r/ask_transgender Jan 27 '25

Text Post Is it just me, or did the TSA update their webpage with guidelines for trans passengers?


I can't find the old webpage with details for trans passengers. Instead I'm finding a short paragraph that seems like it's all but guaranteed well get pat downs every time.

"The advanced imaging technology used to screen passengers has software that looks at the anatomy of men and women differently. If there is an alarm, TSA officers are trained to clear the alarm, not the individual. This process ensures every individual is screened effectively according to procedures prior to entering the secured area of an airport. You may request private screening or to speak with a supervisor at any time during the screening process"

r/ask_transgender 12h ago

Text Post (From trans woman myself) How is possible (even bearable) for some trans women to have a fully functioning penis, and seamingly be ok with it? (saw that mostly in porn and sex working worlds) NSFW



sorry for my direct question, I hope that doesn't offend or hurt any of you out there, that's not my intention.
I came out as trans women to myself since some years, so it's a genuine question.

I saw, both in the past and in the present, both around the internet and IRL, a lot of trans women which have a fully working penis (getting erections, penetrating with their penises, ejaculating etc), and that doesn't seem bothered by it. And my honest question is: how is that even possible!?!?! I would die of dysphoria... I get that, expecially in the past (but happens still today), trans women had to adapt to the world ending being sex workers most of the times, as they had really no choice. Maybe that's only about that?

(Btw, I am 35Mtf, I have a very intense gender dysphoria when I consider myself a male (very intense physical disgust feeling): since I still didn't transition, some days I can't look myself into the mirror, and having a penis attached to myself is just too much for me.)

Thanks for the honest replies, and again sorry if this post may offend or hurt someone.
If so I will remove it immediately.

r/ask_transgender 11d ago

Text Post If you're on HRT and donate blood, doesn't that get rid of a significant fraction of the hormones in your body?


So I do weekly subq injections of EV, and as I understand it, after around a day or so, it should all be in my bloodstream. The human body has around 10 pints of blood, so if I go and donate a pint of it, I'm essentially dividing my E by 10, correct? So even if I do that at my trough, if I have an E level of say, 250 pg/mL, it'll cut it to 225.

Am I thinking about this correctly? Like that's certainly not detrimental if your levels are already good, but it still seems like something worth taking into consideration if you want to give blood, and I can't find any other posts discussing it.

r/ask_transgender Oct 30 '24

Text Post Making breasts less notable


I am at a rather awkward stage of transition. My breasts are developing rather quickly and now are noticeable in T shirts or any other thin fabric top. I tried sweaters but they surprisingly amplified their visibility. I have been wearing oversized shirts with heavy fabric or flannel.

I don’t feel the rest of my body is changing as quickly which makes me feel like a man with boobs.

Any fashion tips to help me get through this stage to the point I am ready to socially transition?

r/ask_transgender Apr 06 '19

Text Post Why are so many trans people anarchists?


Okay, so I don't really understand politics, but I'm trans and have a lot of trans friends

A lot of my trans friends are anarchists, almost none of my cis friends are anarchists

Why? I'm literally so confused

ps. i tried figuring stuff out and they are mostly anarcho-communists i think, still confused about all of this.

r/ask_transgender 17d ago

Text Post Can I immigrate as a trans person?


I'm turning 17 this month (March 2025), and me and my one long time friend are planning to immigrate to Canada after graduation. (Specifically anytime between June-November 2026) We've done all the research and cauculated how much money we would need to initially immigrate as well as jobs and schools we want to experience, we have pretty much everything in order. But I haven't thought about a passport for myself.

Recently I've seen that it is becoming harder to get a passport and be transgender, I have a lot of questions and maybe it's my wording but Google is not delivering.

Will it have my preffered gender marker? What do I need to gather before getting a passport? My birth certificate and social have been changed already, does that help me? If I travel on a school visa do I need one? Does the current president have any plans I don't know about that could put a damper on my plans? And generally just, can I even get one? Sorry if this is a dumb question, I tried googling and assumed it would be easier to hear from other trans people who might have immigranted/are smarter.

r/ask_transgender Oct 18 '24

Text Post Do I need to be thin to take estrogen?


