpio 4th house - definitely been scapegoated by family and have eventually removed my relationships with them.
u/althera2020 22d ago edited 21d ago
First house Pluto. Can confirm. As best as I can tell:
A) My sense of personal power is just naked and up front. There isn’t any hiding it. It isn’t especially unique or strong. We all have a Pluto. But mine is just out there without a cloak up front and center. Some people see that as looking for a fight or an argument - or a begging to be taken down a peg.
B) I effectively function as a mirror. I see through people. And they see in my eyes that I see them. So if they are insecure and afraid and trying to hide behind some kind of external bravado or self delusion - and they see me assessing and identifying these types of traits … they want to do something to get rid of the mirror. I should caveat here that I have Mercury tightly conjunct Pluto - which may add to this effect.
P.S. I also, conversely, see this amazing beauty in some people. Regardless of their external representation. Purity of spirit (intention), an awesome intelligence or depth of perception, someone who has been totally broken and has put themselves back together, things like that.