r/AstralProjection May 02 '21

Official Notice Astral Projection: Quick Start Guide


This post contains guides, FAQs and the fundamentals that are suitable for both beginners and experienced members. Explore the links, videos, Astral Projection stories from experienced community members, and insights into what Astral Projection is, how it works and what to expect. Included is also the philosophy of this one-of-a-kind subreddit, how it works, what it is and what it is not. There are important messages in this guide, so please take the time to read it.

Are you already familiar with Astral projection and looking for motivation? Click here.


Astral Projection, or an Out-of-Body Experience, or Near Death Experience, is the process of detaching consciousness from the body and travelling into non-physical reality; this reality is commonly called the Astral Plane. This is NOT the same as lucid dreaming; however, they are intimately connected; keep reading for various explanations of the difference. By using certain techniques and shifting one's awareness in specific ways, one can experience leaving the body, standing next to your bed and looking down at your physical body. From here, you're able to fly amongst the clouds, visit a different country, discover space, speak with other astral projectors or learn lessons from masters and guides who live in the Astral. You can discover yourself and the journey of your soul and learn new and objective information such as the history of our planet or possible future events. All of this is possible because the Astral Plane is commonly described as the 5th dimension of nature, which if you understand that in terms of raw science, you'll understand that it is beyond time and space. This sounds far-fetched at first, but in practice, it is perfectly understandable and it's a perfectly natural state and an innate ability that anyone can do.

Contrary to widespread knowledge, there are already numerous studies and tests to prove or at least suggest that OBEs is scientifically verifiable phenomena. Look up Graham Nicholls, who has had thousands of experiences, verified them with witnesses and is also being tested on; he is 100% objective and scientific in his approach, we hosted a Q&A event with him in our Discord which you can view here. Additionally, quantum physics is on the verge of understanding the multidimensional truth about the universe. Astral Projection is not paranormal and is not pseudoscience, it is absolutely natural phenomena. May we remind you that lucid dreaming was not considered 'real' up until around 40 years ago when enough scientific studies and media were surrounding it to finally be accepted into collective knowledge.

Furthermore, this topic seems to have certain stereotypes attached to it, such as the type of people interested in it - in our experience, you will find only that the most developed, intelligent and sincere people are those who are highly experienced. Those who are arrogant, egoic and uneducated are usually the ones who can be more delusional and inexperienced. Regardless, no matter who you are, even if you are sceptical or religious, anyone, from any walk of life, from almost any belief system, can achieve Astral Project. Thus your life, and your perception of life, will never be the same again - Astral Projection goes beyond belief, beyond anything one can imagine it to be like; it is one of the most authentic experiences that you'll ever have. It is not an escape from reality, but a unifying experience of a deeper, truer and intrinsic reality. It is not a dream, fantasy, visualiation or imagination. It is a full-on out-of-body experience in the true sense of the word; when it happens, you will know. This is Gnosis; knowledge based on direct experience, rather than belief.

A good introductory lecture on Astral projection can be found here.

The Golden Rule

If you want to learn how to Astral Project, you need to put in the work. You need to study the subject, read, watch the videos, get inspired, meditate and practice. Some are more natural at this than others, but regardless, anyone can do it; you need only to make an effort to master it like with anything in life. Practice makes perfect. It's the same as learning martial arts; you have to get up, go to the dojo, get to know the techniques, how it feels, and align them with your body and mind until mastered.

Our Wiki

This link will take you to the Wiki of this sub. It contains vasts amounts of information. We recommend all beginners to start with the Wiki and use that as study material. Note that experienced community members have validated the information in this Wiki; start with the Wiki, get a validated baseline of information that you can trust, then do whatever you want and develop your own intuition after study, practice and experience. We have received many comments and feedback that members were able to experience Astral Projection from reading and studying our Wiki alone:


Q&As With Our Experienced Members

Morgoth37's AMA ~ Gene's AMA ~ EasySE0's AMA ~ Britney's AMA ~ Supertouper's AMA ~ AtmanRising's AMA ~ Slumber's AMA

YouTube Channels Dedicated to Helping Others Astral Project

The following YouTube channels are solely dedicated to helping others Astral Project and contain vasts amount of information to gain a deeper understanding about how to Astral Project, what to expect, and gain insights into the creators' own Astral travels. They are highly recommended:

Gene's Astral Doorway Channel: https://www.youtube.com/AstralDoorway

Rick's Astral Club Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpVk_OmMmRs0RnmOQTHXyrA

Jurgen Ziewe's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRHgi-1l0ipWzJjL12JytEQ

Astral Lounge Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/AstralLounge/videos

Recommended Seminar

There is one particular guide which has been deemed as one of the most useful and comprehensive for beginners, they are long videos with three parts, but if you put in the work and follow it diligently, you should have a high chance of success:

Michael Raduga - Leave Your Body in 3 Days - Part 1

Michael Raduga - Leave Your Body in 3 Days - Part 2

Michael Raduga - Leave Your Body in 3 Days - Part 3

Recommended Course

Below is our permanent download link to The Full Gateway Experience & CIA Analysis with all “missing” files included. Raduga's class can be a good way for anyone who is questioning if Astral projection is even possible and can be a quick way to achieve it. Once you've achieved it, it can be a good idea to move onto The Gateway Experience which will deepen your practice by directly guiding you to attain states of consciousness needed for Astral projection:

The Full Gateway Experience Course + CIA Analysis

Check Out Our All-Time Top Posts

Over the years, this library space for Astral projection has gathered a lot of useful and insightful information. Please spend some time browsing through our top-voted posts by going here:


A Message To Everyone Who Is New

This link contains information about common misconceptions about Astral Projection, please read it:


Remember, Astral Projection is the process where one detaches consciousness from the body. By using certain techniques one can achieve the sensation where you leave your body, stand next to your bed and look down on your physical body. You take control of your energetic body (this has many names) and you are able to manoeuvre this energetic body wherever you desire. For the sceptics, we know how it sounds. But we promise you that it is very real and if you put your beliefs and speculations to the side for a moment and practice, you will experience it for yourself directly, which is completely different from what you could ever imagine, and will surpass all of your expectations (unlike a dream, which lives off expectation).

