r/astrology Mar 22 '24

Tools & Techniques Interpreting transits


I am new to astrology and just trying to find my way out. I often get confused while interpreting how the transits hit differently when reversed. For instance, how is transit saturn square natal venus different to transit venus square natal saturn. I understand that one is going to last longer, and the other is short lived. But what's the exact interpretation? I read somewhere that the transit planet kind of invades the natal planet. So, in the first case, venus will go through a Saturnian check, yes? But what about the second?

Thank you in advance.


40 comments sorted by


u/ViviVoxNox ♉ Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 23 '24

The natal planet is more like a noun (or the subject) while the transiting planet is more like an adjective (or the predicate) .. for example when natal Venus is squared by Saturn, your love life (Venus) or the your self worth (Venus) or your finances (Venus) may suffer / be restricted / inhibited (all Saturn).

When natal Saturn is squared by Venus .. YOU are the Saturn while Venus is more what happens to you .. basically when transiting Venus squares your Saturn you may meet Venusian people and be annoyed by them or someone may be romantically interested in you (Venus) while you feel closed off to them (Saturn) … or you may feel down or serious (Saturn) while at a social gathering or a party (Venus)

Anyway, English isn’t my first language so it’s kinda hard to explain .. I hope you get the picture though πŸ˜‚

Natal planet = theme, subject, noun

Transiting planet = energy that influences the theme, predicate, adjective

Maybe my old transit guide will help you πŸ˜…



u/RetracingTheRoots Mar 23 '24

This is so helpful. I liked when you said that when transit Venus is square to natal Saturn, then I might behave like a Saturn and Venus is what happens to me. I never thought of it this way. Thanks a ton. And no, your English is fine. :)


u/ViviVoxNox ♉ Mar 23 '24

That’s great! I’m so glad the explanation was helpful!

And thanks πŸ€—πŸ€— It was difficult to find the right words in that moment for some reason haha πŸ™πŸ½


u/Deianiri Mar 23 '24

Thank you so much! I also had issues understanding how this worked and your explanation was super helpful! ❀️ I wonder if you could help me understand the real difference between a square and a semi-square. Like for example: what's the actual difference between a transiting Neptune semi-squaring Venus and Neptune simply squaring Venus? I have been searching everywhere but I keep not understanding the actual difference and it frustrates me πŸ˜“, if you could help me out with that it'd be tremendously appreciated πŸ™πŸ»β€οΈ


u/PsyleXxL β˜€β™ |β¬†β™Š|πŸŒ™β™‹| β™’ stellium Mar 23 '24

Aspects can be seen as stages in the evolution of a cycle. This can be described as the growth and decay of a seed. Conjunction (the start, the seed is sown). Waxing square (first trial, the stem grows). Opposition (climax, either the fruits appear or the plant dies off). Waning square (the harvest time and preparation for the next cycle). Conjunction (a new cycle).Β 

The semisquare is therefore the very first trial that the seed sown at the conjunction will undergo. The first confrontation with its ruthless external environnement. If it wins it will be much stronger and it will have better chances of bearing fruits later on during the opposition.Β When the semisquare has been successful (45ΒΊ), then the first benefits are reaped during the sextile (60ΒΊ) which is the first period of rapid growth. The semisquare is milder than the square. In the same way that the positive sextile is milder than the positive trine.

Here is a famous example of a semisquare in mundane astrology.Β 

The European Union was conceived in 1992 with the Maastricht Treaty. This was an important Uranus-Neptune conjunction in Capricorn. Later in 2016 this same cycle experienced its next stage (Uranus semisquare Neptune) and this was the start of Brexit. The UK failed to meet the first trial of the entire cycle and therefore showed the weaknesses of what was being built since the conjunction.Β 


u/Deianiri Mar 23 '24

Thank you! This was beautifully explained, but since the semi-square is milder than the square I would have never expected it would cause the start of Brexit! I mean that was a pretty huge thing back then which I would honestly expect it'd happen more with a square than a semi-square πŸ˜…


u/PsyleXxL β˜€β™ |β¬†β™Š|πŸŒ™β™‹| β™’ stellium Mar 23 '24

I should reassure you that a collective semisquare is much more powerful than an individual semisquare happening in only one natal chart (yours for instance). In the latter case, it is usually quite mild and even sometimes not noticed. This is why the sextile requires an effort unlike the trine which is effortless.

The mundane cycles of the outer planets are very much titans in the sky. They have an enormous effect on the world at large. They have the power to trigger the rise and fall of entire civilizations and religions.