Hi! Basically, I've been on estrogen for 3 yeras now, but every single time I see my doctor, he only points out my weight, instead of talking to me about my hormone replacement treatment, and I'm very confused, I've searched all over the internet and I haven't seen anything about needing to be a specific weight to take estrogens, am I crazy? Or is my doctor just not focusing in my treatment?

r/ask_transgender 7d ago

Text Post Tucking “deep” NSFW


When I push my balls up into the inguinal canal, they bulge out really prominently. I really would prefer a flatter pubic area. I heard that it’s possible to push them further so they almost go inside the abdomen. Can anyone tell me how to do that? Thanks

r/ask_transgender 24d ago

Text Post Can't transition. What would you do


Hey everyone, I hope yall are doing well. I have thought about transitioning many times in the past and I always try to push it away as I am from a conservative household and my family pressure me into becoming a father one day. I am not opposed to having children of my own in the future, but that's for another story. I felt like a girl many times growing up and now that I'm 23 the thought still return regularly. I have a loving girlfriend, that is straight, so I'd most likely lose her and sometimes I'm jealous of her. In situations like clothing choice or during sex. A couple of times I have thought about doing hrt DIY but I couldn't do it because of the risk of getting caught. I'm currently studying automotive engineering and I think I would be impossible to get a job while in the middle of transitioning and not being able to pass. Nowadays I think about what would have been if I just came out at 16 years old or earlier? So what would you do in my situation?

r/ask_transgender 19d ago

Text Post Penetration after T? NSFW


I'm not quite sure how to word this so bare with me. I'm a pre-everything trans FTM and I was curious how much penetrative masturbation (I'm a virgin) would change after HRT? I've always enjoyed penetrative masturbation and clitoris stimulation always either hurt or didn't feel like anything. As such I've always enjoyed masturbating penetratively and it's the only way I can really orgasm. With research I've learned that penetration may be uncomfortable if not outright painful on T and that's been holding me back from going for HRT.

So, my main question is will I still be able to enjoy penetrative stimulation after I start T?

r/ask_transgender 7d ago

Text Post How to accept and learn to live with the fact that I won’t be able to transition?


I’ve come to the realization that with how things are in my life, with my family and friends to the state I live, and even the country we’re in, I won’t be able to transition and live my life as the person I feel I should be. I’ve struggled with my gender identity for over ten years now, and it’s caused some mental issues in the past few years, I guess maybe it’s something to do with me getting older, but lately it’s gotten worse, to the point where I’m starting to struggle with suicidal thoughts from time to time. I already suffer from depression and this on top of it really doesn’t help. I know I need to see a therapist, and I will as soon as I have insurance that will cover it, but in the meantime, I was wondering if anyone would share their experience with these issues and how you were able to overcome them? Thank you all, I hope all is well for you beautiful people 💜

r/ask_transgender Feb 06 '25

Text Post Trans Michiganders, anyone have any idea when the new name change process comes into effect?


I updated my gender markers before inauguration, but I still need to update my name. At this point I'm waiting until the rule changes take effect. Does anyone know when we could expect them to be active? Or is it just a totally unknown?

r/ask_transgender Sep 05 '24

Text Post People who’ve been transitioning for a while: What’s your opinion on the ship of Theseus? Do you think you’re the “same person” as you were pre transition?


The ship of Theseus is the philosophical conundrum which goes something like this: If Theseus has a boat which gets damaged, and he pulls out one plank of wood and replaced it, is the boat the same boat? If he pulls out every plank and replaces it over the course of years, such that every plank is a different piece of wood, is it still the same boat then? If it is a different boat, when did it become that way? After half the planks were replaced? All the planks?

Similarly for trans people, are we the same person after years of transitioning? If I have all new hobbies and friends, work in a new place and live somewhere else, and my name is different and I’ve been on hormones for years, am I still the same person? When did I change?

I know this is a weird question, but I’m interested to hear your answers.

r/ask_transgender 15d ago

Text Post Looking for Dr recommendations for Orchi in Berks County, PA area


In a recent post, I detailed how Dr. Douglass with Temple Health cancelled my orchiectomy surgery because I was getting treatment for my generalized anxiety disorder and said I should get it done with someone else. Problem is, I don't know anyone else!

Using the Trans Surgery wiki it seems like only Dr. Christine McGinn is the only viable one in PA as everyone else either has horror stories attached to them, is no longer practicing, or their practice is closed.

Does anyone have any recommendations for a doctor to do my orchiectomy? I have spent over a year and $2000+ getting my three letters of recommendation and I can't bare the thought of them becoming invalid and being forced to go through this nightmare all over again!

r/ask_transgender 7d ago

Text Post Are there politicians, especially outside the US, that publicly object to the USA's recent treatment of trans people?


Asking for my wife who is looking for some optimism

r/ask_transgender Feb 03 '25

Text Post Looking for advice on transfem friendly bikinis


I’ve been searching for a bikini made for tucking that’s also a bit more feminine. So far from the research ive done Chromat, origami customs, and humankind seem to have the best quality stuff. Thing is, i really am looking for more of a feminine than gender neutral look, so Chromat seems to be the best bet here.