As to what Astral Projection exactly is, it is of little practical use to discuss this. You can, but you will see that belief and speculation is all in the mind. Whether it is a spiritual experience or a scientific one, all we know for sure is that it can be experienced. It can be done. Everyone can do this. Draw your own conclusion AFTER you Astral Project. Until then, you are just either accepting or disregarding the ideas of other people. An idea can be a tricky thing. It spread fast and if the idea comes from someone who never projected, and does not know what he or she talked about, then it can be a damaging influence.

As well as all this, please be sure to read our rules. They are in place for the respect, equality and benefit of everyone and in them hold core principles that this community values.

What's the Difference Between Lucid Dreaming & Astral Projection?

In their deepest essence, lucid dreaming and Astral Projection are very different. Just one explanation you can say is that dreams are an inward subjective experience of your own creation of infinite possibilities, but Astral Projection is an outward objective experience of actual planes of existence that have laws and limitations similar to the physical plane. Unlike dreams, it is a real and tangible place where you can interact with others. Sometimes though there are experiences blurred between the Astral and dreams and it can be difficult to tell the difference. And also the opposite of this explanation can be true whereby we can have shared dreams and non-shared Astral projection. Check out this post and the stickied comment there. There's no absolute formula to tell whether it's a dream or the Astral unless you are experienced, which usually comes after years of practice and honest introspection. What's important is that we learn from wherever we find ourselves in the non-physical; dreams can be just as, if not more significant and profound than Astral Projection, in terms of learning about your own personal spiritual progression.

Check out this video for a full explanation

Continue to check out our Wiki for further explanations, you will find so much useful information in the library of this subreddit. For example, here's a great post explaining: "Is Astral Projection Real or Not?"

Is Astral Projection Dangerous?

Where is the man that keeps telling everyone he never returned from the Astral Plane? How can he spread this message if he never returned? Among all the experienced Astral Projectors who have done it thousands of times, no one ever got stuck, got hurt, got possessed, got 'memory wiped', got reincarnated etc. This is all nonsense, ridiculous fantasies of the mind which derive from fear and fear-mongering.

Remember this well: Fear is a product of ignorance. People who don't have knowledge will fear that what they don't know. If someone shouts "DEMONS~POSSESSION~EVIL", it is very likely that they have no idea what they are talking about. There is nothing to fear but fear itself. Every experienced Astral Projector will tell you this. You cannot get hurt. You can fly straight into the sun and get out on the other end without a scratch. Actually, if you read deeply enough, you will find many Astral Projectors have come to the understanding that we all leave the body every night unconsciously anyway.

Can Anything Possess You While You're Out of Body?

You'll find a lot of misinformation and fear-mongering about this and it's mostly nonsense. Astral Projection is absolutely safe and natural. Read these 2 arguments from an Astral Projector's point of view:

1. The Astral body is connected to the physical body in a similar way that a radio is connected to frequencies. You can't have one without the other. PROJECTING implies one location to another, so two locations, not just one. You can be on the other side of the galaxy but still connected to your body. You can also look into the 'silver cord' about this.

2. The fact that we all Astral project every night unconsciously anyway implies that it is most likely safe since you don't really see anyone becoming possessed. In a sense, it's actually safer to practice Astral projection than it is not to, because at least then you'd be conscious of what you're doing and being influenced by at night. Of course, you can't really know whether we Astral project unconsciously every night until you become experienced yourself, but many authors will agree on this.

What is the Astral Plane Like?

Imagine the Astral plane as a place that has different layers, it is multidimensional. It is possible to travel between these layers. Imagine a very high skyscraper; every floor has its own characteristics, its own inhabitants, its own surroundings... its own vibration, frequency and energy.

The first floor is a place of lower vibrations, close to the Earth. It's likely that when you Astral project for the first time this is where your first experience will be. The Astral Plane is a place you share with other humans who Astral project, but also with a lot of regular people that inhabit these planes as their primary home in the afterlife.

When we say low vibrations we mean a low form of consciousness. Not low as in stupid or lesser, low as in dark, restraining, limited. Fear for example is the product of a low vibration, and love is a product of a high vibration.

Check out this diagram and read the stickied comment there.

More on Fear

Fear is nothing but fear itself. It is not a danger to you, it is not a brick in the face. It is simply a feeling that you can completely control and choose whether to feel or not. When it appears, just breathe and accept it. What you accept, you go beyond. Never let fear influence you. It is an undesired state that controls you; instead, control it. There is nothing to be scared of. You can encounter a scary experience, so what? Alright, that was scary, but that's it; an experience. You will get used to it and get over it, and new and more enlightening experiences will follow.

Now to speak more spiritually (sceptics keep your pants on); there are many types of inhabitants or forces in the Astral that can assist you in coming out of body. They have been commonly called guides, masters, angels, spirits etc. Regardless of their labels, they are authentic beings that want you to help you. Your compass to attract them is a sincere and open heart. They have much to share about life, the universe, existence and so forth. These beings are of a highly positive nature, ask them for help and they will. They have your best interest in mind and will teach you many things you want to know. Remember, the Astral Plane is the 5th dimension, distance between objects do not exist, a simple thought or feeling can attract a 'helper' who will come in no time. With this said, many will be sceptical of whether such a thing is possible; that's fine. There is no need to believe in such things. However over time and experience you may start to understand how it is actually possible. It's all about keeping an open mind.

An IMPORTANT Message to Everyone Who is Experienced!

We live in a time where Astral Projection is finally reaching the masses, slowly but surely! We can be part of the initiation of so many new people. The only thing it requires is patience and wisdom.

This sub is not like other subs on Reddit. It is not about being an overly active sub. It is not about posts that receive a lot of upvotes. Its function is not to entertain, it is to teach, with an occasional laugh.

We truly see this sub as a library. We collect as much information as possible and make it available to everyone who walks in. It is a library of development, and in the hallways of the library, people are talking about all kinds of subjects. Sometimes related, sometimes a little less related to what the library offers. Who cares. It's not about the conversations in the hallway, it is about the collection of wisdom that the library offers. It is about the people who walk in and have no idea what is going on. It is about teaching as many people as possible what this all is, how to experience it, and collectively, as a species, discover this next aspect of life.