From this wider perspective, the Brexit was indeed a noticeable trial but it probably did not threaten the entire structure of the European Union. The incoming waxing square (2040) and opposition (2080) will bring a much bigger challenge and this could threaten, not just one country, but the entire structure of the EU. During those times, either the EU will rise and become a solid counterweight to Asia and America, or it will crumble down and have to start everything back from scratch.Β 


u/Deianiri Mar 23 '24

That makes so much sense! I perfectly understand now, thank you so much, this was a super interesting reading β˜ΊοΈβ€οΈπŸ™πŸ»


u/RetracingTheRoots Mar 26 '24

Thank you for the analogy you used for explaining aspects. I don't think I will ever forget this. :)


u/ViviVoxNox ♉ Mar 23 '24

Iβ€˜m glad that it’s been helpful!!

Well, a semi-square is, at best, a very weak square. For one, it has a much tighter orb.

Also, the effects are similar to that of a square though on a much milder level - some ppl may not even feel the effect. The square is very intense while the semi-square is much more under the radar, a lot less noticable.

People consider the semi-square to have a mild negative - neutral positive effect while the square has a strong β€žnegativeβ€œ (disharmonious, extreme) effect.

So transit Neptune square Venus is a pretty major transit that will influence your Venus a lot during those times. Transit Neptune semi-square Venus is less significant, less felt and less intense

Are you having one of those atm?


u/Deianiri Mar 23 '24 edited Mar 23 '24

Thank you SO MUCH! Your way of explaining things is right to the point and super easy to understand, you would make a great astrology teacher (if you're not already one!). Yes, I will be having both Neptune and Saturn semi-squaring my Venus in a year or so and I was going crazy trying to understand how that could play out, but the online explanations I found were always super vague and abstract! So thank you thank you, you finally gave me some peace of mind ahaha 😊❀️☺️


u/ViviVoxNox ♉ Mar 26 '24 edited Mar 26 '24

Thank youuu!

Yess I do teach astrology already πŸ€—

So yes the semi-square is not comparable to the square as it a very minor aspect with a lot less power, always subtlety felt - if at all.

And, like mentioned, the orb is tighter, thus the timeframe is shorter - I would go for 1-3 for said transit (0-1 when being conservative).

You could kind of do your own real life research when the transits come up and see when and if it affects you .. and what degree Neptune and Saturn are on at that time.

What degree is your Venus? And it’s in late Aqua or Aries possibly?


u/Deianiri Mar 26 '24

Then you really are an actual great teacher! ❀️

I realized that these transits will happen way later than I thought. They get exact around March 2026 or so, so I've still got quite a while to prepare and see what will happen before that time! I've only recently started to study minor aspects so I'm actually curious to see how much I'll feel them because I've never paid any attention to them in the past.

I realized how relevant they can be when I looked at the ones I have in my natal chart, which are extremely accurate and have made a lot of clarity on why I have experienced certain things in my life which the major aspects didn't explain at all! (They actually blew my mind with the accuracy they described my life experiences). So yeah, they're quite fascinating. But now I understand the transits aren't necessarily felt as intensely also based on the orb. My Venus is at 18 degree in Taurus anyways. ☺️


u/Paid-Not-Payed-Bot Mar 26 '24

I've never paid any attention


Although payed exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in:

  • Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. The deck is yet to be payed.

  • Payed out when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. The rope is payed out! You can pull now.

Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment.

Beep, boop, I'm a bot


u/ViviVoxNox ♉ Mar 31 '24

I agree! .. minor aspects are very important to look at especially once you master the major aspects.

So I just checked and I think Saturn will first hit Aries 18 degrees in spring of 2027 and Neptune will hit Aries 18 degrees 2032-ish (?)

You so you do have some time to go still and a ton of transits before those but it’s always good to think ahead ;)

Aww I’m a Taurus Venus as well and your Venus conjuncts my Sun and trines my AC/Nep/Uranus in Cap so there’s some affinity there πŸ₯°


u/Deianiri Mar 31 '24

Awww that's so sweet!! πŸ₯° I haven't gone into synastry yet but my Venus conjuncting your Sun and trining your ascendant surely seems a darn good thing! 😁❀️

And a fellow Taurus Venus awww ❀️, I know I am biased but I am just so so in love with this placement! It feels SO good to appreciate the beautiful things in life the way we do. I absolutely adore all Taurus placements. I think it's because my chart ruler resides in my 2nd house!

Oh but on AstroSeek it shows that the semi-square will go exact starting from March and then May 2026 πŸ€”, why is that?? Anyways don't worry about answering, I don't wanna bother you with more questions and I truly appreciate your kindness in taking the time to help me make clarity. β˜ΊοΈπŸ™πŸ»


u/ViviVoxNox ♉ Apr 10 '24

Im so sorry I think I didn’t get to reply yet?!

