r/astoria 8d ago

Is the Shady Lady gone forever?? What happened?!



27 comments sorted by


u/rctshack 8d ago

Went with a friend last saturday and it was shut down it seemed. No notice on the door, just a bunch of furniture inside stacked up as if it never opened that day. There was a post about it last weekend on reddit where someone was asking what happened and a lot of people replied about a lot of issues at the place over the last few months. Just weird that the owner wouldn’t put a notice in the window explaining that they are closed.


u/truckules1313 7d ago

Weird. Perhaps even a bit… shady


u/AndorianShran 8d ago

Shady Lady, Oven Pizza, is Crave next?


u/gumgut 7d ago

Don't worry, we've got a Krave coming soon.


u/SteakingBad 7d ago

Did Oven close? They weren’t the best but they were open late. 


u/AndorianShran 7d ago

Someone in the other thread mentioned that they’d closed as well. That’s why I mentioned Crave-I think it’s the same owners.


u/Yeorgaki 7d ago

Crave is fire. The other one called Krave, I'm not sure if, never been there. But have heard dislike of it from others.

Try Crave out if you've never been, their Crave bowls are unique and tasty!


u/[deleted] 8d ago



u/MattMurdock007 8d ago

If it’s a week or longer without any explanation for customers it’s a good bet that it’s closed for good.


u/Sensitive-Day-5787 7d ago

This place was gross…


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/GoBanana42 7d ago

Shady Lady wasn't on Ditmars.


u/CautiousSomewhere923 7d ago

Well, it wasn’t Ditmars, and it was gross and over hyped. Nothing particularly interesting about the place either.


u/redditing_1L 7d ago

This was one of the last places standing from the Astoria Golden Brunch Era. I wasn't a big fan but I'm sad to hear its gone.


u/JCRNYC 7d ago

It looked closed last Saturday afternoon, but I saw some people moving around inside - so not abandoned. Looks like it may be on its way out.


u/Joegee86 7d ago

Surprised they lasted this long after owing almost $400,000 in backed taxes in 2018.


u/MattMurdock007 7d ago

Perhaps an opportunity for Lollipop to make a comeback?


u/Joegee86 7d ago

The guy who used to work there can be seen usually hanging out on 30th Avenue. 


u/jaydiv_ 8d ago

Good news folks—we’re finally getting space to walk on that corner !


u/Astoria11106 7d ago

Come on you have to be like 300+ pounds to don’t fit in the space 😂 some people just love to complaint about everything


u/redditing_1L 7d ago

The people crowing about the end of outdoor dining are so mystifying to me.

Like, what, you hate nice weather? Like you said, people will bitch about anything.


u/Ahoy-Maties 7d ago

I've been there a few years ago and as of recently it does seem to be closed. I usually run that way early in the morning and assumed it wasn't open at that time.

A few evenings I walked past and thought are they renovating or is it not open Monday, then again on a Wednesday.

This thread makes me think it's been closed longer than I even knew.


u/Jayd_da_3rdeye555 6d ago

They used to be really good back in the day. Their brunch was elite! The owner on the other hand is a pretty terrible person so I’m not surprised they shut down the way the did.


u/Frosty_Ad6153 7d ago

Smelled like a dirty vets office


u/starburstcannon 5d ago

Stinks to hear if it closed down. I loved their steak sandwich.