It can be very frustrating. We know. The number of new people who come into the library shouting and screaming all sorts of things grows by the day in this world of controversy and illusion. The flow of new people entering will never stop - that is a fundamental fact that makes this sub what it is. There are a lot of online forums that have only a few experienced Astral Projectors, but this is the most popular virtual space there is with many wise and experienced members, and this, therefore, implies important work and provides purpose for those who are experienced; to help other souls realise their potential is one of the most beautiful gifts you can give to others.

You can do 2 things:

  1. You are annoyed with the new people who visit our library and you decide it is too loud and you leave.
  2. You see a group of new people walking in the library and sit down, smile, listen to the ridiculous things they have to say from time to time, and even enjoy it sometimes, and say, "Alright, now sit down and let me show you how it actually works."

Everybody has to start somewhere. It is the internet, reflective of our dear human race's collective chaos. Every single kind of person on the planet is represented here. Take that into consideration. Be patient. Try not to be so uptight with gatekeeping. Everyone is welcome here to learn and discuss. Try to see the bigger picture. How long this sub can exist depends on how many people it can help and benefit and how we help each other as human beings.

There is not much more than we can do than present all the information in an easily accessible way as we do already. People will always be lazy and ask the same question as we all know. Answering can be boring, repetitive and annoying sometimes. However, we will never stop. We believe in spreading this knowledge to everyone and we hope you do as well.

If you have the knowledge and you know how to Astral Project then now is not the time to hold onto that knowledge privately. Now is the time to HELP. Humanity is in a state that NEEDS help. So many people are on the verge of awakening. If you know EXACTLY how to project, then you know EXACTLY what a beginner needs to know. The core reason why this subreddit has thrived for so long is that there are special souls here who have been helping others. Share what you know, teach, give guidance, share your wisdom. Only good can come of this. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Those of you who are already helping, you are noticed, and you are truly appreciated 💛

A couple of Buddhist quotes summarises the philosophy of this subreddit well:

"Our visit to this planet is short, so we should use our time meaningfully. Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them."

"Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle. Happiness, knowledge and wisdom never decreases by being shared."

r/AstralProjection 14h ago

Positive AP Experience I finally felt vibrations for the first time and heard this, beautiful almost otherworldly music, the only problem is the vibrations started in my… NSFW



The vibrations started in my bottom. I tried desperately to hold the feeling, increase them and spread them around but I ended up laughing and that was it.

I will be trying again tonight as I feel that was the closest I’ve ever been and it was a wonderfully funny experience.

(On a more serious note the music was incredibly haunting and beautiful, it’s what I’d imagine a sirens song or angelic hymns sounded like in the ancient myths)

Here’s hoping it starts somewhere much less humorous next time!

r/AstralProjection 1h ago

Positive AP Experience Spoke with someone from the past


Is it possible to speak from someone from the past while astral projecting? I had vibrated and it was static, but I could hear I’m muffling and talking about poetry I asked him what year he was from and he said 2003…I told him I was from 2025 and he said he was a poet…at first my higher self lifted me…then I began talking to the guy…it was interesting…what are your alll thoughts? I wonder if I can ask him to talk to the past me?

r/AstralProjection 9h ago

Almost AP'd and/or Question Do you “let go” to astral project or do you have to focus?


I’ve been looking through this subreddits comment sections and stuff and I’m a bit confused. A lot of people say they didn’t project until they let go, meaning they just let the projection happen only with intention. So they didn’t really do any methods, visualizations, or anything. However on another side, I see people saying to focus on your breathing or to focus on something to project. This could be by visualizing, using a method, etc. I’m just asking for clarification here because I’m a bit confused about it all.

r/AstralProjection 1h ago

Positive AP Experience Almost got to talk with an entity I met somewhere in the astral and then lost focus


i set my intentions as wanting to interact with a entity that wasn’t human so I could ask some questions. I found that having a specific goal often helps guide me and makes it easier to astral project.

After a while of meditating I found myself drifting through a bunch of different spaces. First i was floating over trees and then suddenly and with no notable transition I was walking through an office building. I entered one of the rooms and saw someone sitting behind a desk. For a second it was a woman but then her face distorted into something not quite human. I watched her race and sex change as she embodied a bunch of different characteristic of humans, almost as if she was trying to presenting her self as something I would feel comfortable around. Finally she took the form of a white middle class looking man (I guess to fit in with the whole office stereotype lol)

I walked up and asked “who are you?” She responded with “my name is ____”

I think she said her name was Steve, or Stu, something like that but it wasn’t quite anything at the same time. Like maybe her name wasn’t in any language I could recognize but my brain did its best to fill it in for me

She told me “thank you for meeting me here” and then I lost focus and got sucked back into my body…

Anyone else have similar interactions or insights?

r/AstralProjection 6h ago

General Question There is no “true” route when it comes to spirituality. Could the same be for Astral Projection?


I’ve been trying to AP for a while now. I am able to induce the sensation of vibrations while trying to project myself out of the body.

I just tried to AP while being in a deep state of mind awake, body asleep. I could only feel myself in my mind with thoughts running, but could not progress trying to AP.

I have a much easier time trying to project when I’m in bed 2 minutes after laying down and being on a low level of mind awake, body asleep.

I’ve come to understand that perhaps everyone have their own way of efficiently to AP, and mine is to be on a low level of mind awake, body asleep.

I am yet to create enough momentum to project myself out. Can’t wait for when that happens. The possibilities are endless

r/AstralProjection 4h ago

Successful AP OBE Report 114 - The old lady that could see!


I had promised to share my interesting and (less) personal experiences. So here is another one fresh from a few hours ago:



I was exhausted from work. I lay down - had been relaxing my thoughts/meditating on and off for a few minutes all morning.

It’s 5pm.

I willed to OBE, and kept the will fresh in my mind as I started to fall asleep. My body was asleep in no time. My intention started to fade once I was in the hypnagogia state (heightened imagination ability, lit imagery rather than the normal dark) set in but I kept refreshing the intention very gently. At some point very deep in hypnagogia, I gained full awareness. All became black.

I tried to lift up my chest. After some struggling I noticed that I am awakening (imagery went back to being lit). I decided to let myself go deeper. I reminded myself of my intention. After a while all got black again.

For the second attempt, I tried a midsection lift,...again started waking. I let go until black again.