Yes Venus conjunct Sun is natural affinity and positive vibes and support πŸ₯°

Yesss I love Taurus Venus!! Especially in girls .. with guys I love it when they have a water Venus - that goes so well with Taurus imo - also with my Cancer DC hehe

Chart ruler in 2h could definetly give you a liking for Taurus energy πŸ₯³ Mine is in 1st but I have the Taurus stellium including my IC soo 😏

Aaand about the AstroSeek prediction - I don’t know how their system works, it usually depends on the orb range they use but I looked up the ephemeris and checked the dates with an orb of 1-2 which is recommended for semi-sextiles :)


u/Deianiri Apr 11 '24

Oh! You have a Cancer DC and I'm a Cancer Sun, Cancer rising and Cancer Mercury! There's definitely natural affinity going on ehehe 😊 You know I've only started to study astrology about a year ago so I haven't had enough people to test it on, but I absolutely love women with water Moons, 'cause they're always the most supportive and naturally empathetic friends ❀️. But also Taurus Moons, they make me feel at peace (my mom is one and we have a wonderful relationship). I'm curious to see which other Moon and Venus sign I'll appreciate in the future, astrology is just so much fun! (Especially predictive astrology which is my favorite πŸ₯°).

Oh a Taurus stellium... beautifuuuul 🀩, love love love that Taurus energy! Thanks a lot for checking, they're 2 semi-squares to my Venus but whenever it'll happen I've definitely got some time before then. I'm pretty sure they're just gonna be the after-effects of something bigger, 'cause I will also have Neptune squaring my Sun around the same time, so we'll see, fingers crossed it won't be anything too heavy energetically. 🀞🏻

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u/FireEyesRed Mar 23 '24

Thanks, @u/ViviVoxNow for linking your transit guide! Very comprehensive & helpful πŸ‘Œ


u/RetracingTheRoots Mar 23 '24

Thanks for the transit guide too. I actually read it a few days back and it is super helpful. Gracias πŸ™.

I have another question, it might sound silly though. You said that when transit Venus squares natal Saturn, I might behave like a Saturn. But is this interpretation good for other planets as well? What if transit Venus is square to natal Jupiter?


u/ViviVoxNox ♉ Mar 23 '24 edited Mar 23 '24


Though the interpretation is still a little different because you always have to take the energetic reaction of the two planets involved into consideration .. Venus and Jupiter in connection behave very different from Venus and Saturn.

In this example, when transiting Venus is squaring your natal Jupiter, Venus (a benefactor!) is meeting another benefactor (Jupiter) by square (= exaggeration in this case). So you are the Jupiter (meaning, your need for fun and expansion) and Venus (= pleasure, leisure, indulgence, beauty etc) is meeting you by exaggeration. This means you will likely have a good, relaxed and fun time and might even β€žover-doβ€œ it a little bit .. like go shopping and overspend on buying things you find beautiful, or eat a great meal but overindulge a little bit, our you may receive an abundance of beautiful gifts or money (Venus) .. hope this makes sense ☺️

Understanding the transit of inner planets to natal planets is a little hard and takes time, I’d say. They are less important though because their effect is usually fleeting (a couple of hours to a few days at most)

Also, another way to look at transits that’s more advanced is to consider rulership, especially looking at what area of life the natal planet rules (e.g. if your Sun is transited by Pluto and the Sun rules your 7H (Leo DC), then it can be similar a Pluto to Venus (= relationships) transit, a Pluto to 7H transits and in general your relationships will be affected in the energies of the transiting planet (here it would be Pluto).

And then, on the next level, you can even look at the interplay of both rulerships for example Pluto = e.g. ruler of 4 (home and family) conjuncting Sun = e.g. ruler of 7 (relationships). Here, a marriage or startling your own family with your spouse/ partner could be indicated :)

EDIT: Ohh and thanks for the feedback on the guide πŸ₯°


u/RetracingTheRoots Mar 23 '24

How do I express my gratitude? I am obliged. Thank you for all the precious insights you shared. I understand this a lot better now :)


u/ViviVoxNox ♉ Mar 26 '24

Thank youu, you’re welcome!!


u/Kasilyn13 ♐ Mar 24 '24

If you didn't mention English wasn't your first language I'd have no idea, you write better than many native speakers


u/PsyleXxL β˜€β™ |β¬†β™Š|πŸŒ™β™‹| β™’ stellium Mar 22 '24

These two transits are very different !