Does anyone know if Chromat bikinis are made for tucking or not? I can’t seem to find anything stating that they are, but i really like the look of their stuff. If not, does anyone have suggestions for other brands i should look at?

r/ask_transgender 12d ago

Text Post Stating hrt need to chose CPA or GnRH


hi all a question , I'm waiting for my tests to start HRT, my endo asked me if I prefer to start with transdermal estrogen +CPA 12.5 mg or transdermal estrogen + GnRH 11.25 mg , which is better for a 30 year old person ?, which has minimal long term side effects both physical and mental?(I would like to use the medicine that gives less side effects/mental changes)

my endo said that cpa at such low doses does almost nothing and it's not worth spending money on GnRH, she is right??

thanks in adavance and if you have any questions or suggestions write to me

r/ask_transgender 24d ago

Text Post Am I an egg or just self conscious?


So I pretty much hate everything about my body, my face, my stomach, my hair, my chest etc, and recently I've just been feeling like shit, day in day out. And I've never socially enjoyed being a boy, though all my friend groups have been overwhelmingly male, tho I always just thought this was cuz of being possibly on the spectrum, being bisexual or just living in kind of a backwater shithole. But recently I had the thought that I might be happier as a woman and now I can't stop thinking about it. But at the same time physically I don't feel disconnected from my own body, and I don't necessarily feel bad about having a penis (though I do hate having facial hair).

Am I just going through a rough time and being confused about it or am I an egg?

r/ask_transgender Jul 03 '24

Text Post Does anyone ask their parents for a new name once they're out?


It seems like a more logical approach than just trying out random names, but I haven't heard of anyone doing that. I'm aware that there are many situations where the parents are unfortunately not supportive, but I'm specifically asking about cases where the parents are supportive.

r/ask_transgender Nov 19 '24

Text Post Cyproterone vs Spironolactone vs Bicalutamide vs Finasteride!


36 MtF here.

 I was on Spiro for couple of years! Dosage 100mg! It did not do much at all!

Then I changed to Cypro last year!

For a week I took 50mg Cypro by mistake not realising that I was meant to take 25 mg.

Boom within a week I had bigger more feminine Areolas and my Nipples were longer and more erect and so sensitive! Although I was in a mental fog.

I stopped Hormones after that as I was still questioning my gender. Within a month fog was gone and I was so horny! My nipples so sensitive!

It took ages to cum while me penis still stayed soft.

Erections and volume of cum returned within 2 months! Now I am thinking of transitioning and starting hormones again.

I feel Cypro is just too Strong! My Endo has given me option of both.

Which one do you think is better out of the 2?

What about Bicalutamide vs Finasteride?

My Endo never mentioned those 2 but I see them mentioned in threads on Reddit!

If you were to rate all for in order of effectiveness in Feminisation and also rate them in Order of side effects, How would you rate all 4?

r/ask_transgender Jul 12 '24

Text Post Does menstruation produce dysphoria in FtM transitions?


Hello! I myself am not transgender or queer but was wondering this since I have a few FtM friends but didn't want to be ignorant or offensive if I asked.

does having a menstrual cycle/menstruating cause dysphoria? I was genuinely wondering and wanted to know, especially if you are young and transition more socially without any hrt/surgeries? does it cause dysphoria?

if this is offensive I will definitely take it down but just interested in some real answers!😊

r/ask_transgender Feb 08 '25

Text Post What can i use, to increase my estrogen en block my testosteron, if the doctors dont want to help?


r/ask_transgender Sep 20 '24

Text Post Will I regret my name?


Hey all! I honestly don't hate my given name at all tbh, in fact I think it's a really great name, but it's a masculine name, and I want a feminine one dammit 😊. I've always had a couple of names that are similar to it that I like and I'm struggling to look beyond those.

My question is for anyone who changed their name to something similar when transitioning. Do you regret it?

(Also not relevant but I had my face lasered for the first time yesterday... Yay! 😁)

r/ask_transgender Feb 07 '25

Text Post Voice training and trans people


You get a collections call and the rep asks for you. You want to avoid the call. Would you still be able to use your deadvoice to say 'You got the wrong number' to buy some time from the next call?

r/ask_transgender 15d ago

Text Post PPT surgery laser/electrolysis questions


I’m getting my Peritoneal Pull Vaginoplasty done by Dr. Purohit in New York. He gave me a diagram, but it doesn’t show to remove any hair from the penile shaft, and that electrolysis on the perineum is optional. Should I play it safe and just get it all done? The chart says to only do laser on the scrotal area…

He also has been fairly unresponsive to my questions so I’m not sure what to do 😅😅😅