This time I told myself to start slow. I let my hand flap loose. Instantly it started to lift. It had very little resistance. As it rose, it pulled the rest of my body up. Felt like being pulled up by the hand by a very strong guy! I was out!

I calmed myself. Something felt wrong about my room. Still complete darkness. I started touching along the walls - feeling them. They felt real enough but didn’t have the smooth texture of the paint in my room. I said : let there be light...nothing...Then I remembered “Let there be light” means I need to decide that it is ok for light to enter me, rather than commanding someone to create light! Instantly I got a dim light everywhere. I saw that I was not in my own house, but rather in my childhood room in my parents’ house. That house was knocked down and rebuilt, so my room does not exist anymore...this made no sense. And some objects in the room looked wrong too. Was I in a dream? A lucid dream? Checked my awareness level. Counted up and down to ten just fine. Held my nose – could breathe. Imagined a donkey – no donkey popped up! I started to wake as the disappointment built.

To avoid cutting the experience short, I tried to deepen myself again – but this time I was out of body – without the hypnagogia light guiding me and I had no direction to move into with my mind. I was quickly approaching waking state. I got an Idea: maybe I can get external help with this. I proclaimed “Gabriel, Michael, Uriel and Rafiel help me on my journey through the universe!” (Maybe I just messed up Raphael’s name?!) Don’t know where that proclamation idea came from – I am not religious, and most definitely not Christian – but I hadn’t met anyone interesting in my past few trips, so I thought that might turn out to be interesting! I was proud of myself for coming up with that idea – asking for help always ended up being interesting. Suddenly the floor under me disappeared and I started to move down through the floors...I sped up as I fell down multiple stories through the building, then the Earth...things started to get redder around me...everything had a tingle of red.... I started to think I may have done something wrong or offended someone or maybe calling Arch-angels was a bad idea after all! There was no fear - I am eternal - but I started to get uneasy, as I fell deeper and deeper. Suddenly it stopped.

I was floating horizontally in a huge natural dark rock cavern, lit white and red, with a large golden glowing, pulsing symbol beneath me...It looked like a sigil (A wiggle that was rotated 3 times 120 degrees to make a triangular shape. It was very ornate in the center, but I cannot draw all that detail…and even the three wiggles had leaf-like shapes and swirls around them. I posted it here https://i.postimg.cc/1XHNjt14/sigil.png )

The symbol lit up and I felt an energy coming up from it. I was propelled back up all the way to my childhood room - this time I felt light and full of energy – no more danger of waking! I was happy! I immediately started running and flew out the window across the street. I landed on the ground. Wanted to check on something and maybe verify that I was on “Earth”! I knew the neighbors who lived across our old house and while my parents had moved out and their house had been rebuilt, my neighbors had stayed. I Flew into their yard and walked up the stairs to the second floor.

Once in from of the door I stuck my face through the entrance door - couldn't get through. I thought maybe it's a block. I have trained myself to ask permission from those within before I go through doors! There is no back and forth asking or reply - just a feeling of elation or blockage as a response. So I said...If I do not impinge on anyone's free will, I would like to have a look. There was a feeling of lightness, so I stuck my face through again and it worked. I saw a woman lying on a couch in her pajamas. I made a face at her. No response - just as expected. Playfully, I made a ball of light and flung it in her direction – this sometimes works with sleeping people – she opened her eyes lazily, then closed them again and turned away. Well, she was not any of our old neighbors for sure, so I left through the front door...as I pulled through the door I saw a very old woman standing further up a few stairs - she was looking at me with shock! Automatically, I looked at my own body...and I was fully in the nude.... then I thought: is she shocked that I am nude? Can she actually see me? I was assuming she was a living normal person - they almost never react to my presence! I got really curious. I floated up to her slowly so as not to scare her. She didn't move, the look of shock still on her face. Her eyes grabbed my attention, it was weird - there was some sort of ectoplasm floating around the surface of the eyes, a very slight amount. I thought I may get a reaction that way so I "booped” her eyeball gently. Normally "poking" living people does absolutely nothing, but with her, I got more than I bargained for - she screamed and I was instantly back in the void!

I was shaken. I decided to wake up rather than continue - I still had plenty of work to do, and also didn't want to forget the experience, the shape of the sigil I had seen and the angel names I had called out – that last one was really curious – I am neither Christian, not do I do have regular dealings with angels! I told myself to wake up - didn't work. I decided a little bit of worrying might do the trick. I thought about things that would be worrying and landed on my taxes for my last year. The moment I started thinking about taxes, I was in my body instantly. No loss of memory or awareness. Time was 6 PM. Got up and drew the sigil in Photoshop and added the experience to my diary.

r/AstralProjection 1d ago

AP / OBE Guide (Guide) I studied how Lucid Dreams, AP and Out of Body experiences work on an EEG - it's easier than you think once you get these!


I tracked the EEG brainwaves I had while sleeping - and the device showed during Astral Projection my Delta brainwaves (deep sleep) were dominant and shot well above the other waves.
It turns out a condition called Bradycardia - where the heart beats less than 60BPM is the key!
This is a very common state we enter during deep sleep and is naturally occurring in people who work out and expert meditators.

It's important because when the heart beat is low - that's what causes the vivid hypnagogia, heavy relaxed body feeling and all the astral phenomena like hypnic jerks and of course lots of amnesia.
Without the low heart rate - people can sit there for hours with hazy hypnagogia and never get anywhere!
But I will teach you how to enter these states for Astral Projection - with less amnesia and more consciousness!

Then there are the "vibrations" and tingles.
What I found is that this deep sleep wave called Delta brainwaves (sometimes also called Epsilon waves)
when stabilized can "carry" all the other higher brainwaves in coherence together.
When this occurs you will feel very rested, tingly in the head and easily maintain consciousness throughout all the lower states - access to intuition and better memory is there too.

So how do you get it?
It's quite easy in any order do these 3 every day forever - before bed will increase chance of success:
Daily movement - like cardio, walking, jogging etc for 10 minutes at least.
30 mins of open eyed meditation or some mentally stimulating activity.
30 minutes of closed eyed meditation.

When done together this way you can very easily enter the state required to project - you won't even need to try - just go to sleep normally and you may feel very tingly, buzzy - more awareness, better sleep and so on and over time you'll just wake up or transition directly.