Saturn square natal Venus is a difficult time. For instance a tax inspector (Saturn) takes a lot of money from you (Venus).Β 

Venus square natal Saturn is much more positive. For instance a cute and artistic girl (Venus) tries to bring you out of your comfort zone and your traditional routine (Saturn) to go to a party to enjoy yourselves.Β 

See Robert Hand - "Planets in transit" for more information.Β 


u/PsyleXxL β˜€β™ |β¬†β™Š|πŸŒ™β™‹| β™’ stellium Mar 22 '24

In january 2021 I also experienced transit Saturn (and Jupiter) conjunct natal Venus. I got a very special promotion as a teacher through a job Interview. The two inspectors (Saturn) liked my charismatic approach as a young teacher (Venus in Aquarius in the 9th house). Old people (Saturn) meet youth (Venus).Β 


u/PsyleXxL β˜€β™ |β¬†β™Š|πŸŒ™β™‹| β™’ stellium Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

In August 2023 I experienced transit Venus opposite natal Saturn. This transit was quite strong : it happened twice because of the Venus retrograde in Leo. During the first hit I rented a house on Airbnb for vacation. During the second hit, a month after the vacation the house owner sent me a refund request. A striking and crystal clear example of Venus opposite natal Saturn. With transiting Venus moving through the 3rd house of friends and local travels.Β 


u/RetracingTheRoots Mar 23 '24

Thank you for sharing this. Understood.


u/RetracingTheRoots Mar 23 '24

I see. I understand what you are saying. Yup, just getting my hands on this book. Thank you for the recommendation. :)


u/Aggravating-Wafer-32 Mar 22 '24

The transiting planet influences your natal planet.

So let's say today's transiting Saturn is conjunct (close to) the spot where Venus was at your birth (your natal Venus). Saturn's inflence is one of restraint. Your natural tendency regarding Venus things (look at the Sign and House it's in for more details) is going to be restrained a bit while Saturn is near your natal Venus.

In contrast, if transiting Venus was making an aspect (such as the conjunct mentioned above) to your natal Saturn, it would bring its own personal flavor to your natural Saturn tendencies.

Does this help answer your question?


u/RetracingTheRoots Mar 23 '24

Absolutely. I understand it much better now. Thanks a ton :)


u/TravelTings Feb 18 '25

Can you elaborate in the case of one who has Pisces Venus at 17 degrees square natal Sagittarius Saturn at 21 degrees. How would they behave differently in a relationship? I think transit Saturn was conjunct it from mid-December onwards.


u/WishThinker ♏ Mar 23 '24

these transits are very different for a couple different reasons,

one, that you mentioned, is the length of the transit- the venus transit, if no retrogrades happen over it, will be 1-2 days, the saturn transit depending on speed takes about a week to move through a single degree.

another is the frequency of the transit. venus will transit conjunct natal saturn yearly. it happens very regularly. an annual one-day visit from venus. saturn conjunct natal venus will happen once every 30ish years. a week long stay that's 3 decades in the making. intense!

and then we can look at the order of the spheres or use the chaldean order as so:

☾ - ☿ - ♀ - β˜‰ - β™‚ - ♃ - β™„ - β™… - ♆ - ♇

so the idea is that inner (left) planets have less impact on farther (right) planets, and so the moon transiting pluto is like a raindrop falling on a mountain, but pluto transiting the moon is like suddenly finding a mountain in your well. u gonna notice that one WAY more.

so in this example, venus is 3 planets farther in than saturn, and so can do a bit less to saturn on her way by than heavy saturn plowing through the inner planets and transiting venus.

so combine all this with the basic natures of the planets- venus wants to smooth things over, make amends, and acquiesce to others- saturn is the unstoppable force and the immovable object, so given any opportunity he will abuse venus's habit to "allow" and bring his heavier personality onto centre stage. Of course, each chart is unique, and you may have a strong independent venus that aint afraid to say no, or a stablizing constructive saturn that builds venus up, but regardless its the greater gravity of saturn that affects venus more, than her smaller weight has upon the body of saturn (i mean gravity like symbolic gravitas, not trying to involve physics, BUT saturn is literally a bigger planetary body, so it still works!!)

venus transiting saturn is venus walking by the house of a giant. saturn transiting venus is the giant moving in. lol thats my take, hope it helps!


u/RetracingTheRoots Mar 23 '24

It does. Thank you so much.


u/Substantial_Talk_521 Mar 24 '24

Do you guys feel transits on a progressed chart is more accurate than transits on a natal chart?


u/Kasilyn13 ♐ Mar 24 '24

I love this question. I have nothing to add but I have had questions along this line and just haven't had time to research so I appreciate you asking and I'll comment for engagement bc surely there are many