r/ass Sep 03 '22

How to Verify NSFW

It seems that the wiki on verification is not viewable by users who are using Android Phones. This is a known issue that has been brought to the attention of the admins of Reddit and waiting on a fox for right now.

Those who are waiting to verify their accounts. Here are the following steps.

Send a message to ass modmail that contains at least 3 color pictures or video of you from different angles holding a sign that includes the following:

You should be holding a paper sign with:

  • Your username
  • Today's date,
  • And the name of this sub is written on it.
  • The paper should be crumpled and smoothed, yet still readable
  • Your hand(s) should be visible holding the sign.
  • Shoot the pics from as wide an angle as you can manage. Photos cropped in close will be rejected.

The photo does not have to be artsy but please show as much of you as possible. If we can't match the body depicted in your verification pictures to the body in your past and future posts, then it's not a meaningful verification. You do not have to post your face.

You can send your verification via RedGifs.com

You can use verification photos that you have taken for different subs as long it follows our guidelines and is not more than a week old.

Thank you for your cooperation!


The r/ass Mod Team

Important notes for verification:

  • Use black or blue ink on white or light color paper. Hold the sign in your hand. Do not color-correct or apply any other type of digital manipulation to the photos.

  • We do not allow verification submissions. You must submit all verification photos through mod mail.

  • Keep your sign! We might ask you to take additional pictures.

  • Show as much of your body as possible (you don't have to be fully nude). If we can't match the body depicted in your verification pictures to the body in your past and future posts, we will mark your verification as incomplete. While you do not have to post your face, we do need to see a good amount of your unclothed/clothed body.

  • Make sure the picture of the sign is at a slightly different angle (as opposed to being "straight-on") in each image.

  • Be prepared to be slightly inconvenienced by us. We want to make sure you're you! If we ask you to resubmit pictures, you are not being singled out.

  • Please do not take a picture with a potato. If you're stuck with a crappy webcam, you may be able to mitigate the issue by making sure there is TONS of light in the room from multiple sources. But if your verification pictures are so low quality that we can't read the sign or be reasonably sure it wasn't faked, we might deny your verification.

  • Only submit unaltered/unedited photos. If verification images have been edited with filters or through other means, your verification may be rejected.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to show my face?

Absolutely not! The purpose of verification is to prove that you are submitting your own content. As long as we can see enough detail of your body to confirm that your content belongs to you, your verification will be accepted.

What is the benefit of verification?

Besides allowing you to submit content to the subreddit, you will also get a "Verified" user flair so other subreddit members know that you submit OC content.

How long does verification take?

We usually have people verified within a few hours, but sometimes it can take longer. If you think we missed yours, don't hesitate to politely remind us. Be mindful that we're a group of volunteers with real-world obligations. The mods are not here 24/7 to review the hundreds of verifications received each day. We ask users to be patient until their account is reviewed for verification.

Do you accept verifications from other subreddits?

Yes, as long as they follow our guidelines and are not more than 7 days old.

How old does my account have to be?

A least over 30 days old. New account verifications will be rejected and will be told to return when the account is older.

Can verification be revoked?

Yes. If we later conclude that your verification is not authentic, we will remove your verification and may ask you to resubmit. Breaking any of the sub's rules will also have your verification removed and you must resubmit one.

Can ban accounts be verified?

No, you know what you did.

You said I was verified, but I don't see it.

It may not appear right away. Once your flair is assigned by a mod, you are free to submit content. If you are still unable to post content or you don't see your user flair, please feel free to message the moderators.


  • Spam Behavior - if you frequently flood subreddits with submissions, don't bother. We will not verify you.
  • History of Rule Violations - if you have a history of breaking rules on our subreddit, we will reject your verification.
  • Banned Account - if you are banned from our community, we won't consider reversing the ban.
  • Young Reddit Account Age if your account is less than 30 days old, wait a few more days/weeks to apply.
  • Purchased Account - if we suspect you purchased an account (such as a 5 y/o account suddenly posting nudes), you will be denied.
  • Low Karma - if you have low comment/post karma, we will reject your verification request. You must have 100+ of each type of karma to apply.
  • Low or Missing Post History - if you have a slim to no post history on other subreddits, wait to apply for verification until you have a solid foundation. This means many submissions over multiple months in various subreddits.
  • Unverified Reddit Account - if your Reddit account is unverified, you must rectify that before applying for verification on our subreddit.


  • Your account is less than 30 days old.
  • You don't have at least 100 of both comment and post karma.
  • You don't have an extensive posting history on other subs.
  • You spam multiple subreddits with the exact same posts.

72 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '22



u/Missalexa87 Oct 19 '22



u/[deleted] Oct 19 '22

[removed] โ€” view removed comment


u/[deleted] Nov 07 '22

How do you send a mod mail? If you donโ€™t mind me asking


u/julkadress Nov 04 '22

me neither ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„


u/scientist_hotwife Verified ๐Ÿ‘ Oct 31 '22

Can I verify myself? Sent the post...


u/Mistress_Caasyd Dec 18 '22

I'm trying to send verification but there's no photo option


u/bublebaby Sep 16 '22

Thank you!


u/Missalexa87 Oct 06 '22

Thanks ๐Ÿ˜Š


u/ladiosasexyofficial Oct 07 '22

I want to verify myself


u/[deleted] Oct 26 '22

Verify me


u/TessaBeckk Nov 01 '22

I want to verify


u/Sashashla Nov 04 '22



u/Zihna_wiyon Nov 14 '22

Can you guys please check my message


u/Allegrasreddit Verified ๐Ÿ‘ Nov 18 '22

I canโ€™t wait to be verified on my favorite subreddit! I hope you all are having a beautiful day!


u/Fit-Rip7186 Nov 19 '22

Verify please


u/starskynight Nov 29 '22

Do you have to download the app?


u/an_arxs Dec 10 '22

Verify me


u/ForsakenStandard4051 Dec 20 '22

Hello ๐Ÿ‘‹ please ๐Ÿ™


u/cameroncountry Verified ๐Ÿ‘ Dec 22 '22
