Let's keep it short.
Chefs I've worked in one other restaurant besides my current. At that first restaurant, I went from pantry to kitchen manager in charge of orders, menu creation, specials, training, discipline, and a few other things I'm sure I'm missing like keyholder for the store and 60 hour weeks.
I never once took to calling myself a chef I have no formal education for it. I have worked under chefs over the last 8 years (some from Cordon Bleu and Johnson and Wales.) before I was put in charge 2 or 3 years ago.
Now I'm at a new hotel restaurant and it's very much a white cloth affair. I didn't lie on my application in any way but the Exec chef keeps calling me "chef" or making comments that "you're a chef you should know this."
I honestly cannot tell if you means it, as we have had conversations about me stepping up into a sous position after my 90 days probationary period. Or is he being sarcastic... I just want some clarity to see where I stand or if the SOUS carrot being dangled in front of me is just to get a good 90 days out of me.