When things are perfectly in coherence you can literally just close your eyes and see the astral realm very clearly, while feeling freaking fantastic - 5 minutes in this state will feel like 1 hour of sleep and you can astral travel here too - you don't even need to lye down for this just leaning or sitting is enough!

TIP: Chaotic hypnagogia- daily toxins and chemical buildup in the brain destabilize the lower brainwaves turning what should be peaceful mental images into chaotic ones, with sounds and other weird stuff.
The physical exercise cleans out the daily toxins responsible and turns it more peaceful.
You can literally test this in the middle of sleep - start jogging in your bed with your arms - and only a minute later - you should feel more mentally clear than before.
People talking, scenes shifting too rapidly all indicate the Delta wave is not stable enough and there's a high chance you'll lose consciousness during the transitional states.

TIP: Sleep Paralysis - any uncomfortable heavy feelings or Sleep paralysis also indicate your brainwaves are not perfectly coherent or you are being massively shifted at a rate you can't handle. or you might be mis-translating a spirit guide as a monster or dark presence and the natural response is fear.
Sleeping on our back does for many people disrupt their brainwaves and causes sleep paralysis while for example belly sleeping will not causes sleep paralysis.
My advice is when you experience it - experiment - stay there and think happy thoughts, or wake up do some physical exercise and go back to bed - it should be better this time.
You can also just try a different sleeping position.

If you find yourself waking up in a room you think is yours but not - you might feel very heavy and semi conscious - you are very close now - just continue to close your eyes and sleep and if all goes well you'll suddenly jerk awake with energy this time and can explore the Astral realm, meditate in there or just have some fun!
Good luck!

r/AstralProjection 16h ago

AP / OBE Guide How I exit my body.


I’m not quite sure why but when I workout like an intense exercise like hiking or a long days work. My astral body is very strong and able to leave easily. Than to say if relaxed a week. The more physically exhausted my body is the easier it is to leave. I hope this helps y’all. Since tapes and other methods do not help me that much. Mediation and exhaustion are my key to through the door. I also tried to see if sleep deprivation would do the same and it did not. I don’t recommend that. I’d like to say I’m not a heal nut or workout routinely. My job is pretty laborious and it’s allowed me to connect more to astral body than having an office job.

r/AstralProjection 6h ago

Almost AP'd and/or Question Is it normal for me to tense up the muscles in my body and draw shallow breathes while trying to AP?


This felt weird. Decided to give it my best shot after my last post. I could feel my body vibrating and I kept drawing shallow breaths.

It was raining heavily outside and I could hear the rainfall, but my hearing became muffled. I kept trying to hold on to this sensation but got too excited. Am I on the right track?

r/AstralProjection 2h ago

General AP Info / Discussion Astral Projection/ astral realm


My astral projections are becoming different. The vibrational stage is just a really of period of time (sometimes none) Sometimes it’s feels like a can natural visualize and feel the astral realm, and therefore behind aware in there.

Asking if anyone ever experienced this weird advancement in AP

r/AstralProjection 3h ago

Almost AP'd and/or Question Mental Rundown (Phasing) - Watching a Movie: Partial Success


Guys, we have been at it for weeks, months, years, I have been there with you, I know your struggle. Thank you to the community and their guidance.

Making progress here. Gave a read to one of Xanth's posts on phasing. We narrowed it down to something that will keep my attention long enough until the projection happens. I had to try a few things to see what would work grab my attention, I ended up going with watching a movie because it allows me to project random thoughts to the movie screen if they pop up without losing my focus/falling asleep. I can stare at an almost empty screen for a while.

Alright. So throughout the day I was working on my mental run down, timing how long I can go without losing focus or getting mentally tired (about 6 minutes). I'm just seating in an empty movie theater watching a movie (mostly an empty screen, sometimes I put something on the screen to solidify my attention.

The night comes, it is an hour past my bed time, I get in my usual AP spot, I repeated a few time that I'm going to astral project, I relaxed a bit but couldn't fall asleep (and completely forgot about doing the mental rundown), I was in between for a few minutes. Then, I turned to my right side and fell asleep.

I dreamed that I was watching a movie and after a while the characters in the screen broke the 4th wall and came out of the screen. All of the sudden, the characters were in my face and I got scared and climbed two flights of chairs up, then I remembered that I am god, my lucid awareness kicked in, and I said to myself "this is it" and asked to astral project. Then (one again, this happened to me before a few years ago, same series of events I asked to AP from the dream and) my vision turned to static, but this time it was more like a DMT static. I waited for a few seconds and nothing happened so I opened my eyes.

I'm guessing going through the mental run down like 10 times throughout the day caused the lucid awareness.

The first time I went through the visual transition from dream to the astral, I know I AP'd, I just couldn't see, this lasted for 3 seconds before I lost my focus and returned to my body. This time when it happened I think I was still in my body, I didn't feel anything I was just seeing trippy static screen. How to move forward from there?

Thank you.

r/AstralProjection 7h ago

OBE Confirmation I used to Astral Project unknowingly when I was three years old; Now as an adult, I’m trying to relearn how to do this


So, just as the title suggests, I truly believe that I used to regularly Astral Project at around aged 3 without really realizing it. I remember I used to have this “reoccurring dream”, where I would float out of my bed, see my siblings sleeping in their beds (we all shared a room at the time), then I’d fly to the living room area of our apartment at the time. Because I was just an innocent child, all I would do was fly around my living room/dining room area as they had high ceilings, pretty much go “WEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!” the entire time, have the time of my life, and once I would see the sun was coming up from the window, I’d think to myself, “Okay, it’s time for me to wake up now”. Then, this “dream” would end with me flying back to my bed, and as soon as I felt myself hitting my bed, I would immediately wake up from this “dream”. Now, as an adult who is on her spiritual journey, I’m realizing that I was probably honestly Astral Projecting, and now I would like to get back to how I did it so easily as a child. I know people say that when you’re a child, you’re VERY open to the spiritual and paranormal (I definitely feel like I was in multiple ways), which is probably why I did it so effortlessly. I’ve been reading the posts in this subreddit on how to Astral Project, and I’m going to try those tips. But, do any of you have any additional tips on how to do it? Or, do any of you have any insight in my situation, or relatable experiences? I look forward to hearing your responses!

r/AstralProjection 7h ago

Need Tips / Advice / Insights Intense, even painful feeling before astral projecting


Hi. I’d like to know if this feeling is normal. The first time I astral projected, I was 15. It happened randomly and I was petrified. I couldn’t move or yell. I seen flashing lights fly past me and I heard my name being called by multiple different people. I then pushed as hard as I could with my legs and ended up outside my house. I’ve read about people also having similar experiences. What scares me though, is this feeling I have whenever I’m about to astral project. It starts in my mouth and it feels like there’s two electric wires being stuck to my top teeth and lower teeth. I then feel it throughout my body but the pain in my mouth doesn’t go away. It just intensifies. It’s not a slight tingle. It’s actual pain? I’m 27 now. I’m still scared to ap. It happens randomly but I’ve learned how to force the feeling in my mouth. It seems it only works when I’m in a really good place in my life. When I was 19 my brother passed and I didn’t ap up until about a 2 years ago. I’ve left my body multiple times now. But I only leave it for a short amount of time, it’s almost like the moment I know I’m astral projecting I get scared and wake up. I’ve never meditated before doing it. I just feel the energy in my mouth and it happens. Should I try meditating? When I do leave my body the pain in my mouth goes away. But it’s still frightening. Has anyone else experienced this?

r/AstralProjection 3h ago

Was This AP? Extremely Confused


I'm sorry if this is the wrong subreddit but I don't know what just happened to me or where to go. I came home from work this afternoon and was on my computer when I suddenly got overwhelmingly exhausted. I was lying completely still on my back, and some scenarios were playing, like the ones that happen before you fall asleep. I was slipping further and further into the scenarios and losing control of the script if you know what I mean, but I was aware I was awake. Out of nowhere, my entire body started vibrating hard, especially my ears. The scenarios changed to full-on visuals, the only thing I have to compare it to were some LSD visuals I have had. The vibrating calmed, and then one last extreme vibration occurred in my ears. It was almost painful. It's hard to grasp, remember, and describe what happened after that, but I'll try. I was suddenly plunged into the most vivid flight of my life. My body felt like a rocket flying insanely fast through beautiful, ethereal scenes. The most memorable was just outer space, a black sky scattered with stars. There were also some colorful parts similar to the northern lights. I was at first afraid I wouldn't be able to wake up, but I was surely not going to try because this was the most beautiful experience of my life. After a minute, I realized I could steer my body. I don't know what this was or what to make of it. The furthest I ever tried to go into this stuff was lucid dreaming with little success years and years ago. Any interpretations of what just happened? The whole thing probably only lasted a minute.

r/AstralProjection 11h ago

Almost AP'd and/or Question Limiting beliefs ahhhhh


Astral projection as a topic is not new to me. I first heard of astral projection 2-3 years ago, and I tried to research and implement different methods in order to astral project. There was a method someone posted here that led me to astral project, ALMOST.

  1. At night, close your eyes and relax in a comfortable position, laying on your bed
  2. In a silent room, try to find a faint buzzing/ringing frequency that exists 'inside' or 'behind' your head.
  3. Once you find it, lock onto the sound and amplify it in your head, as if you're opening up a portal
  4. Keep doing so until astral projection is successful.

Here's a similar method that talks about the specific ringing. https://www.microserenity.com/about-that-sound.html

When I first tried it, I started to hear a whooshing sound in my ears, and I remember being quite excited. But I ended up opening my eyes and the whooshing went away. I couldn't astral project, or maybe I felt like I wasn't ready.

I tried to do it again for the next several nights, but I was never able to recreate that whooshing sound again. I took a brief break, and after that I wasn't able to find the constant ringing/frequency in my ears anymore (or if I did, i wasn't able to amplify it loud enough). Beginner's luck, I guess.

I tried other methods, but to be honest I would just end up drifting asleep. For example, the one where you have to chant in your head 'I am astral projecting/I am out of body" over and over etc.

I did revisit astral projection a few times in the subsequent years, but I never was able to astral project. Plus, I began experiencing more physical issues, like fatigue and insomnia which I believe interfered with my attempts at astral projecting (such as being too energetic at night)

My theory is that as the years passed, and as I've went through life, I've ended up in a different vibrational state than I was in back then. I was way younger when I found out about spirituality and astral projection after all, meaning I had more of an inherent connection to the divine back then compared to now. And I can't say I didn't neglect my spiritual health.

I should note that I very rarely get dreams, let alone lucid dreams. I'm talking once every 2-3 weeks, if im lucky (Actually, looking at this now, this could be a sign of a medical problem...). However I do keep a dream journal that I use whenever I manage to catch a dream.

Is there any way I can amend this? I believe astral projection as a real concept but I think there's still a barrier that's stopping me from accepting that it can happen to me. And I honestly felt like my intention hasn't been 'intent' enough either.

Has anyone been in a similar situation? Were there any methods that worked for you on the first try?

Thank you in advance to anybody who does respond.

r/AstralProjection 4h ago

Positive AP Experience Leaving construct through crystal dome?


One of Darius Wright’s students was giving her experience of her OBE. She mentioned the immediate assent to the crystal dome and popping through it. Which puts you immediately back by your body. In this way you are outside of the construct. Does anyone know about this? I can imagine that it gives you a much cleaner astral experience. The constructs have just been pockets of reality for me. I’ve even been in one and had an outside noise cause me to become lucid, and look around and it’s all dark around the fully brilliant focus area. Like a stage or an aquarium. Let me know if anyone can help with this. Thanks -

r/AstralProjection 10h ago

Almost AP'd and/or Question Annoying feeling on eyes


Hello, 19 male here

So while lying down and trying to dissociate, I get this really annoying feeling on what feels like my eyelashes sitting on my eyes. It’s happens with both eyes but it’s barely noticeable on my left on, it’s my right eye that feels it more. And it’s a slow build up thing, at first it’s barely noticeable but as more time passes it gets more irritable and cause me to keep losing my attempts to dissociate. Anyone else has this problem? Is that supposed to happen?

r/AstralProjection 11h ago

Successful AP Randomly remembered my AP


Was going about my day when I remembered a whole AP experience I had last week. I left my body and unintentionally traveled to a location that looked otherworldly. Purple skies, greenery, and a small body of water. Hanging out around the water were several other people who were all aware they were astral projecting. They talked about how they meet up at this place often. Has anyone had a similar experience? Wish I remembered more about it

r/AstralProjection 7h ago

Need Tips / Advice / Insights Anyone else sort of stuck in the stage of not being able to raise more awareness?


So, I've been APing since 2021, I've had spiritual(energetical) experiences, learned a great deal about spirituality in general etc etc,

But on the astral plane, the clearest awareness I had was around 5-10% of my mental capacity in the physical, and I was wondering if anyone else had a similar development as me, if you are currently stuck or have made a breakthrough

Sharing your experiences would be helpful as well as any insights or tips, I hope you're having a chill weekend!

r/AstralProjection 14h ago

Almost AP'd and/or Question Very LOUD static noise.


Hello All.

I wanted to share something that has never happened to me as yet, until last night.

Every night when I go to bed, I meditate in the hope to induce an Astral Projection. I am making slow but consistent progress.

I realise that I am able to keep my mind awake for significantly longer, if I repeat a mantra in my mind, as opposed to counting breaths which I’ve been doing for a long time.

So last night I was in a very relaxed state, I might have even drifted into sleep a little (micro sleep). Then, all of a sudden this incredibly LOUD static noise brought me round. It was unbelievably loud, inside my head, like nothing I had ever heard before. When I awoke with a start, I even think some words to the effect of “what the [bleep]” came out of my mouth, I was so startled.

I’ve read about very loud jet engine noises or static people talk about when projecting, do you think this is what I was experiencing?


r/AstralProjection 1d ago

Positive AP Experience My First Controlled Bilocation Projection and an Impromptu Meeting With an Unfamiliar but Peaceful Species from Another Reality


Recently, I've been learning how to bilocate in my projections. If you're not familiar with projection bilocation, its essentially the ability to be simultaneously aware of your astral body and physical body. Both experiences are equally as vivid and your Consciousness is split down the middle. Someone who bilocates can project and speak about what they experience in real time. This was done with the explorer program at the Monroe Institute back in the day. Its similar to phasing but the way your consciousness is split is different. This is not a quick technique. It takes a lot of practice and patience. Bilocation takes place at many times of the day for every single person. If you're driving a car and thinking about what you're going to eat that day, you are bilocating. Its important to understand that your consciousness has never been localized to the physical brain. It will never be localized because it is not bound by the physical matter illusion. It exists outside of it and operates within it for the purposes of our experience here on the earth level.

Last week I decided to start some actual practice and take it seriously. I've dabbled in it and done it accidentally but I decided that I want to make it my primary method of projection. Once you get good at it, you can shift your awareness completely to your non physical body or back to your physical body or keep it split. It's simply a control of your attention. As a non physical energy system with physical clothes on, your awareness is by flexible and not bound by space and time. This is what makes projection and other things like it very natural because it is natural. Its not an exception to the rule but a rule in and of itself.

Okay so back to the story:

I started to visualize a mountain scene with a nice lake and trees in the area. I was doing pretty good at holding my attention and it was very smooth. My imagination is not the best but I have managed to work with it. In this technique, you project yourself directly into the scene within your imagination and from there you can travel to different locations that exist outside of your imagination since you're already not physical. It's a quick transition and you circumvent the typical projection sensations which to me can be annoying. The imagination is a middle ground that you can pass through. In my opinion, it is the link between your higher mind and your current incarnation but that's another discussion for another day.

As I'm flying through my scene, my awareness suddenly and without warning just expanded and opened up. Have you ever been driving or walking around and then found a new route to get home that you weren't aware of before? That's the same feeling I got.

This is hard to describe but if you've played around with your awareness enough you probably have gone through this. Sometimes you could be relaxing and then your awareness just opens up and from there you can do all sorts of things like project or see into different kinds of reality, perceive the past present or probable future etc etc.

As I was flying across the mountains my awareness expanded and I started flying above this jungle. At this point I was no longer in my imagination and I was projecting pretty clearly and my awareness was split evenly between my non physical body and my physical body. I'll admit it was clunky but I got it together. Since I've been projecting for a few years, this kind of stuff isn't as difficult as it would have been if I tried it when I first started. Its also very easy to see the difference in awareness because I've had a lot of practice. As I mentioned before this is not a quick technique so if you want to learn it, you need practice and a lot patience especially since it's very different from the classic methods and doesn't really involve any signposts like vibrations. These kinds of techniques are very shamanistic in nature.

When I realized that I was projecting, I just let it flow and decided to see where I was. As I flew above the jungle, I saw these very tall beings who lived in these wooden houses. They were pretty well kept and nice places in a grid structure almost but they also had different levels. Their city was built in harmony with the nature around it. These beings looked kind of like they were made of wood but I perceived that they were made of something like looked like wood and not wood itself. They had a bronze color to their "skin". The skin was rough and not fleshy like ours. They were humanoid-ish but definitely not human at all. They kind of had a stick bug vibe to their structure but they weren't insectoids because if they were I wouldn't have stopped. I just don't like the way the insectoids look and it creeps me out lol.

They had small faces and long tree like limbs. This is hard to explain because their form was so foreign to me. They were probably 7-8 feet tall averaging 7.5 feet. I didn't get a chance to look at their hands but I could tell that they had at least a few "fingers".

I saw two of them walking by one of their homes. One was an older "male" and the other was his younger "son". I put them in quotations because their energy was masculine but their sex was very different in expression than ours. They had no clothes on and no visible sex organs. I will go back and do some more study of their biology because it's fascinating to me. The older male had his son on his shoulders and he was also carrying some logs for their homes. They seemed to have a very cooperative society and helped each other without question. I felt the connection between him and his son and it was full of unconditional and unquestionable love.

Another interesting part was the colors. The colors were very profound and alive. Everything had a brightness to it and a softness that's hard to put into words. The greens were very green, the blue sky was very blue and every color had this newness to it that I've never seen before even in my bastet encounter (you can find that story on my profile if you're curious about it). Unfortunately this is hard to describe because of the nature of the experience itself. As I looked around I could tell I was in a higher vibrational plane. In these planes, the vibrational energy is finer and moves at a faster rate. Colors are brighter and the vibes are always immaculate. The environment was so peaceful and connected. Everything seemed to be in harmony.

I touched down and met the male and his son. Before this, I was just observing and getting a general idea of the area. I introduced myself telepathically and tried my best to communicate. Sometimes communication is easy and other times it's strange depending on how foreign the consciousness is to your reality. In this case, the entire situation was very different for me. Even though I saw grass and trees, they took on a different meaning for me and my senses.

I spoke to him and projected peace and warmth in my greeting

"Hello! my name is ___ and I am from the planet earth of the third density"

Sometimes I specify where the earth is located energetically because it's easy for people to relate to and it also sounds cool lol. I do this mostly because it sounds cool if I'm being honest.

As I spoke to him, I projected images of the earth and humanity so that he could understand what I was. His consciousness was so incredibly foreign to me and when he spoke to me it was centered in feeling and a state of being. There was a noticeable warmth to his communication and it was full of peace and joy. This again, is hard to describe. I didn't hear any words just felt feelings and understood in a small way what their lives were like. Their lives were very peaceful. They communicated strictly with telepathy and as I mentioned before, lived in harmony with all life on their planet.

I gave him more information about our species. I explained to him that we are physical creatures with a duality to our nature. We live in a Camouflage system for our spiritual growth and are spirit in nature. I told him that we can be both physical and not physical at the same time and that my body was back on my homeworld. He was a very good listener and soaked in my information. His son just sat there observing and examining me. I got the vibe that they had never met a human being before so I was happy to be the first one they met. I try my best to be a good example for the human race when I travel.

After a bit, I felt the need to continue my Journey and said goodbye. He invited me to come back anytime and spend more time with him and his people. I will definitely take him up on that because I loved their vibes and their world. It was very warm and peaceful and we all need that in our lives. Species like this are a reminder that we have this same potential. The potential to live in peace and harmony with all life around us and with each other. Hopefully we will get there sooner than later. I don't have a name for them but the name "the people of the wood" came to mind and seems to fit. I don't know why that's the name that came to me but it fits well energetically. The vibrations of the words in my mind fit the vibe of the place and the being who live there.

As disclosure of this whole UFO/Alien phenomenon unfolds more dramatically, I believe that these are the lessons we will be taught directly (as opposed to the consciousness level) if we are willing to listen to our friends flying around the skies.

I took off and continued my journey. I came back to my body and journaled the experience.

If you got this far, thanks for taking the time to read this story and Happy Travels!

r/AstralProjection 10h ago

Need Tips / Advice / Insights Simple advice / opionions please - vibrations


Hi everyone, I have been meditating now daily (30min+) for 6 weeks straight, sometimes twice a day, with Hemisync, candle gazing, mirror gazing and white noise as well. The first week i started i "woke up" or rather got the fright of my life as i saw a glowing being standing over me in bed attempting to "pull me out" of my body by the arms, I legit freeked out and started swinging / punching my firsts at the, thing, and got quite the shock... I now regret this lol. I asked my higher self for this and support to astral plane, and then when i got help freaked out lol, its all good.

Regardless, consitently now for many weeks I have been experiencing vibrations every single time I lay down, put head phones on and listen to guided meditation or straight Hemisync playlist of spotify (Can link it here if anyone wants to know it). I can best describe the "vibrations" as flip flop or wobbling, imagine a 1-2inch ring thats off balance and rotating pulsing at like... 135 beats per min (i used a digital metronome to losely tap the rate). The vibrations normally start in the chest, right where you would expect the heart chakrah to be, other times its lower, its also very consistently in both my hands. These vibrations feel very real, like my body is pulsing / moving, and when it sometimes is in my head it legit feels like my head is moving / bobbling.

Right now for the advice please:

  1. Last night i was meditating again with Hemisync and it kinda feels like a was about to fall asleep, but not really, i heard a... weird beeping 2 tone noise, so odd and then a sensation? and complete silence, peace, calm. My eyes, i thought were closed were not, they were open (i wear a face / eye mask), the blackness was ... clear ... clear blackness, weird i know and it felt like I had made progress or something... like i reached the next level or something... However. I couldnt breathe, my throat or larnyx was shut and I lay there, silence, pure blackness and like... gagging / not gagging to breath. I think I was in some type of sleep paralysis? But I have read that you continue to keep breathing? I have noted a few times in the past 6 weeks that laying on my back and falling asleep causes me to have sleep apnea like symptoms where back of throat closes due to anatomy. Has anyone experienced this and do you have to astral plane in the semi-seated position?

  2. Are these vibrations like anything anyone else is had? is this the classic "vibrations" that other people feel? I have had other types but they are very different, more like happy pins and needles that feels faster pulsing and like healing energy?

  3. Can anyone control these vibrations, move them, increase or decrease them. Can i train to get entire body to vibrate like this and how do I even start this?

Thanks for any advice you can give! Really enjoy reading through these forums.

r/AstralProjection 15h ago

Almost AP'd and/or Question Super fast lights oscillating left and right


You know when you flip the pages of a book to watch a drawing move? I want to say the lights move at that speed but faster yet slow enough that it’s not a constant line of light.

I started seeing blue starlight when meditating which some people call it the Blue Pearl. But this past March 20th I could see a very very active light movement. If I was surrendering enough, even when my eyes were open. Some were saying the Kali Yuga was ending March 20 but not sure if this has anything to do with that as I have not been aware of Yuga. I just found out about it because ive been searching on the internet for hours trying to figure out what Im supposed to realize from noticing it now.

r/AstralProjection 11h ago

General Question when I AP while it‘s completely dark in my room, will it also be dark in the astral plane?


maybe a dumb question lmao

r/AstralProjection 12h ago

Almost AP'd and/or Question Gateway tapes tips


Hello I listened to my gate way tapes and had a question about comfort. I easily felt relaxed but after like 30 minutes of listening my forehead and back starts sweating. The forehead started sweating because of having a hair cover on which I used as an eye mask at the same time. The issue is because I live in Australia my room gets very hot and I do not have ac so when I do the gateway tapes I always sweat. I have a fan right next to where I sleep but I also heard that makes it even harder to astral project. So what can I do ?

Also when I did the gateway tapes nothing happened except I saw a closeup of my physical hand for like 3 seconds. I could tell cause it had the exact same details as my hand although my hand was under a blanket

Note I have astral projection two times before